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Use the contents menu to peruse these aspects of establishment medicine:
- The system overall is verifiably corrupt, having been structured to serve the interests of industry over actual healthcare.
- Agencies entrusted to regulate medical providers fail to do so.
- Providers routinely utilize diagnostics, drugs and “treatments” that are high-risk, and cause harm.
- Diagnosis and treatments focus on suppressing symptoms, neglecting the root causes of illness.
- Healing protocols and modalities that don’t enrich industry are suppressed and ridiculed.
- Legal precedents on “standard of care” and breach of duty are significant factors in the state of the medical industry.
- Alternatives & Considerations
- Readings & Resources
- What You Can Do
Drug-Driven Medicine No Longer About Healing
[Drug-driven] medicine no longer bears any resemblance to the art and science of healing. The doctor no longer facilitates the body’s innate self-healing capabilities with time, care, good nutrition and special help from our plant allies. To the contrary, medicine has transmogrified into a business enterprise founded on… pure, unbridled capitalism, with an estimated 786,000 Americans dying annually from medically-caused (iatrogenic) deaths.
– Sayer Ji, author of Regenerate and founder of, an index of thousands of research studies
Verifiably Corrupt
Establishment medicine, overall, is verifiably corrupt, having been structured to serve the interests of industry over actual healthcare.
Establishment Medicine is Built on Profit, Not Health: A Patient Cured is a Customer Lost
The bitter truth is that when you go to your Western doctor, you are seen as a potential market for the medical factory’s products. For Big Pharma, there is no financial incentive to heal you, because a patient cured is a customer lost. Even if you are not sick, Big Pharma is still targeting you, trying to convince you that you are ill so that you will try its latest pill.
– Why Communication
Through Medical School & Medical Textbooks, Doctors are Taught by Corporate Profiteers
One of the most popular medical textbooks is written and published by Merck [a pharmaceutical corporation]. Of course, Merck pinky promises that its editorial book division is fire walled from the pharmaceutical-producing side, where the company has paid hundreds of millions of dollars in fines to settle allegations of fraud, bribing doctors, mis-marketing dangerous medicine, and more. But when I dug into the Merck Manuals, I found shocking omissions and false information. Do Merck Manuals mention that the company’s own HPV cervical cancer vaccine, Gardasil, has been the center of major controversies about its safety and effectiveness? Does it disclose that injured patients have filed many lawsuits claiming the vaccines caused illnesses from ovarian failure to cancer? That the scientist who co-developed Gardasil later spoke out in an unprecedented way, saying that the Merck Gardasil vaccine may have more risks than benefits? No. Instead, Merck’s Manual makes an audacious claim under “Side Effects of HPV Vaccine.” It states flatly and falsely, “No serious side effects have been reported.” It’s unknown how that claim could possibly square with Gardasil’s FDA-approved label, also written by Merck, which states: “the following postmarketing adverse experiences have been spontaneously reported for GARDASIL: Blood and lymphatic system disorders: Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, lymphadenopathy. Respiratory, thoracic, and mediastinal disorders: Pulmonary embolus. Gastrointestinal disorders: Pancreatitis. General disorders and administration site conditions: Asthenia, chills, death, malaise. Immune system disorders: Autoimmune diseases, hypersensitivity reactions including anaphylactic/anaphylactoid reactions, broncho- spasm. Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders: Arthralgia, myalgia. Nervous system disorders: Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, motor neuron disease, paralysis, seizures, transverse myelitis. Infections and infestations: Cellulitis. Vascular disorders: Deep venous thrombosis.” … Merck irresponsibly teaches doctors that serious side effects simply do not exist. The problem extends far beyond the Merck Manuals. A 2022 study examined nine textbooks commonly used to teach which medicine to prescribe for various psychiatric disorders. Two-thirds of the textbook authors and editors had been personally paid by companies that make the drugs. – Sharyl Attkisson, September 2024
- Medical Education Intertwined with Pharma Industry — Safe and effective health and wellness practices that get to the root cause of illness are not taught to western doctors. Instead, they are inundated with pharma bias.
- Prescription Drugs are Third Leading Cause of Death — Widely-reported research from the world’s most thorough independent analysis of health-care research.
- Doctors Who Prescribe More Receive More — “As tens of thousands of Americans die from prescription opioid overdoses each year… researchers… found that opioid manufacturers are paying physicians huge sums of money.”
- “Drug and Medical Device Companies Paid U.S. Physicians $12 Billion Over Last 10 Years” — “A new report also shows that Big Pharma is targeting social media users with subtle promotional activities, such as sponsored patient influencers and ‘help-seeking’ treatment ads that often contain misleading and poor-quality health information.” [Nov 2024] See also: “US Physicians Received Billions From Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Industry, Research Finds” “— “The industry made over 85 million payments to more than 820,300 (57 percent) of eligible physicians from 2013 to 2022. Nearly 94 percent of the payments were related to one or more marketed medical products.” [Apr 2024]
- Price Gouging by Medical Providers Leads to More than Half a Million Bankruptcies Annually in the U.S. — “In the U.S., 66.5% of bankruptcies are due to medical bills, which amounts to 530,000 medical bankruptcies each year. Among those who file bankruptcy due to medical expenses, 72% have health insurance, highlighting the outrageous state of health care in America… It’s not only drug costs that are bankrupting Americans. Hospital stays can also lead to financial ruin — and it’s easy to see why when you realize the price-gouging going on. In “Fleecing Patients,”11 National Nurses United highlighted that the 100 most expensive U.S. hospitals charge patients from $1,129 to $1,808 for every $100 of their costs.12 That is 11.3 to 18 times what their actual costs are. Many companies, like grocery stores, typically operate on margins of 1 to 3% profits,13 or 0.1 to 0.3 times their costs. “There is no excuse for these scandalous prices. These are not markups for luxury condo views, they are for the most basic necessity of your life: your health,” Jean Ross, RN, president of National Nurses United, said… It’s gotten so bad that 30% of adults in one survey said they had to choose between paying for medical bills or necessities like food and housing.15 Hospitals then go after patients who can’t pay.”
- Doctors Routinely Diagnose Depression & Prescribe Drugs Based on a Screening Tool Designed by a Pharma Marketer — Primary care doctors routinely use a 9-question survey to screen for depression. It was designed by a Zoloft marketer who worked for Pfizer. Studies suggest the tool has made it easy to over-prescribe antidepressants. Similarly, a pharma company that pushes diet drugs pays the UK’s NHS staff and “partners” with it to “transform its treatment of obesity.” (source) The NHS (National Health Service) provides free health services in the UK and is promoted as being tax-funded.
- Medical Treatments Not Evidence-Based, Study Finds — This study found only one in ten treatments supported by reliable sufficient evidence. A BMJ study (summarized in readings below) reported that only 13% of common medical treatments were found to be beneficial and an additional 23% “likely to be beneficial.”
- The Whistleblower: Confessions of a Healthcare Hitman — This book, written by Peter Rost MD, a senior executive of one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies, is “an unmasking of how corporations take care of malcontents and… details the illegal, even criminal business practices the author witnessed at his corporation… A story of a battle that continues today, one which any American who takes prescription drugs has a stake in.”
- Pharmaceuticals are Created by Corporations that Patent Their Products to Assert Control, in Contrast to Traditional Medicine Systems that Use Widely Available, Inexpensive Natural Remedies — “Patent protection for chemical and pharmaceutical products is especially important compared with other industries because the actual manufacturing process is often easy to replicate and can be copied with a fraction of the investment of that required for the research and clinical testing.”
- Establishment Medicine Ignores Evidence on Statins & Ignores Effective Treatments — Experienced heart surgeon points to the ineffectiveness of statin drugs, showing how diet is the key cause and cure. Mainstream medicine continues with pharmaceuticals and surgery.
- “Mammograms are a Tragic Lie” — “Mammograms, used to detect breast cancer, employ ionizing radiation that carries a risk of developing cancer. Data show after 10 mammograms you have a 50% to 60% risk of receiving a false positive result, potentially necessitating further testing with more radiation.”
- 17-Year Time Lag in Implementing Evidence-Based Changes in Doctor’s Medical Practice — “A 2013 study published in the respected Mayo Clinic Proceedings confirmed that a whopping 40 percent of current medical practice should be thrown out. Unfortunately, it takes an average of seventeen years for the data that exposes inefficacy and/or a signal of harm to trickle down into your doctor’s daily routine, a time lag problem that makes medicine’s standard of care evidence-based only in theory and not practice.” – Dr. Kelly Brogan MD
- There is No Official Medical Protocol for Taking Clients Off Antidepressants — “I could taper someone off of an opiate in days, but sometimes, with these meds, you need years to come down sometimes by a milligram.” See also: 1-min video by Peter Gotzsche MD (“It’s easier to get off heroin than psych drugs.”) and 4-min video by psychiatrist Stuart Shipko MD on antidepressant withdrawal and drug toxicity and 5-min video of Dr. Andrew Weil, MD who speaks to the over-prescription of — and rebound affect of — pharmaceuticals, including antidepressants, anti-anxiety meds and anti-psychotics while noting what works for the long-term for anxiety and depression (including breathing techniques, exercise, CBD, etc). He also notes the fact that Xanax addiction is harder to kick than opioids.
- Weaning Off Opioids Not Significantly Different from Trying to Come Off Heroin — Dr. Deeni Bassam, board-certified anesthesiologist, pain specialist and medical director of The Spine Care Center, notes “There’s very little difference between oxycodone, morphine and heroin. It’s just that one comes in a prescription bottle and another one comes in a plastic bag.”
- Opioids Prescribed by Medical Doctors Led to Severe Addiction & An Epidemic That Killed 600,000 Americans. OxyContin Corporate Owners Made More than $10 Billion” — “The legal system has effectively allowed one of the country’s richest families to buy its way out of accountability for what a White House commission called “America’s national nightmare” of mass opioid addiction. On Wednesday, the court approved a deal for the dissolution of the opioid manufacturer Purdue Pharma, which kicked off the opioid epidemic two decades ago with its illegal drive to sell a high-strength painkiller, OxyContin. Purdue’s owners, members of two branches of the now-notorious Sackler family, are estimated to have made more than $10bn from the drug – even as the opioid crisis claimed more than 600,000 lives, with the toll climbing higher by the year.”
- Creators of Opioid Epidemic Received Patent for Addiction Treatment — “The massive increase in opioid sales and subsequent addiction rates have been traced back to an orchestrated marketing plan aimed at misinforming doctors about the drug’s addictive potential. Sackler family members who own Purdue Pharma were intimately involved in the false advertising of OxyContin. An investigation revealed the Sacklers also own Rhodes Pharma — one of the largest producers of generic opioids. Dr. Richard Sackler — who was deeply involved in the marketing of OxyContin — was awarded a patent for a new, faster-dissolving form of buprenorphine, used in the treatment of opioid addiction, thus making money both on the promulgation of addiction and its treatment… Please don’t trust your doctor if he hands you this. He may have perfectly good intentions, but he’s been hoodwinked by one of the slickest marketing plans of the past century. Make no mistake, this epidemic is no random fluke.”
