The Tools & Strategies of Censorship & Narrative Control
Framing a Problem to Manufacture Consent for a Particular "Solution"
Fact Checking, Misinformation, Disinformation Industry
Replacing Journalists with Stenographers
Suppression of Research & Evidence for Corporate Interests
Here we bring together many sources on this subject so that no matter what you’re looking for in the moment, you can find helpful resources. Use the contents to jump to what you’re most interested in each time you visit, and select links to verify and review sources. You’re welcome to freely copy and use anything here as your own.
Why Censorship Matters
If you believe that fact checkers and gatekeepers of information serve a valid purpose (such as ensuring accuracy or restraining speech that causes harm), then it’s necessary to oversee those gatekeepers to evaluate how the power you’ve entrusted is being wielded.
If, on the other hand, you believe that people have a right to communicate without surveillance and censorship, then it’s necessary to know what information is being controlled, and by what means. This enables you to work around the systems of control and to work with others to create solutions.
Consider this (ironic) example of censorship: NYU canceled a course dedicated to teaching students to think critically, including how to critique research and recognize propaganda.
20-min — For 20 years, NYU professor Mark Crispin Miller has been teaching a popular course on recognizing propaganda. Here he describes how he was censored in 2020, followed by NYU canceling the course and prohibiting Miller from teaching it.
One effect of being on the receiving end of significant censorship and propaganda is not understanding how people could hold a perspective different from your own. In reality, with open sharing of information, it’s not particularly difficult to understand why someone has the viewpoint they do. A common tool of education in the 20th century was debate. Every student was expected to be capable of presenting compelling evidence for either side of an argument. That requires digging into a subject from multiple perspectives until you have a reasonably complete understanding of it. If, instead, you have no idea why others would hold a particular viewpoint, or you believe that no matter how many people have it, they must be “crazy,” this is a clear indication of inaccurate or incomplete information.
People naturally have different perspectives and, of course, we don’t all agree. But it’s not a natural occurrence to feel there are only two ways to think, and that one of them is dead wrong. We can see how this is unnatural by simply viewing small children who do not judge others, but seek to include and understand them. Divisive thinking is often a result of unknowingly being the victim of narrative control (that benefits a third-party, which uses suppression, censorship and dehumanization to serve an agenda). Covid protocols are an obvious example. No matter your perspective on vaccines or masking, if you can’t succinctly describe a number of reasonable reasons why some people chose to be vaccinated or wear a mask, and why some people chose not to be vaccinated or wear a mask, then you lack the information needed to regain your natural ability to empathize. Believing that someone is stupid or selfish is not a reasonable reason. The point here is that we must seek to be well-enough informed to understand how another has come to their conclusion. Censorship and narrative control is completely contrary to this endeavor, resulting instead in reducing the available information. Again, you may not agree with another person’s perspective, but you should be able to understand it. If you don’t, it’s a sign that you lack information, which may mean you’re the victim of information suppression and narrative control.
Partisan divides are due in part to suppression, censorship and narrative control which leads people to believe that they are well-enough informed when in fact they are in the dark about key information. For example, the media, may feed us quotes out of context. Or, we may be prescribed a medical intervention without being told that it hasn’t been properly researched. There are many factors that may lead to particular belief systems, including experiences related to trauma, safety, authority, economic resources, health and lifestyle, family dynamics, formal education, and so on. Beliefs may be supporting a person or hurting them. When beliefs become particularly unhealthy and divisive, it is often because natural, healthy intentions have been subverted into belief systems and social norms that limit information to benefit an agenda. For example:
- The universal desire for access to clean water may be redirected from demanding the end to toxic chemicals in farming and manufacturing, to trusting the EPA (which has been betraying the American people for decades) and relying on drinking water from corporations selling water in plastic bottles.
- The natural, universal desire for emotionally healthy kids may be redirected from seeking foods unadulerated with sugars and artificial ingredients that affect mood and health, to relying on medical “professionals” educated only in pharmaceuticals to prescribe drugs to kids.
The Tools & Strategies of Censorship & Narrative Control
See below to learn more about these tools and strategies that are used to control access to information:
- Fact checking, misinformation, disinformation industry (Facebook Fact Checking, Snopes, NewsGuard, etc)
- Suppression of research and evidence for corporate interests
- Replacing journalists with stenographers
- Governments usurping control over speech

- BIG TECH / TECH GIANTS — A few large corporations that have excessive power and influence on society, markets and information, including Alphabet (Google & YouTube), Amazon, Apple, Meta (Facebook & Instagram), and Microsoft
- BOOK BURNING — Refers to multiple times in history when books, a primary source of knowledge, inspiration and wisdom, were burned by oppressors and war victors to censor the information within them (including Libraries in Nazi Germany, the Library of Alexandria and many others; when used to refer to current events, it means censorship
- BOT — “The traditional definition of an online bot is a software application that posts automatically. However, in common usage, it is more often used to describe any anonymous online identity who is secretly incentivized to post according to specific narratives on behalf of an outside interest.” (source)
- CENSORSHIP — To suppress or delete something as objectionable (dictionary)
- DISINFORMATION — “Any information shared by a person who knows it to be false. Disinformation is synonymous with lying.” (source)
- FIRST AMENDMENT — Refers to the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution which states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” The first amendment refers only to government censorship and is not legally enforceable with corporations.
- MISINFORMATION — “Information that is not completely true, regardless of the intent behind it… Technically, under the broadest definition, all human thoughts and statements other than absolute mathematical axioms are misinformation, because [they] are generalizations based on subjective beliefs and experiences, none of which can be considered perfectly true…. Because no particular ‘degrees’ of misinformation can be defined, an official with a license to censor misinformation could censor virtually any statement at any time and justify their action, correctly, as having censored misinformation.” (source)
- MONOPOLY — A sector or industry dominated by one corporation, firm or entity
- MONOPOLIZE — To dominate
- OLIGOPOLY — A market or industry dominated by a small number of power-holders
- PROPAGANDA — Any organized attempt to move large numbers of people to, or away from, some thought or action (Mark Crispin Miller PhD); in contrast to persuasion through argument, propaganda uses sub-rational manipulation

When people seek out information, they might use a variety of resources such as books, email, social media, videos, blogs, mainstream media, independent media, corporate promotions, medical and scientific journals, or publications sponsored by government or government-sponsored organizations. No matter the content source, the on-ramp or delivery mechanism is most often the Internet. Lynne McTaggart is an award-winning journalist and author of the groundbreaking book, The Field, demonstrating high integrity and scientific accuracy while offering leading edge interpretrations. In 2019, McTaggart wrote about censorship, pointing out that the Internet is something much greater than a delivery mechanism.
[Internet searching] is the portal through which we discover facts, make connections, interpret the world.
– Lynne McTaggart, When Big Brother Went High Tech
McTaggart is pointing out that the Internet isn’t simply a tool, but has enormous influence on people’s thinking and worldview.
Many Internet-based communication platforms have fallen victim to a centralization of power that presides over the experience of tremendous numbers of people. Examples include web browsing and social media where two massive corporations have excessive power via the platforms of Google, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram. Having established this mammoth control and influence, these services then became sources of suppression, censorship and manipulation of information. (See a long list of examples below.)
Manipulation of Social Spheres Manipulates a Society
Social media is one of the most influential aspects of modern-day life. Neurological processes within consciousness are designed to seek out social values and express them in life situations, governing a person’s self-worth as a function of how well they are accepted by their peers. Thus, one of the best ways to manipulate a society is to manipulate the social spheres.
– Justin Deschamps, Sep 12, 2019
Censors Tend to Target Those Who Endeavor to Hold the Powerful Accountable
Censorship is any deliberate suppression or prohibition of speech, whether for good or ill. In the United States and countries which have adopted its model, censorship induced by governments and their appendages is constitutionally prohibited except in the narrow category of “illegal speech”—e.g., obscenity, child exploitation, speech abetting criminal conduct, and speech that incites imminent violence. Because censorship involves the exercise of power to silence another individual, censorship is inherently hierarchical. A person who lacks the power to silence another cannot censor them. For this reason, censorship inherently reinforces existing power structures, whether rightly or wrongly… because censorship depends on and reinforces existing power structures, censors tend especially to target those who seek to hold power to account.
– A Deep Dive into Disinformation, Censorship, and Information Warfare
Framing a Problem to Manufacture Consent for a Particular “Solution”

It’s reasonable to want published information to be factually correct. Sound journalism has always taken responsibility for verifying information as factual, relying on fact checkers to verify key aspects of all reporting. However, before the arising of censorship in mainstream media and the Internet, fact checking stayed within the bounds of verifiable, unquestionable facts such as names, places, dates, quotes and so on. Still, factual information leaves room for multiple interpretations, which depend on perspective and context.
It’s become obvious that not all who publish take responsibility for verifying their content as factually correct, and it’s relatively common to see people express opinion as fact. We can presume that some sources who publish information that is false or lacking in context do so inadvertently, and some do so willfully.
In response to this situation, mainstream sources (that wish to maintain control over information) have honed this one argument: “There are people and other governments (but not us) who publish false information, sometimes inflammatory and dangerous, causing innocent people who are incapable of discerning falsities to be influenced to act in inappropriate ways. This makes our people and world unsafe, and so, authorities need to surveil and control information.”
Many Situations & Problems, Always One Authoritarian Solution
The reasons for the need to control online speech change from day to day, but the demand for that control remains a constant. Some days it’s a need to protect the citizenry from online disinformation campaigns by foreign governments. Sometimes it’s the need to guarantee election security. Sometimes it’s the need to eliminate domestic extremism and conspiracy theories. Sometimes it’s Covid misinformation. The problems change, but the solution is always the same: increased regulation of speech by monopolistic online platforms in steadily increasing coordination with the US government.
– Don’t Underestimate How Badly The Powerful Need Control Of Online Speech, Jan 14, 2022
Other Considerations Not Proposed by the Authorities: Broaden Available Information, Invite Dialogue, Make Assumptions Transparent, Demonstrate & Encourage Critical Thinking
We explain why censorship is so dangerous, and why we need, in contrast, to broaden the scope of available information and foster dialogue and critical thinking.
