Classified, above top-secret projects possess fully operational anti-gravity propulsion devices and new energy generation systems that, if declassified… would empower a new human civilization without want, poverty or environmental damage.
– Dr. Steven M. Greer
Outline of Contents
This is a multi-part section that provides the bigger picture of extraterrestrial visitations and breakaway civilizations. Use this outline to jump right to the content that will meet your research needs. Select the heading or any link to jump to that section.
- Overview — More detailed outline of contents related to testimony and evidence
- Professional Testimony — Testimony summary by (only) military & intelligence, government & industry professionals, astronauts & pilots
- Physical Evidence — Sampling of publicly available evidence of visitation by beings of extraterrestrial origin
- Research Resources — Documentaries, evidence and summary list of investigators and researchers
- Contactees — Key cases + consciousness-raising messages from extraterrestrial beings
Part 2: Official Cover-up & Disinformation Campaigns (Why & How)
- How the Cover Up Started — When the topic was mainstream, and when and how the cover-up started
- Why a Cover-up? — To stay focused on the Cold War until more is understood about the extraterrestrials, to avoid a “public panic,” to pre-empt psychological warfare by an enemy, to protect power structures, and to keep advanced technologies for the elite few
- Ruthless & Sophisticated Intelligence Operations — Evidence of ruthless and sophisticated intelligence operations that include character assassination, setting up designated “experts” as the only credible sources, compartmentalization of intelligence, harassment and intimidation, a media blackout and wide-ranging social engineering.
Part 3: Exopolitics, Citizen Contact and Citizen Diplomacy
- Introduction — Definitions and introduction to exopolotics and extraterrestrial diplomacy, anyone can be a contactee and/or citizen diplomat
- Contact: Preparation, Resources, Inspiration, Cautions & Evaluation — Resources and inspiration for those who wish to invite contact; Universal Law and the need to ask for assistance; cautionary considerations related to attempts to manipulate; what is meant by the term “awakened humanity” and its relevance
Part 4: About Extraterrestrial Races
- Various typologies: physical characteristics, intent, technological advancement and exopolotics
- Introduction to extraterrestrial races
- Classification summaries
- Overview — More detailed outline of contents related to galactic history
- Basic Astronomy — Scientific terminology, overview of our galaxy and constellations often referenced in galactic history
- Why it Matters — Why galactic history matters and the types of sources used to document the history
- Timeline & Narratives — Timelines of key events, executive summary and various narratives to consider
- Earth Intervention (coming soon) — Extraterrestrial Intervention in Earth History
Part 6: Secret Space Program
- Introduction (coming soon)— Timeline and evidence related to the secret space program and suppressed technology
- Key Testimony — William Tompkins, Corey Goode and more
Scope & Purpose of Content Here
There are quite literally thousands upon thousands of written pages on the topics of UFOs, extraterrestrial visitations, breakaway civilizations and exopolotics. So how could another site possibly be of value? Here’s how we can help you:
- Testimony and research are brought together in summary lists, video previews and other ways to make the reams of material more organized and accessible.
- Built-in assumptions are made transparent so that you can more rationally consider new information and sources.
- Big-picture considerations are summarized clearly for each topic area, such as “why this matters.”
- Rather than long essays with potential rambling, you’ll find neutral and succinct points that are easy to digest and share. You can then link to the long essays that are most relevant for you.
- In order to empower you and support you in your own personal preparation and evolution of consciousness, a key topic you’ll find highlighted here is citizen diplomacy: the interaction of everyday folks with extaterrestrial and interdimensional beings.
- Content on this site is copyright-free. It may be customized or used as is. (Includes free downloadable presentations, memes and documents as found here for use in your own presentations, blogs, social sharing and so on.)
Beginning in the early 1950s, the U.S. government implemented a policy of denial, cover-up, denigration, ridicule, debunking and disinformation of reports related to UFOs and extraterrestrial beings.
- Some claims of extraterrestrial contact are, of course, inaccurate or fraudulent. But rather than clarifying fact from fiction, the U.S. government’s official policy has been to promote inaccurate and fraudulent claims; to plant disinformation; and to suppress evidence and factual claims.
- There has been no attempt by the U.S. government to shed light on the facts, or to be held accountable for what is deemed to be national security priorities.
- These disinformation campaigns have been effective at turning much of the general public away from reporting their experiences, and from pursuing the truth in these vital matters.
Through the tireless efforts of independent researchers and journalists, and with the rise of the internet, the overwhelming amount of evidence and testimony from credible witnesses (including more than 80 military and official personnel) is publicly accessible. Now it’s easy to see for yourself the widespread and persistent reporting of extraterrestrial visitors.
Through the mid-1950s, reports of extraterrestrial visitation were widely covered in mainstream news sources.
- For example, The Washington Post front page headline on July 28, 1952, exclaimed that Air Force jets were unsuccessful in their attempt to chase the UFOs that had hovered above the White House.