- “Documentary Unveils America’s Pharma-Driven Opioid Crisis and the Heartbreak It’s Causing Families” — “A significant number of opioid addictions begin with a trip to the doctor’s office or a hospital as a result of an injury or medical problem for which addictive painkillers are carelessly prescribed. It seems no medical problem is too minor for powerful prescription painkillers to be prescribed.” 2-hour documentary on YouTube here.
- Pharmaceutical & Food Corporations Influence Media, Med School Training & Continuing Education, Dietetic & Nutrition Programs, Scientific Journals & Research Grants — Health inaccuracies (“myths”) with severe consequences persist because of corporate influence. “Conventionally-trained medical doctors and nurses take one or two classes in nutrition, or sometimes none at all. They are even less educated about the power of lifestyle choices or the issue of environmental toxins… I want to believe that most doctors have their hearts in the right place, but they are simply not trained in how to help to support your body in healing itself.”
- Medical Policy for Sale — “In 2012, America has become the most overmedicated society in history. Indeed, there is a medication for every condition… We are even told that we don’t take enough medications as the list of made-up diseases grows longer and longer: restless leg syndrome, social anxiety disorder, overactive bladder, pre-diabetes, adult ADD… As a nation we have sunk so low as to allow our legislators to create laws based on what they are told by big business… laws that mandate the Gardasil vaccine for girls and now boys or they can’t go to school, and laws that require that health care workers get the flu vaccine or lose their jobs. All of this without the major media ever raising a single question: is this real science, or science for sale?”
- Vaccines are Just One Example of How Med School Trainees are Not Taught to Think, but Instead are Indoctrinated into Beliefs — “How did I manage to go through 5 years of medical school training with not one lecture on vaccines, their mode of action, ingredients, research demonstrating safety, etc., but still come out of the system with the absolute unquestioning belief that vaccines were safe and a miracle drug? Talk about mind control and indoctrination. Kudos to the Faculty of Medicine.” See also: Vaccines: Lies, Fraud, Harms
- Personal Experiences with Medicine as Big Business — “I knew I’d be given a lecture at every doctor’s appointment about how I needed to schedule colonoscopies (in my early 40s!), buy new medicines, get blood work done, no questions about my holistic well-being, diet, etc. It didn’t matter which doctor I saw, they were all like that. There was always a feeling that these big buildings and office parks that housed the machinery of the medical industrial complex were, like consolidated public schools or prisons, quite anti-human. But I still . . . believed, more or less. What the Covid mania revealed is that much of the medical-industrial complex, like the military-industrial complex, is part of a system of hierarchical relationships that only truly benefits those in power. The beneficiaries being Big Pharma, massive corporate health systems, wealthy physicians and even a security state/biodefense apparatus.”
- Big Pharma Patents Molecules, Compounds & Technologies, and Then Looks for Diseases Against Which Their Patents Can be Applied — “Many have reflected on the fact that Big Pharma has a perverse incentive to promote ill health, as its financial bottom line depends on it. But few understand just how elaborate its efforts to that end are.” Bret Weinstein offers evidence that “Big Pharma patents molecules, compounds and technologies, and then looks for diseases against which their patents can be applied. Pharma is engaged in a continuous effort to portray its intellectual properties as more useful and safer than they are, and to persuade the medical establishment, journals, medical societies, hospitals and government to direct people toward drugs they wouldn’t otherwise be taking.” The article is referring to this video interview.
- People Are Figuring it Out. “Trust in Pharma, Hospitals Plummets: Gallup Poll” — “Significantly less than half of respondents thought pharmaceutical companies provided good care, while little over half thought physicians did.” See also: Trust in Doctors and Hospitals Plummets (Brownstone Institute, Sep 5, 2024)
- As of Jan 2024, Trust in Physicians & Hospitals Among Americans Down to 40% — JAMA: “Trust in Physicians and Hospitals During the Covid-19 Pandemic in a 50-State Survey of US Adults; In every sociodemographic group in this survey study among 443, 455 unique respondents aged 18 years or older residing in the US, trust in physicians and hospitals decreased substantially over the course of the pandemic, from 71% in April 2020 to 40% in January 2024.”
- How Corporations Betray Humanity — Much more on the pharmaceutical industry.
Regulatorary Betrayal
People have empowered and entrusted government regulatory agencies to conduct protective functions, but that trust has been continuously betrayed. Despite being tasked with “the public’s health,” regulatory agencies have made a mockery of the people’s trust.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) — “CDC is the nation’s leading science-based, data-driven, service organization that protects the public’s health. CDC puts science into action to help children stay healthy so they can grow and learn; to help families, businesses, and communities fight disease and stay strong; and to protect the public’s health.” [source]
- National Health Service of England (NHS) — “The NHS belongs to the people. It is there to improve our health and wellbeing, supporting us to keep mentally and physically well, to get better when we are ill and, when we cannot fully recover, to stay as well as we can to the end of our lives. It works at the limits of science – bringing the highest levels of human knowledge and skill to save lives and improve health.” [source and source]
- U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) — “The FDA is responsible for protecting the public health by ensuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, and medical devices; and by ensuring the safety of our nation’s food supply, cosmetics, and products that emit radiation.” [source]
AUTHORIZED NARRATIVE (PROPAGANDA) — Government regulatory agencies act on behalf of citizens to ensure safe and effective medical and food products and practices.
- EVIDENCE-BASED NARRATIVE — Government agencies that were entrusted to promote safety are corrupted and cause harm.
- VERIFIABLE EVIDENCE — A lengthy list of verifiable evidence and whistleblower reports, representing decades of betrayal and corruption are provided.
- CDC Publishes False & Unproven Narratives as Fact — “One might assume that the statements on CDC’s website are carefully vetted by at least one of its 1,700 scientists. Unfortunately, CDC is unable to provide ICAN with any records relied upon to support its statements on its Covid 19 vaccine ‘Myths and Facts’ webpage.”
- Using “Standard Procedure,” the FDA Colluded with Pharma Companies to Weaken FDA Standards & Oversight — In Jan 2016, Dr. Michael Carome, MD wrote, “It should be unimaginable that FDA leaders would collude with [a pharmaceutical company trade association] to write legislation to weaken the agency’s regulatory oversight and approval standards… That such collusion between the FDA and industry is ‘standard procedure’ for the agency is alarming. This collaboration must cease immediately, and an independent investigation is needed to uncover how such collusion occurred in the first place.” Defending its collaboration, the FDA said that the agency’s meetings with the industry trade group were “standard procedure.” See also: Inside Health Policy and Robert Califf’s FDA with Maddie Bannon
- FDA Routinely Approves Drugs That Kill — In 2001, esteemed medical journalist Linda Marsa wrote in the LA Times, “Adverse drug reactions have reached epidemic proportions, killing more people each year than die on the nation’s highways, and doing serious damage to millions more.
- FDA Engages in Blatantly “Unscientific Actions” — “The point of all this is not to expose remdesivir as being ineffective, as the cited studies do that. Rather, this debacle is an indictment of the FDA’s unscientific actions that were contrary to its statutory requirements… The evidence indicates that the FDA likely acted irresponsibly because they felt shielded by the Chevron deference.“
- Pharma Whistleblower Reported “Criminal Tactics” including Bribery Used to Get Antidepressants Approved & Protected by the FDA — “The SSRI antidepressants are some of the most harmful (but most profitable) medications on the market, and this was shown throughout their clinical trials. In turn, once they hit the market, the FDA was overwhelmed with a deluge of adverse reactions being reported and the public demanding the drugs be investigated. Remarkably, rather than address these issues, the FDA for decades did everything it could to cover up what was happening and protect the SSRIs. The pharmaceutical executive who got Prozac (the first SSRI) to market testified that this required a variety of criminal tactics (e.g., overt bribery).”
- FDA Corrupted and “Fundamentally Broken,” Say FDA Whistleblowers — “The FDA is riddled with politics, conflicts of interest and outright corruption, and is, as the letter says, ‘fundamentally broken.’ [The letter was] written by a group of scientists on FDA letterhead — but with their names blacked out for fear of retaliation.”
- “FDA Blew Off Scheduled Meetings With Covid Vaccine Injury Victims” — “Private emails obtained by Children’s Health Defense via a FOIA request reveal more evidence that government officials knew of, and were concerned about Covid-19 vaccine adverse events, but that they eventually stopped corresponding with vaccine injury victims.
- FDA Prevents Professionals From Telling the Truth — “The U.S. Food and Drug Administration restricts supplement makers from making certain health claims; for example, you cannot market a probiotic saying, “This is useful to take after an antibiotic,” because that would imply that antibiotics might harm you in some way. As a result of these restrictions, unless you spend a fair amount of time reading about the subject you may not be aware of many of the benefits of probiotics. ‘There’s a lot of very compelling research that we’re not able to talk about on a product label,” Leyer notes… ‘Antibiotics — and many studies have shown this — will have a tremendously disruptive effect on the overall microbial community. They’ll kill the target organism that might be causing your infection which is a good thing … but they also do a lot of harm to the good bacterial populations that are there. Studies have shown that when you co-administer probiotics with antibiotics and continue the probiotic administration even after stopping the antibiotic regimen, you’re quickly able to restore that microbial community to the healthy state it was prior to the antibiotic treatment.‘ “
- Whistleblower Testimony: “The Decline of Science at the FDA Has Become Unmanageable” — Published May 15, 2023 in BMJ: “The corruption of the FDA’s scientific culture remains the primary culprit driving the deterioration of safety and effectiveness standards. During my tenure at FDA, managers would admiringly speak of ‘crafting an approval’ … an act of scientific fabrication… FDA leadership’s continued hostility towards meaningful peer review, transparency, and accountability dims the prospect for institutional self-renewal.”
- “Big Pharma Gives UK Government £279 Million; In Return, NHS Will Hand Out Weight Loss Injections… Costing $415 Million per Month” — “The UK medicines regulator the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (“NICE”) approved the use of the weight loss drug Mounjaro on the NHS. It’s not clear that this drug is safe in the long term so why would NICE approve it to be provided for free to potentially millions of people?”
- “FDA Officials Were Aware of Bacterial Contamination in Infant Formula in Nov 2022, but Didn’t Remove it From Shelves Until Late Feb 2023 — “It’s stunning that it’s almost identical to what happened in 2021… Lessons have not been learned.” The contamination involves “the deadly pathogen that sparked the infant formula crisis last year.” See also: Politico and FDA
- FDA ‘Failing to Meet Safety Requirements’ Says House Energy & Commerce Committee — ” ‘FDA is not meeting important federal safety requirements to protect its employees and the public while also failing to prioritize scientific data quality delivered from FDA laboratories,’ House Energy & Commerce Committee says.”
- Whistleblowers Report on the Sham Passed Off as US Dietary Guidelines that “Drive Obesity and Poor Metabolic Health” — The dietary guidelines published every five years by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Department of Agriculture “represent more than just suggestions. They’re the nation’s nutritional North Star, guiding everything from school lunches to military and hospital food and dietary advice by doctors and nutritionists.” Two former members of the US Dietary Guidelines expert committee call out the continued use of outdated and biased “science” and the serious effects of this betrayal of the American people.