– Why Misinformation Bans are Misinformed and Dangerous
The authoritarian narrative is fear-based, and the “solution” is to take power from individuals and give it to systems by funneling information through gatekeepers. This means:
- The designation of “fact checkers” approved by the authorities
- Millions of tax dollars allocated for campaigns to sway opinion (to follow the medical advice of a centralized authority, for example)
- Partnerships between government authorities and corporate communication platforms to block content from being published
- Using algorithms to flag certain phrases or sources which are then censored, suppressed (via elimination from search results) or saddled with “warnings” about the subversive nature of the content, as it is contrary to “official” sources
Such authoritarian solutions have inherent flaws due to the nature of systems, including a lack of transparency around built-in assumptions, a dismissal of subtlety, and a disregard for individual uniqueness and freedoms. Even if a system can be developed to create more benefit than harm, systems are notoriously corruptible, as exemplified throughout such as here: Abuse of NDAs, Evaluating Statistics, Covid Whistleblowers & Professionals, Shadow Government Whistleblowers.

We can see here that evaluating what is true isn’t as simple as identifying if something is factual, but also about which facts and perspectives are being neglected, the agenda behind the author, who has funded research being cited, what hypotheses have been tested, and so on. Outsourcing to “systems” has proven time and again that such complexity and subtlety is not honored.
In Censorship Examples below, we see how information has been routinely censored not because it’s untrue, but because it contradicts an “authority” such as government institutions and pharmaceutical interests. For example, medical professionals, researchers and individuals who question the need for 100% compliance with pharmaceutical-based medicine are flagged by censorship authorities, and non-pharma solutions and natural immunity, among many other examples, have been severely censored and suppressed.
Are corporate and government powers and mainstream media (or mainstream medicine, research or education) reliable sources for such broad scale conclusions and recommendations? (This article investigates what it means to be “mainstream,” demonstrates the corruption of mainstream sources, and lays bare the vast difference between mainstream media and investigative journalism.)
Like all large online platforms, YouTube’s appeals process is notoriously opaque and unaccountable. These accounts could remain demonetized for months, or forever, without any clear explanation at all.
– Caitlyn Johnstone, Feb 5, 2021
Fact Checking, Misinformation, Disinformation Industry
Facebook Fact Checking
In a court filing, attorneys for Meta admit that their fact check labels aren’t based on facts at all — they’re actually just opinions. The “fact checks” that Facebook, now known as Meta, has used to silence and censor throughout the pandemic are actually just “opinions.” The stunning admission came from Meta’s own attorneys, who stated in a court filing, “The labels themselves are neither false nor defamatory; to the contrary, they constitute protected opinion.”[1]
– GreenMedInfo, Dec 22, 2021
The editor-in-chief of The British Medical Journal (BMJ), Fiona Godlee, and soon to be editor-in-chief Kamran Abbasi have criticized Facebook and their “fact-checkers” for labelling a BMJ article as false news. The two expressed a great deal of concern that the BMJ, who is a high quality source of information, has been subjected to such a false rating. Facebook has now removed at least 16 million pieces of content from its platform and added warnings to approximately 167 million others.
– British Medical Journal Editor-In-Chief Calls Out “Incompetent” Facebook “Fact Checkers”
According to Facebook’s newsroom, on May 17th, 2018, Facebook announced its partnership with The Atlantic Council to combat ‘fake news.’ … Let’s look to Ben Nimmo, a one-time NATO press officer, and Atlantic Council board member… Ben Nimmo… created a worldwide fake news story, that the mainstream media heavily ran with, calling a retired British citizen a Russian bot. The British citizen and Twitter user Ian56789 later came out on Sky News showing his real face and identity, proving Ben Nimmo was wrong about him being a Russian bot. Of course, the mainstream media didn’t go national with that story… Most people’s perception of the truth was not corrected in the end.
– The Government Funded Group Pushing Facebook Censorship
The “Utterly Fraudulent Disinformation Industry” Exists to Make Repression Appear Scientific
The new and utterly fraudulent “disinformation” industry… this newly minted, self-proclaimed expertise, grounded in little more than crude political ideology, claims the right to officially decree what is “true” and “false” for purposes of, among other things, justifying state and corporate censorship of what its “experts” decree to be “disinformation.” … These government-and-billionaire-funded “anti-disinformation” groups often masquerade under benign-sounding names: The Institute for Strategic Dialogue, The Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensics Research Lab, Bellingcat, the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project. They are designed to cast the appearance of apolitical scholarship, but their only real purpose is to provide a justifying framework to stigmatize, repress and censor any thoughts, views and ideas that dissent from establishment orthodoxy. It exists, in other words, to make censorship and other forms of repression appear scientific rather than ideological.
– Glenn Greenwald, Oct 28, 2022
Snopes, which has long presented itself as the internet’s premier fact-checking resource, has retracted 60 articles after a BuzzFeed News investigation found that the site’s co-founder plagiarized from news outlets as part of a strategy intended to scoop up web traffic. In a statement, Mr. Mikkelson acknowledged he had engaged in “multiple serious copyright violations of content that Snopes didn’t have rights to use.” From 2015 to 2019 — under the Snopes byline, his own name and another pseudonym — Mr. Mikkelson published dozens of articles that included language that appeared to have been copied directly from The New York Times, CNN, NBC News, the BBC and other news sources.
– The New York Times
Snopes Retracts 60 Articles Plagiarized by Co-Founder
New York Times, Aug 13, 2021
There are many serious questions about the biases of Snopes and some of their unscrupulous tactics, as is covered in this Forbes article. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on media corruption from reliable sources.
– email Aug 24, 2021
Why Snopes Gets an ‘F’
Dr. Joseph Mercola, Feb 5, 2019, reprinted Nov 14, 2023
– Dr. Joseph Mercola
- In their purported fact-checking of a report by CBS correspondent Sharyl Attkisson, Snopes spewed propaganda, not real facts, in an attempt to discredit the report and the potential vaccines-autism link.
- Snopes wrote the article without contacting Attkisson, who went on to state that they also listed claims she never made, then declared them to be false, and even were incorrect in one of their own claims.
- It’s dangerous to rely on any one source or group of individuals as authorities on truth, as it sets up the path for inevitable censorship.
- Industry propaganda and censorship of health and media information that strays from the mainstream is a growing problem.
Consortium News has sued NewsGuard and the U.S. government for defamation and First Amendment violations.
“The First Amendment rights of all American media are threatened by this arrangement with the Defense Department to defame and abridge the speech of U.S. media groups,” said Bruce Afran, Consortium News‘s attorney. “When media groups are condemned by the government as ‘anti-U.S.’ and are accused of publishing ‘false content’ because they disagree with U.S. policies, the result is self-censorship and a destruction of the public debate intended by the First Amendment,” Afran said. NewsGuard uses its software to tag targeted news sites, including all 20,000+ Consortium News articles and videos published since 1995, with warnings to “proceed with caution,” telling NewsGuard subscribers that Consortium News produces “disinformation,” “false content” and is an “anti-U.S.” media organization, even though NewsGuard only took issue with a total of six CN articles and none of its videos.
– Consortium News, Oct 23, 2023
Washington Post Fact Checking
Other Fact Checkers & Partnerships in the Newly Powerful Mis/Disinformation Industry
Investigative journalist Michael Shellenberger has exposed Renée DiResta, research director for the Stanford Internet Observatory (SIO), as one of the key architects behind the censorship industrial complex… Before DiResta became research director for the SIO, she was the research director for a small political consulting firm called New Knowledge LLC that created thousands of fake “Russian bots” and used other disinformation tactics to alter the outcome of a local election. DiResta’s reputation was not destroyed by this revelation. Instead, she’s been elevated to more prominent “disinformation expert” positions.
– Nov 20, 2023
6-min clip of Michael Shellenberger discussing investigation of Renee DiResta and the censorship industry.
There are various organisations, departments, projects, non-profits and initiatives that have sprung up over the past 3 years, and continue to appear, as attempts to stop the spread of so-called mis-, dis- and mal-information continues apace. For ease, we’ve documented a selection of them in the following table, along with their aims and how this is likely to impact freedom of speech, discourse and access to good science, a concept that’s been at the heart of ANH since Rob Verkerk established the organisation back in 2002… we mustn’t censor and limit the flow of information just because it doesn’t resound with one particular view. We must be exposed to a diversity of information and views and allow freedom of expression and choice, while cultivating a sense of respect and responsibility in society more generally. That just doesn’t happen under an authoritarian regime. In such regimes, respect is displaced by fear. Keeping populations in a suspended state of fear for as long as possible increasingly seems to be one of the objectives of those who are attempting to control the narrative.
– Why Misinformation Bans are Misinformed and Dangerous
In the link above, see Table 1: Organisations attempting to silence discourse. Includes information on:
- WHO infodemic response initiative
- Center for Countering Digital Hate
- FDA Rumour Control
- Poynter Institute International Fact Checking Network
- Information Futures Lab at Brown University
- Trusted News Initiative founded by the BBC
- Harvard Kennedy School’s Shorenstein Center on Media Politics and Public Policy
- The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development DIS/MIS Resource Hub
- The United Nations Countering Disinformation
- European Fact-Checking Standards Network
- Vaccine Confidence Project
See a longer list here: Report on the Censorship-Industrial Complex: The Top 50 Organizations to Know; The citizen’s starter kit to understanding the new global information cartel.
And more here: 18 Organizations Leading the Fight Against Fake News.
Replacing Journalists with Stenographers

When I left the Guardian at the height of the Snowden reporting in 2013 in order to create a new media outlet, I did not do so, needless to say, in order to impose upon myself more constraints and restrictions on my journalistic independence. The exact opposite was true: the intended core innovation of The Intercept, above all else, was to create a new media outlets where all talented, responsible journalists would enjoy the same right of editorial freedom I had always insisted upon for myself. As I told former New York Times Executive Editor Bill Keller in a 2013 exchange we had in The New York Times about my critiques of mainstream journalism and the idea behind The Intercept: “editors should be there to empower and enable strong, highly factual, aggressive adversarial journalism, not to serve as roadblocks to neuter or suppress the journalism.”
