The greatest trick the Devil [a personification of evil] ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.
– The 1995 movie, “The Usual Suspects”
Different Perspectives
Many people place virtually no attention on the idea of evil. This may be unconscious or by choice, and the presumption may be either that evil doesn’t exist, or that there is no value in focusing on it.
For those who do consider the existence of evil, they may perceive and presume it to be a force within some humans (or all) that exhibits as relatively rare horrors such as premeditated murder, child abuse or rape. Those who have studied sociopaths may or may not categorize their behaviors as a manifestation of evil.
There are others for whom evil is not a thought experiment, but a lived experience. These victims and survivors of systematic horrors — manifestations of a force so evil that the majority of the world’s peoples cannot believe such things exist — are like the canaries in the coal mine, reporting what the majority weren’t previously able to see.
Perceptions are Based on a Cultivated Worldview
This site is dedicated to supporting truth-tellers, including whistleblowers and survivors of abuse. To give attention to truth-tellers, it naturally follows that the worldview taught in school and by governments, media and other mainstream systems) will come into question.
To consider a few reports of corruption and abuse is typically not enough to impact one’s worldview because the nature of the mind is to develop beliefs that harden into what simply feels to be the incontrovertible truth. As such, virtually every person on the planet has experienced significant portions of their life through a filter that is unconscious and limited, based on unquestioned narratives that are not, in fact, true. Therefore, a few reports of corruption and abuse are filed away as “anomalies” or as unfortunate, fairly random outcomes of an imperfect world, or as base instincts and corruption that needs controlling by authorities.
However, to consider many dozens or hundreds of reports of corruption and abuse, and to listen to the ever-more-available testimony of those who have suffered at the hands of systematic, torturous evil, then one can break through the conditioning designed to keep evil hidden in the shadows.
Truth-Seeking and Whistleblower Testimony
A person who is (understandably) unable to comprehend or believe in evil is likely to value truth. It is because of a commitment to truth that many of us have evolved our understanding of the world, breaking through conditioning to find that we now understand the world in a way that (although not what we had wanted to find) provides an accurate understanding so that everything, actually, truly makes sense now.
To seek truth requires going beyond the mainstream, “approved” sources of institutional authority. This site is dedicated to collating such sources. For example:
- Covid-19 Data Fraud, Corruption, Suppression, Manipulation
- How Establishment Medicine Betrays Humanity (Profiteering & corruption of medical education, Treatment norms contrary to evidence and research, Corruption of AMA, CDC, FDA, WHO)
- Vaccines: Lies, Fraud, Harm
- How Governments Betray Humanity
- Criminal and Immoral Government Programs
- How the Corporate Food System and FDA Betray Humanity
- Trauma-Based Victimization & Mind Control: Survivor & Therapist Testimony
- Human & Sex Trafficking Arrests and Whistleblowers in Government, Military, Religion, Charities, Hollywood, Business
Obstacles to Truth-Seeking
When a person commits to prioritizing truth and tenaciously seeks it, there’s no way to miss the (increasingly obvious) fact that truth is methodically denied and obfuscated throughout societal systems.
Is it Correct to Leap from Lies & Abuse to Evil? If so, How?
Presumably the most difficult psychological leap for many people is to sincerely seek understanding of what is behind systemic lies, corruption, manipulation, fraud, and abuse. We are raised and indoctrinated to believe that while some information may be corrupted, the truth is generally easy-enough to spot. Most of us remain unaware of the vastness of systemic pressures to accept what we are told without question. We do not believe we are naive about how things work. As a result, many people naturally accept that there is nothing more to understand, or if there is, that it’s not worth the pain to open to the negativity that is required for a more complete understanding.
Nevertheless, a force inside many people prompts them to continue seeking truth. Eventually, they find that they keep bumping up against the hypothesis that there is something responsible for the orchestration of unnatural, but systematic anti-human actions. Typically, people resist the hypothesis that there is an evil force behind what they see because 1) they are compassionate human beings who can’t imagine that evil exists, and 2) they have been conditioned to not believe in or see evil.
Compartmentalization is a good example for demonstrating how truth-seeking is stymied and questioning halted before a more complete truth is uncovered. Compartmentalization refers to institutionalized secrecy. It is a systematized way of limiting access to information. It goes hand-in-hand with hierarchy as an organizational structure. Compartmentalization ensures that authority and knowledge of the bigger picture are only available to a few. Since hierarchy and compartmentalization ensure that each person has limited knowledge, an individual associated with government, big business or mainstream science will know only a subset of the truth. Most likely, they will know only a tiny fraction of the whole truth. However, it’s common for many mid-level people to believe that they have been fully briefed on the subject at hand. If an individual isn’t aware of a particular event having taken place or that a group of people is working on a secret task, then he may believe that such events, groups and tasks don’t exist. He may authentically attest that his statements are true and may even adamantly insist that this is so, when in fact these are only his beliefs — perhaps a reflection of mistaken assumptions, or perhaps a belief that has been planted by design in order to keep information secret. Without a learned ability to discern truth in such situations, truth-seekers hit a wall, believing there is nothing else to learn and the “culprit” is typically determined to be a single, anomalous situation unrelated to other situations.
Presumably there are an infinite number of ways to make the leap from seeing lies to accepting that there may be an evil force behind them. If we knew of a way to list them here, we would, but at the time of this writing, we can only presume that each person makes the leap on their own, in their own way.
What is Meant by the Word and Concept of Evil?
A working definition of evil for consideration is:
The rejection or inversion of the natural flow of life / creation (God / Source / Creator), endeavoring to prevent the infinite flow of Love; characterized by anti-life or anti-human behaviors.
This definition takes into account the following suppositions:
- It’s not actually possible to be truly separate from Source, as it’s the very life/energy/substance/Spirit that animates all of Creation. Thus, while evil is experienced as unimaginable negativity on the Earth plane, from another perspective or dimension of existence, the attempted rejection isn’t actually possible.
- The nature of Creation is to have “free will” in order to have the experience of consciously choosing (reclaiming) Divine Will, or not.
Other names for evil may be:
- Satan or devil — These names suggest a personified form of evil in its most dense or peak manifestation. The Old English definition of devil (here) is “a subordinate evil spirit afflicting humans” and satan is defined as “false god, heathen god.” To understand such a definition requires understanding the term small-g-god which is the term used in many ancient texts around the world to refer to beings demonstrating capabilities beyond that of most humans. While it’s common to propose satan is the “opposite of” God or Love, experience proves that there is no opposite of God or Love; rather, evil (including in personified form) is a rejection or inversion of God or Love — not the opposite.
- Darkness — Darkness may be used as a synonym of evil, or it can mean something other than evil. It may be used to refer to: 1) part of a natural cycle, as in the earth’s rotation and travel around the sun or specifically the dark-light polarity, 2) the void, the womb of creation, 3) the shadow, that which is unseen, 4) negativity or evil.
Systems of Evil
A hierarchical summary of how evil appears to manifest on planet Earth is summed up in the following chart (a screenshot from this 1.5-hr video by Charles Regan Swindoll).