To connect with others, find common ground, and discuss things productively, we need a common language and vocabulary. This requires agreement of how terms are being used — or at least clarification of how a speaker is using particular terminology.
Words are not things that can be observed, like the ocean or the sound of wind through the trees. Words are tools invented by humans to help them connect with each other. They’re useful to us only because we give them meaning. Words without understanding are useless. And sometimes, words are worse-than-useless, in that they may promote misunderstanding, confusion, defensiveness or division.
This glossary is offered to assist you in promoting clarity, helping to build bridges of understanding. It includes words that may be particularly unclear because they’re used in many ways, innocently muddled, purposely shrouded, or intentionally weaponized.
Feel free to change and build upon these words and their meanings, as needed. We’d love your thoughts: email us with suggestions.
See below for definitions of these terms.
- 3D
- 4D, 5D, etc.
- aether / ether
- akash / akasha
- alpha brain state
- anomaly
- ascension
- awakening experience
- beta brain state
- biocentrism
- brain hemispheres
- brain wave
- brain wave states
- chakra
- chi
- cognitive bias
- cognitive reframing
- collective consciousness
- conscience
- conscious
- conscious mind
- consciousness
- consciousness expansion
- consciousness, individual
- consensus “science”
- core belief
- cosmic consciousness
- cosmology
- cosmos
- dark energy
- dark matter
- darkness
- delta brain state
- density
- detoxification / detox
- devil
- dimension
- disciple
- dissociation
- electromagnetic radiation
- electromagnetic spectrum
- emotions
- energy
- energy body
- entanglement (scientifically)
- ether
- etheric energy
- exoconsciousness
- evil
- fascism
- feelings
- feminine energy
- Field, the
- fractal
- frequency
- gamma brain state
- God
- gods (small-g)
- government
- grounding
- holographic
- holographic universe
- hypnosis
- hypnotherapy / self-hypnosis
- illusion / frequency bubble
- indigenous wisdom
- infrared light
- irradiation
- karma
- Light
- light
- light therapy
- Love
- LoveLight
- love
- masculine energy
- master, a
- materialism
- maya
- mind control / trauma-based mind control (MC)
- noetic sciences
- non-ordinary state of consciousness
- nonlocality
- normal waking consciousness / rational consciousness
- plasma
- power
- physics
- plasma
- prana
- psyche
- psychological defense mechanisms
- quantum
- quantum field
- quantum mechanics (QM)
- quantum physics
- quantum vacuum
- raising vibration (or frequency)
- satan
- scientific dogmas
- shadow
- shadow work
- simulation
- sound
- sound healing
- sovereign
- spacetime
- spiritual awakening
- split brain theory
- subliminal
- subtle body
- subtle energy
- subconscious mind
- surrender
- theta brain state
- transhumanism
- transpersonal psychology
- trauma
- unified field theory (UFT)
- unified theory of physics
- unity consciousness
- unconscious, the
- vibration
- vibrational healing
- wave
- whole brain functioning
- yang qualities / masculine energies
- yin and yang
- yin qualities / feminine energies
- zero point energy
- zero point field
- 3D — Three dimensions or “the third dimension”; may refer to perception limited to the five senses, the material world without recognition of that which is beyond the senses such as aether, consciousness, energy, and intuition
- 4D, 5D, etc. — See dimension
- aether / ether — The field which connects and permeates all things; in modern science, there are many other names for it, including dark matter, the Higgs field, quantum vacuum and others; among the five elements (forces of nature), it’s the one that transcends and includes the other four (called akash or akasha in Sanskrit)
- akash / akasha — Sanskrit word referring to the all-pervasive space that transcends and includes other elements of nature (air, fire, water, earth); also called aether / ether
- alpha brain state – In the middle of the brain wave frequency spectrum, associated with being relaxed, intuitive, creative (7.5 to 14Hz)
- anomaly — “Empirically undeniable observation that cannot be accommodated by the reigning belief system” [source]
- ascension — Also called the Great Shift, refers to an evolution, expansion, awakening or uplifting of collective consciousness; this is accomplished through a shift in energy from a denser or slower frequency to a higher or faster one, “a graduation into a higher level of existence” [source] (which may be referred to as another “density” and/or “dimension”)
