The following terms are defined and discussed below.
- “3D” — Abbreviation for three dimensions or the “third dimension.” Sometimes refers to perception limited to the five senses.
- AETHER / ETHER — In physics, “the field which connects and permeates all things.” Serves as the medium for light and sound waves. Also known as Massless Ether, the Field, Quantum Field, the Higgs Field, Plasma, SpaceTime, the Void, the Divine Matrix, Dark Matter, the Fabric of the Cosmos, the Cosmic Web, Indra’s Net, Akasha, the Universe.
- AWAKENING EXPERIENCE — The experience of a higher state of consciousness, which may be temporary or sustained. “A kind of ‘waking up’ from the sleep of our normal state. Our normal ‘shadowy’ vision of the world is transformed and we gain something of the intense vision of the world of children and some indigenous peoples… it’s as if the world switches from monochrome to colour.” (Steve Taylor)
- ENTANGLEMENT & NONLOCALITY — In physics, entanglement is the word for particles that are correlated by an interaction. Also called “nonseparability” and Einstein called it “spooky action at a distance.” Nonlocality refers to objects having information (“knowing the state”) of other objects, even when separated by large distances.
- MAYA / ILLUSION / FREQUENCY BUBBLE — Maya is a Sanskrit word referring to the cosmic illusion caused by an error in spiritual perception. The etymology of the word points to materialism as one of the keys to our misperception. The “illusion” or “frequency bubble” is a result of limited perception of the five senses which are unable to perceive the existence of forces outside of a narrow frequency band (which may also be called “the matrix”). The fact of human sensory limitation is exemplified by dogs who hear frequencies the human ear cannot and the cymascope, which visually demonstrates the impact of sound on matter.
- INDIGENOUS WISDOM — In contrast to materialism, indigenous wisdom refers to universal and eternal teachings shared by the earth’s peoples.
- QUANTUM PHYSICS — Another name for Quantum Mechanics or Quantum Theory, the branch of physics that deals with the very small ; it describes motion and interaction at the subatomic level
- SIMULATION — Defined as an imitation or false appearance. The saying, “We live in a simulation” does not necessarily mean a computer simulation. It often refers to the fact that when our brain decodes sensory input, it presents us with a small, biased picture — less than 1% of Reality. If we believe this tiny slice of sensory experience to be the ultimate truth, we are believing a false appearance or simulation. Since the word simulation has often been used in the context of computer modeling and artificial intelligence, it may be presumed that it always refers to AI when in fact it can simply be another way to refer to a worldview based on an astonishingly limited perception.
Acknowledging That Something is Wrong
Something is wrong with this world. You’ve known it all your life. You don’t know what it is. It’s like a splinter in your mind … driving you mad.
– Morpheus, the Matrix

When you’re alone with no distractions, and you let yourself be truly honest with yourself, do you feel calm, empowered, wise and happy?
Or does it feel like you’re not prepared to play this game called life, that you’re missing something required to succeed in this world? Does it feel as if you’ve tried to do “it” (whatever it might be) the right way, but you’re never quite able to reach the home stretch, much less the finish line? Does it feel as if the world has gone mad, and no matter how much you do, how much you learn, how much you wait, hope or pray, it’s still not evolving in the way you’d expect?

You can sense that something isn’t right in the world… You know you are destined for a much better life… But your journey here hasn’t been easy. You’ve fallen into a lot of the traps so many of us have. You’ve tried to drown it all with drugs, alcohol, pills, and distractions. You made yourself suffer through depression and anxiety. And you’ve been living small in the hopes of avoiding being seen. Along the way you sought help… and you’re still seeking… you haven’t given up. You want the truth about this world, and you want the truth about your life. You are not alone.
– Dylan Charles, Battered Souls
Perhaps you’ve known that something is very, very wrong with the world, but you’ve turned away from the madness because you were sure you’d go crazy if you were to stare into the abyss of what is wrong. But presumably at some point, it all got too heavy or chaotic or nonsensical or unacceptable or in-your-face.