– Glenn Greenwald, Oct 29, 2020
The following comes from a email, Dec 10, 2021:
Project Censored specializes in covering the top stories which were subjected to press censorship either by being ignored or downplayed by the mainstream media each year. Project Censored is a research team composed of more than 300 university faculty, students, and community experts who annually review many hundreds of news story submissions for coverage, content, reliability of sources, and national significance. The top 25 stories selected are submitted to a distinguished panel of judges who then rank them in order of importance. The results are published each year in an excellent book available for purchase at their website,, and most major book stores. A summary of the top 25 media censorship stories of 2021 provided below proves quite revealing and most informative. Each summary has a link for those who want to read the entire article. For whatever reason the mainstream media won’t report these stories. Yet thanks to the Internet and wonderful, committed groups like Project Censored, the news is getting out. By revealing these examples of media censorship, we can stop the excessive secrecy and work together for a brighter future. Please help to spread the word, and take care.
– provides excellent research summaries on hundreds of valuable subjects. Here is a shortened version of their summary of the Top 25 Stories of 2021 Subjected to Press Censorship:
1. Prescription Drug Costs Set to Become a Leading Cause of Death for Elderly Americans (For full story, click here)
More than 1.1 million seniors in the federal government’s Medicare program could die prematurely over the next decade because they will be unable to afford the high prices of their prescription medications, according to a November 2020 study issued by the West Health Policy Center, a nonprofit and nonpartisan policy research group, and Xcenda, the research arm of AmerisourceBergen, a drug distributor.
2. Journalists Investigating Financial Crimes Threatened by Global Elites (For full story, click here)
The Foreign Policy Centre (FPC) released “Unsafe for Scrutiny,” a report about the threats faced by journalists investigating the financial misconduct that lets ‘dirty money’ flow through the world’s most powerful banks. The report reveals that global elites have been abusing their intimidating legal and financial powers by targeting reporters with defamation lawsuits, “cease and desist” letters, social media smear campaigns, trolling, verbal harassment, and even occasionally physical violence. The harassment faced by investigative journalists looking into financial crimes has a chilling effect on reporting about corruption.
3. Historic Wave of Wildcat Strikes for Workers’ Rights (For full story, click here)
Thousands of wildcat strikes erupted to challenge dangerous working conditions and confront chronically low wages for these essential positions. This wave of wildcat strikes has reached remarkable levels. A continuously updated COVID-19 Strike Wave Interactive Map had identified 1,100 wildcat strikes as of March 24, 2021, many of which the corporate media have chosen to ignore. In some cases, workers have engaged in wildcat work stoppages to advance long-standing demands for higher wages, leveraging their increased bargaining power during the pandemic to wrest pay concessions from employers.
4. “Climate Debtor” Nations Have “Colonized” the Atmosphere (For full story, click here)
The Lancet study found that the world’s richest, most industrialized nations – including the United States, Canada, members of the European Union, Israel, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan – are responsible for 92 percent of carbon dioxide emissions, while the Global South is responsible for only 8 percent. The biggest climate debtors include the United States (responsible for 40 percent of global overshoots), Russia and Germany (8 percent each), the United Kingdom (7 percent), and Japan (5 percent). The results show that the countries of the Global North have ‘stolen’ a big chunk of the atmospheric fair-shares of poorer countries, and on top of that are responsible for the vast majority of excess emissions.
5. Microplastics and Toxic Chemicals Increasingly Prevalent in World’s Oceans (For full story, click here)
Microplastics and a class of toxic chemicals known as polyfluoroalkyl substances (or PFAS) are becoming increasingly prevalent in the world’s oceans and have begun to contaminate the global seafood supply. According to a July 2020 study published in the scholarly journal Environmental Science & Technology, PFAS – a family of potentially harmful chemicals used in a range of products including carpets, furniture, clothing, food packaging, and nonstick coatings – have now been found in the Arctic Ocean. This discovery worries scientists because it means that PFAS can reach any body of water anywhere in the world and that such chemicals are likely present in our water supply. Meanwhile, researchers at the QUEX Institute have found microplastics in crabs, oysters, prawns, squid, and sardines sold as seafood in Australian markets. The new findings suggest that microplastics have invaded the food chain to a greater extent than previously documented.
6. Canary Mission Blacklists Pro-Palestinian Activists, Chilling Free Speech Rights (For full story, click here)
For an October 2020 article published by the Intercept, Murtaza Hussain interviewed a handful of pro-Palestinian activists who have been targeted by Canary Mission, an anonymously-run website, established in 2015, that seeks to publicly discredit critics of Israel as “terrorists” and “anti-Semites.” As Hussain wrote, “Canary Mission is difficult to describe as anything other than a blacklist.” One activist told the Intercept that Canary Mission has proven “very powerful in silencing people and making them think free speech is not their right. It instills a powerful sense of fear and paranoia.”
7. Google’s Union-Busting Methods Revealed (For full story, click here)
Leaked files from IRI Consultants, a union avoidance firm, obtained by Vice’s Motherboard show the disturbing lengths to which companies will go in order to derail workplace organizing. IRI Consultants is one of many union-busting firms that help businesses prevent workplace organizing by intimidating workers, tracking employee behavior, and engaging in workplace anti-union propaganda.
8. Pfizer Bullies South American Governments over COVID-19 Vaccine (For full story, click here)
In February 2021, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism (BIJ) reported that Pfizer has essentially held Latin American governments to ransom for access to its lifesaving COVID-19 vaccine. In negotiations with Argentina and Brazil, Pfizer demanded that the nations offer sovereign assets – such as federal bank reserves, military bases, and embassy buildings – as collateral for any liability resulting from future legal cases. One national official who participated in negotiations with Pfizer described its demands as “high-level bullying” that “held to ransom” the government attempting to access the vaccines.
9. Police Use Dogs as Instruments of Violence, Targeting People of Color (For full story, click here)
“It felt like I was being eaten,” recounted Joseph Malott, a 22-year-old Black student who was mauled by a police dog during a Black Lives Matter protest. Later that night, Malott became one of the approximately 3,600 Americans per year sent to the emergency room for severe bite injuries sustained during altercations with police K-9s. Although men and women of just about every age and ethnicity in all fifty states have been subjected to violent K-9 incidents, a series of 13 linked reports suggests Black men have been inordinately targeted. A majority of the dog-bite victims were Black, and most of them were unarmed and suspected by police of nonviolent crimes such as driving a stolen vehicle or burglary.
10. Activists Call Out Legacy of Racism and Sexism in Forced Sterilization (For full story, click here)
During the 20th century, at least 60,000 Americans in some 32 states were sterilized without their consent. The majority of individuals subjected to forced sterilization at the hands of the government have been people of color, inmates of jails, prisons, or institutions for people with mental illness or disabilities, and members of other marginalized and disempowered groups. Forced sterilization continues in the United States today. In 2001 alone, 148 women in California prisons underwent tubal ligation or total hysterectomies without their knowledge, and between 1997 and 2010 some 1,400 California women prisoners underwent unwanted sterilizations. YES! Magazine also reported on more recent allegations of forced sterilizations sanctioned by US officials, including charges that between October and December of 2019 an immigration detention center in Georgia “had forcibly sterilized at least five women in the custody” of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
11. Seed Sovereignty Movements Challenge Corporate Monopolies (For full story, click here)
Throughout the world, seed sovereignty activists are reclaiming the right to plant, in resistance to seed laws that threaten food security by criminalizing farmers for using diverse crops. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, 75 percent of the world’s crop varieties disappeared between the years 1900 and 2000. By reclaiming the right to plant, the seed sovereignty movement helps protect food security in a time of climate change.
12. Grave Threats to Amazon Rainforest from Domestic Industries and Global Capital (For full story, click here)
A 2020 report from Amazon Watch, entitled “Complicity in Destruction III,” shows how global corporations contribute to Indigenous rights abuses in the Brazilian Amazon. The report identifies threats including deforestation, land grabbing, and illegal fires, which, taken together, severely threaten the rights and survival of Brazil’s Indigenous people. Companies in mining, agribusiness, and energy are “directly or indirectly involved in conflicts affecting Indigenous peoples.”
13. Corporate Media Sideline Health Experts during Pandemic (For full story, click here)
Many prominent commercial TV news networks failed to provide much needed coverage by excluding the voices of independent health officials in their coverage of, and discussion panels about, the pandemic. The networks’ disregard for health experts and public interest advocates raises serious ethical concerns, as it exacerbated the risks posed by the spread of COVID-19 to the health and well-being of those watching.
14. US Factory Farming a Breeding Ground for Next Pandemic (For full story, click here)
Over the past fifty years, meat production has increased about 260 percent, mostly in the form of so-called factory farms or confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) that fulfill the US and global demand for producing cheap and plentiful animal protein. 99 percent of US meat comes from factory farms where “poor conditions and stress on the animals means that disease can emerge on the farms and spread through the herd at lightning speed.”
15. Thousands of 5G Satellites Pose Risk of Future Space Wars (For full story, click here)
The prospect of Star Wars–esque battles in space has become much more likely with the rollout of fifth generation (5G) wireless technology, powered by tens of thousands of satellites approved by the Federal Communications Commission and on track to be launched into space. 5G wireless technology is a major factor in the weaponization of space. On October 8, 2020 the Department of Defense (DOD) announced $600 million in awards to advance its 5G capabilities.
16. Femicide Census Connects UK Killings with Global Wave of Violence against Women (For full story, click here)
Fatal violence against women across the world is increasing. A November 2020 report from the UK-based nonprofit Femicide Census spanning nearly a decade found that, on average, “a woman was killed by a male partner or ex-partner every four days,” with that number increasing to every three days when the focus is expanded to include killings outside romantic relationships. These killings are typically treated as isolated incidents by law enforcement and legislators.
17. New Wave of Independent News Sources Demonetized by Google-Owned YouTube (For full story, click here)
In February 2021 independent news sources such as Progressive Soapbox, The Convo Couch, Franc Analysis, and Hannah Reloaded were demonetized by YouTube, the latest instance of YouTube penalizing independent and alternative voices by removing entire channels or videos with no explanation, raising concerns over censorship on the platform. The demonetized videos and channels were made ineligible to receive advertising revenue.
