Covid-19, Bird Flu, Virus X
Reporting from independent journalists, scientists, healthcare providers and whistleblowers. More than 1,500 articles and videos organized by subject, date and author so you can get right to what you need. Includes testimony of more than 600 professionals who have publicly blown the whistle on official narratives, mandates and protocols.

Censorship, Suppression & Narrative Control
If you believe that fact checkers and gatekeepers of information serve a valid purpose (such as ensuring accuracy or restraining hate speech), then it’s necessary to evaluate how the power you’ve entrusted is being wielded. If, on the other hand, you believe that people have a right to communicate without surveillance and censorship, then it’s necessary to know what information is being manipulated, and by what means (so that you can work around the systems of control and work with others to create more transparent solutions).

Consciousness Expansion & Ascension
What it means to evolve or expand your consciousness and to raise your vibration. Discussions about the leap of consciousness called ascension.

Gov’t Crimes Against Civilians
Quickly view a summary of U.S. government projects that have included criminal and unethical actions against civilians. Go deeper to view direct evidence.

The Enemies of Truth
Knowledge is power. Educate yourself on the strategies you’ve been trained to overlook: power abuse, compartmentalization, censorship, social engineering, etc.

Official Testimony: ET Cover-up
Quickly access the testimony of over 80 military and intelligence agents, astronauts, pilots and professionals.

Extraterrestrials: Why it Matters
Evidence of the presence of extraterrestrial visitors and an official cover-up is overwhelming. But why does it matter?

For Whistleblowers
Truth-tellers and independent thinkers: review considerations for preparing your articles and presentations, plus select free downloadable material you can use in your own content.

Sociopaths & Psychopaths
Get up-to-speed on the psychopathic personality, the prevalence of these people in positions of power, and ways to protect yourself.

Deep State / Shadow Gov’t
What is the Deep State? Is it the same as the Shadow Government? The Illuminati? The Elite? What’s the point?

Trauma-Based Victimization
View extensive, clear evidence around how the natural human response to trauma is used for manipulation and mind control.