To consciously cross the bridge to a more full understanding of what exactly is causing all the chaos, inside and outside, can feel like “there’s no going back.” And that’s true, of course; there’s no unseeing what one sees in the heart of darkness and chaos. But that isn’t the end of the journey.
Opening our eyes in the darkness, trying to get our bearings, hoping for enough light to see, and feeling our way through… this, it turns out, is the pathway to what we are seeking. In other words, moving forward involves realizing certain knowledge and emotions that we were deprived of, and this can feel like being in heaviness, shadow or darkness. But while knowledge is key to things “making sense,” it is not enough for contentment, happiness, or joy. Next comes the difficult realization that we can’t immediately fix what we can now clearly see is wrong. At some point, there is a need to accept what is, while holding a vision and intention for helping the world to heal and evolve. Then, and only then, do we find ourselves able to heal at a level we didn’t know was needed or possible. From acceptance and healing comes a natural arising of feeling there is something one must do. This could be taking daily walks in nature, preparing meals with garden-fresh food, recording music, writing a book, starting a consulting business, joining or creating a support group or sustainable living community, working with children, or anything else. It is typically in an unexpected or relatively simple way of living one’s truth that a person eventually finds they are able to serve the bigger objective of healing the world, sometimes through the “simple” act of serving as a lighthouse for another.
To see darkness and then to turn away from chaos (and all that we don’t choose), choosing instead to live authentically, embracing your humanness by creating, this is what brings us the sense of freedom and joy we were previously deprived of. You don’t have to believe or join anything; on the contrary, this is a process of de-programming and regaining autonomy.
The idea is this: You can be happy in a world gone mad, without forsaking others or yourself. You are capable of being empowered and joyous — right now in this life. You don’t need a political party or hero, and you don’t need to join a cult-like group of people who strongly believe this or that. The process we each go through is sometimes called “awakening” It doesn’t involve religion, politics or any other group or leader, although there are ever-growing numbers of people who feel compelled to share their own process in order to assist others.
Rediscovering Universal Truths

Consider the following statement by testing it out for yourself: If you put your hand on your heart, close your eyes, and say this to yourself, do you get a sense of it being true or false?
I am a spark of Oneness. I am an embodiment of Spirit.
Whatever happened for you when you felt into that statement, we can consider how science and how wisdom traditions perceive and explain oneness. In quantum mechanics, oneness is demonstrated through aether and nonlocality. (Much more info on this below.) In philosophy and spirituality, oneness has been taught in endless ways. In the following video, Aaron Abke gives a brief summary of what is at the heart of all great wisdom traditions: the Universal Truths that the wisdom keepers and indigenous cultures have protected through time to assist us in rediscovering, remembering and experiencing them.
See more: Recovering Ancient & Indigenous Wisdom
Illusion / Maya / Simulation
Many find such phrases as “illusory nature of the world” and “Are we living in a simulation?” hard to swallow. This is in part because we’ve been inducted into the clique of materialist thinkers. It’s been our loss because these phrases are speaking to a core teaching of the yogis and other indigenous traditions: recognizing what is real vs. what is unreal… and not just a theoretical discussion for kicks, but for extremely practical and empowering reasons.
For those educated (indoctrinated) in Western thought, the subject of what is real sounds too obvious, silly or theoretical — a wasteful distraction from practical concerns. The Western mind views the table and chair as more real than the invisible realms. This cultural bias is based on an outdated materialist worldview formed from theories that have been disproven but nevertheless continue to be espoused.
In fact, the invisible makes up 99% of existence and includes frequencies and consciousness, including what we know as thought and emotion, plus light and sound that are outside the human’s sensory range of perception. For example, dogs hear sound frequencies that a human can’t. The dog’s reaction teaches us the very real existence of those sounds, even though we can’t hear them.
The point, of course, is that what we perceive through our five senses is not the full story. Every human is invited to expand beyond the limits of their five-senses “reality” to experience and create from the limitless expanse of the force from which matter arises — often called consciousness.