- awakening experience — The experience of a higher state of consciousness, which may be temporary or sustained; “a kind of ‘waking up’ from the sleep of our normal state” [Steve Taylor]; other names for this experience include brahmajnana, illumination, experience of oneness, nirvana, transcendence, and samadhi
- beta brain state — Associated with being awake and active, can also be experienced as stress, anxiety, fear and restlessness (12 to 35 Hz)
- biocentrism — The view that consciousness creates the universe rather than the other way around [Dr. Robert Lanza MD]
- brain hemispheres —The two halves of the brain separated by the corpus callosum, providing two different perspectives; the left hemisphere gives narrow, sharply-focused attention to detail without understanding the larger context; the right sees the broad view of the world, perceiving interconnectedness and understanding body language and implicit meaning
- brain wave — When a group of cells in the brain (called neurons) communicates via an electrical signal to another group of neurons; an EEG image of this communication creates wavelike patterns; brain wave frequency is measured in cycles per second, or hertz (Hz)
- brain wave states — Different brain wave states are associated with various levels of relaxation, meditation, imagination, visualization, learning, concentration, intuition, accessing the subconscious, hypnosis, light (REM) sleep and deep sleep
- chakra — Sanskrit word that means “wheel,” circle,” or “turning”; refers to spinning centers of life force energy (prana) found in a person’s subtle body
- chi — Chinese word meaning life force; synonymous with Sanskrit word, “prana”
- cognitive bias — Common thinking errors that focus on various and particular negative perspectives
- cognitive reframing — A name for the process of changing perspective (point of view)
- collective consciousness — The summation and synergistic effects of individual consciousnesses; may be referencing the consciousness of societies, cultures, civilizations or planets
- conscience — An inner feeling of right or wrong
- conscious — A mind state of being awake and aware of one’s surroundings (distinguished from unconsciousness)
- conscious mind — “Thoughts, memories, feelings, and wishes of which we are aware at any given moment” (distinguished from the subconscious mind) [source]
- consciousness — “Intelligence of the universe,” “a primary principle of existence,” universal phenomenon, and “our True Essence”; see also: What is Consciousness?
- consciousness expansion — An increasing ability to receive and hold more consciousness (more Light, more energy); this is in contrast to a perpetual sense of rigidity and fear — symptoms of avidya (Sanskrit word for spiritual ignorance) or mistaking one’s True Self for the ego
- consciousness, individual — “A local expression of the universal phenomenon” of consciousness [Edward F. Malkowski]
- consensus “science” — Solidarity of establishment forces such as corporations, universities and governments that disregard or suppress independent science until forced to accept it; “The entire structure of science, with its highly competitive grant system, coupled with the publishing and peer review system, largely depends upon individuals conforming to the accepted scientific world view; the system tends to encourage professionals to carry out experimentation whose purpose is primarily to confirm the existing view of things, or to further develop technology for industry, rather than to serve up true innovation” [Lynne McTaggart]
- core belief — Beliefs that are particularly deeply held, “firmly embedded in our thinking” and significant in their effect on our reality and behavior; limiting core beliefs were formed as a child or as the result of trauma to help us make sense of experiences out of our control
- cosmic consciousness — “A consciousness of the cosmos, that is, of the life and order of the universe” [source]
- cosmology — A theory describing the natural order of the universe [source]
- cosmos — Another name for the universe, and its inherent order [source]
- dark energy — Another name for etheric energy, chi, prana
- dark matter — Another name for aether / ether
- darkness — May be approached from various perspectives including: 1) an absence of light, part of a natural cycle; 2) a requisite and neutral aspect of dark-light polarity, yin energy or the feminine principle and associated characteristics such as rest, withdrawal, receptivity, and preparation; 3) the void, the womb of creation, 4) the shadow, that which is unconscious or unseen, or ignorance, 5) negativity or evil. It may be necessary to include what is NOT meant since if one person uses it to mean feminine energy and another uses it to mean negativity or evil, then messages may be misunderstood or disregarded due to confusion.
