Are you speaking out about corruption? Divulging a dark secret to prevent future harm? Sharing knowledge from an unconventional field in order to empower others? Thank you, deeply. Your path isn’t easy, and you’re appreciated.

Bird’s Eye View offers free resources for truth-tellers. People who may find support here include:
- Whistleblowers
- Survivors of abuse
- Disclosure community
- Independent media
- Alternate history researchers
- Alternative and natural healthcare researchers
- Parapsychology and paranormal researchers
- Independent thinkers in any field
Bird’s Eye View is like having your own research associate, teaching assistant and cheerleader — all in one, organized place.
The Opportunity
Your message and your perspective are needed. Perhaps one or more of these are true for you:
- You possess information that has been kept hidden, or is unique or complex.
- You want to help or inspire others by telling them about your experience, information or research.
- You want justice, or to prevent future harm.
- You’re facing the challenges of sharing information that’s difficult for those who haven’t directly experienced it to understand or to accept.
You’re supporting the evolution of human consciousness and yet, as a messenger of truth, you face a rough climate. It’s doubtful that you feel fully prepared for every aspect of the role you find yourself in. Schools aren’t known for offering courses in “how to be an effective truth-teller in a world that’s hostile to truth.”
There’s a significant opportunity for all of us who value truth-telling to explicitly share best practices and to organize commonly-needed research and teachings. Bird’s Eye View is designed to encourage and provide such support so that you can stay focused on your core mission.
It takes a tremendous amount of energy for truth-tellers to face the current environment. You have to guard against viciousness and help your audience separate authentic information from contrived controversy and manipulation. It requires great patience and strength to respond time and again to the challenges you’re presented with.
The Truth Faces Significant Hurdles
The Truth-Acceptance Process

There’s an adage that acknowledgement of truth goes through three stages:
- First, a truth is met with ridicule.
- Next comes violent opposition (while some “turn a blind eye”).
- And finally, the truth is accepted as self-evident.
While the late 20th and early 21st centuries seem to have been dominated by stages one and two, the earth seems poised to step into stage three. The ridicule and opposition are still there but they’re giving way under the force of increasing awareness due in part to the Internet allowing more information sharing. The time is ripe for revealing hidden truths and inspiring the healing that truth brings.
The hurdles you face can be thought of in two broad categories: general “enemies of truth” and individual issues that may be experienced by some of your audience.
The Enemies of Truth

Since the type of information you are sharing flies in the face of conventional, mainstream thinking, then you’re bound to come face-to-face with “the war on truth.” The Enemies of Truth include:
- Obstruction and Secrecy
- Manipulation and Power Abuse
- Undermining Truth
- Dehumanization
- Character Assassination
- Personal Threats and Attacks
See more: The Enemies of Truth
Individual Issues / Collective Burdens

There are further obstacles in reaching people who could benefit from your message. They may be burdened with issues common among the collective today:
- Unresolved trauma
- Information overload, clutter and overwhelm
- General distrust or skepticism
- Indoctrination, entrenched belief systems
- Confusion due to the complexity of the subject
- Learned helplessness and addictive behaviors
- Lack of community or healthy way to respond
See more: Issues & Strategies to Address Them
The Help You’ll Find Here

The hurdles outlined above (truth-acceptance process, enemies of truth, and individual obstacles) are significant challenges. But, interestingly, they’re separate from your personal story. In other words, these are widespread issues common to all truth-tellers; they’re hurdles that many people are trying to break through, no matter what angle on the truth they’re sharing. Bird’s Eye View was created to facilitate information-sharing and support to address these shared needs.
This 4-minute audio explains more specifically how this site differentiates your particular narrative from supporting informational components. This perspective may help you to be more efficient and effective in developing your presentations and articles over the long-term, and to be more helpful to other truth-tellers as well. It also explains the underlying strategic perspective for how content is chosen for this site in order to support you.
Bird’s Eye View was designed from the ground up to support you, to help you free up some of your time so that you can focus on your unique objectives… and have more time to tap into your creativity and joy.
Your story is your story: telling it in your voice, in your way, and from your perspective is exactly what is needed. Here you’ll find research and resources designed to serve as background and support for your unique story and approach.
- The Truth-Teller’s Handbook — A methodical way to review considerations before publishing your article, creating your video or stepping on stage.
- Organized Research & Testimony — Facts, figures and resource links at your fingertips. Verifiable research, testimony and information that is organized and easy to navigate.
- Free Content — Downloadable, copyright-free, customizable content for use in your own materials.
The Truth-Teller’s Handbook
Since there was no school course on navigating an environment hostile to truth, we’ll need to make one ourselves. Here you’ll find considerations to help you feel prepared for the tasks at hand. Select the links to delve into what you most want to review now, and then check back periodically to see if you might need a different sort of support.
- Clarify your priorities.
- Set personal boundaries.
- Identify you audience.
- Build a bridge of understanding to help your audience to make meaning.
- Be clear about opinions vs. observations and acknowledge inconsistency.
- Take breaks for self-care, reflection and inspiration.
Organized Research & Testimony

Get facts, figures and resources at your fingertips. Peruse verifiable research, testimony and information that’s organized and easy to navigate. The content on Bird’s Eye View helps you to help your listeners. Now it’s easier to:
- Build a bridge of understanding from one level of knowledge to the next.
- Offer guideposts for seeing connections and making meaning.
- Minimize resistance and distraction by offering research and testimony without opinion or politics.
For example, perhaps you want to confirm facts associated with an historical event such as Operation Paperclip. The facts surrounding this event provide context and help listeners make connections to the horrors that came later.
- Whether you want to mention Operation Paperclip in passing or delve more deeply into it, you can consult (or refer others) to the summary research we provide here.
- You can quickly get the key facts, related videos and articles. And you can select free grab-and-go content.
Similarly, you can find other information that provides background or “fills in the blanks” for your core content. For example, let’s say that the information you’re sharing is on a topic that is generally unknown to the public due to NDAs and compartmentalization. As a result, some of your listeners may wonder why they haven’t heard about this topic before. You can quickly draw from organized materials that clearly explain how NDAs and compartmentalization work, and give examples the listener can relate to.
Free Handout of this Material
We are happy to email you a free downloadable version of this content.
Often it will be in a PDF. Sometimes you’ll receive image JPGs. In some cases, we also have PowerPoint files that you are welcome to have if you’d like to edit the file for your own use.
To receive, please email us and specify the title of this page so we know which piece to send you.
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And we won’t be trying to get you to buy something because we don’t sell anything.
We will add your email address to our newsletter list unless you don’t want that. (Newsletters have no ads or solicitations… just content.)
Previously, we offered the downloads directly from the web site, but the downloads repeatedly became corrupted. As a result, we were spending an excessive amount of time re-doing them… so it seems to be a more sustainable solution is to send them via email.
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Please write with suggestions or ideas for improving the support you find here.