Let’s begin with the science. The materialist mind looks the other way when it hears a phrase such as “the illusory nature of the world.” Nothing of value there, it thinks. A bit more appealing to the materialist is modern science, which actually offers significant support. Scientific inquiry over the last hundred years has resulted in consciousness studies and the field of quantum physics. The science shows that:
- Although your physical eyes can’t see it, space is not empty. There is no void or nothingness between objects or particles. Rather, space is made of aether, a unified field which connects and permeates all things.
- Everything is connected by this field and, thus, objects become “entangled” (related) no matter the physical distance between them.
- Matter is formed from, and is a part of, the field. Like a wave isn’t separate from the ocean, matter is not separate from the field.
Let’s compare this to ancestral teachings. “Maya” is a Sanskrit word that refers to the cosmic illusion caused by an error in spiritual perception. As Alan Finger explains in the quote below, the etymology of the word maya points to materialism as one of the keys to our misperception.
Often translated as “the illusory nature of the world,” “maya” actually means “made of matter.” … Within maya, as forms begin to manifest from the potential state into their actual unfolded form within the time-space continuum, objects start to take shape and structure. They have limits and boundaries. Events start to unfold in time. Attachments are formed between things. Within the plane of maya, everything is always moving and changing.
– Alan Finger
There is nothing inherently wrong with the material world as our playground. The problem occurs when we drastically limit our perception, believing that only the material is real when it makes up less than 1% of all existence.
The force that creates matter (and everything else) isn’t matter.
When we keep our attention (an immaterial phenomenon) on the material world, we are unknowingly renouncing our inherent power. The power of potentiality (creation) exists in the immaterial realms and the research and teachings demonstrate that it’s our awareness, attention, and intention that are keys to accessing it. When we instead identify so completely with materiality, we are dramatically limiting our creative power and our ability to receive information, insight and healing.
To reawaken deep contentment and the creative power of each individual, the indoctrinated Western mind must face the fact that materialism is a busted philosophy, despite all the subtle language cues that pull us back into that belief system. The five senses do not perceive what the indigenous teach and science demonstrates.
Your physical eyes don’t show you that a chair and your body is comprised mostly of space or that the air around you is alive. Your sense of touch doesn’t let you feel your connection to the fabric of the Universe. Your ears don’t tell you that electricity wires and tuning forks are sending sound frequencies that affect matter.
Accepting this fact — that you can’t recognize the truth with your physical senses — can break you free from the materialist box, and spark the curiosity that leads to perpetual awakenings. The five senses create a wondrous experience, worthy of honor. In fact, they are often an excellent doorway to the other realms. But at the same time, they present only a tiny slice of Reality — sometimes called an “illusion” or “a simulation.” But those words may make the subject seem too removed from “our reality” to have any relevance. Ironically, when we let such words block our curiosity, we limit the very awareness we need to IMPROVE our reality.
From a philosophical perspective, a five-senses or materialist worldview is considered “unreal” because unlike the Ultimate Reality, it changes. From another perspective, it’s not so much unreal as extremely limited and lacking context — as demonstrated in the story of the blind men and the elephant.
In other words, while we are playing in this 3D realm of limited perspective, it doesn’t serve us to always stay within a “frequency bubble” of such narrow bounds. To believe that the material world represents the entire Truth is to be like the blind man thinking the ear is the entire elephant. This is the “illusion,” a mistaken belief that is the cause of great suffering.
Sometimes, being limited to sensory perception is associated with “being stuck” in “lower chakras” This doesn’t need to denigrate our need to handle worldly traumas and demands. Rather, it can simply be a recognition that unhealed wounds may block access to certain realms of consciousness or otherwise inhibit the full energy circulation that the human body employs as a bridge between other frequencies and the Earthly realm. As we heal, we have an entire energy system available to us, making embodied “multi-dimensional” experience possible. This discussion of the pineal gland and third eye chakra expand on this subject.
The Practices That Lead Us Beyond Maya
Let us not forget that such advanced tech as the cymascope is simply uncovering what was already known by our ancestors who accessed the same informational field available to us today. They accessed a multi-dimensional perspective to write the Vedas and to create other records of indigenous wisdom through architecture, art, tablets designed to last the test of time, stories, songs and so on.