18. “Collision of Crises” for Black and Brown Survivors of Sexual Violence during COVID-19 (For full story, click here)
This study titled, “Measuring the Economic Impact of COVID-19 on Survivors of Color,” conducted by the organizations “me too” and FreeFrom examined the “compounding socioeconomic effects” of structural racism and COVID-19 on survivors of sexual violence. The study’s findings revealed a “collision of crises,” involving the intersection of systemic racial inequality with unemployment or unsafe work, food and housing insecurity, economic precarity, and lack of healthcare.
19. European Demand for Biomass Energy Propels Destruction of US Forests (For full story, click here)
Driven by demand in European Union countries, the southern United States is now the world’s largest producer and exporter of the wood pellets used to produce biomass energy. Despite popular beliefs that solar and wind power are its main sources of renewable energy, the European Union (EU) sources nearly 60 percent of its renewable energy from biomass. The true costs of biomass energy are not widely understood.
20. Proposed Domestic Terrorism Legislation Imperils Civil Liberties (For full story, click here)
The violent insurrection of January 6th, 2021, when supporters of Donald Trump unlawfully occupied the US Capitol building, threatened members of Congress, and temporarily derailed certification of the presidential election, has prompted a new wave of federal anti-terrorism statutes. The proposed legislation is unnecessary, because existing laws already cover domestic terrorism, and is especially dangerous given that new laws could be used to repress legitimate political protest.
21. Conservative Christian Groups Spend Globally to Promote Anti-LGBTQ Campaigns (For full story, click here)
Major Christian organizations, including the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and the Fellowship Foundation, have together spent close to a quarter of a billion dollars over the past 13 years campaigning against LGBTQ and abortion rights, according to a report by openDemocracy. The October 2020 report exposes “the depth of cash flowing from American Christian anti-LGBTQ and anti-abortion groups into dangerous campaigns against reproductive rights and queer rights.”
22. Dataminr Introduces Racial Bias, Stereotypes in Policing of Social Media (For full story, click here)
Dataminr is a New York company that monitors Twitter for “suspicious behavior,” which it reports to law enforcement agencies. Sources directly familiar with Dataminr’s work said that Dataminr has “relied on prejudice-prone tropes and hunches to determine who, where, and what looks dangerous.” Dataminr’s “domain experts” lacked training, creating a powerful but untrustworthy monitoring system made in the image of their own prejudices.
23. Coastal Darkening Threatens Ocean Food Chains (For full story, click here)
Researchers have been investigating how pollution and runoff alter the color and clarity of coastal waters and assessing the degree to which this darkening jeopardizes the health of ocean ecosystems. The research shows that coastal darkening has “the potential to cause huge problems for the ocean and its inhabitants.” Changes in ocean ecosystems could eventually lead to shortages of fish not only for humans, but also for other species.
24. Juvenile Justice Reform Remains Elusive (For full story, click here)
According to the Children’s Defense Fund’s 2020 report, “76,000 children are prosecuted, sentenced or incarcerated as adults annually,” with nearly ten times that number arrested nationally in a single year, and with children of color being “overcriminalized and overrepresented at every point—from arrests to post-adjudication placements.” Children of color are nearly twice as likely to be arrested in comparison to white children.
25. Abusers Benefiting from International Anti-Abduction Treaty (For full story, click here)
The Hague Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction was created to protect children from being abducted and taken away from their home countries. But abusers are now using this treaty as a way to manipulate the courts and regain custody of their children. An analysis of Hague cases found “that an overwhelming number of ‘abductors’ were really mothers escaping abuse—and that the majority of them were forced to return their children” to abusive partners.
In a separate report, Glenn Greenwald explained the far-reaching impact of NewsGuard’s labels and “warnings,” noting, for example, that students at educational institutions (where content is filtered based on such “fact checking authorities”) will not have access to Consortium News content. This situation is also covered by these sources:
- Marissa Streit, NewsGuard: Fact-Checkers with Too Much Power
- Dr. Joseph Mercola, Pharma-Funded Fact Checkers Control the Internet
Trusted News Initiative
Trusted News Initiative has become an instrumental tool for the suppression of life-saving information. Woodworth says that the TNI has participated in the suppression of the following:
– Covid Call to Humanity, Aug 18, 2021
- The source of SARS-CoV-2
- Denial of early treatments for COVID
- The voices of dissenting health professionals
- The record number of serious post-vaccination side effects and deaths
- Natural immunity is stronger than vaccinated immunity
- Evidences of pathogenic priming and ADE
- The central role of co-morbidities in serious COVID disease
Suppression of Research & Evidence for Corporate Interests

Governments Usurping Control Over Speech

The U.S. government has used many strategies to circumvent the First Amendment in order to gain the legal right to obtain information that enables censorship and control. For example:
- Propaganda — “FDA claims it will ‘save lives’ by silencing speech online, making sure no one is allowed to talk about natural medicine, prevention or cures.” (source)
- Creating regulations to gain more power — The US RESTRICT Act uses extremely broad and non-specific language, making it easier for the US government to have complete access to personal data contained on electronic devices and across the internet.
- Disregarding whistleblowers who seek to hold the government accountable — In the following report, we see video footage of Congress showing no desire to understand how the government is censoring individuals.
House [members] try to “kill the messenger” with personal attacks against investigative journalists, Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger, who testified today about the Government agencies colluding with Twitter executives to censor users of Twitter violating the first amendment using tax payer money.
– Kim Iverson
In this video, we see the Congressperson ignore the evidence and instead attack the independent journalists who published the evidence.
U.S. Federal Government Denies 78% of Information Requests
The federal government censored, withheld or said it couldn’t find records sought by citizens, journalists and others more often last year than at any point in the past decade, according to an Associated Press analysis of new data… People who asked for records under the Freedom of Information Act received censored files or nothing in 78 percent of 823,222 requests, a record over the past decade. When it provided no records, the government said it could find no information related to the request in a little over half those cases.
– AP News, Mar 12, 2018
For Nearly 40 Years, the U.S. Government Suppressed Photos of the Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
The United States engaged in airtight suppression of all film shot in Hiroshima and Nagasaki after the bombings. This included vivid color footage shot by U.S. military crews and black-and-white Japanese newsreel film… The shocking U.S. military film remained hidden for nearly four decades. While the suppression of nuclear truths stretched over decades, Hiroshima sank into “a hole in human history.”
– Huffington Post
“The Bizarre Assumption that Governments Need to Involve Themselves in Policing Online Speech Has Been Rapidly Normalizing Itself Around the Western World”
The Twitter Files show an outrageous and unacceptable amount of overlap between Twitter management and many US government agencies — including the CIA — in not just the censorship and shadowbanning of unauthorized speech but also whitelisting and amplifying actual psyops of the US military. The justifications for this have ranged from fighting “Covid misinformation” to combating “foreign influence” (the latter of which is odd because those efforts seem to have focused primarily on domestic speech), but what apparently went completely unquestioned the entire time was whether these government institutions have any business inserting themselves into the regulation of public speech at all. This bizarre assumption that governments need to involve themselves in policing online speech has been rapidly normalizing itself around the western world.
– Western Governments Keep Assigning Themselves The Authority To Regulate Online Speech
Sharing ‘Misleading Narratives’ Labeled As Domestic Terrorism by Homeland Security
While misinformation can be a problematic thing, how do we know what misinformation is and who decides that? In a perfect world, one might assume governments and governmental organizations like the CDC or the FDA are reliable sources of information. But is this actually true? Not always. Institutions like this have become political sources of information that seem to have allegiances to politicians and, at times, Big Pharma. When it comes to misinformation, who will decide what is ‘false?’ We have heard time and time again that false ‘COVID-19’ misinformation is the reason for vaccine hesitancy during COVID. While some claims around vaccines have certainly been false, many are not, and have been raised by some of the most respected scientists in the world… I’ve long talked about the obvious damage ‘fact checking’ and claims of ‘misinformation’ has on public discourse, but it seems governing institutions are dead set on continuing to posture and deal with this ‘situation’ by force. In this the DHS considers those who spread misinformation as possible “threat actors.” DHS: “Threat actors seek to exacerbate societal friction to sow discord and undermine public trust in government institutions to encourage unrest, which could potentially inspire acts of violence. “
– Joe Martino, Feb 12, 2022
When Government Actions Become Suspect, They Make Them Secret
Though the Department of Homeland Security shuttered its controversial Disinformation Governance Board, a strategic document reveals the underlying work is ongoing.
– Truth Cops, Oct 31, 2022
Canadian Government Severely Suppresses Access to News for Canadians
Canada has enacted a new law called the Online News Act that forces social media companies to compensate domestic news organizations for content shared on their platforms. While that may not sound like censorship, it has the same effect, as social media companies are now automatically removing all news links.3 To comply with the new law, Meta banned all news — both national and international news stories — from appearing in Facebook and Instagram feeds in Canada as of June 1, 2023.4 Google is also blocking all Canadian news from its search, news and discover products in Canada as of June 29, 2023.5 In other words, if you live in Canada, you cannot get any news whatsoever unless you subscribe or go to the news source in question directly.
– Dr. Joseph Mercola, Aug 28, 2023
European Union Grants Itself the Power to Enforce the Regulation of Content on the Internet
Not many people know that 16 November 2022 was the day that freedom of speech died on the internet. This was the day the European Union’s Digital Services Act (DSA) came into law… The EU can dictate how any company worldwide must behave if it wants to operate in Europe, the world’s second-largest market. As a result, its strict regulatory standards often end up being adopted worldwide by both firms and other regulators, in what is known as the ‘Brussels effect’.
– The Authoritarian Digital Services Act Means the Death of Free Speech Online
Australian Government Grants Itself Massive New Power to Restrict Expression & Dissent
The Australian Government’s proposed new laws to crack down on misinformation and disinformation have drawn intense criticism for their potential to restrict free expression and political dissent, paving the way for a digital censorship regime reminiscent of Soviet Lysenkoism.