- “A Powerful Mob Behind State Medical Boards” — “Federation of State Medical Boards is a very influential private non-profit whose official mission is vaguely defined as “representing the state medical and osteopathic regulatory boards.” Through their influence and their significant lobbying efforts, they act as a force for censoring and punishing physicians who don’t toe the official party line. Since 1990s, FSMB has been attacking “alternative” medicine practitioners. This organization is said to have significantly contributed to the problem of opioid crisis. Recently, FSMB was exposed by a Dr. Bruce Dooley, an American doctor in New Zealand.”
- “Vaccine Monopolies Make Cost of Vaccinating the World Against Covid at Least 5 Times More Expensive Than it Could Be” — July 2021: “New analysis by the People’s Vaccine Alliance shows that the firms Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna are charging governments as much as $41 billion above the estimated cost of production. Colombia, for example, has potentially overpaid by as much as $375 million, in comparison to the estimated cost price.”
- Rather Than Being Transparent with Information to Verify Scientific Validation & Protection of American Interests, a FOIA Request Was Necessary to get Information from the FDA, but Still it Didn’t Comply & Had to Be Sued; The FDA Continued to Legally Resist Full Disclosure — “A group of more than 30 medical and public health professionals and scientists from Harvard, Yale, UCLA and other institutions sued the FDA in Sept 2021, after the agency failed to respond to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for ‘all data and information for the Pfizer Vaccine,’ including safety and effectiveness data, adverse reaction reports, and a list of active and inactive ingredients… On Oct. 17, the FDA filed a motion to throw out the lawsuit, arguing that the agency had ‘complied with its obligations under FOIA’ by conducting a ‘good faith search.’ … However, critics accused the FDA of withholding key information.”
- Despite “Serious Side Effects of Covid-19 Vaccines” Known in October 2020, the FDA Shirked its Duty to Ensure Safety and Communicate Warnings — “To this day there is no black box warning for fatal vaccine syndromes such as myocarditis, blood clots, Gillian-Barre syndrome, etc. Why has the FDA failed to warn and protect the public?” See also: Covid-19 Injections: Heart Issues, Cancer, Sudden Deaths, More Harms
- CDC Knew in 2020 that Heart Damage is an Effect of Covid-19 Vaccines but Suppressed the Knowledge — Meanwhile, mandates went into effect worldwide. “An e-mail obtained by The Epoch Times reveals that the CDC drafted, but never sent, an alert to the U.S. public about the link between Covid-19 vaccines and myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) because CDC officials worried that people would panic. The e-mail, dated May 15, 2021, eight months after the CDC identified myocarditis as an adverse event of special interest or a potential side effect, contained conversations between CDC officials and pharmaceutical industry representatives about why an alert should not be issued.”
- The CDC Manipulated Research Data in an Obvious Attempt to Make Covid Injections Appear More Effective than They Are — In 2021, vaccinated people were four times more likely to be infected with Covid. “The CDC published a paper comparing infections in vaccinated people and those with natural immunity. The CDC massaged the data to help [the perception of effectiveness of] vaccines by excluding cases of ‘partially vaccinated’ people (partially vaccinated IS vaccinated – we don’t exclude negative outcomes early in treatment for other drugs). Nonetheless, the report was clear… For a couple of weeks, vaccinated people had fewer infections than those with natural immunity. But vaccine protection then plunged, while natural immunity kept getting better.” See also: Int’l Journal of Epidemiology article, reporting on a study of 12.9 million vaccinated people showing vaccines and boosters have an effectiveness rate of zero by about a month after administration.
- Former FDA Commissioner & Current Pfizer Board Member,”The Embodiment of Conflicts of Interest and Regulatory Capture, Reveals that He Does Not Understand the State of Vaccine Science” — “Dr. Scott Gottlieb, former FDA Commissioner and current Pfizer board member, issued dire warnings about ‘vaccine skepticism’ … Dr. Gottlieb portrayed himself as a champion of public health, but his statements were riddled with factual inaccuracies, oversights of critical scientific evidence, and an alarming disregard for emerging complexities in vaccine science.”
- FDA Staffers Were Hired by Pharma Corporations that Produced Products They Were Charged with Overseeing — “Documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) reveal how two federal employees involved in the mRNA Covid-19 vaccine approval sought employment with Moderna… Two former FDA staffers who oversaw the mRNA Covid-19 vaccines now work at Moderna.”
- CDC Suddenly Removed Claims of Vaccine Safety — As Joe Martino proves here, the CDC made this change in Aug 2022 without acknowledging that this withdraws the claims that formed the foundation of worldwide mandates and censorship. Up until July 2022, the CDC claimed that potentially dangerous elements of the injection (mRNA and spike protein) would be broken down in the body and removed within a few days, thereby not remaining and traveling beyond the injection site. When an immunologist working on Covid vaccines claimed evidence to the contrary, he was “fact-checked” based on the CDC claims that have now been retracted. A screenshot from the fact check page has been saved below. Researchers demonstrated here (in Jan 2022) that the mRNA from the vaccines can remain in the body for eight weeks.
- Without Long-Term Safety Data, CDC Recommended New Vaccine for Pregnant Women + “Removed Warning on Lack of Safety Data” — “The CDC now recommends more than 200 shots over an individual’s lifetime. In 1983, the CDC recommended just 11 doses of seven vaccines for children. There were no vaccine recommendations for adults, including pregnant women, before 1986, when the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 granted vaccine manufacturers protection from liability for vaccine injuries.”
- Pharma Controls “Regulatory” & “Safety” Bodies — “We’ve been led to believe that doctors are to be trusted and revered. That their vast knowledge extends beyond the marketing materials of Big Pharma. That regulatory bodies exist to protect us from unsafe drugs and practices. That insurance companies help keep medical costs down.” The article includes many examples such as this one: In January 2016, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. agreed to head a vaccine safety commission and vowed “to make sure that each vaccine was actually working” by conducting control studies — “the same studies that are required for every other medication.” But then Pfizer made a $1 million contribution and people with ties to Big Pharma were put in position to kill the safety commission.
- While Rubber-Stamping Pharmaceuticals with Severe Adverse Events, the FDA Attacks Safe Medicines that Lessen the Need for Drugs and Do Not Profit Their Corporate Donors — Alliance for Natural Health Sues FDA to Stop U.S. Homeopathy Ban
- FDA Assumed Control Over What Nature Freely Provides — The FDA assumed totalitarian control over the definition of medicine, requiring even freely available natural products to go through their expensive approval process and prohibiting caregivers from legally being able to communicate the effectiveness of natural, low-cost remedies such as herbs, foods and spices.
- FDA Suppressed Noninvasive Reich Therapy — Wilhelm Reich’s noninvasive therapy yielded remarkable results and can be duplicated at home.
- Government Insanity on Display: FDA Does a “Class II Recall” of 80,000 Pounds of Butter Because it’s Not Labeled as a Milk Product, While Waiting Decades Before Admitting Decongestants Don’t Work & Pulling Them off the Market — “In this week’s Monday Minute, we examine the FDA and the utter ridiculousness of two recent decisions from the agency. First, the FDA required Costco to recall nearly 80,000 pounds of butter because the label didn’t specify that the product contains milk. Butter is from a cow – of course it contains milk… This was a Class II recall, defined as a product that might cause temporary or medically reversible adverse health consequences or perhaps even rare but serious adverse events. Second, the FDA decided to pull a common medication (phenylephrine) off the market because it is ineffective as a nasal decongestant. This ingredient is in most cold and cough medications, such as Theraflu, Nyquil, Sudafed and others. What took them so long? This ingredient has literally been used for decades. Both of these become even more ridiculous knowing that FDA still has not pulled Covid jabs from the market, despite the astronomical number of deaths and adverse events.”
- Despite Being Tasked with Lowering Use of Antimicrobials on U.S. Farms & Claiming that it Has, the “FDA Plan to Get Antibiotics Out of Factory Farm Animals Is Failing” — “Using antimicrobials gives illness-causing bacteria a chance to develop ways to evade them — a problem that killed 1.14 million people globally in a single year, topping deaths from HIV and malaria combined… Antimicrobials on European farms have dropped by around 43% over nine years up to 2020 at which point use on the continent was over 80% lower than in the U.S… In contrast, routine use of antimicrobials is common on U.S. farms, particularly in intensive and confined operations where large numbers of animals are housed in close quarters and animal welfare and sanitation standards are lower… Wallinga says the FDA’s assertions that it has achieved large and sustained cuts in antimicrobial use and resistance are ‘disingenuous.’ “
- “If a doctor dares to think for themselves, questions the government or is a dissident, the GMC makes sure they get punished and excommunicated… basically you aren’t allowed to criticise the government, the media, Big Pharma, the WHO, or the globalists. “ — UK regulatory bodies include the GMC (General Medical Council) and MPTS (Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service). “The Kangaroo Court was upset that Dr Sam White was telling the truth and exposing the lies to the public which might cancel out the propaganda and land them and the Government in trouble with the people… History has proven Dr Sam White right and will judge the GMC, media, politicians, Big Pharma and the media poorly… By striking off Dr Sam White from the medical registrar and removing his medical license, the MPTS and GMC are in effect excommunicating him from the medical cult. That’s what religions and cults do to punish troublemakers. See my previous post on cults. Dr Sam White left the medical cult a long time ago and now practices as a functional medicine doctor. The excommunication means nothing to him. But I believe the MPTS and GMC know this. The purpose of this Kangaroo Court is to serve a warning to other doctors thinking about speaking up, do so at your peril.”
- NIH Spent More than $1 Billion Without Conducting the Research it Was Tasked with Doing — “The federal government has burned through more than $1 billion to study long Covid… There’s basically nothing to show for it. The National Institutes of Health hasn’t signed up a single patient to test any potential treatments — despite a clear mandate from Congress to study them. And the few trials it is planning have already drawn a firestorm of criticism, especially one intervention that experts and advocates say may actually make some patients’ long Covid symptoms worse. Instead, the NIH spent the majority of its money on broader, observational research that won’t directly bring relief to patients. But it still hasn’t published any findings from the patients who joined that study, almost two years after it started.” See also: Betsy Ladyzhets, STAT: ‘Underwhelming’: NIH trials fail to test meaningful long Covid treatments — after 2.5 years and $1 billion
- Regulatory Agencies Need to Make These Changes to Be Trustworthy — In March 2023, a university scheduled an event to “restore trust in the CDC and FDA.” Trust is earned through authenticity and honorable behavior. Therefore, as noted in this article, these agencies could make changes that include the following: acknowledge past mistakes, stop hiding data and be a champion for data transparency, engage in meaningful dialog rather than censor disagreement, be accountable to the public, reward and protect whistleblowers, eliminate liability protection for vaccine manufacturers, use VAERS as it was intended (to gather information on vaccine adverse effects and respond in ways that make such effects exceedingly rare or nonexistent), make all public health data publicly accessible to all at no charge, do not infringe on doctors’ ability to make independent decisions with each of their clients, hold public hearings on controversial treatments, investigate allegations of clinical trial fraud, eliminate incentives not tied to public interest.