- delta brain state — Low frequency (slowest) brain waves associated with deep, dreamless sleep and recovery (0.1 to 4 Hz)
- density — In material science, defined as mass per unit volume; in consciousness and energy studies, refers to gradations of energy frequency within dimensional realities; may be used synonymously with dimension, but when differentiated, may refer to multiple densities of consciousness existing in a dimensional reality; since frequencies are numbers on a scale, there are endless frequency levels (densities), just as there are infinite potential divisions between the numbers 0 and 1; despite the endless possible gradations, densities are often described in whole numbers e.g. fourth density, sixth density, etc.
- detoxification / detox — Removing toxins from the body to promote optimal organ function; one of many natural processes of the human body as exemplified by perspiration, urination and the lymphatic system among other organs and systems; additionally, there are techniques for supporting the body in removing toxins such as walking, lymphatic massage and saunas
- devil — see satan
- dimension — May be defined in many ways including as a level of existence or consciousness [source]; a meaning that may encompass most definitions is to see dimension as a perspective; for example, a third-dimensional (3D) view provides a perspective that is material (one that includes height, width and depth), in a fourth-dimensional (4D) perspective, past, present and future dissolve (in contrast to the linear perspective of time in 3D), a fifth-dimensional (5D) view allows one to see polarities from a unified perspective
- disciple — In ancient texts, referred to a student who is disciplined [Kriya Yoga Institute]
- dissociation — The separation of things that are usually together; in the case of trauma, it refers to specific psychological processes that naturally happen and change the way a person experiences themselves; described with various clinical terms and diagnoses such as depersonalization, derealization, dissociative amnesia and dissociative identity disorder; see also Trauma-Based Victimization & Mind Control
- electromagnetic radiation — Another name for “electromagnetic spectrum” (which includes visible light); the word “radiation” in this use simply means “putting off light” (it does not mean harmful)
- electromagnetic spectrum — A wave frequency scale used to describe energy and light (also called “radiant energy”) in terms of scientific measurements; on one end are shorter wavelength, higher frequency waves measured in nanometers (including gamma and x-rays); in the middle is a narrow band of visible light; on the other end are longer wavelength, lower frequency waves measured in centimeters and meters (including radar and radio waves)
- emotions — “Energy in motion”; a phenomenon experienced in the body, accompanied by a verifiable biochemical occurrence
- energy — Movement, “information that vibrates” [Cyndi Dale], “the ceaseless flow of intelligence, of data-information in motion” [Thomas Hub]l
- energy body — Refers to how life force energy works through and with the human body; another name for pranamaya kosha and biofield
- entanglement (scientifically) — Particles that are correlated by an interaction; also called “nonseparability” and Einstein called it “spooky action at a distance”
- ether — See aether
- etheric energy — The movement of energy through the aether, another name for prana or chi
- exoconsciousness — “The ability of human consciousness to connect, communicate and co-create with extraterrestrials and multidimensionals” [source]
- evil — The rejection or inversion of the natural flow of life / creation (God/Source/Creator), endeavoring to prevent the infinite flow of Love; characterized by anti-life or anti-human behaviors; see more here
- fascism — “Merger of corporate and state interests… corporations and the government becoming interpenetrated and intertwined, ruling the country together, with a ‘tough guy’ in charge” [source]
- feelings — Commonly considered interchangeable with the word “emotions” but when differentiated, refer to the name and subjective interpretation that we give to the energetic experience (emotion) that we’re having
- feminine energy — See yin
- Field, the — Another name for aether / ether
- fractal — A rough or fragmented shape (as distinguished from a sphere or cone, for example) that, if viewed from various distances, appears “self-similar” (source); if it were to be split into parts, each would be a reduced-size copy of the whole
- frequency — An expression of energy [source]; in physics, defined as the number of waves that pass a fixed point in time; different forms of matter have different frequencies; may be used to refer specifically to the vibrational rate of energy as a state of consciousness; “Everything we see (and don’t see) is made up of frequencies. Zoom into any matter that appears to be still, and you’ll find billions of atoms vibrating together with different energies… Scientific research has shown that every cell in our body depends on a symphony of resonating frequencies to signal, coordinate and function with other cells and organs.” [source]