– Australia’s Misinfo Bill Paves Way for Soviet-Style Censorship, Aug 21, 2023
Government Bodies Routinely Hide Behind Other Organizations
Corporations and organizations are not governed by the same Constitutional standard of power limitation as that for governments. Thus, not only are hugely powerful corporations able to legally censor free speech, having corporations be the owner of communication platforms (and organizations be responsible for “fact checking”), the U.S. government has a loophole to engage in censorship:
We learn how closely Twitter worked with government agencies – particularly the FBI – to shut down posts and accounts… all behind closed doors. Twitter’s contact with the FBI was constant and pervasive, as if it were a subsidiary.
– What We’ve Learned from the Twitter Files
A state organized on the principle that it exists to protect the sovereign rights of individuals is being replaced by a digital leviathan that wields power through opaque algorithms and the manipulation of digital swarms… The authorities can never be labeled as guilty of disinformation. What is disinformation? It’s “whatever they say it is.”
– The Disinformation Hoax of the Century
Jacob Seigel, Matt Taibbi, and other investigative reporters have begun to document the anatomy of the censorship leviathan, a tightly interconnected network of federal agencies and private entities receiving public funding — where much of the censorship grunt work is outsourced. The “industrial” in censorship-industrial complex should be understood literally: censorship is now a highly developed industry, complete with career-training institutions in higher education (like Stanford’s Internet Observatory or the University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public), full-time job opportunities in industry and government (from the Virality Project and the Election Integrity Partnership to any number of federal agencies engaged in censorship), and insider jargon and euphemisms (like disinformation, misinformation, and “malinformation” which must be debunked and “prebunked”).
– The Censorship Hegemon Must Be Stopped
The latest batch of revelations into the social media censorship… reveal a range of broad, often petty, censorship demands, some of which are purely requests to boost President Biden’s image and show him and his family in a better light. The revelations came as part of the discovery in the ongoing lawsuit against the government for its alleged First Amendment violations, making clear requests to silence American citizens through online platforms.
– The White House’s Most Brazen, Entitled, Social Media Censorship Demands
Another disturbing revelation, scarcely reported by the media, has emerged: the Pentagon’s alleged use of fake social media accounts as recently as last year, according to the Washington Post. While such accounts are permitted under the guise of ‘countering foreign disinformation campaigns,’ the Pentagon itself determines when such a campaign is underway. This grants them unbridled discretion to engage in covert information warfare.
– The Last American Vagabond, Nov 2, 2023
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), and the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) are nongovernmental organizations, their leaders say. When they demand more censorship… those NGOs are doing it as free citizens and not, say, as government agents. But the fact of the matter is that the US and other Western governments fund ISD, the UK government indirectly funds CCDH, and, for at least 40 years, ADL spied on its enemies and shared intelligence with the US, Israel and other governments.
– Government Intel And Security Agencies Behind NGO Demands For More Censorship
The Twitter Files show widespread censorship masquerading as “anti-disinformation” and intense collusion between government agencies, NGOs, academia, Big Tech, media, philanthropy, the intelligence community, and more… They uncover a level of corruption that is hard to grasp, much of it among the ‘anti-disinformation’ and digital rights fields where I have worked for almost 20 years. To say this is disappointing would be an incredible understatement. A 180 on what I understood to be our values.
– Censorship Masquerades and Disinformation Control
While more and more people are becoming aware that censorship is happening on social media, there are many other levels of censorship that people don’t hear much about. Payment processors, for example, are deplatforming people for views expressed online. PayPal can fine you $2,500 for infractions involving wrongthink. Banks are shutting down credit cards and bank accounts. Domains are booting people’s websites. YouTube is banning and taking down accounts. Mainstream media publishes smear pieces that get top billing in search results, which drives people away from you. Social media platforms can shadow ban you, which throttles your reach, and they can bar articles from certain websites from being shared. Google buries search results that go against a given narrative. If you have the URL to the webpage you’re looking for, you can get it. But most people don’t have that. They’re searching without knowing who has the answer. And, by default, 93% of the world’s population use Google, not realizing that Google has been progressively filtering access to articles it believes you should not have access to. Many times, you can’t even go past six pages or so of search results. It just ends there and everything on page seven and beyond is unreachable. What this means is that the days of laypeople conducting their own research online are over. You can’t do it because the results are so tightly curated. You need to know, very specifically, what you’re looking for. The answer to this dilemma is to identify sources you trust, and follow the rabbit trails they give you.
– Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mar 5, 2023
Censorship Examples
Wikipedia has become a bastion of establishment propaganda that no longer even pretends to be neutral on the controversies of the day, says Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger.
– The Expose, Nov 24, 2023
Censorship Examples
- World Economic Forum Admits Censoring Search Results, “We own the science and the world should know it.” (Sep 2022) link
- Google Search Autocomplete Denigrates Natural Health (2019) link
- Google Strikes Natural Health from Searches (2018) link
- YouTube Censors Content on CBD Oil, Saying it’s “Harmful” (2018) link
- YouTube Deleted & Punished Project Veritas for Publishing a Video Showing a Pfizer R&D Director Discussing His Perspective on “Directed Evolution” which Refers to Pfizer Mutating Covid Viruses (2023) link
- Google Employee Blows Whistle on Bias Behind Search Algorithms (2019) link
- Censored Ted Talk on Consciousness (2013) link
- Twitter Deletes Major Advocacy Account for Assange Defense (2019) link
- “Facebook Censored Me, Criticize Your Government and It Might Censor You Too” (2017) link
- YouTube Deletes Journalism (2021)
- Email Service Providers Blocked Emails to Subscribers (2019)
- Mass Censorship of Non-Pharmaceutical Healthcare (2019)
- Particular Words in Email Subject Cause Hundreds to Be Unsubscribed (2021)
- Facebook Blocks Massive Numbers of Posts (2019)
- Google Disparages Chiropractic, Naturopathy & Vitamins, Distorts Questions About Vaccine Safety (2019)
- Facebook Deletes Healthcare Research Account with Thousands of Posts (2021)
- YouTube Has Removed Nearly 1 Million Videos (2021)
- YouTube Blocks Posts from Scientists, Doctors, Academics, Media and Others (2021)
- Sharing ‘Misleading Narratives’ Labeled As Domestic Terrorism by Homeland Security (2022)
- The Facebook Files Show Brazen and Aggressive Censorship (2023) link
- Facebook Insider: Censorship in Social Media is Real (2021) link
- Twitter Silences Cuban Media (2019) link

“We own the science.”
The World Economic Forum held the Sustainable Development Impact Meetings towards the end of September 2022… In those meetings, UN officials declared that they apparently “own the science”. They also admitted to… partnering with Google to censor search results that don’t fit the official narrative and ensure their propaganda is top of the list… [and] partnering with Big Tech Social Media companies to boost propaganda messaging on things such as Covid-19 and Climate Change in order to shape public opinion [and] giving millions to social media influencers to spout their propaganda for them in order to shape public opinion.
– The Expose, Nov 10, 2023
Health Sites “Decimated” by Google
A new analysis released by Bob Troia, Twitter handle Quantified Bob, reveals how health sites have been decimated by Google in the period tracked from April 15th, 2018 to August 15th, 2019. He posted the following graphic on Twitter on August 25th, 2019, showing as high as a 99.87% decrease in visibility through Google search results, and a 81.14% drop for
– Google’s Digital Book Burn: Alternative Medicine Content Now Vanishingly Rare, Despite 1 Billion Health Searches a Day
Google Search Autocomplete Denigrates Natural Health
Following the removal of and many other natural health websites from its search results, Google is now upping the ante by trying to dictate what users search for by completing their queries with all sorts of anti-natural health propaganda. GreenMedInfo, which was recently banned by Mailchimp for sending out newsletters containing vaccine science, recently conducted an experiment of typing the words “organic is a” into Google’s search bar. Here are the autocomplete recommendations that came up:
• organic is a lie
• organic is always non gmo
• organic is a sham
• organic is a myth
• organic is a waste of money
• organic is a marketing gimmick
• organic is always non gmo logoThe same types of autocomplete suggestions appear when searching for “supplements are,” as Google wants users to believe that:
• supplements are bad
• supplements are useless
• supplements are not regulated
• supplements are bad for you
• supplements are not fda approved
• supplements are not regulated by the fda
• supplements are dangerous
• supplements are good for you
• supplements are scams
• supplements are garbageOnce again, an overwhelming majority, nine out of ten, of the autocomplete results are negative, aiming to sway Google users away from having positive opinions about supplements, let alone actually using them.
– Google Alters Search Results to Discredit Nutritional Supplements and Natural Health, Jul 14, 2019
Google Strikes Natural Health from Searches
In June 2018, Google – the portal through which we discover facts, make connections, interpret the world – decided to change its algorithms about which information gains preference on its pages. Its target was alternative and natural health. At a stroke, all information about alternative and natural health disappeared or was relegated to back pages. Dr. Joseph Mercola, a functional medicine specialist and architect of a highly popular nutritional health site, whose referenced content has been at the top of health search results for some 15 years, he says, experienced a 99 percent drop in natural search engine traffic. Our own magazine What Doctors Don’t Tell You saw its traffic halved.
– Lynne McTaggart
Biased Search Rankings Have Powerful Effects, Including the Ability to Shift Voting Preferences
Once again we find Google inverting the truth, and auto-suggesting keyword phrases that aren’t ever searched for… There is a researcher by the name of Robert Epstein who has exposed Google’s ability to manipulate millions of voters on the topic of elections alone. His seminal paper, published in PNAS and titled, “The search engine manipulation effect (SEME) and its possible impact on the outcomes of elections,” and co-authored by Ronald E. Robertson, reveals how biased search rankings can shift the voting preferences of undecided voters by 20% or more. Epstein has said in an interview that the effect can be as large as 80% within undecided voters within certain political subgroups.
– Sayer Ji, GreenMedInfo, Jun 26, 2019
YouTube Censors Content on CBD Oil
YouTube has ramped up their censorship campaign and this time, they are coming after CBD (cannabidiol) oil. Channels which discuss CBD oil will be banned because according to YouTube, it “poses a risk of serious physical harm or death.”
