Here you can get a quick sense for the topics contained within greater subject areas, and jump right to the most relevant page. You may also use the Search bar, as usual. (Over time, all topics here will be linked.)
Extraterrestrial Beings & Breakaway Civilizations
- Astronomy
- Citizen Contact & Citizen Diplomacy: Introduction
- Citizen Contact: Inspiration & Preparation for Contact
- Contactees & Key Cases
- Evidence, Physical
- Exopolotics
- Galactic History: Why it Matters
- Galactic History: Timeline & Narratives
- Official Cover-up & Disinformation Campaigns
- Research Resources & Documentaries
- Testimony, Professional
- Ascension
- Awakening Experiences
- Beliefs
- Consciousness
- Cosmic Consciousness
- Curiosity
- Discernment
- Emotional Processing
- Helplessness / Learned Powerlessness
- Illumination, Transcendence, Samadhi, Enlightenment
- Inner Attention / Inner Guidance System
- Mindfulness & Meditation
- Responsibility
- Science of Oneness
- Trauma Awareness
- Vibration, Raising
Manipulation & Secrecy
- Censorship
- Character Assassination
- Compartmentalization & Hierarchy
- Conspiracies
- Cults
- Dehumanization
- Disinformation & Intentional Controversy
- False Flags
- Fraud & Corruption
- Infiltration
- Lying
- Manipulation
- National Security Secrecy
- Personal Attacks & Threats
- Power Abuse
- Propaganda
- Psychological Operations
- Psychopaths & Sociopaths
Evaluating Trustworthiness
- Bias / Perspective
- Detecting Deception
- Discernment
- Experts & Authorities
- Mainstream
- Mainstream Media (MSM)
- Motive / Agenda
- Research
- Science
- Statistics
- Testimony
- Transparency
- Trauma Memory Processes
- Truth / Partial Truths
- Trust
- Values & Guiding Principles
U.S. Gov’t Programs
U.S. Gov’t Agencies
- CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)
- DHS (Department of Homeland Security)
- DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency)
- DOS (Department of State)
- DHS (Department of Homeland Security)
- DNI (Department of National Intelligence)
- FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigations)
- JSOC (Joint Special Operations Command)
- NGA (National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency)
- NRO (National Reconnaissance Office)
- NSA (National Security Agency)
- USDT (Department of the Treasury)
Other Organizations & Groups
- CFR (Council on Foreign Relations)
- The Committee of 300
- Corporate Lobbyists
- Council of 13
- The Deep State
- Federal Reserve
- Foreign (Country) Lobbyists
- Illuminati / New World Order
- IMF (International Monetary Fund)
- MIC (Military Industrial/Intelligence Complex)
- The Parallel Government
- The Round Table
- The Shadow Government
- World Bank