Long ago, our ancestors told of the existence of aether, the interconnectedness of nature, the power of sound vibrations to alter matter, the existence of a “third eye” and supernatural abilities, the illusion of death and much more — all of which modern research has amassed extensive evidence for.
However, the Western mind has been conditioned against an understanding that every human has the built-in ability to expand their consciousness (“awaken”) and to experience the truths that technology such as the cymascope point to.
When we escape the hold of “the matrix” or the worship of materiality as religion, we expand our consciousness and can clearly see that technology is best used to support the advancement of human consciousness, not to supplant it.
It is every human’s birthright to have direct experience of expanded consciousness via meditation, intuition, dreams, and other “non-ordinary” states of consciousness.
Access to this direct experience is made easier or harder by our beliefs and vibrational frequency.
And thus it is our efforts to resolve addictions and dependencies, heal from trauma, do shadow work, meditate regularly, and raise our vibration that lead us out of the illusionary frequency bubble called maya. Sending good wishes for your practice and teaching.
What is “Awakening?”

The term “awakening” means different things to different people but commonly refers to a process of gaining a particular type of self-knowledge, plus knowledge about how the world actually works. This correlates with a higher state of consciousness, which may be temporary or sustained.
In Waking From Sleep, Steve Taylor describes it as “a kind of ‘waking up’ from the sleep of our normal state… our normal ‘shadowy’ vision of the world is transformed and we gain something of the intense vision of the world of children and some indigenous peoples… it’s as if the world switches from monochrome to colour.”
There was a time when “awakened” referred to only the most advanced spiritual beings such as Yeshua / Jesus or the Buddha. In modern times, Eckhart Tolle and Byron Katie are examples of people who have described a sudden awakening to Truth.
More commonly today, people undergo a gradual process of awakening (which may be interspersed with periods of illumination or enlightenment). People in the process of awakening feel happy and empowered, and will typically report that the process has proven incomparably rewarding.
To reach a point of feeling happy and empowered, folks walking an awakening path will cross some important bridges. They will have:
- Resolved addictive behaviors.
- Healed trauma.
- Gained self-knowledge and self-love.

When enough of these deeply troubling core issues have resolved to the point that we might say a degree of self-mastery has been achieved, then the awakening person more regularly feels happy “for no reason.” The inner tasks of awakening are like peeling an onion, typically continuing throughout life, and deepening over time. At various points in the onion peeling, a core issue will resolve at a deeper level, and the result will be that the magnificence of the individual radiates more and more brightly.
Thus, one side of the coin of awakening is self-knowledge and self-love. The other side is knowledge of the material world as it truly is. While we may not always have control over which side of the coin is most prevalent at various times in our lives, a degree of self mastery is required in order to look at the manifest world in its entirety without spiraling downward into negative emotions or unhealthy coping mechanisms.
To see ignorance and darkness without being harmed by it requires the ability to hold the “light” or “a high vibration.” (This is not the same thing as “spiritual bypassing” or positive-thinking your way out of feeling pain. On the contrary, it requires feeling feelings to move the energy through and feel the spaciousness of higher frequencies.)

There’s great and unexpected potential that comes from being safe enough to look beyond the superficial… being willing to look at the dark underbelly of corrupted, twisted forces. It’s surprisingly empowering to be able to see the causal factors behind the troubling and seemingly nonsensical, corruption, rampant mental health disorders and addiction, disease, poverty, extreme wealth disparity, environmental devastation, negativity and violence.
While most people need the help of other wise people to find teachings and pathways, the work of awakening is done directly and independently by each person. When your inner work has reached a point that you’ve gained some traction around self-knowledge and self-love, then it’s the ability to see the outer world with a new perspective that can really catapult you into a new Reality where things can finally begin to make sense.
And when things make sense again, you’ll be relieved to find you can reliably make decisions that bring you true happiness, and that serve your highest good and the highest good of the planet. You may have moments of weakness, stress, or disappointment, but at your core, you’ll have reclaimed your sense of agency, your personal sovereignty. And you’ll naturally connect with other empowered people whose priorities resonate with you.