– The Daily Sheeple, May 18, 2018
Government Manipulation Included Even Petty Demands for Image Management
The latest batch of revelations into the social media censorship… reveal a range of broad, often petty, censorship demands, some of which are purely requests to boost President Biden’s image and show him and his family in a better light. The revelations came as part of the discovery in the ongoing lawsuit against the government for its alleged First Amendment violations, making clear requests to silence American citizens through online platforms.
– Christina Maas, Jan 13, 2023
Google Employee Blows Whistle on Bias Behind Search Algorithms
Senior Google software engineer, Greg Coppola, has dismissed the idea that Big Tech is “politically neutral” and called out his company as “very biased,” joining Project Veritas’ growing stable of whistleblowers… Algorithms “don’t write themselves – we write them to do what we want them to do,” he pointed out, explaining that even AI machine learning is “just a tool that we control.” Coppola chose Google News as an example to prove his point.
– Mac Slavo, Jul 25, 2019
Ted Talk Censors Presentation on Consciousness
3-min video from Graham Hancock in response to his 2013 TEDx Talk about consciousness being banned.
7-min video from Graham Hancock on the censorship, plus more information about the war on consciousness.
18-min video that was banned.
– Graham Hancock
Twitter Deletes Major Advocacy Account for Assange Defense
One of the biggest Twitter accounts dedicated to circulating information and advocacy for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, @Unity4J, has been completely removed from the site. The operators of the account report that they have been given no reason for its removal by Twitter staff, and have received no response to their appeals.
– Caitlin Johnstone, July 12, 2019
“Facebook Censored Me, Criticize Your Government and It Might Censor You Too”
Facebook blocked a post of mine last month for the first time since I joined it nine years ago. I was seeking to repost a blog article I had written on Janet Reno… I checked the page and saw the official verdict: “Could not scrape URL because it has been blocked.” “Pshaw!” I said, or some other one-syllable epithet. I copied the full text of the article into a new blog post. Instead of using “Janet Reno, Tyrant or Saint?” as the core headline, I titled it: “Janet Reno, American Saint.” Instead of a 1993 photo of the burning Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, I substituted an irreproachable official portrait of Reno. Bingo — Facebook instantly accepted that crosspost.
– USA Today, Oct 27, 2017
YouTube Deletes Journalism
We released a video on YouTube on August 27th 2021, it was removed within 4 hours from what YouTube claims was “Medical Misinformation.” The interesting part of this was, this was a journalistic piece exploring the way local Detroit media covered a hearing in Michigan about vaccine passports. The video contained some short snippets of a testimony from Dr. Christina Parks, who offered her expert opinion on why it would not be a good idea to mandate vaccines at this moment in time. As you will see in the video below, there are no medical claims made by myself, the journalist, and there is no push for the audience to decide on something medically based. This is honest, neutral journalism, pointing to the fact that objectively poor journalism is being done by some mainstream outlets and it’s causing a crisis in how we view science. Ironically, the video discusses how we aren’t respecting one another’s expert opinions during COVID, and instead we are walking away from science – not allowing critique, discussion, or differences of opinion during a time where the answers aren’t always clear. The Pulse appealed YouTube’s decision, but it was struck down within hours, backing up YouTube’s claims that this video contained “medical misinformation.” Interestingly, YouTube has left multiple full length videos with 100’s of thousands of views up with Dr. Christina Park’s testimony. So why was ours removed? Having been in this field for 12 years, this is obviously preposterous to me. But you check out the video below and decide for yourself.
– Joe Martino, How the Media is Creating a Sensemaking Crisis
Email Service Providers Blocked Emails to Subscribers
Dear subscribers, In the last three months, several email services have blocked many of our emails to subscribers. If your email service provider is,, or, you’ve missed and been automatically unsubscribed on ten or more of the 30 or so messages we’ve sent out. If you call and tell your service that you don’t want them to block emails from PEERS (emaillist [at], it may help to stop this. Currently, I’m having to manually add the over 150 of you back every time after this happens. Any help is greatly appreciated. You can access all of our recent emails to see what you’ve missed on this webpage. Take care, and thanks for your continuing interest. With warm wishes, Fred Burks for
– WantToKnow.Info Email Jul 3, 2019
2019 Report on Firsthand Experience with Severe Censorship
There is mass censorship afoot. Many of us have seen it coming, and now it’s a reality… Sayer of lost his newsletter provider, MailChimp, after they sent him this message and closed down his account.
He pivoted towards a more like-minded option called Ontraport, and remains an unstoppable and intrepid supporter of the science of natural medicine. Now, since June 3rd, we have witnessed an unprecedented decline in search-ability through Google. Prior to that, was averaging 225,000 impressions per month, and you can see that we have nearly flat-lined because our content is not findable without the use of the phrase in the search.
For example, we used to have first page content for terms like “psychoneuroimmunology” or “gut brain.” And now we aren’t in the first 10 (I gave up after ten pages!) of Google. Without ascribing an agenda to this Google algorithm update, it’s clear that sites like,, and are having to reconsider how we can support informed consent and natural healing options because when you know better, you do better. Much of the science that we share is widely available in its published form, however, many rely on the democratization of internet information to help in the curation and interpretation of it. So now we have to get more creative.
– Kelly Brogan MD, email Jun 24, 2019
Particular Words in Email Subject Cause Hundreds of Subscribers to Be Unsubscribed
Have you noticed that we are using very benign subject lines in our emails? We were testing to see if the subject line trips an algorithm for censoring our postings to hotmail, gmail and yahoo. It seems to be working. The last 8 to 9 days we had only 1 to 4 people get the email in spam or unsubscribed with each posting. This is normal activity. But if we use the word Galactic, Equinox / Solstice, UFO, medbeds, etc. (some words you wouldn’t think would trip an alogirthm) 100 to 135 people get unsubscribed. Then weeks later someone will email us asking why they aren’t receiving our postings. Please add our email address to your contact list. We are not the only ones experiencing this type of suppression. Lorie Ladd posted a video on this as well.
– Planetary Activation Organization, email Jul 21, 2021
Facebook Blocks Massive Numbers of Posts
We noticed an unusual phenomenon on our Facebook page. We would post articles as we always had, including many articles that had been posted on our page previously, and later that day we would notice that the posts were gone. Disappeared. Vanished without a trace. We never got any notifications about these missing posts, but if we tried to put the articles back up, they would instantly be taken down again. So we reported the problem to FB, thinking it was a robo-error that could easily be fixed. And more articles disappeared from our feed. And nothing got fixed. Then we started receiving mail from our readers, letting us know that when they tried to share or even privately message one of these ‘missing links’ from their own personal pages, they would get denied and receive a notice from FB saying that the content they were trying to share was not allowed on FB as it ‘violated community standards.’ It started with a few articles, then more, and then even more. About this time ZeroHedge reported a similar problem. Links from their website were being instantly and automatically refused by FB and no one could post these links to the social media platform. Well, Zero Hedge raised hell and because of their reach and influence, the problem was corrected for them in a matter of days, and they have not since reported any issues like this. For us, however, the list of banned links has continued to grow. I finally started keeping track of these after some time, but it is difficult because FB does not ever alert us when it does this. The only way we know that a link has been banned is because we use a program called Meet Edgar to manage our content flow to social media, and this program gives us a red flag when a link won’t go through. I have sent literally dozens of help requests and requests to review banned links, but in many months have never once received a reply from an actual person nor have any of the links been re-approved. Anyhow, I really haven’t cared enough about this to raise a stink because I know clear and well what FB is about these days. I don’t expect the organization to have integrity on issues like this. That said, I recently asked our audience if they would like to see the list of known banned articles, and of course, they said YES!!
[See article for complete list.]
• Bayer Stock Nosedives After Jury Finds Monsanto Guilty of Covering Up Cancer Risks
• Many Ordinary Meds Cause Depression – Public Trust in Pharma Hits New Low
• The Over-the-Counter Cancer Cure You’re Not Supposed to Know About
• Modern Psychology Doing its Part to Mass Produce Obedient Sheeple
• Psychedelics Shown to Heal Damaged Brain Cells from Depression
• A Therapist Explains What Happens When People Try to Quit Psychiatric Meds
• 5G – The Harmful Effects of a New Technology
• Overcoming the Myth of Authority
• The Philosophy of the Free-Range Human
• Spirit Led Activism – The True Power of the People
• Scientific Bullsh*t – How ‘Science’ is Used to Deceive the Public
• How Scientists Engineer Foods to Make Them Dangerously Addictive
– 79 Waking Times Articles That You Are Not Allowed to Post or Share on Facebook, Jul 2, 2019
Google Disparages Chiropractic, Naturopathy & Vitamins, Distorts Questions About Vaccine Safety
Previously, we’ve uncovered how Google actively disparages complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), such as chiropractic, naturopathy, and the use of vitamins, by populating their autocomplete suggestions with keywords no one is actually using. Since then, we have uncovered more concerning examples of these blatantly false distortions when it comes to questions concerning vaccine safety and efficacy.
– Sayer Ji, GreenMedInfo, Jul 31, 2019
Facebook Deletes Healthcare Research Account with Thousands of Posts
12 years, many thousands of posts, and half a million fans later, Facebook recently deleted’s professional page for “violating community standards on health misinformation that could cause physical harm.” Following a wave of censorship that began in 2019 with Google’s “digital book burning” and removal of natural health websites from their search results, and Mailchimp’s sudden deplatforming of us in 2019, growing rapidly in 2020, and reaching even more alarming proportions in the window of COVID-19 with the publication of digital hit lists intended to intimidate and spread hate and fear, Facebook has now unpublished the Greenmedinfo professional page, followed by 533,630 fans.
– Sayer Ji, GreenMedInfo, Jul 3, 2021
Twitter Censors Harvard Epidemiologist
In March, Harvard epidemiologist and vaccine expert Dr. Martin Kulldorff was subjected to censorship by Twitter for sharing his opinion that not everybody needed to take the COVID vaccine… Why are so many opinions, evidence and research receiving no mainstream media attention at all? Why are some of them ridiculed and censored? Why do we always get one narrative from government health authorities?
– Arjun Walia, May 16, 2021
Twitter Censors Senior Israeli Physician-Scientist Injured by Pfizer Vaccine
Twitter last week censored Shmuel Shapira, M.D., MPH, for suggesting a connection between the monkeypox outbreak and mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, according to a Kanekoa’s Newsletter Substack post published Wednesday. Shapira… was injured after receiving his third dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine… Shapira is a full professor of medical administration at Hebrew University and served as director of Israel’s Institute for Biological Research from 2013-2021.
