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In a Nutshell

Individuals and small groups of impassioned citizens have long influenced the course of events through standing up for what they believe is right — in repressive and also in democratic societies when elected representatives, for various reasons, fail to represent the interests of those who elected them. In the extraterrestrial arena, since at least 1947, military and global elite special interests have exercised a controlling influence over elected representatives, virtually mandating that “awakened” citizens step in on behalf of the greater good. Those who acknowledge the undeniable existence of extraterrestrial intelligence are at the forefront of Earth’s destiny to join the interstellar community and at the vanguard of the evolution of humanity. Revolutionary change begins with just one voice. Citizens transforming their consciousness and empowering themselves as exodiplomats are those who will lead and help the rest of humanity navigate through the chaos, the fear and the inevitable confusion as we take the inevitable and exciting steps toward open contact.
– Karen Kael
Preparing for Contact

If you welcome contact and wish to invite it, other contactees report that sincerity along with an open mind and heart will help you to connect with other beings. For more support:
- 3 Methods for Making Contact with UFOs Telepathically: Remote Viewing, Meditation, Shamanic Contact (Gaia)
- Bashar — The Protocols of First Contact
- ECETI (Enlightened Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence) United States
- ECETI Australia
- ECETI Japan
- The People’s Disclosure Movement
- Planetary Activation Organization
- Mision Rahma Peru — This site is in Spanish; for a brief introduction in English, see Sixto Paz Wells video
- Preparing for Making Contact (SiriusDisclosure)
The Extraterrestrials Choose Who Will be Contacted
Anyone can have the contact because it is them (the extraterrestrials) who select who, how and why it will be. It is true that it’s very useful to [prepare] in order to become hyper-sensitive, but it depends more on them than on us. As we said before, the key lies in knowing that all of this is possible, to believe that it is possible and to want to do it.
– Sixto Paz Wells
Beware of Attempts to Manipulate
As a voice of experience, Dr. Michael Salla explains that becoming educated in the ways in which manipulation has occurred with others is of invaluable support. For example, there is extensive reporting of beings presenting themselves as a different race in order to gain the confidence of their human contact:

Given the history of the extraterrestrial presence where a variety of agendas and activities have been conducted in order to control humanity, there is quite likely going to be continued efforts of manipulation by some extraterrestrial races who view humanity as a resource to be controlled and exploited. [Learn more.] The prospect that unsuspecting private individuals/groups might be used by ‘”unfriendly”’ extraterrestrial races to undermine key national security agencies performing necessary roles in monitoring extraterrestrial races is very real. This suggests that a high degree of discernment and education about different extraterrestrial races is necessary for those individuals who find themselves on the forefront of track two galactic diplomacy. A combination of training, public education and networking by contactees… would go a long way to preventing any manipulation by unfriendly extraterrestrial races.
– Michael Salla, Ph.D. (2004)
Manipulation is something that needs to be kept in mind if we accept that extraterrestrials have abilities and/or technologies that can directly influence human perceptions and that they have the intelligence to create scenarios whereby they can gain the loyalty of individuals who interact with them. Some of the technologies and abilities that might be used this way by extraterrestrials are holographic projections, hypnotic mind control, mental telepathic abilities, hidden electronic implants, implanting screen memories, altering human memories, etc… Individuals may not be aware that their memories have been altered and / or their thoughts somehow influenced in ways that make them easily manipulated by the extraterrestrials… We need to be wary [when] individuals show little awareness of other extraterrestrial races and where the individual may be acting out of the Stockholm syndrome or may have been brainwashed. In addition, we need to be wary of those individuals… who believe themselves to be prophets for extraterrestrials.
– Exopolotics Institute
Exopolotics Institute courses offer deep resources and information, including considerations for contactees, abductees and researchers in deciding whether or not deception may be involved in encounters. Some considerations include:
- Does the interaction involve abduction? Is there evidence of any personal invasion (including medical procedures or implants)?
- Was the contactee fully conscious during all encounters? Was the individual’s free will respected?
- What message did the contactee receive? Is it a consciousness-raising message for all of humanity? Does it include a clear and convincing motive for the extraterrestrial beings in making contact?
- Is the contactee aware of various types of extraterrestrial beings and their potential motivations? Or is the individual aware only of the race of beings that he or she came into contact with?
- Does the contactee advocate any sort of “prophet” mentality, implying that he or she, or a particular race of beings, is “chosen” or superior to others?
The Inspiration & Power of Awakened Humanity

Awakening Humanity Merges Spiritual & Technological Interconnectedness
We are transitioning from experiencing the Earth as a physical biosphere, to knowing it as a noosphere: a miraculous organism with a mind and a heart, as well as a body. In this stage in the evolution of consciousness, an awakened humanity is merging through its spiritual and technological interconnectedness as Earth’s new organ of spontaneous consciousness. As a vital part of our alive and conscious Earth, at the very essence of our humanity, we acknowledge the Great Spirit of unity and love at the heart of virtually all spiritual traditions. So beyond any diverse dogmas or varying beliefs, what we all share when we put our ideas aside and join together in meditation or prayer is this same Great Spirit radiating at the source of our existence from the core of our hearts. Here we merge as One in heart, mind, and spirit, as the vital and transformative consciousness of the whole.
– Ken Kalb, LIGHTSHIFT 2000, ch. 3
Awakened Humanity is in Alignment with the Highest Aspirations of All Life
An empowered and aware citizenry has the power to transform the global situation. The transformative power of “awakened humanity” comes from them being in alignment with the highest aspirations of humanity, the aspirations of other sentient intelligent species on the planet, and finally with the planet herself or the ‘Voice of Gaia.” The idea is that the Earth is evolving towards a point of balance, whether Lovelock’s homeostasis, Teilhard de Chardin’s “Omega point” or Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s “invincibility.” This evolution is a critical aspect of the consciousness of awakened humanity… Small groups of dedicated individuals have traditionally transformed life on this planet as Margaret Mead and other progressive thinkers have observed. So, it is natural to conclude that it will be “awakened humanity” that plays the leading role in putting together galactic diplomacy initiatives that help transform the planet.
– Exopolotics Institute
It Only Takes a Small Percentage to Effect Significant Change