See more: Consciousness Expansion, Raising Your Frequency
Recognizing the Inversion

Everything is Upside Down
Just look at us. Everything is backwards, everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, psychiatrists destroy minds, scientists destroy truth, major media destroys information, religions destroy spirituality and governments destroy freedom.
– Michael Ellner
How does that quote sit with you? Perhaps you think, “Duh. So how’s that obvious fact going to help me?” Or perhaps it makes you feel prickly and you immediately want to stand up for the good work being done by excellent doctors, bright scientists and ethical journalists. It’s here that we encounter a paradox:
- If your mind sees things in the “duh, things are messed up” way, then, oddly, it’s likely easier for you to digest some of the hard truths that will ultimately lead to solutions, and thus happiness.
- If, instead, your mind jumps right past the entrenched problems in mainstream society, and leaps to a focus on individual goodness, then – paradoxically – you’re imprisoning yourself because you’re not focusing on the broken systems enough to abandon them for better solutions. So, if you back up a step and allow yourself to see the brokenness and corruption of existing systems, you’ll then be able to join with others to conceive, create and choose more effective solutions.
The Inversion: It Can’t Be This Mad, So it Must Be Me
Destruction and bombing people to death is called protecting civilians from violence. The whole world is upside down. If you take balance and harmony and a celebration of life to be sanity, then what we live in is insanity… Once you realize the world is mad, you will see and realize that it’s not you that’s mad. It’s actually the world that you are observing… You think, “It can’t be this mad, it can’t be this mad, so it must be me,” … In fact, it is that mad and it’s mad because it is made to be so. Because it is systematically inverted, you think slavery is freedom, war is peace, and all the rest of it.
– David Icke
It may at first seem unreal or unhelpful to consider a perspective or “lens” that views the world as a “mad inversion.” But, paradoxically, when you try out the seemingly nonsensical idea that there’s a twisted world around you, then you can begin to see through an entrenched illusion and the overwhelming effect of narrative control.
Trying on this view is similar to Neo being pulled out of The Matrix. When Neo asks why his eyes hurt, Morpheus compassionately replies, “Because you’ve never used them.” To use our eyes to actually see the dark and twisted truths can hurt deeply. But ultimately, things will actually make sense again, which means that you can become much, much happier and solutions are now possible.
Paradigm Shifts, Seeking and Disbelief
When Neo is finally rescued and is shown what The Matrix really is, he rejects it and wants out. He refuses to believe that everything he had believed all this time was actually false and illusory. The experience is so intense for him that he throws up and falls unconscious. I never threw up or fell unconscious, but the paradigm shift did make me feel very confused and uneasy for some time because I no longer understood how I fit into society… Krishna and Morpheus both make it clear to their [followers] that they can exercise their free will to either accept the advice or reject it. This theme comes up several times throughout the Matrix and at each major step Morpheus brings this choice to Neo. When Morpheus takes Neo to the Oracle, he says, “I can only show you the door, but you’re the one who has to walk through it.” This is very true for every spiritual seeker. At each moment, at each stage of our progress, we decide how far we want to go and we can be sure, many tests and temptations will come to distract us from our spiritual pursuits. … For spiritual progress to be steady, we will need to follow one of Morpheus’ final pieces of advice: “You have to let it all go Neo, fear, doubt, and disbelief.”
– Pandid Dasa, A Splinter in the Mind: The Matrix Through Hinduism
Inversion Examples
Here are a number of examples of inversions in our world and our thinking.
Leaders don’t have their heads in the sand. We do.
- It’s not uncommon to hear someone say that politicians, educators or doctors “have their head in the sand” and aren’t acting on what is true and right.
- Like every other human being, professionals have a motive and are following an agenda.
- The agenda may be blatantly immoral or it may be more of a gray area where the person is adhering to norms in order to keep their job. This is a form of the prolific “following orders” mentality that, along with compartmentalization and hierarchy amasses power in the hands of a few.
- In reality, 21% of corporate executives are sociopaths and are thus very intelligent. And no matter how bumbling a politician may appear, their vote is quite likely to be controlled by corporate lobbyists, who, again, are very intelligent with a clear agenda.
