The Question

How and Why Can it Be True that We Are All One?
One of the most profound claims often made in spirituality is that separation is an illusion, that in fact “We are all One.” But what does it actually mean to say we are all One? How are we all One? What are the mechanics of this Oneness? How can we be One when it seems so obvious in our everyday experience that we are separate? This is where Nassim’s theory comes in. He gives a scientifically validated explanation for how and why it is true that we are all part of one fabric of reality while at the same time explaining how individuation and boundary conditions exist within that unified fabric.
– Penny Heiple
The Answer
One way to answer the question is this: Just as a wave isn’t separate from the ocean, matter is formed from, and is part of, the Field.
Unified theories and Quantum Mechanics provide insight into the “Science of Oneness.”
- Unified theories endeavor to resolve the disparity between scientific models used to describe the very small (quantum) and those that observe the universe on a very large scale (the relativity of spacetime). Nassim Haramein’s scientific papers and theories do this while also drawing connections between physics, ancient traditions and the healing arts.
- A key point from the unified theory presented by Haramein is that space is not empty. Perfectly aligned with ancient traditions including Yoga, he explains that there is no “void” or “nothingness” between objects or particles. Space is made of aether, a unified field.
- Like a wave isn’t separate from the ocean, matter is not separate from space; it is formed from, and is a part of, the field.\
- Your body-mind is like a consciousness antenna, interacting with the field of energy and information.
- Everything is connected (“entangled”) through a network of wormholes. Every proton in the universe has access to all information in the universe!
A Philosophical Explanation of the Science
If we make a paradigm shift and assume that everything is ultimately consciousness then… Max Planck’s statement “I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness.” becomes logical. ‘Subject and object are only one’ now makes sense because the actual subject of any observation is consciousness, and we are assuming the object is made of consciousness. And, the fact that our universe does not have separability, that everything is instantaneously connected, now is no longer ‘spooky’ because if everything is ultimately consciousness then there is only one thing in our universe, consciousness. Everything is instantly connected because everything is ultimately the same thing, consciousness… We do not need to be explained how brains can produce consciousness because we are assuming brains do not produce consciousness. Brains are made of consciousness. They are the TVs, video cameras, and computer monitors that allow our inner consciousness to experience what we call the ‘outside’ world, which is also ultimately consciousness. In summary, physicists were reluctant to understand quantum mechanics because they knew it led to an unpalatable ‘mystical’ worldview that everything is ultimately consciousness.
– Alan J Steinberg MD
Key to Understanding: The Field
Aether is “the field which connects and permeates all things.”
- In wisdom traditions around the world, including yoga philosophy, aether has long been described as the fifth of the elements that make up the universe: earth, water, fire, air and aether. Aether provides the space for other elements to exist; it transcends and includes the other four.
- Aether serves as the medium for light and sound waves. “Aether was the name given to a subtle energy field that fills all space and therefore provides a carrier medium for light energy to travel through the great void of space between the Sun and the Earth.” (source)
- It is “a living force behind all things.” (source)
The Key to Understand: Aether/The Field
Human beings and all living things are a coalescence of energy in a field of energy connected to every other thing in the world. This pulsating energy field is the central engine of our being and our consciousness… There is no “me” and “not-me” duality to our bodies in relation to the universe, but one underlying energy field. This field is responsible for our mind’s highest functions, the information source guiding the growth of our bodies. It is our brain, our heart, our memory — indeed, a blueprint of the world for all time. The field is the force, rather than germs or genes, that finally determines whether we are healthy or ill, the force which must be tapped in order to heal. We are attached and engaged, indivisible from our world, and our only fundamental truth is our relationship with it. “The field,” as Einstein once succinctly put it, “is the only reality.” – Lynne McTaggart, The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe 2008 link
Introducing Nassim Haramein

- Nassim Haramein is a published scientist in advanced physics and mathematics, and a speaker who explains in layman terms the various interpretations and practical implications of famous physics research. (See his bio here.)
- Haramein has 30 years experience in unified physics, focusing on connections between physics, mathematics, cosmology, quantum mechanics, biology and chemistry among other subjects.
- He founded The Resonance Science Foundation, an institute which publishes scientific papers and “humanizes science.”
- While he is particularly clear, Haramein is by no means the first to teach many of the profound principles he so powerfully explains. As just one example, in The Holographic Universe, Michael Talbot makes the same point that Haramein does about Bohm’s interpretation of the double slit experiment. Talbot explains that Bohm “feels that most physicists go about it the wrong way… trying to fragment reality and saying that one separate thing, consciousness, interacts with another separate thing, a subatomic particle.” This is a key point that Haramein makes when explaining the assumption built into the traditional interpretation for the double slit experiment and how that assumption leads to an interpretation different from one based on a connected universe. In other words, Haramein is not alone in many of his teachings, but he is particularly straightforward about making concepts clear to the nonscientist, and in connecting the dots between science and its application in the healing arts.