Scientists and journalists such as Rupert Sheldrake (A New Science of Life) and Lynne MacTaggart (The Field) have extensively studied the existence of a morphic resonance that is ever expanding, like ripples in a pond. They have found that to affect this resonance and create positive change requires only a small percentage of awakened citizens. Scientist James Lovelock proposes that the square root of one percent of the population can achieve a significant change. Thus, in a world population of 7.6 million people, he postulates that only 8,720 awakened souls is required to effect a significant change in consciousness and change the negative trajectory of the planet to a positive one. Evidence supports these suppositions. For example, it’s been statistically proven that large groups of people meditating at coordinated times can bring down the crime rate of a city. In another example, Ghandi achieved powerful results with his Satyagraha brigade (truth peace army), leading to his messages of nonviolence and empowerment catching on enough among the population of the Indian subcontinent to contribute to the British withdrawal from India.
On the Hawkins scale of consciousness he calculates that someone with an elevated consciousness of 700, such as a Mahatma Ghandi, is able to compensate for thousands of those with a low consciousness of 200. It is then that the crucial Omega point of Teilhard de Chardin can be reached; a similar notion to the Point of Invincibility described by the Maharishi Yogi or James Lovelock’s homeostasis point when the Earth can correct itself and go forward in balance to finally achieve its Ascension. When we have elevated our consciousness as a race it is possible then that the ETs could come forward in greater numbers to meet us humans as a group, rather than to isolated individuals, and pave the way towards us becoming an intergalactic society, with their healing and energy technologies available to all to transform the planet.
– Annette White
Raise Your Vibration
A common theme among those who report connecting with benevolent beings is the need for every individual to focus on “raising their vibration.”
- Some report that this is required to initiate contact with other beings but most importantly, the purpose is to ensure frequency alignment with beings of the highest vibration who are devoted to “service to others” or are of a “unity consciousness.”
- Learn more: Consciousness Expansion, Raising Your Vibration, Ascension.
Universal Law & The Need to Ask for Assistance
Ask for Assistance, But Not Salvation

Instinctively, each of us know we have Free Will of Choice. Our ET friends remind us of this every time they state that they cannot intervene on our behalf unless we ask (Universal Law). This is a key: we need to ask for assistance, but not for salvation. We are told that 10% of the world’s population must join together in asking. Further, our friends are concerned because of our belief systems (religions) that we just might worship them. They want us to be responsible for ourselves… One of the keys is that collectively we must convey to our ET friends that there are enough of us who realize the consequences to our actions, and that we as a race have no desire for babysitters. We already have more than enough gods to worship, so why would we want more? We can use discernment and not look at ET’s as Gods… We do have to be aware of infiltrators and wolves in sheep’s clothing.
We are creating a movement to find allies, who will stand with us against the aggressors who found ways to skirt Universal Laws intended to stop such intrusions. In hindsight, the issue is not that we allowed it to happen, but rather we were duped by those who desire enslavement. The problem is that our greedy elite and “elected” officials do not truly represent the population of the world. It must be our collective Free Will that rights these wrongs.
Here is my proposal: start a serious drive getting the message out to our ET friends that we do require their help. Each of us must be responsible to put out the word given freely, from our hearts, of our Free Will decision to allow them to join us in turning back the darkness that is upon us. We have to do a lot of the work ourselves. We know that there is technology that’s been shared by the regressive groups that give our own dark forces an unfair advantage. There are also regressive ET’s behind the scenes that should not be here, that prey upon us and our children, while controlling our leaders like puppets, to manipulate us. These are some of reasons that we need assistance. Why? Because now that we have become aware, we need to even the playing field.
Jon Robinson
Sources & Resources
- — The Protocols of First Contact
- (Enlightened Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence) — ECETI United States
- (Enlightened Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence) — ECETI Australia
- (Enlightened Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence) — ECETI Japan
- Exopolotics Institute — Exopolotics courses
- Gaia — 3 Methods for Making Contact with UFOs Telepathically: Remote Viewing, Meditation, Shamanic Contact
- Hawkins, David R. M.D., Ph.D. — Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior — 2014 book
- Kael, Karen, Exopolitics Journal — Awakened Humanity & Exodiplomacy
- Kalb, Ken — LIGHTSHIFT 2000: Let’s Turn on the Light of the World — 1999 book
- Maharishi’s Programmes — Maharishi Effect
- McTaggart, Lynne — The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe — 2008 book
- Nidel, Sheldan — Planetary Activation Groups
- RAMA Mission— Mision Rahma Peru (This site is in Spanish; for a brief introduction in English, see Sixto Paz Wells video)
- Robinson, Jon, Letters from Andromeda — The Call to Action
- Salla, Michael, Ph.D., Biblioteca Pleyades — The Emergence of “Track Two” Galactic Diplomacy with Extraterrestrial Races
- Sheldrake, Rupert — Morphic Resonance and Morphic Fields – An Introduction
- Sheldrake, Rupert — A New Science of Life: The Hypothesis of Morphic Resonance — 1995 book
- Sheldrake, Rupert — Rupert Sheldrake Addresses the 100th Monkey Effect — 3 min video
- SiriusDisclosure — Preparing for Making Contact
- Wells, Sixto Paz — Interview Transcription