9-Min Video, Dr. Bob Gill On Corruption (Corporate Control) of National Institute of Health (NIH)
In the following video, beginning at 1:25, we see the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) in action. It’s appalling and a must-see. These are the people who are supposed to be looking out for our best interests when adding vaccines to the childhood schedule.
“The Dark Truth of America’s Federation Of State Medical Boards” article and video
Symptom Suppression, Adverse Effects
Establishment medicine providers routinely utilize diagnostics, drugs and “treatments” that have harmful (“side”) effects, many of which are serious and have high risk of severe consequences. Diagnosis and treatments focus on suppressing symptoms, neglecting the root causes of illness.
Most of the literature establishes that modern medicine is one of the major threats to world health… The side effects and risks associated with medical intervention are called iatrogenesis. These side effects are also called adverse drug reactions (ADRs).
– NIH, Iatrogenesis
- Doctors Not Trained in Pain Management or Addiction But Prescribe Dangerous, Highly Addictive Drugs — And yet, as Harvard Medical School reports, doctors have even written opioid prescriptions after an overdose.
- Severe Side Effects from Antipsychotic Drug Downplayed — “Johnson & Johnson Hit with $8 Billion Jury Verdict in Risperdal Suit… Johnson & Johnson’s antipsychotic drug Risperdal has been linked to severe side effects, including gynecomastia, a condition causing breast growth in males. The company was accused of promoting the drug for unapproved uses, downplaying the risks, and withholding information about its side effects… The company’s willingness to deceive patients and medical professionals about the risks of its drugs showcases the lengths Big Pharma will go to maximize profits.” (source)
- FDA Wrote, “Antidepressants increase the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior (suicidality) in children and adolescents with major depressive disorder and other psychiatric disorders.” — “Several antidepressants, including Prozac, Paxil, and Zoloft, have come under scrutiny for their link to an increased risk of suicidal thoughts and behavior in children and adolescents. These companies have been accused of hiding negative study results, downplaying the risks, and aggressively marketing their drugs for use in young patients… Multiple lawsuits have been filed against these pharmaceutical giants, and settlements have been reached, costing the companies millions of dollars.” (source)
- “SSRI Antidepressants Have a Variety of Horrendous Side Effects” — “Once the SSRIs entered the market, there has been a wave of SSRI suicides and unspeakable acts of violence. Sadly, the idea that SSRIs could cause any of this has been viewed as a ‘conspiracy theory’ or ‘mistaking correlation with causation’ because very few are aware of the extensive evidence linking SSRIs to violent and psychotic behavior — despite it now being on the warning label of those drug.” See also: 18-min video on role of SSRIs in violent events
- Despite Doctors Pushing Drugs on People with Mood Issues and Depression, “There Is No Such Thing As An Antidepressant” — UCLA Professor David Cohen PhD has conducted extensive research specifically on psychoactive drugs, and on the side effects of psychiatric medications, and on withdrawal. In a 3-minute clip from the documentary, Medicating Normal, Dr. Cohen explains that pharmaceuticals are not cures for depression and that any mood-altering effect they may have wears off within 8 weeks. He explains that studies on these drugs are limited to 6 to 8 weeks, while it’s “business as usual” in mainstream medicine to prescribe the drugs for long-term use. The “regulators” and congress are paid by pharmaceutical companies, and so studies are not published on the lack of long-term effectiveness nor on the addiction and withdrawal issues they cause.
- “The Alarming Trend of Inappropriate Prescribing for the Elderly” — Study shows half of older patients on NSAIDs, opiods and other “medications” don’t need them and could be doing more harm than good. “The research team analyzed data from 388 patients aged 65 and older who were part of the EuroAgeism H2020 ESR 7 international project, and international multi-disciplinary project. The patients were in stable health, used at least one medication, and did not have severe communication disorders or dementia. The data was collected through interviews with pharmacists, lasting between 45 and 75 minutes… The culprits? Proton pump inhibitors, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), opioid painkillers, and sedatives like benzodiazepines. ‘The high rate of deprescribing potential warrants prompt action to increase patient safety and decrease polypharmacy,’ the authors wrote, sounding the alarm on a silent epidemic of overprescription that could be jeopardizing the well-being of millions of older people.”
- Over-Prescription of Antibiotics Causes “Substantial Harm” — “We find substantial harm [caused by doctors, called “iatrogenic”] associated with prescribing antibiotics in [people with runny nose, cough, sore throat, known as “acute upper respiratory tract infection”]. This study confirms yet again that unnecessary prescriptions of antibiotics contribute to antibiotic resistance, while also showing significant harm, with one in 300 antibiotic prescriptions leading to significant adverse effects (including hospitalization and death). Commenting on the study, functional medicine practitioners Chris Kresser noted, “Antibiotics are overprescribed in 50% of upper respiratory infections, which are often caused by viruses and would thus not respond to antibiotics. While antibiotics are sometimes necessary and life-saving, we need to be smart about how we use them—or we risk them losing their effectiveness or causing severe side effects, including death. See my article ‘Antibiotics: Risks and Alternatives‘ for more on this topic.”
- Heartburn Drugs Increase Risk of Cancer — “Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), a popular class of heartburn drugs, are linked to stomach cancer, a recent review found.”
- Shingles Vaccine Increased Risk of Shingles Recurrence — “Researchers at the University of California San Francisco found that, compared to unvaccinated people with a history of ocular shingles, those who receive the RZV [shingles vaccine] have a 93 percent higher rate of developing ocular shingles again.”
- Nearly One-Third of Diagnostic Tests Upon Hospital Admission are Wasteful & Unnecessary, Increasing Risk of Harm — “Excessive testing is… one part of… low-value health care, a term that refers to services that provide little or no benefit, cause potential harm, incur significant costs, or waste limited resources. This… comes with plenty of risks — and little reward… The study, published in The American Journal of Medicine, focused on unnecessary testing in the first 24 hours after hospital admission… The study found that, upon physician review, over 31 percent of day-of hospital admission tests were needless and did not change the course of the patient’s care. When patients have excessive diagnostic tests, the potential for errors exists. False positive or false negative test results can lead to a “diagnostic cascade” of more testing or unnecessary prescriptions and harmful side effects… The top three reasons… [for] overtesting are fear of malpractice lawsuits, patient requests or demands, and the inability to access patient records quickly… The United States health care system’s current structure rewards health care providers for providing more care, not necessarily the right care. In a fee-for-service system, providers make more money if they order more tests.”
- Diagnostic Errors & Issues Occur in U.S. Hospitals Roughly One-Quarter of the Time — “It was found that 23 percent of patients either received incorrect diagnoses or experienced delays in diagnosis. Of these cases, 17 percent resulted in temporary or permanent harm to the patient. The study’s results are published in the January edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association.”
- Without an Education or Motivation to Use Safe, Evidence-Based Approaches, Medical Doctors Prescribe Drugs with Deadly Side Effects for the Symptom of Excess Weight — “The FDA’s Adverse Events Reporting System (FAERS) Public Dashboard shows that since 2018, the agency has received 16,854 reports of adverse events from patients taking Ozempic. Of these, 108 were reports of suicidal ideation, nine were suicide attempts, and six were completed suicides. Fifteen reports of suicidal ideation were reported by Mounjaro users, and Wegovy users reported 14.”
- Toxicity from Tylenol Causes Acute Liver Failure + Tylenol in Pregnancy Associated with ADHD in Children — Nearly 500 die and 30,000 are hospitalized each year in the US as a result of Tylenol’s toxic effects. Meanwhile, medical doctors approved this medicine for pregnant women, negatively impacting brain development in utero.
- Statins Commonly Prescribed While Not Providing Significant Benefit and Causing Harm — “Statins are the most commonly prescribed pharmaceutical drugs in the world. 98.2 out of 100 high-risk people will not see any heart health benefits from statin drugs. The 1.8 remaining individuals who do see benefits will only live about 6 months longer on average versus those who didn’t take statin drugs. Research demonstrates that statin drugs may damage your mitochondrial function. Side effects include headaches, sleep issues, skin issues, stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, low platelet levels, and high blood sugar levels.”
- The WHO Made Up Diagnoses of Osteoporosis & Osteopenia Based on a Measurement of Bone Mineral Density (which Research Has Proven is NOT Linked to Fractures & Bone Health), Designating Anyone Who Differs from that of a 30 Year Old Woman to Be Diseased, and Led to Prescriptions That Have Severe Side Effects & INCREASE Risk of Fracture — “The WHO’s new definitions resulted in the diagnosis, and subsequent labeling, of millions of healthy middle-aged and older women with what they were now being made to believe was another ‘health condition,’ serious enough to justify the use of expensive and extremely dangerous bone drugs (and equally dangerous mega-doses of elemental calcium) in the pursuit of increasing bone density by any means necessary… This sudden transformation of healthy women, who suffered no symptoms of ‘low bone mineral density,’ into an at-risk, treatment-appropriate group served to generate billions of dollars of revenue for DXA device manufacturers, doctor visits and drug prescriptions around the world… On the other hand, if one uses the Z-score, which compares your bones to that of your age group, something remarkable happens: a huge burden of “disease” disappears.” Sayer Ji, GreenMedInfo, The Manufacturing of Bone Diseases: The Story of Osteoporosis and Osteopenia link
- Harvard Medical School Wrote This About a Commonly Prescribed Painkiller: “Vioxx caused as many as 140,000 heart attacks in the U.S. during the five years it was on the market.” — “Merck’s painkiller Vioxx was hailed as a breakthrough drug when it hit the market in 1999. However, it was soon linked to increased risks of heart attack and stroke. Merck was accused of hiding the risks associated with Vioxx, leading to the deaths of tens of thousands of patients. In 2004, Vioxx was pulled from the market, and Merck faced a wave of lawsuits. In 2007, the company agreed to a $4.85 billion settlement to resolve thousands of cases filed by patients and their families. Merck’s prioritization of profits over safety cost countless lives.” (source)
- Diabetes Drug Increased Risk of Heart Attacks & Strokes; DOJ wrote, “GlaxoSmithKline to Plead Guilty and Pay $3 Billion to Resolve Fraud Allegations and Failure to Report Safety Data” — “Diabetes drug Avandia was once a blockbuster medication, but it was later found to significantly increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes. The company was accused of suppressing negative study results and misleading doctors and patients about the drug’s safety. In 2010, GlaxoSmithKline agreed to pay $460 million to settle thousands of lawsuits filed by patients who suffered heart attacks or strokes after taking Avandia.” (source)
- Mercury Damages the Brain but Has Been Routinely Included in Some Vaccines — Mercury found in vaccines but damages the brain. See also: Study Concludes Mercury Can Now Be Listed “As A Cause of Autism”
- AMA Corrupted, Promotes Products That Can Cause Harm — “The American Medical Association (AMA) urges physicians to promote COVID-19 vaccines and bivalent boosters. The AMA even supplies members with social media talking points and strategies to deal with vaccine detractors. It is not the first time that my profession has endorsed a product that may be hazardous to your health… In a 1948 editorial minimizing the ill effects of smoking and justifying tobacco advertising in its publications, JAMA noted that “cigarette business is a tremendous business,” as if the size of the bottom line can mitigate a conflict for an organization founded for the “betterment of public health.”
