Before 2020, when, let’s say, a cancer patient contracted a flu-like virus and his weak immune system could not handle it, and he developed, let’s say, pneumonia and died? He was pronounced “dead from cancer or cancer complications.”
But after 2020, every patient with cancer or any other severe illness that destroys the immune system and died as a result of those complications was declared “Death by Corona”. This is a fraud.
– Avi Barak
See the 6-minute video and written transcription below.
In the past few days in Israel, we have seen more and more doctors saying things publicly and in the media finally.
Not only are the corona wards not even close to being at full capacity, but most of the people in them are in the hospitals for other reasons, other illnesses. But when they were admitted to the hospitals for other issues, they tested positive for the coronavirus. That is the only reason for them being in there and it has nothing to do with being sick from covid.
What those doctors failed to mention is that this has been the case from day one in Israel and I think also in every country that the World Health Organization has a strong hold.
From almost day one, any person who was admitted to the hospital regardless of his or her pre-condition, regardless of the reason they were admitted in the first place, if their coronavirus test was positive they were immediately admitted to the covid ward. You could have been suffering from a brain hemorrhage, from heart attack, stroke, you could have been in a car accident, you could even have drowned in the sea, it didn’t matter, if you tested positive for coronavirus, you were admitted as a covid patient, and if you were regarded as a severe patient, you would have been counted in the statistics as a severe covid patient.
And if you died in the corona ward? You would be declared as a covid death. So, nothing has changed, only now they are admitting it. Most of the people who died from corona around the world, had actually died WITH corona. This is how they took this virus and made it a pandemic.
That’s how they manipulated the statistics throughout these last couple of years, and whenever you go through the records, you see that the covid deaths and hospitalizations were in fact the vast majority of people who were suffering from something else entirely, and the virus itself has nothing to do with their clinical situation. It is not just now with Omicron, but throughout the entire “pandemic”. Something else to consider especially if you read those “directives” that the World Health Organization issued to doctors around the world last year.
Before 2020, when, let’s say, a cancer patient contracted a flu-like virus and his weak immune system could not handle it, and he developed, let’s say, pneumonia and died? He was pronounced “dead from cancer or cancer complications.”
But after 2020, every patient with cancer or any other severe illness that destroys the immune system and died as a result of those complications was declared “Death by Corona”. This is a fraud.
This is a manipulation of the worst kind, and these tactics were used time and again to create fear and anxiety and to scare the world to think, wrongfully, that there is a pandemic, when in fact there is a virus, that can be dangerous, but mostly for people with pre-conditions and definitely rarely dangerous to healthy non-elderly people.
These crimes had a devastating impact on society, on our economy and on our physical and mental health. An entire generation of children became victims of these crimes being made by our own governments and those puppeteers behind them. And the next thing that should be investigated, is how much money was exchanged and by who to pump up those stats? One Israeli doctor was quoted saying in an interview that hospitals are compensated as much as $70,000 per covid death. That should be investigated and if true? That is a crime pure and simple!
All I have said can be verified from those instructions to doctors around the world by the WHO about how to count “corona” deaths, and also who was admitted for “corona” and why.
By the way, one of the reasons this is in English is the wrong notion that people around the world have, that Israel is a success story as far as dealing with coronavirus. This cannot be further from the truth … Israel is a complete failure in any aspect of dealing with the crisis.
The Israeli government is passing anti-democratic laws, even today. Children have missed more school days than any other country in the world. The vaccine did not accomplish anything, definitely in regards to preventing transmission. A country that is always the first to give the shots to people even when no official body is recommending it using brute force, sanctions and coercion on the unvaccinated, which by the way, are more than half of the population.
The Ministry of of Health keeps lying and misleading people, and just now, you see that the vast majority of people who got the omicron variant are fully vaccinated. Hundreds of thousands of completely healthy children are in isolation being forced to take this unproven to work “vaccine”, while in the entire country of the almost 10 million people, there are less than 200 patients in the hospitals, most of them like I said are there for other medical issues, and only one person died, a fully vaccinated elderly person with severe pre-conditions. This is insanity! Israel has failed in any aspect and should not be an example of anything.
So, a pandemic? A pandemic of lies, anxiety and mass hysteria. It was all done in broad daylight. You only have to look, check for yourselves. Close the TV, and fight for your lives. Because in the pretext of the “pandemic”, your basic human rights are being taken from you. Freedom of choice and the freedom over your body. All because of corruption, greed, power and control. Do not give up what you won’t be able to reclaim later. We must fight! We must resist! Thank you very much for taking the time and please share this.
– Jan 23, 2022