– Children’s Health Defense
YouTube Removed Nearly 1 Million Videos
The Facts:
• Journalist Laurie Clarke published an article in the British Medical Journal about the censorship of science, and who Big Tech “fact-checkers” actually are.
• Facebook has removed at least 16 million pieces of content from its platform and added warnings to 167 million others.
• YouTube has removed nearly 1 million videos they claim contain “dangerous or misleading covid-19 medical information.”
Reflect On:
• Why has there been such an effort to hide information that threatens the accepted narrative we get from the mainstream?
• In history, when have those who censored ever been the one’s who were truly serving the masses?
– Arjun Walia, Jul 29, 2021
YouTube Blocks Posts from Scientists, Doctors, Academics, Media and Others
YouTube is currently in the process of taking down “anti-vaccine” activist accounts while simultaneously blocking people from posting “anti vaccine” content. Simply put, YouTube will ban any videos that claim commonly used vaccines approved by health authorities are ineffective or dangerous. The big issue many people are unaware of with regards to Big Tech censorship is the fact that legit, scientific, peer-reviewed medical literature and thousands of scientists, doctors and other academics have been caught within this dragnet of censorship. For example, in March, Harvard epidemiologist and vaccine expert Dr. Martin Kulldorff was subjected to censorship by Twitter for sharing his opinion that not everybody needed to take the COVID vaccine.
– Arjun Walia, Oct 21, 2021
The Government is Policing Opinion and Online Speech is Controlled by a Small Group
Crucial takeaways [from the Twitter Files] everyone needs to know:
1. History changed because of this:
• Hunter Biden’s alleged corruption censored
• Covid 19 lockdown debate stifled
• Trump silencedYou may agree with each decision. But there is no denying that halting information flow and free debate had real consequences.
2. Many things called conspiracy theories were true:
• FBI was working w Twitter and paid TW $ millions
• Blacklists & shadow bans were real
• US intel lobbied to censor accounts
• Covid-19 convo heavily manipulated
• Twitter rules changed & enforced by whim3. Censorship is being cloaked in the language of safety:
• ‘Safety, harm, violence’ redefined to apply to ideas
• Opinions & info deemed ‘unsafe’ subject to silencing
• Jokes, memes, questions about origin of covid off limits4. The government is policing opinion:
• FBI has 80 staff monitoring speech
• Small accounts on left and right flagged
• FBI held frequent meetings w TW
• Facebook, Youtube, and Instagram = similar?
• Private censors & police control what you say to whom.5. Social media executives lie freely:
• Twitter execs repeatedly and publicly denied shadow bans
• In reality, bans were in place as “visibility filtering”
• Ultimately, no accountability to public6. Free speech is controlled by a small group:
• Biggest decisions in Twitter Files made by 3-4 individuals
– Dec 19, 2022
• Despite misgivings and doubts, once made, decisions stuck
• Now it’s Musk.
Twitter Silences Cuban Media
Twitter has suspended multiple large Cuban media accounts for reasons the social media platform has yet to explain as of this writing, a move which journalist Dan Cohen has described as “the equivalent of silencing CNN, Fox, WaPo and NPR’s accounts” for that nation. The Union of Cuban Journalists has denounced the move as censorship.
– ZeroHedge excerpts by Stillness in the Storm
For Many Years, Scientists & Doctors Have Had Papers Retracted and Their Views Suppressed
We started a project to study the phenomena of scientific censorship and suppression of scientific dissent in the field of vaccines by interviewing scientists and doctors who had either had their papers retracted or who had faced attempts to suppress their views. Notably, the only retracted papers in the field of vaccinology that we could identify all raised questions about the safety of vaccines. And this was all BEFORE the COVID pandemic hit.
– Josh Guetzkow
Aug 2023, WHO Completely Takes Over YouTube, Censoring Independent Thought on Healthcare
Youtube’s new policies reflect the perils of scientism, namely, the policy that only peer-reviewed, published randomized clinical trials and government approved drugs are valid treatments for disease, despite uninterrupted millenia of safe, affordable, effective, accessible and cross-culturally validated approaches that rely on food-based, herbal and vitamin/nutrient-focused approaches and life-style modifiable factors, such as exercise, nutrition, and mind set to prevent and treat disease. Scientism begets Medical Monotheism, which is applying a one-size-fits-all approach where those who choose alternative approaches, or diverge or contradict the established ‘standard of care’ are treated as heretics, and are marginalized, vilified, and sometimes persecuted and treated as criminals.
– Sayer Ji, GreenMedInfo
Censorship Disallows Questions, The Antithesis of Science
I would rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned.
– Richard Feynman, physicist
Repercussions & Responses

Censorship and suppression have had effects such as these:
- Independent content providers and alternative media have been severely and negatively impacted by the purging and manipulation of Internet content.
- Unfathomable numbers of people searching the Internet have unknowingly been kept from information that independent sources were trying to share, and have been steered in directions aligned with corporate agendas.
- In response, a number of independent content providers have searched out and developed censorship-free platforms.
Government Regulation, Surveillance & Online Censorship Shapes Societies: It Creates Brainwashed People & Eliminates Free Thinking & Creative Solutions
Too many people look at authoritarian measures like government surveillance, online censorship etc in terms of how it will directly affect them personally rather than how it shapes society as a whole. Sure you yourself may not be directly affected by surveillance or censorship, but you have to live in a society where people’s thoughts, words and behaviors are being strictly regulated by authority in ways that serve the interests of authority. You have to live in a civilization of brainwashed, power-serving automatons instead of free thinkers who come up with creative solutions to our problems, who hold power to account, and who put the powerful in check when they don’t serve the interests of the people.
– Caitlyn Johnstone
Beginning in 2017, Independent Media Targeted by Google, Facebook and YouTube
Last year we committed to keeping the CE [Conscious Evolution] community up to date with where we are at as a company after the independent media purge of 2017, 2018 and 2019 that wiped out most of the independent media and about 80% of our revenue. We chose to keep you up to date because we felt it was important our story was told. We also recognize that as we got demonetized and blacklisted, the only people that can keep us going are those who consume, love and share our work. Big tech, including Google, Facebook, and YouTube, reduced our revenue in 2018 to a point where we simply could not survive. Our avenues to make revenue to cover our budgets here at CE became very limited and thus we had to take them into our own hands. We made cuts, lost staff, and had to spend pretty well everything we had saved just to keep bringing these important messages forward. But, we have some really good news! We created CETV, our own on-demand conscious media streaming service that’s similar to Netflix.
– Joe Martino, email Oct 3, 2019
In Response to Social Media Purges, Censorship-Free Networks Arise
If the prospect of greater privacy and financial sovereignty doesn’t lure the masses to crypto networks, perhaps the ability to speak freely will. Lately, a lot of people who couldn’t give a damn about peer-to-peer cryptocurrency have taken a shine to peer-to-peer networks that run on the same censorship-resistant principles. As social networks run amok, deplatforming users for the slightest provocation, decentralized alternatives start to look increasingly alluring. If YouTube, Facebook, Twitter et al. continue on their current path, they may become the architects of their own downfall, accelerating the exodus to web3.
– Kai Sedgwick, YouTube Censorship Drives Uptake of Crypto-Powered Video Platforms
“Coming from the Left, Right, and Centre,” Thought Leaders Call for Protection of the Right to Ask Questions
‘We Stand for Your Right to Ask Questions’: 138 Luminaries Call on Government, Tech Firms to Protect Free Speech. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, whistleblower Edward Snowden, actor and filmmaker Tim Robbins, filmmaker Oliver Stone and journalist Glenn Greenwald are among the journalists, academics, technologists, celebrities, authors, activists, public intellectuals and thought leaders who signed the Westminster Declaration… “Coming from the left, right, and centre, we are united by our commitment to universal human rights and freedom of speech, and we are all deeply concerned about attempts to label protected speech as ‘misinformation,’ ‘disinformation,’ and other ill-defined terms.”
– Michael Nevradakis PhD
Awakening the Protection of Free Speech
A special thank you to those in power deleting accounts because they are unknowingly creating the biggest army of truth the world has ever seen.
– Jason Shurka
Recognizing and Addressing the Problems of AI-Driven Censorship
[This article series] covers various aspects of AI-driven censorship, including the development of biased AI algorithms, the influence of human trainers, the role of outsourced AI learning, and the potential manipulation of public opinion. The series also addresses the silencing of political dissent and the ethical concerns surrounding AI-driven censorship. To mitigate these challenges, we explored public policy and regulatory solutions that can help ensure a fair and open online environment. These include establishing industry standards for AI transparency and accountability, promoting collaboration between platforms, civil society, and academia, and balancing free speech with content moderation. We also highlighted alternative solutions to AI-driven censorship, such as decentralized content moderation, user-driven customization of moderation settings, crowdsourced moderation, transparent and open-source AI algorithms, and collaboration with external organizations.
– The Dark Side of AI: How Core Censorship and Bias is Damaging Free Speech
Those Who Fear Questions Fear the Truth
People should be sceptical. Scepticism in all things but cynicism in none. People should ask questions, and they should expect answers, especially from those who profess to know them. One should be open-minded and always pursue the truth. And to better decipher what that may be, we need people sharing new ideas, questioning the mainstream view and challenging the established narrative as new evidence presents itself. We need that. Science, progress and discovery all depend on it. Even if the ideas turn out to be false. Prove them false.
In short: No one should be the gatekeepers of our history. Least of all those who laud their certitude in the face of the unknowable… Even if none of it turns out to be true, the questions are still worth asking. These ideas are only ‘dangerous’ if you fear what they question. And those who fear questions fear the truth.
– J R Leach, Waking Times
Censorship Doesn’t Counter Hate Space; More Speech Does
Rather than censoring hate speech, the universities responded with the classic “counterspeech” approach that is not only true to the First Amendment, but also effective in curbing hateful attitudes and actions.
– Fight Hate Speech with More Speech
Pause & Reflect
Please give yourself time to reflect on your own perspectives.
