Reports & Findings Many survivors and therapists have shared their successes in healing from trauma-based victimization, ritual abuse and mind control. Here we gather information on findings reported by survivors and therapists. Two people who serve as shining examples of healing and teaching are Anneke Lucas and Cathy O’Brien. Both have spoken extensively and published
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Trauma-Based Victimization & Mind Control – Survivor & Therapist Testimony
Survivor & Therapist Video Testimony This first section makes it easy to access video testimony of survivor and therapist testimony. Scroll down for a list of whistleblowers alphabetized by last name. Next are article links regarding additional testimony such as that in court cases. Anneke Lucas, Survivor (18 min) Dalila Sadok, Survivor (1.5 hrs) Kristy
Trauma-Based Victimization & Mind Control – A Foundational Understanding
Trigger Warning Nothing here is sensationalized or gratuitous, but it includes frank (and therefore horrific) descriptions and examples of ritual abuse and trauma-based mind control. If you are in a healthy state of balance, then becoming educated about these monstrous crimes can help you to bear witness for those who have endured unimaginable trauma, preparing
Trauma-Based Victimization & Mind Control – Terminology
Introduction This topic is extremely challenging. Virtually every aspect of learning and communicating about it is difficult. But here you can build your knowledge methodically and view information that has been presented with neutrality and care. For those unfamiliar, this will be an eye-opening process. And for those engaged in this topic, it will give
Trauma-Based Victimization & Mind Control – Torture & The Science of Mind Control
Trigger Warning Nothing here is sensationalized or gratuitous, but it includes frank (and therefore horrific) descriptions and examples of ritual abuse and trauma-based mind control. If you are in a healthy state of balance, then becoming educated about these monstrous crimes can help you to bear witness for those who have endured unimaginable trauma, preapring
Trauma-Based Victimization & Mind Control – Prevalence
Introduction A very large review of surveys regarding the prevalence of trauma (of any sort) worldwide found the following: A review of World Mental Health surveys in 24 countries (n = 68,894) found that 70% of respondents experienced lifetime traumas, with exposure averaging 3.2 traumas per capita. (source) As for the prevalence of trauma-based mind control