The spiritual graduation of Humanity will be very exciting and challenging: together we will explore new possibilities and opportunities. Light = Information, and Information is the key to understanding what is happening.
Outline of Contents
This is a multi-part section. Use this outline to jump right to the content that will meet your research needs. Select the heading or any link to jump to that section.
Part 1: The Nature of Reality & Science of Oneness
- Introduction & Terminology — A few key scientific terms that make the Nature of Reality and the Science of Oneness more accessible and easier to explain; includes aether, biocentrism, the holographic universe, noetic sciences and nonlocality
- Overcoming an Outdated Worldview — The incorrect and outdated materialist worldview still has a strong hold on the collective. We are more likely to dismantle this incorrect paradigm among its adherents if we understand the history of how it became embedded in their belief systems.
- The Science — An introduction to Nassim Haramein’s vital scientific contributions and clear teachings on the unified theory of physics and the science of oneness; history of the outdated and inaccurate materialist worldview; the importance of the torus in the creation of life
- What consciousness is not; clearing up the confusion
- Expertly and clearly defining consciousness
- The difference between consciousness as a whole and individual consciousness
Part 3: Consciousness Expansion, Raising Your Vibration or Frequency, Ascension
- The evolution or expansion of consciousness
- Raising your vibration
- Experiences of illumination, oneness, samadhi, enlightenment
- The term ascension
Sources & Resources — Alphabetized list with quick links