- Thus, if we believe that those holding power who do the wrong thing “have their head in the sand” then we believe an inversion of “We have our head in the sand.”
Conspiracy – organized crime – isn’t an irrational theory. It’s a powerful strategy that has proven highly effective.
- By definition, a conspiracy theory is a belief that a covert, influential organization is responsible for a circumstance or event. Other terms for conspiracy include: cabal, organized crime and racketeering.
- Acknowledgement of conspiracies was built into foundational documents of American government in order to prevent covert, criminal groups from going unchecked.
- The official story of the assassination of president John F. Kennedy was suspicious and came to be widely questioned. To counter growing public skepticism, the CIA executed a psychological operation (psy op) to discredit inquiry into conspiracies. The 1967 CIA disinformation campaign included popularizing and discrediting the term “conspiracy theory.” The CIA operation was verified by a Freedom of Information Act petition in 1976.
- Any groups who violate the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) are, by definition, conspiracies. Examples of conspiracies and extortion include The Mafia, pharmaceutical companies, New York City construction industry and State Farm insurance.
- For details and verification, see here.
Consciousness is not brain cells firing. It’s the Ultimate Reality.
The entire worldview that we’ve been conditioned to accept… when we turn that inside out, this produces a Copernican revolution. This includes the political worldview here in the US – we’re the good guys in the West; the other – that used to be the communists, now it’s the Muslims – is the evil enemy… Copernicus, of course, famously told us that the earth goes around the sun and not the other way around. Likewise, we need this critical revolution from the material space-time reality to the true reality, which is consciousness. That consciousness is not just this epiphenomenon of material reality, just brain cells firing that produces the illusion of consciousness, as materialists tell us. Rather, that consciousness itself is the ultimate reality and that the material space-time world is just an epiphenomenon of consciousness. So that’s the ultimate Copernican shift that we need. But they’re all tied together. It’s all part of one big Copernican shift. And if I could plant the seed of turning everybody’s worldview inside out through this kind of composite Copernican revolution, I guess then that’s what I would do.
– Kevin Barrett, Ph.D.
See much more: What is Consciousness?
The phrase “national security” has been co-opted to enable control and secrecy without oversight.
Governments… were there to serve us, to do our will, but nowadays they are the ones controlling us. We don’t even know what’s going on, because they have turned the whole thing around. Now they’re ruling from behind closed doors with all of these rules of so-called national security… National security is their security – the people hiding in the dark. It’s their security… to control the information that will leak out about them and their actions. National security should be transparency. It’s through transparency that we can understand what is going on.
– Ole Dammegard
The deception that enslaves: reality is perceived only by the five senses.

What I call perception deception… is to manipulate people and program them to perceive everything only through the five senses. The five senses are the great illusion, and if people experience and perceive the world only through the five senses, the system’s got them… Where we are enslaved, we’re enslaved in the prison of the five senses.
– David Icke
Light & Shadow

Have you ever felt like there is so much wrong in the world that it’s too much to contemplate? Or that when you try to engage with what’s bothering you about the world, that you never seem to get far before you’re sucked into a well of problems that are too entrenched, too big for for mere mortals to solve? You’re not alone, but you don’t need to stay in that state.
Awakening to the world as it really is brings seriously negative themes into your awareness, many of which can be difficult to face. Some of these topics can cause strong feelings from grief to anger and repulsion, but you can remind yourself that you’re just exploring and that you’re free to discern truth for yourself. There’s no obligation to change your belief systems unless you choose to do so.
It’s not advisable to step into the shadow when you don’t have adequate light. That can lead to fear, reactivity and victimhood rather than empowerment and resilience. On the other hand, if you have a strong sense of self and personal safety, and you can’t understand why the world has so many big problems, then it behooves you to explore the shadowy corners where you’re called to bring light.
You can explore any new areas at a pace that is comfortable for you. Select the topics that are calling you right now. “Research & Testimony” in the main menu of this site will give you plenty to explore in an organized way.