- gamma brain state — High frequency (the fastest) brain waves, associated with peak concentration and cognition (greater than 30 or 35 Hz)
- God — One Source / Creator; “God is not a being, but a state of being. This realization came to me deep into my NDE [near death experience]. I understood that God was not an external entity and I experienced the divine as an intrinsic part of my very essence.” [Anita Moorjani]
- gods (small-g) — In ancient cultures and texts, small-g gods referred to beings with greater abilities than most humans; also used to personify forces of nature such as a sun or fire god
- government — While many intend government to be an organization of public servants, the result in most countries is not service, but rule; “govern”= to control, exercise sovereign authority over [dictionary], mens, mentis = Latin for “mind” [source] “government” = mind control; see also The Most Dangerous Superstition by Larken Rose
- grounding — May be used as another word for earthing but more often refers to experiencing mind, body and breath in the same place at the same time; as a practice, usually involves paying attention to the sensation of the body in contact with a surface in order to experience a sense of embodiment
- holographic — Every part contains all the information possessed by the whole; another way of saying that information is distributed nonlocally [Michael Talbot]
- holographic universe — The scientific theory that the universe employs holographic principles in its operations
- hypnosis — Techniques that subdue the analytical mind and provide access to the subconscious in order to program it with suggestions
- hypnotherapy / self-hypnosis — Intentionally using a theta brain state (also called a “trance state”) to implant positive and empowering thoughts in the subconscious
- illusion / frequency bubble — A result of limited perception of the five senses which are unable to perceive the existence of forces outside of a narrow frequency band (which may also be called “the matrix”:; the fact of human sensory limitation is exemplified by dogs who hear frequencies the human ear cannot and the cymascope, which visually demonstrates the impact of sound on matter; see also: Making Sense of What Doesn’t Make Sense; Understanding the Illusion or Simulation
- indigenous wisdom — In contrast to materialism, indigenous wisdom refers to universal and eternal teachings shared by the earth’s peoples
- infrared light — Part of the light spectrum that is invisible to humans; near-infrared is closest to visible light while far infrared waves are lower frequency waves closer to the microwave region of the spectrum [source]
- irradiation — In light therapy (as here), refers to casting rays of light upon, to treat by light frequencies (called “radiant energy”) [source]; does not mean harmful
- karma — Sanskrit word that means “action” or “work” and refers to the law of universal causality, which states that actions have effects
- Light — May refer to consciousness or an emanation of Source
- light — “Electromagnetic radiation that can detected by the human eye” [dictionary]; comes from the sun and from fire; an “essential nutrient for humans; our health depends on getting the right dose” [source]; measured using a wave frequency scale called the electromagnetic spectrum; there are five “bioactive” types (meaning that they affect the function of human cells)
- light therapy — “Controlled administration of non-ionizing radiation to the skin” [source]; example: red light therapy
- Love — Emanation of Source; may refer to consciousness
- LoveLight — May refer to Source
- love — Strong affection and tenderness [source]
- masculine energy — See yang
- master, a — One who has mastered the self; “Many Eastern spiritual traditions such as Buddhism and Yoga place a great emphasis on… control of one’s own behaviour, so that we no longer cause harm to others; control of our desires, so that we no longer lust after physical pleasures; control of our thoughts, so that we can quiet the mind through meditation, and so on… When ‘awakened’ people are referred to as ‘masters’, this could easily refer to them being masters of themselves.” [Steve Taylor]
- materialism — A belief that everything in the universe is matter; modern science, yoga and other indigenous teachings reveal the falsity of this paradigm because, in fact, the invisible makes up 99% of existence and includes frequencies and consciousness, including thought and emotion, plus light and sound vibrations that are outside the range of human sensory perception