- Some people have supported censorship as a way to counter hate speech. Do you think censorship has been effective at doing so?
- How do you feel about the fact that social platforms are effectively monopolies that may then control content that is seen by massive numbers of people?
- Is it to society’s benefit that there has been widespread suppression and censorship of natural health, alternative media, government spending and extraterrestrial involvement?
- How might content providers and people who rely on them share information more freely without the interference of gatekeepers?
It’s not always clear who or what a source is representing and the bias or agenda they’re aligned with. The following resources can help you be prepared to more efficiently evaluate sources.
- It can help a great deal to clarify potential conflicts of interest and underlying motivation via the suggestions in Who Can You Trust?
- While it’s tempting to think we can simply “focus on the facts,” evidence in All About Truth shows that it’s typically more accurate to see information as representing various perspectives. For example, the extensive evidence in Evaluating Numbers & Statistics provides crystal clear examples of how “science,” “research” and “facts” are easily manipulated and therefore are perspectives that require the same discernment as other types of information.
- Similar considerations are necessary when evaluating the information provided by self-proclaimed “authorities” and those with positional power vs. independent sources that demonstrate sincerity without hidden motives.
- See also: What You Can Do & Where to Start and Enemies of Truth
Sources List
- Alliance for Natural Health — Government Censorship of Natural Health Products on the Rise
- Barnett, Rebekah, Brownstone Institute — Australia’s Misinfo Bill Paves Way for Soviet-Style Censorship
- Bollinger, Ty & Charlene — The Dark Side of AI: How Core Censorship and Bias is Damaging Free Speech Part 2
- Bovard, Ted, USA Today — Facebook Censored Me
- Bridis, Ted, AP News — US Sets New Record for Censoring, Withholding Government Files
- Brogan, Kelly MD —
- Charles, Dylan, Waking Times — 79 Waking Times Articles that You Are NOT Allowed to Post or Share on Facebook
- Children’s Health Defense — Twitter Censors Senior Israeli Physician-Scientist Injured by Pfizer Vaccine
- — Constitution of the United States
- Deschamps, Justin — Have You Noticed How Social Media Purges Always Align With The US Empire?
- Durden, Tyler, ZeroHedge — Have You Noticed How Social Media Purges Always Align With The US Empire?
- Florescu, Paraschiva, Melissa Smith, & Rob Verkerk PhD, Alliance for Natural Health International — Why Misinformation Bans are Misinformed and Dangerous
- GreenMedInfo — Facebook Admits Its Fact Checks Are Just Opinions
- Greenwald, Glenn — Humiliated on Twitter: WaPo “Fact-Checker” Proves Title Is a Fraud
- Greenwald, Glenn — My Resignation from the Intercept
- Greenwald, Glenn — “PURE CENSORSHIP!” EU Sends Musk Warning Letter to Remove “Disinformation” on X
- Greenwald, Glenn — The Consortium Imposing the Growing Censorship Regime — and Our New Live, Prime-Time Rumble Program
- Gutentag, Alex and Michael Shellenberger — Government Intel And Security Agencies Behind NGO Demands For More Censorship By X/Twitter
- Guetzkow, Josh — Suppressing Scientific Discourse on Vaccines? Self-perceptions of Researchers and Practitioners; The deliberate dismantling of science didn’t start two years ago
- Hancock, Graham — 3-min response, 7-min response, Banned TedTalk
- Hart, Justin, Brownstone Institute — The Facebook Files Show Brazen and Aggressive Censorship
- Heyes, JD, NewsTarget — Big tech companies swarming with ex-FBI, CIA agents as social media becomes part of ‘national security state’
- Huff, Ethan, Natural News — FDA claims it will “save lives” by silencing speech online, making sure no one is allowed to talk about natural medicine, prevention or cures
- Huff, Ethan, Natural (reprinted by Stillness in the Storm) — Google Alters Search Results to Discredit Nutritional Supplements and Natural Health Websites
- Ji, Sayer, GreenMedInfo — Breaking: Homeland Security’s ‘Taxpayer-Funded Censorship Campaign’ Exposed; Probe Launched; An investigative report by The Intercept reveals the Department of Homeland Security’s concerning new mandate: moving from the “war on terror” to policing the constitutionally protected thought, speech and behavior of U.S. citizens
- Ji, Sayer, GreenMedInfo — Facebook Deletes’s Page with Half a Million Followers
- Ji, Sayer, GreenMedInfo — Investigation: Google Manipulates Search Suggestions to Promote Pharma, Discredit Natural Health
- Ji, Sayer, GreenMedInfo — Google’s Digital Book Burn: Alternative Medicine Content Now Vanishingly Rare, Despite 1 Billion Health Searches a Day
- Ji, Sayer, GreenMedInfo — WHO’s ‘Take Over’ of Youtube Portends Orwellian Medical Dystopia
- Johnstone, Caitlin — Don’t Underestimate How Badly The Powerful Need Control Of Online Speech
- Johnstone, Caitlin — The US Is War: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
- Johnstone, Caitlin — Top Assange Defense Account Deleted By Twitter
- Johnstone, Caitlin — Western Governments Keep Assigning Themselves The Authority To Regulate Online Speech
- Johnstone, Caitlin — YouTube Financially Deplatforms Swath of Indie Media
- Kheriaty, Aaron, Brownstone Institute — The Censorship Hegemon Must Be Stopped
- Klippenstein, Ken & Lee Fang, The Intercept — Truth Cops: Leaked Documents Outline DHS’s Plans to Police Disinformation
- Leach, J R, Waking Times — Ancient Apocalypse & Graham Hancock’s ‘Dangerous Ideas’ – Why has the popular Netflix documentary ignited the ire of the media?
- Lewis, Norman, Spiked — The EU’s censorship regime is about to go global; The authoritarian Digital Services Act means the death of free speech online
- Lowenthal, Andrew, Brownstone Institute — Censorship Masquerades and Disinformation Control
- Luther, Daisy, The Organic Prepper — The Twitter Files Have Confirmed (Again) That Conspiracy Theorists Are NOT Crazy
- Maas, Christina, Reclaim the Net — The White House’s Most Brazen, Entitled, Social Media Censorship Demands
- Maas, Christina, Reclaim the Net — YouTube censors and punishes Project Veritas over undercover Pfizer video
- Martino, Joe, The Pulse — How The Media Is Creating A Sensemaking Crisis
- Martino, Joe, The Pulse — Sharing ‘Misleading Narratives’ Labeled As Domestic Terrorism by Homeland Security
- Martino, Joe, The Pulse — The Government Funded Group Pushing Facebook Censorship
- McTaggart, Lynne — When Big Brother Went High Tech
- Mercola, Dr. Joseph — Is This the End of Natural Health Information?
- Mercola, Dr. Joseph — Shocking Case of Academic Censorship
- Mercola, Dr. Joseph — The Truth Will Set You Free
- Miller, Mark Crispin PhD — Listen to this master class in propaganda study, which I gave last year in Iceland (on the radio)
- Mitchell, Greg, Huffington Post — The Great Hiroshima Cover-up: How the U.S. Hid Shocking Historic Footage for Decades
- Nevradakis, Michael PhD, Children’s Health Defense — ‘We Stand for Your Right to Ask Questions’: 138 Luminaries Call on Government, Tech Firms to Protect Free Speech
- Perlas, Nicano, COVID Call to Humanity — YouTube and WHO to Censor Truthful Medical Information
- Planetary Activation Organization (PAO) —
- Project Censored —
- Project Censored — The Top 25 Censored Stories of 2019-2020
- — Top 10 Search Engines in the World
- Richardson, Valerie, The Washington Times — Publisher blasts ‘total media blackout’ of Robert Kennedy’s bestseller on Dr. Fauci
- Schmidt, Susan et al, Report on the Censorship-Industrial Complex: The Top 50 Organizations to Know; The citizen’s starter kit to understanding the new global information cartel
- Senger, Michael P — A Deep Dive into Disinformation, Censorship, and Information Warfare in the 21st Century; It’s morally, legally, and intellectually repugnant that officials have clandestinely created a vast apparatus for censoring citizens’ legal speech on the pretext of combating foreign disinformation
- Slavo, Mac, Activist Post — Google Whistleblower Confirms They Use Algorithms To CENSOR: “Algorithms Don’t Write Themselves”
- Smith, Darren, The Light — Following the Science
- Strossen, Nadine, USA Today — Don’t Silence Graduation Speakers: Fight Hate Speech with More Speech
- Taibbi, Matt — Capsule Summaries of all Twitter Files Threads to Date, With Links and a Glossary
- The Daily Sheeple — CENSORED! YouTube Begins Banning Videos About CBD Oil Saying It’s ‘Harmful’
- The Jimmy Dore Show — Bill Gates Now Determining What You Can Say On YouTube
- The Jimmy Dore Show — NYU Professor FORBIDDEN From Teaching About Covid Propaganda
- The New York Times Editorial Board — America Has a Free Speech Problem
- Truthstream Media — Where Did the Rest of the Internet Go?
- Useful Idiots — The Disinformation Hoax of the Century
- Walia, Arjun, The Pulse — British Medical Journal Editor-In-Chief Calls Out “Incompetent” Facebook “Fact Checkers”
- Walia, Arjun, The Pulse — Telegram Passes 1 Billion Users As People Seek Censorship Free Big Tech Alternatives
- Walia, Arjun, The Pulse — Why Did Twitter Censor An Eminent Infectious Disease Expert For His Opinion On COVID Vaccines?
- Walia, Arjun, The Pulse — YouTube Bans & Blocks “Anti-Vaccine” Content from Its Platform
- Walia, Arjun, The Pulse — YouTube Has Removed Nearly 1 Million Videos
- Walkos, Josh, The Last American Vagabond — Shadow Armies Are Waging an Invisible War on Us All
- —
- Weeks, John, GreenMedInfo — Self-Interested Whims of the Oligarchs: Google and Facebook Kill Access to Alternative and Integrative Medicine
- Wilson, Rhoda, The Expose — Wikipedia Co-founder Larry Sanger has Started a Database of Encyclopaedias to Challenge Wikipedia’s Dominance
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