Should You Trust Us?
The short answer is no, of course. Trust is earned, and comes with experience.
Only you can decide if the site delivers on its promises.
Bird’s Eye View was developed to offer a reliable resource for whistleblowers and other truth-tellers who are speaking out about challenging, non-mainstream subjects.
Over time, we hope you’ll agree that this is a trustworthy place for information and resources.
But time is a precious resource and no one wants to be sucked into something that isn’t what it claims to be.
So how can you efficiently evaluate if a person or website is trustworthy? There are a few things you might consider, but agenda is a great place to start.
Our Agenda

Oftentimes, it takes some sleuthing to discern the motive behind “free” services. We’ll save you some time and give you the motive and agenda upfront:
At Bird’s Eye View, there’s no political agenda and you’re not being sold anything.
You’re not seen as a consumer or a voter or a follower. You’re simply seen as a human being — a unique individual with your own outlook and purpose, doing your best with this “wild and precious life.”
Bird’s Eye View is a volunteer effort to promote the empowerment of individuals and communities — no matter their political system, party, religion, culture or affiliations.
First and foremost, the purpose of the site is to: Provide resources to support whistleblowers and other truth-tellers who are sharing challenging or disturbing truths — such as corruption, abuse, or knowledge that is complex, or has been hidden.

In addition, the site is designed to:
- Foster increasing awareness and access to a multiplicity of sources and perspectives that can positively transform people and the planet.
- Make independent and alternative sources of information more accessible and verifiable.
- Encourage and inspire curiosity, reasoning, and independence of thought.
- Empower individuals to more effectively discern truth from lies, to address the stress associated with disturbing information, and to take informed, productive action.
You’ll find:
- Transparency
- Verifiable research, testimony and information that is organized and easy to navigate
- Free customizable content for use in your own materials

For Truth-Tellers
Bird’s Eye View is like having your own research associate, teaching assistant and cheerleader — all in one, organized place.
The site’s top priority is to support truth-tellers, including:
- Whistleblowers
- Survivors of abuse
- Disclosure community
- Independent media
- Alternate history researchers
- Alternative and natural healthcare researchers
- Parapsychology and paranormal researchers
- Independent thinkers in any field
Your story is your story: telling it in your voice and from your point of view is what you need to be doing. Here you’ll find research and resources that can serve as background and support to help your audience develop the related knowledge needed for a more informed perspective of the subject at hand.
This support is designed to free up some of your time so that you can focus on your unique objectives… and have more time to tap into your creativity and joy:
- The Truth-Teller’s Handbook — A methodical way to review considerations before publishing your article, creating your video or stepping on stage.
- Organized Research & Testimony — Facts, figures and resources at your fingertips. Verifiable research, testimony and information that is organized and easy to navigate.
- Free Content — Downloadable, copyright-free, customizable content for use in your own materials.

Values & Guiding Principles
These values underlie the content you’ll find here:
- Transparency (not hidden agendas)
- Accessibility (not persuasion)
- Empowerment (not partisanship or promotion)
- Respect (not division)
- Openness (not exclusivity)
Transparency (not hidden agendas)
- “Show our work.”
- Be clear about sourcing.
- Be proactive and forthcoming in sharing bias and agenda.
Accessibility (not exclusivity or persuasion)
- Make previously hidden and challenging information more accessible.
- Bring many voices together on similar themes.
- Break through existing hierarchies of knowledge that encourage or enable secrecy.
Empowerment (not partisanship, persuasion or promotion)
- Seek to build bridges of understanding.
- Promote the empowerment of individuals and communities, whatever their political system or party, religion, culture or other affiliations.
- Highlight experts who work to clearly communicate concepts, issues and truths to promote empowerment.
- Do not associate with or promote any political parties, political interests or commercial activities.
- Offer potential paradigms and stories for consideration without any need to persuade or advocate for a particular belief system.
Respect (not division)
- Engage in civil information-sharing.
- Do not tolerate or engage in disrespectful, disparaging or threatening language.
- Do not participate in any efforts to divide people from each other or from their own personal sovereignty and inner wisdom.

Neither the founder nor Bird’s Eye View receives advertising or other revenue or benefits from any sources. We have no ties whatsoever to any political interests or commercial activities. The only potential revenue is from reader donations.
The costs to launch Bird’s Eye View have been about $6,000 for logo and branding, site design and technical development, collateral templates, admin support and stacks of books.
What is Known vs Mystery & Opinion
The focus here is on tough, non-mainstream subjects. With such subjects, transparent sourcing is vital in order to be clear about who is reporting what and why. Here we “show our work” so that you can verify and investigate assertions and sources as you wish.

For example, when you select, What is The Deep State? you see a detailed summary of testimony provided by an ex-CIA counterintelligence officer and whistleblower. You can quickly check out his video presentation. That way, you can judge the context, and his integrity, for yourself.
Equally important in sourcing is separating mystery and opinion from what is genuinely known. What is known is only a part of the truth; it’s just the nature of the world that we’re all like blind men feeling different parts of the elephant. Still, separating what is known from what is opinion is the nature of research and scientific investigation, and it’s a jumping-off point from which we can then evaluate hypotheses in a quest for understanding.
So, in the Deep State example, after viewing the video of the ex-CIA officer, you can then return to an organized summary of the key points to more easily review particular aspects of the testimony in a structured way.
Many topics here can seem fantastical if you’re unfamiliar with the evidence, so you’ll often see many sources to get a good sense for who exactly is offering testimony and research. For example, in U.S. Government Crimes Against Civilians, you’ve got quick access to the sources associated with each program. That means you can see the evidence supporting each assertion for yourself: declassified documents, congressional hearings, articles from investigative journalists and videos and books by witnesses.
If a source is included here, there’s evidence that’s it worth considering. But you won’t have to wade through opinions and unacknowledged assumptions to find the actual facts of what is being reported. The evidence itself may point to something outrageous, but the presentation of that evidence is done without adding layers of opinion.
Where to Go From Here

- For truth-teller support start here: For Truth-Tellers: Introduction & Overview.
- For more details and examples of the site’s scope and purpose, see: More About Us: A Closer Look at “Mainstream” Thinking
- For an eye-opening, strategic look at the obstacles in the way of uncovering the truth, see: Enemies of Truth.
- To dig into some content that shows how the site handles tricky subjects see: Evaluating the Mainstream Media or U.S. Government Criminal Actions Against Civilians
- Select Research & Testimony from the main menu and select your topic of interest.
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Often it will be in a PDF. Sometimes you’ll receive image JPGs. In some cases, we also have PowerPoint files that you are welcome to have if you’d like to edit the file for your own use.
To receive, please email us and specify the title of this page so we know which piece to send you.
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And we won’t be trying to get you to buy something because we don’t sell anything.
We will add your email address to our newsletter list unless you don’t want that. (Newsletters have no ads or solicitations… just content.)
Previously, we offered the downloads directly from the web site, but the downloads repeatedly became corrupted. As a result, we were spending an excessive amount of time re-doing them… so it seems to be a more sustainable solution is to send them via email.
For a complete list of available downloads, see here.