- In addition to existing science that Haramein helps to educate others about, he has also published profound new research that extends the reaches of science beyond its previous limitations. For example, he predicted with remarkable and unquestionable mathematical precision the mass/charge radius of the proton, the implications of which are directly related to a scientific proof of the oneness of the universe.
Jumping Into the Physics
The following 15-minute video provides a nice introduction.
In the following videos, Nassim Haramein explains key points that help to inform and inspire us with the findings of science and their connection to wisdom and healing traditions. He offers priceless clarity about physics that is appealing from both a scientific and spiritual point of view.
The next time you’re tempted to scroll through social media, instead consider watching the 2016 documentary, The Connected Universe! Here’s a 4-minute trailer:
In the following 30-minute interview published in January 2022, Harramein accessibly explains some of the most cutting-edge science together with other key aspects of the science you’ll find more about below.
Among the free videos by Haramein that we’ve previewed, the following is one of the most accessible. (We found this video to be more clear than his TedX presentation found online.) He does, however, jump right into the physics, so it’s helpful if you’re already up to speed on the common interpretation of the double slit experiment. If you’re not, that’s okay – just be patient or listen a few times until you get it. : ) When he uses the term “superposition,” that means that something is in two places at once.
The Science of Oneness

Nassim Haramein explains a unified theory of physics that includes the science of oneness. Some of the key points of this physics are:
- Unified theories endeavor to resolve the disparity between scientific models used to describe the very small (quantum) and those that observe the universe on a very large scale (the relativity of spacetime). Nassim Haramein’s scientific papers and theories do this while also drawing connections between physics, ancient traditions and the healing arts.
- A key point from the unified theory presented by Haramein is that space is not empty. Perfectly aligned with ancient traditions including Yoga, he explains that there is no “void” or “nothingness” between objects or particles. Space is made of aether, a unified field. (Of all the terminology related to consciousness and the nature of reality, aether may be the most important in helping to reorient thinking from an outdated worldview to one that is more aligned with the true nature of reality. See more in Part 1A: Introduction & Terminology)
- Like a wave isn’t separate from the ocean, matter is not separate from space; it is formed from, and is a part of, the field.
- The body-mind is like a consciousness antenna, interacting with the field of energy and information. (See more: What is Consciousness?)
- Everything is connected (“entangled”) through a network of wormholes. Every proton in the universe has access to all information in the universe.
- Space has tiny spinning fields of energy (PSUs) that interact with one another, similar to the way that ripples on a pond interact with another. What appears to us as mass is the coherent movement of PSUs.
- The structure of spacetime demonstrates repeating patterns, such as the golden ratio or spiral.
- In scientific terms, the universe is fractal, entangled and holographic.
A Lot More Researchers You Can Study
There are many sources* of excellent research to consider digging into:
- Institute of Noetic Science and Lynne McTaggart show mind-matter interaction, the interconnected nature of reality and the role of human consciousness in this interconnectedness
- The Heart Math Institute and Global Coherence Initiative demonstrate the interconnection between humanity and the Earth’s magnetic fields and energetic systems.
- Cell biologist, Dr. Bruce Lipton‘s work on epigenetics shows that we are not victims to our genetics but rather that our biology is heavily influenced by environmental factors
- Biologist Rupert Sheldrake’s work proposes that consciousness is connected to unseen collective fields (morphic fields) that contain information accessible to all living organisms
- The Tiller Foundation
- Nisha J. Manek MD, “Bridging Science & Spirituality” and Physics and Physicks
- The Global Consciousness Project
- Resonance Science Foundation
- Amit Goswami PhD
* Many of these sources were kindly compiled by Digitised Subtle Energy Information Fields, An Open-Source Non-Profit Initiative here
Why the Unified Theory of Physics is So Important
We nonscientists tend to think that quantum physics has demonstrated many interesting connections between science and consciousness, but we’re usually unaware of the profound issues that physicists have been grappling with. The bottom line is that the unified theory of physics resolves many big issues and brings much greater clarity and support around such magnificent topics as the interconnection of the universe.
- The standard interpretation of quantum mechanics experiments resulted in a disparity between scientific models used to describe the universe on a very small scale (quantum) vs. a very large scale (the relativity of spacetime). This has troubled many physicists who have wisely presumed that something must be missing from the scientific understanding. Nassim Haramein explains how the unified physics theory bridges the divide between the two major theoretical frameworks in physics: general relativity and quantum field theory.