- Since that time, the reporting has been almost exclusively via independent sources.
- The 2001 Disclosure Project was a valiant attempt to bring the truth to light. Dr. Steven Greer called a press conference that featured testimony by U.S. Air Force, FAA and intelligence officers. These professionals gathered together to testify to their individual experiences of the official suppression of UFOs and extraterrestrials, and called for the U.S. Congress to conduct hearings on the cover-up. The project included 20 speakers and written testimony of 100, culled down from an archive of over 400 witnesses. (Disclosure Project)
- Ever since, retired military and government personnel, astronauts, pilots, journalists and citizens have continued to report not only their experiences but the powerful suppression that surrounds the subject.
Why it Matters
The Disclosure Project says… the U.S. government has long had information on anti-gravity propulsion systems. These have been retrieved from downed spacecraft… These propulsion systems, which use electromagnetic and “zero point energy state” technology to produce vast amounts of energy without any pollution, would drastically change the world’s oil-based economy.
– Julia Duin, The Washington Times (article no longer found online)

There is an overwhelming amount of evidence of the presence of extraterrestrial visitors and an official cover-up. So the question is: does it matter to you, or does it not?
Of the many reasons why this matters, here are two of the most straight-forward and fundamental: 1) a lack of government oversight and accountability, and 2) the government’s unethical withholding of advanced technology from humanity.
Government Accountability
- Do you believe that people who are not being held accountable (as reported by over 80 official sources here) are acting ethically on our behalf and are the best people to decide what the public should know?
- Should we take on blind faith that federal government and military personnel are taking actions related to extraterrestrials that meet our satisfaction? (For example, what is done with the results of reverse engineering of craft? How are the ethical considerations related to research and AI being acted on? When dealing with greater intelligence and technology, what exactly is considered a promotion of national security? Who is responsible for determining diplomacy initiatives and militaristic approaches? Where is the line between “national security” and unquestioned control?
- Do you believe that if there was something we, the people, ought to know that the U.S. federal government would get it to us, either through a spokesperson or the mainstream news?
- Do you trust the government’s judgment that the public is not ready to know the whole truth and that, instead, military, political and scientific experts are best equipped to adequately represent our interests without our input?
- Are the topics of UFOs and extraterrestrials a pastime that distracts from the deep issues that the Earth and her peoples face?
To each of these questions, advocates for government disclosure of information and suppressed technology answer in the negative.
Suppressed Technology
There are numerous problems and missed opportunities resulting from lack of oversight and the withholding of information from the public. One particular issue that might be considered the prime reason this topic matters is: suppression of advanced technology.
Credible sources report that the advanced technology that has been available since the time of Nikola Tesla could be used to solve the Earth’s greatest problems including environmental devastation and meeting the basic needs of every human on the planet. Dr. Steven Greer explains this quite clearly in the following 14-minute video.
Many people avoid giving attention and energy to issues they perceive as not affecting them or as beyond their control. That’s a crucial and effective strategy that preserves our energy for things we love and that we can directly impact. Topics such as the ones on this site may seem to fall within the dark underbelly of society, beyond our actual daily lives and our influence.
However, the subjects on this site have been chosen because the evidence demonstrates that they are, in fact, widely influential and impact our daily lives. In other words, nothing here is presented just because “you should be aware.” Rather, these typically hidden subjects are brought to light, bringing more awareness to how we can dismantle dysfunctional systems and replace them with healthy, sustainable solutions. By making informed choices and by joining with others, we can create positive change that will uplift and empower the many good people seeking to improve our world.
More Considerations

For most people, the question of whether or not we are alone in the universe is a mere philosophical musing — something of academic interest but of no practical importance. Even evidence that we are currently being visited by non-human advanced life forms seems… an irrelevancy in a world of global warming, crushing poverty and the threat of war. In the face of real challenges to the long-term human future, the question of UFOs, extraterrestrials and secret government projects is a mere sideshow, right? Wrong — catastrophically wrong. The evidence and testimony presented in the following pages establishes the following:
That we are indeed being visited by advanced extraterrestrial civilizations and have been for some time; That this is the most classified, compartmented program within the US and many other countries; That those projects have… escaped legal oversight and control in the US, the UK and elsewhere; That advanced spacecraft of extraterrestrial origin… have been downed, retrieved and studied since at least the 1940s; That significant technological breakthroughs in energy generation and propulsion have resulted from the study of these objects (and from related human innovations dating as far back as the time of Nicola Tesla) and that these technologies utilize a new physics not requiring the burning of fossil fuels … to generate vast amounts of energy; That classified, above top-secret projects possess fully operational anti-gravity propulsion devices and new energy generation systems that, if declassified and put to peaceful uses, would empower a new human civilization without want, poverty or environmental damage.
– Dr. Steven M. Greer