- Invasive Medical Treatments Based on Arrogant Presumptions & Lack of Understanding of the Human Body Have Caused Extensive Harm: Tonsillectomy — “Today, the tonsils are known to play an important role in our immune response. For a long time, the scientific consensus was that they were “useless” organs, and doctors routinely recommended tonsil surgeries… Once a very common surgical intervention, tonsillectomy has since been proven to do more harm than good.”
- Many Sunscreens Toxic to Brain & Hormonal Health — Ninety-six percent of the U.S. population has oxybenzone in their bodies — a known endocrine disruptor linked to reduced sperm count in men and endometriosis in women. The main source is sunscreens. Researchers also warn that some sunscreen ingredients are neurotoxic, posing a hazard to brain health and development. Aside from the problem of toxicity, excessive use of sunscreen also contributes to vitamin D deficiency, which in turn increases your risk for a wide array of chronic diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis and cancer.”
- “Drug overdoses are the leading cause of death among Americans. Opioids are responsible for nearly two-thirds of these deaths… From 1996 to 2013, overdoses quadrupled.” — “A number of studies have highlighted the deadly risks you take when combining opioids with benzos. During the first 90 days of concurrent use, your risk of a deadly overdose rises fivefold, compared to taking an opioid alone… The ratio of patients using opioids and benzos concurrently rose from 9% in 2001 to 17% in 2013; concurrent use for at least one day doubled the odds of an opioid overdose.”
- Modern, Drug-Based Medicine Degenerative Rather than Regenerative — “Regenerative medicine threatens to undermine the very economic infrastructure that props up the modern, drug-based and quite candidly degenerative medical system. Symptom suppression is profitable because it guarantees both the perpetuation of the original underlying disease, and the generation of an ever-expanding array of additional, treatment-induced symptoms.”
- 250+ Scientific Literature Examples of Natural Remedies Beating Pharmaceuticals — But do medical doctors recommend natural remedies?
- 177 Years of Medical Experimentation — Horrific experimental treatments in the name of “medical research.”
- What Kind of “Medicine” Kills People by the Thousands? — In the year 2000, Barbara Stafield MD, MPH wrote in the Journal of American Medicine, “The Institute of Medicine (IOM) report ‘To Err Is Human,’2 [reported] an estimated 44,000 to 98,000 Americans die each year as a result of medical errors.”
The Superstition of “Medical Science”
Medical science has always believed in the superstition that the use of chemical substances which are harmful and destructive to human life will prove an efficient substitute for the violation of laws, and in this way encourages the belief that a man may go the limit in self indulgences that weaken and destroy his physical system, and then hope to be absolved from his physical ailments by swallowing a few pills, or submitting to an injection of a serum or vaccine, that are supposed to act as vicarious redeemers of the physical organism and counteract life-long practices that are poisonous and wholly destructive to the patient’s well-being. – Ch. 3 of Textbook of Natural Medicine (5th Edition), 2020
Suppresses Healing They Can’t Control
Healing protocols and modalities that don’t enrich industry are suppressed and ridiculed.
In 1878, John D. Rockefeller controlled 90% of all oil refineries in the U.S. Then in 1897, a German chemist by the name of Felix Hoffman invented aspirin. With this discovery, a new frontier in medicine began with the use of petrochemicals in many medicines… The tycoon who had cornered the oil market in the U.S. sought to expand his empire with the exploitation of petrochemicals in this whole new world of medicine. At the time, homeopathic medicine was commonly practiced among doctors in the U.S. In order to dominate the emerging market of pharmaceuticals, Rockefeller would have to completely change the paradigm…
With new standards set in place by Rockefeller through the General Education Board in 1902, and the Flexner Report of 1910, the remaining medical schools and hospitals were incentivized to teach and research in specific areas in order to receive Rockefeller Foundation grants. Research was driven in the area of finding synthetic alternatives to the organic plant-based treatments for illness, which homeopathic doctors had used in years past… the newly discovered drugs could be patented, packaged and sold by any of the 68 subsidiaries within the Rockefeller drug empire. – The Cancer Within Modern Medicine
- Pharma & AMA Suppress Cancer Cures That They Don’t Profit From — “The chief editor of JAMA [the publication of the American Medical Association]for 26 years, Morris Fishbein, worked tirelessly to prevent any potential cancer cure that was not under the control of the medical establishment from seeing the light of day. Fishbein… was actively involved in suppressing the alleged cancer cures in two of the five cases presented in this documentary, as well as many others not mentioned.” See also: Cancer: The Forbidden Cures, a documentary with evidence and testimonials on how the medical establishment suppressed effective modalities and resources.
- Hoxsey Jailed & Persecuted for Curing People with Herbs — Harry Hoxsey used a combination of natural herbs that his grandfather had discovered by chance and passed on to his family. The treatments created a bodily terrain unfavorable to the growth of cancer cells. Simultaneously, it enhanced the body’s own immune response and capacity to eliminate toxins. Learn more here.
- Sebi Cured Cancer & Was Poisoned in Prison For It — Dr. Sebi has “supreme court ruling to prove it.”
- Harvard Doctor Had Polio & Cured Himself with High Doses of Vit C — “Both the medical profession and the public consider that vitamin C is just a vitamin to be taken in small doses. Yet I have stated for years in my medical column that vitamin C is also an antibiotic and an antifungal that is safe and inexpensive, and saves lives from diseases like polio and 30 other infections… During my final year at Harvard Medical School I developed this disease. I know the terror of the seeing the creeping paralysis of my legs and abdominal muscles and knowing there was no treatment or vaccine available for it during the great epidemic of polio in 1950. Moreover, some hospital cases were in the iron lung. I wondered whether I would be condemned for the rest of my life in this machine where you wish but are unable to kill yourself.”
- Scientist Royal Rife’s Successful Electromagnetic Therapy Suppressed — “Many doctors were using this method successfully in the 1930’s… Doctors were forced to stop these treatments. The AMA, under Fishbein, forbade articles to be published in medical journals about this; laboratory results done by the government were suddenly mysteriously lost. Researchers were treated as liars who proposed these techniques, and the writer of an article that was published by the Smithsonian Institute explaining Rife’s techniques died in a car accident. Who was responsible for suppressing Rife’s technology? Even in the 1930’s the financiers were already mostly controlling medicine.”
The Significance of Legal Precedent
Legal precedents on “standard of care” and breach of duty are significant factors in how doctors practice medicine, and on the state of the medical industry as a whole. The subjects of “standard of care” and medical malpractice law provide critical context and insight into why certain patterns have emerged in establishment medicine (particularly in the U.S.).
Legal Negligence, Medical Malpractice, Standard of Care, Custom, Reasonable vs Unreasonable
Negligence, in general, is legally defined as “the standard of conduct to which one must conform… [and] is that of a reasonable man under like circumstances.”4 In law, medical malpractice is considered a specific area within the general domain of negligence. It requires four conditions be met for the plaintiff to recover damages. These conditions are: duty; breach of duty; harm; and causation. The second element, breach of duty, is synonymous with the “standard of care.” Prior to several important cases in the 1900s, the standard of care was defined by the legal concept of “custom.” … If others in the business are commonly practicing a certain way that eliminates hazards, then this practice can be used to define the standard of care. A jury still needed to decide, however, whether this “custom” was reasonable and whether the deviation from this “custom” was so unreasonable as to cause harm… The 1974 case of Helling v. Carey set a worrisome precedent for medical malpractice cases. The court essentially ruled that even though the customary practice at the time was followed, the physician was still liable… The ruling in Helling v Carey prompted state legislatures to pass statutes that defined the standard of care in their jurisdiction. The state of Washington was the first to pass this type of legislation, when they stated that the standard of care is not met when “the defendant or defendants [fail] to exercise that degree of skill, care and learning possessed by other persons in the same profession.” The good news for practicing physicians is that in more recent cases there appears to be an effort to ensure that jurors understand that the standard of care does not mean perfection in practice. While old cases in law tend to be more powerful as they have stood the test of time, these more recent cases help show a trend toward keeping jury expectations realistic… In conclusion, the concept of the standard of care has evolved over the years and will continue to change as legal theory in this area develops. Hopefully this will allow for increased certainty and clarity, which is the stated goal of all laws. The bad news is that there are several important cases where the suggestion is that even if a practice is not the standard, if it is reasonable, a physician can be found culpable for not pursuing that course of action. The good news for physicians is that in more recent cases the courts have frequently upheld that the standard of care is what a minimally competent physician in the same field would do in the same situation, with the same resources. These recent cases also note that bad outcomes are to be expected, and all entities can not be expected to be diagnosed. Finally, clinical practice guidelines are being used more frequently in court cases as support for the standard of care; however, their acceptance and uses are continually changing and decided on a case-by-case basis – The Standard of Care: Legal History and Definitions: The Bad and Good News (PubMed), 2011
Summary of Legal Precedents
- According to the 2011 report in PubMed (linked above), legal precedent at times has required that, in essence, medical doctors conform to “custom” which in a legal context refers to how “others in the business are commonly practicing.”
- After 1974, legal precedent is inconsistent and unclear. What is accepted as “standard of care” is “continually changing and decided on a case-by-case basis.”
While the climate before 1974 was legally safer for doctors, it nevertheless pressured them to be virtual slaves to a system (legally called “custom”), defined by whatever their “business” as a whole is doing.
- The “business” of medicine in the U.S. alone involves more than a million physicians (in 2024) and “more than 37 million citations for biomedical literature (as of November 2024 in PubMed). How, then, is an individual doctor reasonably able to stay up-to-date on what “others in the business are commonly practicing”?
- And how is a medical doctor able to think critically about the situation at hand, implementing the best solution that might require unique combinations or new solutions when, by definition, such individualizing and leadership is contrary to common practice?
Other considerations include:
- Businesses can be corrupted in which case being a slave to such a system is to do the bidding of corrupt institutions, and in fact, medicine is verifiably corrupted by corporate agendas. (See above.)
- Even in principled businesses, norms may not be the most successful course of action in all cases as they cannot possibly take into account the plethora of unique situations faced by individuals, nor enable or encourage innovative solutions.
- In light of the legal uncertainty, we might ask, do the legal rulings imply that doctors are required to follow norms, or are they now expected to make individual decisions? It seems both and neither. Doesn’t this put doctors between a rock and a hard place? Norms are required, but may not be good enough and any decision made—whether within norms or outside them—can be required to be defended in a court of law. Thus, both before and after 1974, if a doctor who chooses to use protocols outside of the “norm” (a moving target that presumably no one can be sure of), they can be required to defend their decisions in a court of law rather than simply to the clients who hire them.
- Such a precarious legal environment lends itself to the arising of centralized organizations such as the American Medical Association, Centers for Disease Control, and National Institutes of Health (among many others) to advise (dictate) protocols to be used by virtually all medical doctors. As with all businesses, centralized organizations are vulnerable to corruption with widespread impact.