- Haramein explains, also, that the mainstream interpretation of the so called “observer effect” (a conclusion that Einstein didn’t accept and that Haramein doesn’t either) resulted in a cat that is both dead and alive at the same time, an extremely strange conclusion to say the least. Bohm’s interpretation of the experiment, and the unified theory, clear up such “quantum weirdness.” As Haramein explains, human observers may be confused about the state of the cat, but the universe isn’t! : )
- Haramein explains David Bohm’s interpretations and brings more exciting results based on the different ASSUMPTIONS built into each interpretation. For example, Haramein explains, an assumption has been: “Since the cat is in a box, it’s isolated from the universe. Of course not!” He explains very well why the uncovering of such assumptions is so important in order to evaluate scientific evidence and draw wise conclusions.
- He shows how the unified theory demonstrates connections between physics, spirituality and healing traditions. (See videos above.)
Physicists are struggling with a quandary. They have accepted two separate theories that explain how the universe works: Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity, which describes the universe on a very large scale, and quantum mechanics, which describes the universe on a very small scale. Both of these theories have been supported overwhelmingly by experimental evidence. Unfortunately, these theories don’t complement one another. General relativity, which describes how gravity works, implies a smooth and flowing universe of warps and curves in the fabric of spacetime. Quantum mechanics — with its uncertainty principle — implies that on an infinitesimally small scale, the universe is a turbulent, chaotic place where events can only be predicted with probabilities. In two cases where the competing theories must both be applied — to describe the big bang and the depths of black holes — the equations break down. Most physicists have a hard time accepting that the universe operates according to two separate (and sometimes contradictory) theories. They think it is more likely that the universe is governed by a single theory that explains all observations and data.
One can’t help but be astonished at the degree to which [Bohm] has been able to break out of the tight molds of scientific conditioning… to explain widely diverging phenomena of physical experience from an entirely unexpected point of view… It is a theory which is so intuitively satisfying that many people have felt that if the universe is not the way Bohm describes it, it ought to be.
– Looking Glass Universe: The Emerging Science of Wholeness
Nassim Haramein has developed (and continues to develop) a unified theory of physics… Perhaps you are wondering what makes this theory “unified,” why it matters, and how a unified physics theory is different from other kinds of physics theories. In my view, there are three main aspects of the theory which give it the distinction of being “unified.” 1) It bridges the divide between the two major theoretical frameworks in physics: general relativity and quantum field theory. 2) It clearly demonstrates the interconnected and interdependent nature of the universe. 3) It unifies science with many of the underlying truth claims of spirituality and ancient healing traditions… [There is a] stunning correlation between Nassim’s theory and the underlying theories of many healing traditions. The structure and dynamics of the unified field that he describes directly correlate to the theoretical energetic anatomy and field dynamics of the modalities I practice. Furthermore, for me as a healing practitioner, this correlation is not just theoretical but is also directly experiential. The language is a bit more flowery and symbolic in the descriptions coming from the healing traditions vs. Nassim’s scientific language, but nonetheless, the correlations are clear and undeniable.
– Penny Heiple
The Torus & Toroidal Nature of Reality
How does the universe create and sustain life? Toroidal energy fields are part of the answer. Here’s a 7-minute introduction:
Michael Tellinger is a tireless educator, sharing vital information in an effort to empower individuals and communities to heal and evolve human civilization. Tellinger has been speaking for many years of the vital role of the torus / toroidal field in the nature of reality. As he shows here, the toroid is the force behind our reality as we know it:
- An electron is not a particle. It is “a resonating toroidal field.”
- He shows an example of a molecule of carbon monoxide with its toroidal shape.
- The solar system is in the shape of a torus.
- Our galaxy, also, is shown as a torus.
More Readings
Space is not empty. It is full, a plenum as opposed to a vacuum, and is the ground for the existence of everything, including ourselves. The universe is not separate from this cosmic sea of energy.
– David Bohm, Ph.D.
Due to the entangled nature and feedback system of the universe, we can begin to understand the source of the remarkable coherency and unity that enables self-organizing systems to form and maintain themselves, and also may give us an understanding of how consciousness arises. (See The Unified Spacememory Network: From Cosmogenesis to Consciousness.)
–Unified Physics
We come into consciousness of the Oneness, not through any act of our own other than that we believe, trust, have faith, and come to realize that all material things are, in essence, spiritual.
– Edgar Cayce
This Oneness principle is not just a sweet religious concept – it is pure physical reality. To believe otherwise means that we have become ensnared in the illusions that we have been taught all of our lives.
– Children of the Law of One