One good place to begin is: The Failure of Systems. The Power of People. The Case for Going Local.
You are Sovereign & Powerful

You contain the Light of the Creator. You are inherently perfect and your birthright is sovereignty.
- The incorrect and outdated materialist worldview still has a strong hold on the collective. This paradigm, which offers no accounting of spirit or consciousness, sees the universe as a mechanistic device held together by pieces of matter subject to Newtonian laws. This disempowering view has been disproven but remains embedded in Western culture.
- Every individual can expand his or her consciousness, raise their vibration, awaken and be truly happy.
- Mainstream science, mainstream medicine and mainstream thinking in general do not refer to what is most common or most useful but rather what is the most powerful or influential. This very important distinction can make it more clear why the mainstream is not concerned with discernment, possibility or the true scientific method and why truth is found more readily through independent sources and individual discernment.
Disempowerment is “Normal”
There are those whose agenda is to disempower you in order to empower themselves.
- The world around us has been inverted. Narrative control is key to the agendas.
- Mainstream media provides an illusion of choice while in fact being at the mercy of six giant corporations with agendas contrary to investigative journalism.
- To get to actual truth in a world gone mad requires knowing how to be discerning, including mindful evaluation of testimony and statistics.
- It can be much easier to discern truth once you’ve taken a clear-eyed look at how corporations betray humanity, how modern medicine and the FDA betray humanity, how governments betray humanity, how researchers (in the name of “science”) betray humanity, and the enemies of truth including obstruction and deception, manipulation and power abuse, dehumanization and character assassination. If nothing else, be sure you understand the prevalence and traits of the sociopathic personality.
- A “shadow government” is made up of over a dozen large groups operating in secrecy and without accountability to elected officials. These are not “political holdovers” from previous administrations but instead are traced back to 1947. In other words, the decisions that make the biggest impact on the world, from economics to war, are made by powers hidden from the public.
- The terms “black budget operations,” “deep black programs” and “special access programs (SAP)” are synonymous and refer to secret government programs and spending. The shadow government has control of somewhere between 50 billion and a few trillion dollars per year. Elected officials have no control over these programs.
- There is an overwhelming amount of evidence of the presence of extraterrestrial visitors and an official cover-up for the purpose, among other things, of withholding free energy and advanced technology from the public in order to keep power in the hands of a few.
Power Has Long Operated in the Shadows

Power has been amassed and maintained by a few. The power is so great that in some cases, it is used for unfathomably harmful practices and a twisting of things to enable secrecy.
- Institutions that purport to serve the public have been co-opted by sociopaths who use compartmentalization and hierarchy and extortion to maintain control.
- Organizations widely associated with abuse or trafficking of children include those entrusted by the public including Boy Scouts of America, Camp Pendleton Marine Base, the Catholic Church, The United Nations and the U.S. foster care system.
- Further, there are unimaginably large numbers of people in professional positions in government, military, religion, charities, medicine, education, Hollywood, finance and business who have been arrested or identified as perpetrators in human trafficking, sex trafficking, child slavery, or child sexual abuse.
- Trauma-based victimization and mind control is a well-established protocol used widely to maintain control.
Dorothy to Oz: How Did You Do It?
‘Doesn’t anyone else know you’re a humbug?’ asked Dorothy.
‘No one knows it but you four – and myself,’ replied Oz. ‘I have fooled everyone so long that I thought I should never be found out. It was a great mistake my ever letting you into the Throne Room. Usually I will not see even my subjects, and so they believe I am something terrible.’
‘But, I don’t understand,” said Dorothy, in bewilderment. ‘How was it that you appeared to me as a great Head?
‘That was one of my tricks,’ answered Oz. ‘Step this way, please, and I will tell you all about it.’
– The Wizard of Oz
Like the moment when Oz began to share his tricks, there are hundreds of whistleblowers who have come forward to share the tricks. We honor them and ourselves by listening to them:
- Covid whistleblowers (professionals)
- Government whistleblowers
- Trauma-based mind control survivor and therapist testimony
May we each reclaim our power and help to create the world we want for ourselves and the next generations.
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