Alternatives & Considerations
In this 6-min video, Peter A. Levine PhD helps a young American war veteran, who had been prescribed six drugs, was clearly suffering. Levine is an excellent example of a wise leader who doesn’t adhere to establishment medicine but who instead teaches safe, evidence-based approaches. Levine’s focus is trauma healing and he’s written many excellent books on this vital subject.
6-min, Peter A. Levine PhD
- Ensure Drugs & Vaccines Properly Researched, Focus on Chronic Disease, Remove Corrupt Funding in Medical Research — Considerations from a health policy roundtable held on June 27, 2023: “Implement a digitized medical informatics system so that correlation studies can be rapidly done to determine the impact of drugs and vaccines on public health… Redirect federal grants away from infectious disease research to study chronic disease instead… End the practice of allowing scientists with the National Institutes of Health to collect royalties on products they’ve worked on… End gain-of-function research, and work to get all nations to sign onto a treaty to ban it, as manmade pathogens have been responsible for most of the worst infectious outbreaks in modern history.”
- Learn from the Chinese Medicine & Homeopathy Understanding of Disease Progression — “Both of these systems (Chinese medicine and homeopathy) have observed that diseases tend to enter the body superficially (at the smallest vessels) and then penetrate deeper and deeper into the body as the disease worsens. As a result, a significant part of their diagnostic model is based upon determining how deep a pathogenic factor has penetrated, and their treatment is based on reversing that process to expel it from the body. In contrast, Western medicine often does the opposite (e.g., by suppressing fevers or rashes). My overall sense from observing the wildfire illness and COVID-19 is that the diseases initially enter the airway tract (where they create symptoms correlating to fluid stasis) and as it penetrates deeper, enters the lungs, then the smallest blood vessels lining the lungs, and finally the larger vessels of the body… This progression from the superficial to the deep vessels (frequently beginning with the lungs) is also identical to what I and others have observed with progressively worsening COVID-19 infections and vaccine injuries. This, for example, I believe, explains the curious COVID-19 phenomena where patients often have low oxygen readings (which are measured in the smallest blood vessels in the fingers which sludged blood has difficulty reaching) but simultaneously do not clinically appear to be oxygen starved because the blood circulation is preserved in their larger vessels.”
- Pay Attention to the Body’s Signals (Through the Nervous System, Especially) and Respond Before it Turns into Crisis — “I am joined by neuroscientist, Dr. Caroline Leaf. With today’s children facing a mental health crisis like never before with skyrocketing rates of anxiety and depression, Dr. Leaf is here to show us a way out… When it comes to mental health, it’s time we start looking at signals, and what they are trying to tell us. By observing things like emotions, bodily sensations, and behaviors, we can better understand what our children are experiencing and walk through those things with them before it becomes a mental health crisis. Listen to learn more about how we can identify signals rather than symptoms.”
- Note the Plentiful Research on the Efficacy of Homeopathy — “The fact of the matter is that research showing the efficacy of homeopathic medicines has been published in some of the world’s most respected medical journals. Here’s just a few of them: The Lancet; BMJ (British Medical Journal); Chest (the publication of the American College of Chest Physicians); Pediatrics (publication of the American Academy of Pediatrics); Cancer (journal of the American Cancer Society); Journal of Clinical Oncology; Pediatrics Infectious Disease Journal (publication of the European Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases); European Journal of Pediatrics (publication of the Swiss Society of Pediatrics and the Belgium Society of Pediatrics). Would you be shocked to learn that Wikipedia doesn’t mention eight of the nine references here? … The newest review of homeopathic research published in Systematic Reviews confirmed a difference between the effects of homeopathic treatment and of placebo. In reviewing the “highest quality studies,” the researchers found that patients given homeopathic treatment were almost twice as likely to experience a therapeutic benefit as those given a placebo.”
- Utilize Ayurveda & Other Wellness Modalities That are Without Risk & Side Effects — “The Natural Law explores Amish Shah’s decade-long journey back to wellness with Ayurveda. Through his encounters with leading doctors and scientists, you’ll discover why Ayurveda could be humanity’s greatest answer to reclaiming our physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. And through his journey, you’ll learn how to remedy the root causes of illness and emotional turmoil in yourself and your loved ones… Making synthetic medicine your first and only option could turn out to be downright dangerous. The idea that a one-size-fits-all approach is an effective medical approach to health, or that synthetic medicines are superior to natural remedies, despite the inherent dangers of long-term use and the rarely discussed side effects, can leave patients feeling worse off than before.”
Readings & Resources
Review of 154 Studies Published between 2015 and 2019 Shows that Medical Treatments are Not Evidence-Based
When you visit your doctor, you might assume that the treatment they prescribe has solid evidence to back it up. But you’d be wrong. Only one in ten medical treatments are supported by high-quality evidence, our latest research shows. The analysis, which is published in the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, included 154 Cochrane systematic reviews published between 2015 and 2019.
– Only 1 in 10 Medical Treatments Is Backed by High-Quality Evidence, Study Finds
During Medical Training, Students Lose Ability to Detect Big Pharma Bias
[In medical schools,] 41 percent of emergency medicine departments allowed their residents to be taught by drug company representatives… As medical students are increasingly subjected to pharmaceutical marketing throughout their education, their skepticism towards the practices of the pharmaceutical industry gradually diminishes. Multiple studies report a relationship between exposure to the pharmaceutical industry and positive attitudes about industry interactions. As students’ exposure to the pharmaceutical industry increases, their ability to determine industry bias decreases. In losing their ability to detect bias and analyze pharmaceutical marketing statements objectively, medical students hinder their future ability to practice evidence-based medicine.
– The Pharmaceutical Industry’s Role in U.S. Medical Education
Common Medical Treatments: 13% Found to Be Beneficial + 23% Likely to Be Beneficial
In 2011 the British Medical Journal performed a general analysis of some 2,500 common medical treatments. The goal was to determine which ones are supported by sufficient reliable evidence. The results: 13 percent were found to be beneficial, 23 percent were likely to be beneficial, 8 percent were as likely to be harmful as beneficial, 6 percent were unlikely to be beneficial, 4 percent were likely to be harmful or ineffective.”
– Kelly Brogan MD, A Mind of Your Own
Medical Gaslighting: Telling People That Symptoms are “All in Their Head” & Then Prescribing Drugs
In the 1944 movie, Gaslight, this was accomplished by the villainous husband adjusting the intake to gas-powered lights (causing them to flicker) and simultaneously denying that any change was occurring to his mentally abused wife. The term gaslighting originated from this classic movie… [This is demonstrated by] medical providers [who] all echo the same message that a patient’s injury has nothing to do with the pharmaceutical (or other medical procedure in question). Most commonly, it instead is argued that the symptoms they are experiencing are due to pre-existing psychiatric issues the patient has (e.g., anxiety), which are treated with medications that often create additional issues.
– A Primer on Medical Gaslighting
The Following “Fact Check” Was Wrong
“According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the ‘most intensive safety monitoring in U.S. history’ has found that most of the reported side effects after COVID-19 vaccination are minor, such as pain at the injection site or fever. Severe adverse reactions to the vaccines have been rare.
Yet, a Canadian virus immunologist recently claimed that the vaccine’s spike protein is ‘a pathogenic protein,’ ‘a toxin’ that gets into the bloodstream, then accumulates in breast milk and ‘in a number of tissues’ and could lead to cardiovascular and neurological damage in adults, children and infants.
‘We made a big mistake,’ said Byram Bridle, a viral immunologist and associate professor at the University of Guelph’s Ontario Veterinary College, during an interview with Canadian radio personality Alex Pierson on May 27. ‘We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen, we never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein. So by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin..’
According to his profile, Bridle’s research focuses on biotherapies for the treatment of cancers and the way organisms respond to viruses. Since the pandemic started, his lab has been trying to develop vaccines against coronaviruses, for which he received a $230,000 grant from the Ontario government. Bridle’s interview was reposted by several publications… But researchers and health officials told there is no “mistake” and that there is no evidence to support Bridle’s claims.
[But in August 2022, the CDC – the source of this “fact check” removed these claims from their website.]
Medical Training Financed by Pharmaceutical Industry
The medical profession is being bought by the pharmaceutical industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research. The academic institutions of this country are allowing themselves to be the paid agents of the pharmaceutical industry. I think it’s disgraceful. [original citation linked below. Highlights in article here.]
– Robert G. Evans, PhD, Emeritus Professor, 2010
FDA Took Legal & Regulatory Control Over What Nature Provides
According to the FDA’s legal definition, a drug is anything that ‘diagnoses, cures, mitigates, treats, or prevents a disease. The problem with this definition is that there are numerous substances, as readily available and benign as found on our spice racks, which have been proven by countless millennia of human experience to mitigate, prevent and in some cases cure disease… The FDA has assumed for itself Godlike power, requiring that its official approval be obtained before any substance can legally be used in the prevention and treatment of disease.The FDA’s legal-regulatory control therefore is totalitarian… what it does not explicitly permit as a medicine is implicitly forbidden. Historically the FDA has required new drugs undergo expensive and elaborate multi-phased clinical trials, which are out of the grasp of any ordinary interest who might want to demonstrate the efficacy of a non-patentable (and therefore unprofitable) herb, food or spice
– April 23, 2019
FDA Corrupted and “Fundamentally Broken,” Say FDA Scientist Whistleblowers
The FDA is riddled with politics, conflicts of interest and outright corruption, and is, as the letter says, “fundamentally broken.” Written by a group of scientists on FDA letter head — but with their names blacked out for fear of retaliation — the letter describes a nightmare of bungling and self-dealing among higher-ups at the drug safety agency. It begs Obama to step in and reform the shop: “… Many other FDA managers who have failed to protect the American public, who have violated laws, rules, and regulations, who have suppressed or altered scientific or technological findings and conclusions, who have abused their power and authority, and who have engaged in illegal retaliation against those who speak out, have not been held accountable and remain in place.”
– CBS News
Pregnant Women Assured They Can Take a Medicine That Negatively Influences Brain Development in Utero
Pregnant women have long been assured that acetaminophen can treat their aches, pains and fevers without bringing harm to the babies they carry. Now researchers say they have found a strong link between prenatal use of the medication and cases of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in children. The results, published … in the journal JAMA Pediatrics, add to growing evidence that the active ingredient in Tylenol may influence brain development in utero.