- maya — A Sanskrit word referring to the cosmic illusion caused by an error in spiritual perception; the etymology of the word points to materialism as one of the keys to our misperception; see also: illusion / frequency bubble
- mind control / trauma-based mind control (MC) — In some settings the term “mind control” may refer to any tactics designed to control another by influencing their beliefs and behaviors, through such techniques as propaganda and gaslighting; trauma-based mind control (MC) is different, specifically referring to the manipulation of the natural trauma response of dissociation; MC techniques have been scientifically perfected in the years following Operation Paperclip and include many forms of drugs and sadistic torture; see also Trauma-Based Victimization & Mind Control
- noetic sciences — A term coined in 1973 when by Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell to bridge science and spirituality in a systematic study of the nature of consciousness [source]
- non-ordinary state of consciousness — Any state that is not “normal waking consciousness;” this terminology is unfortunate and inaccurate, implying there is one normal, correct state of consciousness and others are abnormal and unusual — which is demonstrably false
- nonlocality— In physics, the name given to objects having information (“knowing the state”) of other objects, even when separated by large distances
- normal waking consciousness / rational consciousness — The waking state associated with gamma and beta brain waves and its narrow perceptual ranges, providing a limited experience of reality
- physics — Branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy, and their interactions
- plasma — Makes up 99.9% of the universe (NASA); considered a state of “matter” (along with solid, liquid and gas); the substance from which sun and stars are comprised; sometimes described as a “soup” or “field”
- power — Capacity; power-over is a use of power for control, as demonstrated by military hierarchy; empowerment is to enable or increase power without control
- prana — Life force / chi
- psyche — The entire mind and personality; in Freudian psychoanalytic theory, encompasses the id, ego and superego, including both conscious and unconscious components [source]
- psychological defense mechanisms — Habit patterns (typically unconscious) that arise when the ego feels threatened by a change in reality or belief; includes repression, denial, displacement, projection, regression and sublimation, among others
- quantum — The scientific name given to “the basic stuff from which the universe is made” [Michael Talbot]
- quantum field — Another name for aether / ether
- quantum mechanics (QM) — The branch of physics that deals with the very small; it describes motion and interaction at the subatomic level
- quantum physics — Another name for quantum mechanics and quantum theory
- quantum vacuum — Another name for aether / ether
- raising vibration (or frequency) — Usually refers to specific choices and lifestyle practices that refine the mindbody as a vessel for increasing consciousness
- satan or devil — A personified form of evil in its most dense or peak manifestation; the Old English definition of devil (here) is “a subordinate evil spirit afflicting humans” and satan is defined as “false god, heathen god”; to understand such a definition requires understanding the term small-g-god which is the term used in many ancient texts around the world to refer to beings demonstrating capabilities beyond that of most humans; while it’s common to propose satan is the “opposite of” God or Love, experience proves that there is no opposite of God or Love; rather, evil (including in personified form) is a rejection or inversion of God or Love — not the opposite; see more here
- scientific dogmas — Assumptions, presumptions and opinions that have been passed off as science, many of which have been proven incorrect
- shadow — Another name for the subconscious, but may refer more specifically to an individual’s unacknowledged experiences and emotions or to collective, transpersonal energies that have been denied expression
- shadow work — Exploration of the subconscious mind to identify programming that is disempowering or otherwise contrary to conscious desires, and to gain access to hidden creative and life-giving possibilities
- simulation — An imitation or false appearance; The saying, “we live in a simulation” does not necessarily mean a computer simulation; it often refers to the fact that when our brain decodes sensory input, it presents a small, biased picture — less than 1% of Reality. If we believe this tiny slice of sensory experience to be the ultimate truth, we are believing a false appearance or simulation. Since the word simulation has often been used in the context of computer modeling and artificial intelligence, it may be presumed that it always refers to AI when in fact it can simply be another way to refer to a worldview based on an astonishingly limited perception.
- sound — Vibrations that we can hear; the vibrations, or sound waves, are formed by an oscillation of energy as it travels through a medium such as air, water or a solid object [source]
- sound healing — Harnesses the power of sound frequencies to promote physical, emotional and spiritual health and well-being
- sovereign — Self-governing [source]
- spacetime — Another name for aether, the field which connects and permeates all things
- spiritual awakening — Another name for consciousness expansion
- split brain theory — Theory from the mid 1900’s that postulated that the brains’ hemispheres function separately and on completely different tasks; this theory has proven to be inaccurate as, in fact, the two sides work together
- subliminal — Inadequate to produce conscious awareness but able to evoke a response; synonymous with subconscious
- subtle body — May be used as another way to describe the energy body, pranamaya kosha, or biofield; or, it may be used to refer to the inner body generally, including thoughts, feelings, sensations and the body’s physiology, for example
- subtle energy — Another name for energy generally, and for the nonphysical force that underlies existence and animates organisms
- subconscious mind — The part of the mind that is inaccessible to the conscious mind but that affects behavior and emotions
- surrender — Letting go of expectations and judgments; a way of saying, “Thy will be done”; faith; releasing the illusion of control; creating space; letting go of things that hold you back, such as anger, resistance, a “need to know,” a need to be right or an attachment to drama, for example
- theta brain state — Associated with healing and super-learning during light (REM) sleep or being extremely relaxed (3 to 8 Hz)
- transhumanism — Using artificial means to alter the human body; proponents view merging with technology as an enhancement while others see it as a potentially irreversible subversion of the human body from its organic state, which some see as a divinely-orchestrated avatar for Source consciousness; proponents of organic ascension do not necessarily shun technology but rather prioritize the increase of consciousness and empowerment of humans vs empowering artificial technology; “Proponents of transhumanism consistently define their project in… positive terms, as a quest for augmented ‘evolution’, human ‘enhancement’ and the overcoming of human ‘limitations’… The transhuman is a biological-technological organism, a transformation of the human species that continues to evolve with technology [20].” [source]
- transpersonal psychology — A field centered on the spiritual aspects of human life; this term was introduced in the 1960s by psychologists such as Abraham Maslow and Victor Frankl [source]
- trauma — A psychologically overwhelming experience; overwhelms an individual’s ability to cope or integrate the ideas and emotions involved in the experience; “something like an injury in our autonomic nervous system” (source); see also: Unresolved Trauma or Trauma-Based Victimization & Mind Control
- unified field theory (UFT) — The name given to the quest to construct a scientific theory that resolves the incompatibility between models of physics, particularly quantum physics and relativity
- unified theory of physics — Another name for UFT or a general term to describe the goal and effect of particular theories such as those proposed by David Bohm and Nassim Haramein
- unity consciousness — Overcomes dualistic thinking; built on these foundations: 1) Nothing exists in isolation; all of existence is interwoven and interdependent, 2) The manifest world expresses as complementary polarities; when polarities are seen as they are, the opposition inherent in dualistic thinking can dissolve; up and down can both exist without judgment, 3) Embraces infinite diversity / uniqueness / individuality
- unconscious, the — Synonymous with the “subconscious” or “subconscious mind”
- vibration — In physics, a motion that repeats itself; may also be called oscillation [source]; outside of science, may be used synonymously with the word “frequency”
- vibrational healing — Techniques that use sound or light to restore discordant frequencies into harmony, thus fostering healing from within [source and source]
- wave — In physics, defined as that which transfers energy without a net movement of particles, involves a periodic repetitive movement [source]
- whole brain functioning — In contrast to the split brain theory, the brain’s hemispheres don’t have independent functions but rather, both are involved in all brain functions, albeit in different ways, bringing two different perspectives — this turns out to be a vitally important and practical distinction
- yang qualities / masculine energies — Active, dynamic, light, hot, outside, rapid, upward, fire, male, sun, day, outer layers of body, left brain
- yin and yang — When life force energy expresses in this plane of consciousness, it splits into two complementary polarities; when polarities are seen as they are, the opposition inherent in dualistic thinking can dissolve; up and down can both exist without judgment
- yin qualities / feminine energies — Yielding, allowing, nourishing, dark, cold, inside, slow, downward, water, female, moon, night, earth, inner body, right brain
- zero point energy — Another name for etheric energy and for chi and prana
- zero point field — Another name for aether / ether
God or Source
These terms may refer to the Source of Life.
- Allah
- Brahman
- Cosmic Consciousness
- Creator
- Divine, The
- Divine Creator
- God
- Higher Power
- Higher Self
- Love
- LoveLight
- Nature
- Spirit
- Source
- Truth
- Universe, The