– Acetaminophen in Pregnancy Linked to ADHD in Kids, Study Finds
More on Devastating Outcomes of Acetaminophen Use, A Drug Constantly Promoted by Medical Doctors as Safe
The women filing the lawsuits allege that the acetaminophen that they took while they were pregnant caused their children’s neurological problems. They say there are more than 20 peer-reviewed studies that have found an association between the development of brain disorders and the use of the over-the-counter analgesic drug, which was licensed in the mid-1950s and is the most widely used physician-recommended pain reliever world-wide. Plaintiff attorneys specifically cite a 2018 study by Hebrew University of Jerusalem published in the American Journal of Epidemiology on Apr. 24, 2018 that found a 30 percent increase in the relative risk of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children, whose pregnant mothers took high amounts of the drug, and a 20 percent increase in relative risk of autism spectrum disorder (ASD).1 2 4 5
– October 6, 2022
Getting Off Antidepressants Harder Than Opiates
[Antidepressant] drugs were originally intended and approved for short-term use, to get someone through a six- to nine-month crisis… ‘Psychiatry is now training doctors to put people on psychiatric drugs and never take them off,’ claims Peter Breggin, a Harvard-trained psychiatrist who has become a vocal critic of psychiatry and a prolific author, focused today on weaning patients from drugs…
Thousands, if not millions, of people who are on antidepressants want to get off them — for reasons that range from unwanted side effects (including sexual dysfunction, emotional numbing and weight gain) to a nagging desire to know who they are without them. Still others, told they had a serotonin deficiency, feel they were needlessly diagnosed and prescribed from the get-go, and now want to put that belief to the test. Whatever the motivation, they are finding that withdrawing is no easy feat — especially considering this startling fact: There is absolutely no psychiatric protocol to guide them…
Brogan, an MIT-educated physician whose entire psychiatry practice is focused on helping patients get off their psychotropic medications, and who has not written a prescription since 2010, says, “These drugs are more habit-forming than any chemicals on the planet — more than alcohol, cocaine, crack, Oxycontin. I could taper someone off of an opiate in days, but sometimes, with these meds, you need years to come down sometimes by a milligram.”
– In Recovery — From Antidepressants
Doctors Not Trained in Pain Management or Addiction; Have Written Opioid Prescriptions Even After an Overdose
Doctors have relatively little training in safely managing chronic pain and treating addiction. Whether in medical school or in residency training, very little curricular time is devoted to helping doctors safely prescribe pain medications, recognize patients at high risk for overdose, intervene when patients need to be taken off of opioids, and adequately treat opioid addiction.
– Harvard Medical School
Psychotropic Drugs Lack Benefit and Are Immensely Harmful
Dr. Gøtzsche is the head of a Cochrane center of research, an organization recognized for their lasting commitment to solid, ‘gold-standard’ science and truth in research… He says, “Given their lack of benefit, I estimate we could stop almost all psychotropic drugs without causing harm — by dropping all antidepressants, ADHD drugs, and dementia drugs (as the small effects are probably the result of unblinding bias) and using only a fraction of the antipsychotics and benzodiazepines we currently use. This would lead to healthier and more long lived populations. Because psychotropic drugs are immensely harmful when used long term, they should almost exclusively be used in acute situations and always with a firm plan for tapering off, which can be difficult for many patients. We need new guidelines to reflect this. We also need widespread withdrawal clinics because many patients have become dependent on psychiatric drugs, including antidepressants, and need help so that they can stop taking them slowly and safely.
– Dr.
Blind Trust of the Medical System Proven Harmful
The preceding information reveals the corruption, malpractice and incompetence of mainstream medical institutions and related organizations. This information is important to comprehend so as to dispel any false trust you have with these institutions — which could cost you or your loved ones their life. That said, one should be intelligent with their health choices. We are not advocating for completely abandoning all modern medical services. We are simply encouraging you not to trust the system blindly. Be sure to ask plenty of questions, get second opinions, and do your own research as much as possible. We do not live in a world where one can blindly trust any government-dependent institution.
– Massive Federal Sweep Nabs 60 Doctors
Experienced Heart Surgeon Points to Ineffectiveness of Statin Drugs & How Diet is the Key Cause & Cure – Mainstream Medicine Continues with Pharmaceuticals & Surgery
A physician’s word is often taken very seriously and with little skepticism. An opinion from one or two doctors, when made in a professional office or hospital, can persuade a worried patient to take drugs with complex side-effects, or even undergo traumatic treatments such as radiation and chemotherapy. Yet, when the same doctors, with years of experience and thousands of satisfied customers, give an opinion that questions a therapy established by mainstream medicine, the mainstream media calls them irresponsible, or quacks, or even criminals…
Dr. Dwight Lundell [is] an experienced heart surgeon and retired Chief of Staff and Chief of Surgery at Banner Heart Hospital in Mesa, Arizona. He[said]: ‘We physicians with all our training, knowledge and authority often acquire a rather large ego that tends to make it difficult to admit we are wrong. So, here it is. I freely admit to being wrong. As a heart surgeon with 25 years experience, having performed over 5,000 open-heart surgeries, today is my day to right the wrong with medical and scientific fact… These recommendations [see article for specifics] are no longer scientifically or morally defensible.‘
Lundell’s statement regarding the medical establishment’s approach to treating heart disease caused a ripple in the medical industry. It challenged the validity of statins – commonly known as cholesterol-lowering medications – such as Lipitor, Crestor, Zocor, and others… Statins are big business. In the United States alone, about 25% of the population takes statin medications… The statin industry is estimated at around $30 billion in sales per year. Nevertheless, in the United States, more die each year of heart disease than ever before… Lundell went on to say:
‘The discovery a few years ago that inflammation in the artery wall is the real cause of heart disease is slowly leading to a paradigm shift in how heart disease and other chronic ailments will be treated… I have peered inside thousands upon thousands of arteries. A diseased artery looks as if someone took a brush and scrubbed repeatedly against its wall. Several times a day, every day, the foods we eat create small injuries compounding into more injuries, causing the body to respond continuously and appropriately with inflammation. While we savor the tantalizing taste of a sweet roll, our bodies respond alarmingly as if a foreign invader arrived declaring war. Foods loaded with sugars and simple carbohydrates, or processed with omega-6 oils for long shelf life have been the mainstay of the American diet for six decades. These foods have been slowly poisoning everyone.‘
– Alex Pietrowski, Waking Times 2018
“Pharmaceutical Companies & Their Foot-Soldier Doctors”
In 2011, doctors wrote 4.02 billion prescriptions for drugs in America. That’s an average of roughly 13 prescriptions for each man, woman, and child. That’s about one new prescription every month for every American. The Medical News Today article concluded, “…the industry should be heartened by the growth of the number of prescriptions and spending.” Yes, I’m sure the drug industry is popping champagne corks.
What are the effects of all these drugs? We are looking at a supreme Trojan Horse that is rotting out America and all other countries from the inside… debilitating and ruining and terminating lives. Many sources can be cited to confirm this assessment… The LA Times published an article by one of the best medical reporters in the business, Linda Marsa: “When Good Drugs Do Harm.” … On July 26, 2000, the Journal of the American Medical Association published the most stunning mainstream estimate of medical-drug damage in history: “Is US health really the best in the world?” The author was Dr. Barbara Starfield, a respected public-health researcher at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. Starfield concluded that medical drugs were killing Americans at the rate of 106,000 per year. …Countries of the world are literally being assaulted by pharmaceutical companies and their foot-soldier doctors. It’s chemical warfare… We need an all-out rebellion against the Pharmacopoeia. In case anyone thinks the FDA, the single agency responsible for certifying drugs as safe and effective, has “overlooked the problem,”… [consider] the following statement on the FDA’s own site: “Over 2 MILLION serious ADRs [Adverse Drug Events] yearly; 100,000 DEATHS yearly.” The only thing missing is: “And we, the FDA, said the drugs were safe.”
– John Rappaport, 2019
The Genesis of Western Medicine: Petrochemical Business
Rockefeller is probably most famous for securing a monopoly in America’s oil market, but many people haven’t heard the rest of the story. By the turn on the 20th century, Rockefeller controlled 90% of all petroleum refineries in America… Concurrently, around 1900, the science world was getting excited about new “petrochemicals” and the ability to create a variety of new of compounds from oil… During this same era (early 1900’s) scientists were doing groundbreaking work to understand the basic mechanics of life and human health. It was during this time that most of the essential vitamins were discovered, including B1, B2, Biotin, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, etc. By identifying these vitamins science took a huge step forward and enabled simple vitamin remedies to cure conditions that were cause by vitamin deficiencies (such as scurvy and rickets). And of course, scientists were also involved in research to re-create synthetic versions of these vitamins in a laboratory. In 1935, Vitamin C became the first vitamin to be artificially synthesized in Switzerland. Rockefeller was smart enough to see this as a big opportunity, with the possibility that vitamins and medications could be developed from petroleum. He saw the chance to control and monopolize multiple industries at once: petroleum, chemical and medical. And of course, petrochemicals were ideal from a business perspective because they could be patented, owned and sold for high profits. But there was a big problem with Rockefeller’s plan. Natural and herbal medicines were very popular in America during the early 1900s. Almost one half the medical colleges and doctors in America were practicing holistic medicine, using extensive knowledge from Europe and Native American traditions. Rockefeller knew that to get total control of the medical industry he would have to expunge the competition. Rockefeller’s first move was to use his vast wealth (from oil) to purchase part of the German pharmaceutical company I.G. Farben. (look up Farben’s involvement in WWII). Now that he controlled a drug manufacturing company he could move forward with his plan to eliminate the competition.
– How Rockefeller Created the Business of Western Medicine
Medical Doctors Assure Patients About Lab-Created Medicines That Later Prove Wrong
Aspirin is taken faithfully by millions every day as a preventive measure against heart attack, often without the user having any awareness of the serious health risks associated with it, some potentially fatal. You can view over 60 adverse effects of aspirin on the’s aspirin research page if you have any doubts about how serious a concern this is. Indeed, only a few days ago, the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) published a final recommendation statement on aspirin advising AGAINST starting its use for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in individuals aged 60 years or older. A battery of mainstream news media headlines followed their announcement, such as: NPR: Older adults shouldn’t start a routine of daily aspirin, task force says, ABC NEWS: Aspirin no longer recommended to prevent 1st heart attack, stroke for most adults over 60, CNN: Task force’s updated guidelines do not recommend daily aspirin for heart health for most adults.
– The Aspirin Alternative Your Doctor Never Told You About
Doctors Demonstrate 17-Year Time Lag in Implementing Evidence-Based Changes
A 2013 study published in the respected Mayo Clinic Proceedings confirmed that a whopping 40 percent of current medical practice should be thrown out. Unfortunately, it takes an average of seventeen years for the data that exposes inefficacy and/ or a signal of harm to trickle down into your doctor’s daily routine, a time lag problem that makes medicine’s standard of care evidence-based only in theory and not practice.
– Kelly Brogan MD, A Mind of Your Own
Thalidimyde Prescribed for Morning Sickness
Louise was born at Chase Farm Hospital in Enfield, Hertfordshire, on 23 June 1962 to David and Vicki Mason. Her mother had been prescribed thalidomide to prevent morning sickness.
‘Like the other parents of thalidomide babies, I’m sure they were expecting a fully formed baby and some of us didn’t have arms, some of us didn’t have legs, some of us didn’t have arms or legs. Some of us had facial disfigurements and some were so deformed that they couldn’t survive.’
– The Guardian
Pharmaceutical Madness Has No Limits
I have clinical notes [while under the “care” of Dr. Joseph Biederman, chief of child psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital] from when I was 12 until I was 16. Within those four years alone he had me on varying combinations of 16 different medications including mood stabilizers, anti-anxiety medications, tranquilizers, anti-depressants, an anti-epileptic medication that he believed could treat bipolar, anti-psychotics, and stimulants to counteract the fatigue I experienced from the other medications. When I was 12, I experienced lithium toxicity at a dose of 1050mg per day, so he switched me to Neurontin, a drug that has since been found to halt the formation of new synapses in the brain.
– May 29, 2019
Where Do Medical Doctors Get Their Information?
The Cochrane Collaboration…has found that prescription drugs are the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer. And when it comes to psychotropic drugs, the… Collaboration’s founder, Dr. Peter Gotzsche [said] “Our citizens would be far better off if we removed all the psychotropic drugs from the market, as doctors are unable to handle them. It is inescapable that their availability creates more harm than good.”
By and large, doctors are not bad people. They are smart individuals who work hard, investing money, blood, sweat, and tears into their training. But where do doctors get their information? Whom are they told to trust? Have you ever wondered who’s pulling the strings? Some of us in the medical community are beginning to speak up and to expose the fact that our training and education is, for the most part, bought…
My entire training was based on a model of disease care that offers patients only one tool — a drug — and never a shot at true wellness. We’ve handed over our health to those who seek to profit from it, and we’ve been buying into a paradigm based on the following notions: We are broken. Fear is an appropriate response to symptoms. We need chemicals to feel better. Doctors know what they are doing. The body is a machine requiring calibration (via drugs). A little too much of this, too little of that. I call this collective set of notions the Western Medical Illusion. It sets up a vicious system that ushers you into lifelong customer status, dependent and disempowered.
– Kelly Brogan MD, A Mind of Your Own
PubMed.Gov: “Prescription Drugs Kill Us in Large Numbers”
Our prescription drugs are the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer in the United States and Europe. Around half of those who die have taken their drugs correctly; the other half die because of errors, such as too high a dose or use of a drug despite contraindications. Our drug agencies are not particularly helpful, as they rely on fake fixes, which are a long list of warnings, precautions, and contraindications for each drug, although they know that no doctor can possibly master all of these. Major reasons for the many drug deaths are impotent drug regulation, widespread crime that includes corruption of the scientific evidence about drugs and bribery of doctors, and lies in drug marketing, which is as harmful as tobacco marketing and, therefore, should be banned. We should take far fewer drugs, and patients should carefully study the package inserts of the drugs their doctors prescribe for them and independent information sources about drugs such as Cochrane reviews, which will make it easier for them to say “no thanks”.
Lobbying More Effective than Research in Influencing Medical Prescriptions
In 1993, the Joint National Committee on … High Blood Pressure concluded that diuretics and beta-blockers are the preferred choice for initial hypertension drug therapy because they… reduce… morbidity and mortality in controlled clinical trials. Surprisingly, between 1992 and 1995, prescriptions for diuretics decreased by 50 percent and for beta-blockers by nearly 40 percent. On the other hand, prescriptions for calcium channel blockers, a heavily-promoted, expensive, newly developed hypertension treatment, rose by 13 percent. Why are these more expensive, possibly inferior drugs being prescribed instead of clinically recommended, evidence-based medications?
One reason is that during this time, the pharmaceutical industry spent more than $14 billion marketing their products in the form of samples, direct mailing and pharmaceutical representative consultations.
– The Pharmaceutical Industry’s Role in U.S. Medical Education
Medical Professionals Responsible for Drug Abuse
The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has charged 60 doctors, nurses, and pharmacists with having illegally handed out millions of prescriptions for opioids in a pattern of malpractice that fed the flames of the ongoing opioid addiction crisis.
– April 22, 2019
Tuskegee Experiment: Doctors Conducted Inhumane Research
Doctors for the U.S. government recruited unwitting subjects through lies and bribery and then conducted inhumane research on them. The doctors withheld treatment, watching the victims suffer the effects of untreated syphilis, including blindness, insanity and death.
- In 1932, doctors from the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) told 399 men with latent syphilis they were being treated for general ailments when in fact they were being unwittingly used in an inhumane research study.
- The men were only given placebos despite the fact that penicillin was the recommended treatment for syphilis.
- The participants were primarily sharecroppers, and many had never before visited a doctor; they had been recruited with fliers promising “colored people” special treatment for “bad blood” (a catchall term for a variety of ailments).
177 Horrific Experimental Treatments in the Name of “Medical Research”
This report of 177 experimental treatments details unethical treatment of humans in the name of “medical research.” It begins in 1845 with Surgical Experiments on Slaves. Some of the early 1900s horrors include U.S. Army Infects Philippine Prisoners with Bubonic Plague, Rockefeller Study Infects Patients with Syphilis, and Orphans Submitted to Psychological Abuse. By the 1940s, U.S. Exposes Thousands of Soldiers to Mustard Gas; University of Chicago Study Infects Psychiatric Patients with Malaria; Soldiers, Sex Workers, Mental Patients, and Prisoners Infected with Venereal Diseases; and U.S. Navy Uses Chemicals as Truth Serums. The 1950s included CIA Doses Thousands of Soldiers in Attempt to Hypnotize and Control; Dow Chemical, Johnson & Johnson, and U.S. Army Exposes Prisoners to Herbicides; Sloan-Kettering Study Infects Patients and Prisoners with Cancer Cells; CIA Tortures Subjects in Interrogation Experiment; U.S. Army Exposes Soldiers to Biological and Chemical Weapons; and Mentally Disabled Children Injected with Hepatitis. In the 1960s, Childhood Acne Study Continues Despite Severe Liver Damage; U.S. Army Funds Hallucinogen Study on Prisoners and U.S. Army Releases Biological Weapon In NYC Subways. Soon thereafter, these institutions got much better at hiding their “work” and the evidence gets harder to obtain and is more often in the form of whistleblower reports than institutional documentation. In 2004, AstraZeneca Study Forces Patient to Participate, Resulting in Death and in 2020, the U.S. Government Approves and Compels Experimental COVID-19 Drug Despite Safety and Efficacy Concerns.
See also: Government Programs Including Criminal & Unethical Treatment of Civilians
Prescription Drugs Kill But Safe Alternatives Are Suppressed
Prescription drugs kill nearly fifteen times as many Americans per year than the casualty toll of domestic terrorist attacks from over thirteen years combined, but still natural alternatives are suppressed and maligned despite a growing body of evidence supporting their far greater safety and efficacy
– March 22, 2021
Medicine is Powerful Business, You Can’t Say Cherries Cure Gout Even if It’s True
We have entered an era where medicine no longer bears any resemblance to the art and science of healing. The doctor no longer facilitates the body’s innate self-healing capabilities with time, care, good nutrition and special help from our plant allies. To the contrary, medicine has transmogrified into a business enterprise founded on the inherently nihilistic principles of pure, unbridled capitalism, with an estimated 786,000 Americans dying annually from iatrogenic or medically-caused deaths…
The herbs and foods themselves have now been both vilified as dangerous and lampooned as completely ineffectual, generating the ridiculous contradiction that … they are both impotent and unsafe.
Given these circumstances confidence in the safety and efficacy of natural substances in the prevention and treatment of disease has not only waned, but the positive association between food and healing has been outright denied by medical authorities. It is illegal for non-doctors to make health claims for natural substances even if thousands of years of use in folk medicine and a vast emerging body of scientific research now confirms their benefits. You can’t say cherries cure gout even if its true. (truth is no longer the criteria that decides what you can or cannot say).
– July 16, 2022
Why Isn’t Acupuncture Commonly Recommended by Medical Doctors?
Acupuncture has been widely studied for its potential against chronic pain. In one of the largest studies to date on the relationship, a meta-analysis involving almost 18,000 patients found that acupuncture can effectively treat chronic pain, serving as “more than a placebo.” However, the scientific literature shows that stimulating certain points on the body… may go well beyond alleviating pain. Here are seven reasons to try acupuncture for better health today.
– Seven Top Reasons to Try Acupuncture
Suppression & Ridicule of Healing Resources: The Rife Machine
The history of medicine is replete with stories of genius betrayed by backward thought and jealously, but most pathetically, by greed and money… Orthodox big-money medicine resents and seeks to neutralize and/or destroy those who challenge its beliefs. Often, the visionary who challenges it pays a heavy price for his ‘heresy.’ … [Rife] developed a universal cure which could make most drugs obsolete…
In one of the blackest episodes in recorded history, this remarkable electronic therapy was sabotaged and buried by a ruthless group of men. It has re-emerged in the underground medical/alternative health world only since the mid-1980’s. This is the story of Royal Raymond Rife and his fabulous discoveries and electronic instruments. If you have never heard of Rife before, prepare to be angered and incredulous at what this great man achieved for all of us only to have it practically driven from the face of the planet… Of course, some may regard this as just an amusing piece of fiction. However, for those who are willing to do some investigating on their own, there will be mentioned several highly-respected doctors and medical authorities who worked with Rife, as well as some of the remarkable technical aspects of his creation. So let’s now turn to the story of the most amazing medical pioneer of the 20th century.
– Royal Raymond Rife
Medical Doctors Not Trained nor Incentivized to Promote the Conditions for Health & Wellness
This simple shamanic principle has shaped my work and my personal life like no other for the past 30 years:
If you create the conditions for health then disease simply goes away by itself.
Ancient Energy Medicine is based on the idea that we have to be in right relationship with nature. Your health is the product of your lifestyle, of your connection to nature, how you pray, how you forgive, and the beliefs that you hold. Society has given us a set of beliefs that tell us exactly how we’re going to die, not how to live… So why not cultivate a healthier, more joyous way of being to avoid the disease care system of the West and create exceptional health – physically, emotionally and energetically? You have all the resources you need to have your health span equal your lifespan.
– Alberto Villoldo PhD, Medical Anthropologist
What You Can Do
The only time you have control over is Now. A person can only feel or act or pay attention in the Now.
And with each Now moment, it’s possible to pause and take a conscious breath, observing what’s happening with a sense of curiosity. One moment at a time, you can peacefully choose to be in the power of you heart, to be free of subconscious programming, and to make your own choices.
- Begin quietly, with an inner focus. — What You Can Do and Where to Start: Proactive Empowerment & Human Resilience
- Get perspective. — The World as it Really Is. Making Sense of What Doesn’t Make Sense. The Great Awakening.
- Realize your power and take it back, step-by-step. — Become Aware of Where You’ve Given Your Power Away to Authorities & Systems That Shouldn’t Have It. Decide to Reclaim It.
- Go local. — The Failure of Systems. The Power of People. The Case for Going Local.
The End of a Cycle, and the Beginning of a New One — The One We Choose to Create
Prophecies from the Mayan Calendar, Nostradamus and the Bible indicate that we are now living in ‘the end times’. Not necessarily the end of time, but certainly the end of time as we know it, the end of a cycle. Many of the ancient seers were able to see so far into the future and then no more. We are coming to a blank page, the beginning of a new chapter which we are yet to write. What this new chapter looks like is up to us.”
– A New Chapter by Dana Mrkich