Key Points
Vital history and research are found in
- The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life by Arthur Firstenberg (Mar 2020)
- Dr. Andrew Kaufman 30-min presentation on exosomes (Mar 31, 2020)
- The Contagion Myth by Thomas Cowan MD and Sally Fallon Morell (2020)
- Arthur Firstenberg Podcast Interview & Transcript by the Weston A Price Foundation (Oct 19, 2020)
- The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life by Robert O. Becker MD (1985)
Here are a few key points:
- Since the 1800’s when Pasteur proposed the germ theory, it has been repeatedly disproven. Louis Pasteur’s “germ theory” continues to be used as the official explanation for many illnesses despite the fact that it has been repeatedly disproven. In Pasteur’s private diaries (published by a family member after his death), he admitted that the effort to prove contagion was a failure. Research ever since has continued to disprove the theory, while also providing more evidence about what the “viruses” are doing and what is actually causing illness.
- Research that anyone can understand* (published by the American Medical Association in 1919) clearly showed that the Spanish flu was not caused by a contagious germ. In the research, 100 volunteers were injected with bacteria thought to cause the deadly illness; when they didn’t get ill, the researchers had the volunteers sit with sick people, shaking their hands and breathing in the sick person’s exhales five times in a row. But still no volunteers got sick, providing incontrovertible proof that the germ theory (bad microbes being contagious) was not the cause of the deadly flu.
- Toxins do indeed make people sick. But what have been called viruses are the body’s response to toxins. What was given the name “virus” (meaning “toxin”) has been shown to be identical to exosomes (a response to toxins). The production and excretion of exosomes is well-known in conventional science. When a cell is threatened by a chemical, bacterial toxin, electromagnetic radiation, stress etc., it releases exosomes to capture the toxins and warn other cells of danger. (Video presentation here.) The appearance of “viruses” in sick people is because humans are comprised of trillions of viruses and particular ones are produced in response to threat. Thus, just as firefighters are found at the site of fires (but didn’t cause the fires), viruses appear in the body of sick people not because they caused the illness but because they’re helpers. (Cowan and Morell)
- Extensive evidence dating back to 1889 indicates that a common toxin and cause of illness is electromagnetic pollution. If viruses aren’t to blame, then what has been making people sick? There are multiple causes for illness including poisons in water. Regarding flu in particular, extensive evidence connects illness outbreaks to electromagnetic pollution. (Firstenberg) The so-called “viruses” that people exhibit when exposed to electro-smog are presumably the body’s attempt to adapt to the disruptive frequencies which are affecting the body’s subtle electrical system.
- Some people display more health issues from disruptive frequencies than others, and these symptoms are often “diagnosed” as a mental disorder (or chronic fatigue syndrome and other diagnoses of unknown cause). Some people are particularly sensitive to electromagnetic pollution, experiencing symptoms that were (and in much of the world is still) called neurasthenia. In the 1890s, this condition was being connected with a toxic environment until Freud renamed the symptoms “anxiety attacks.” Firstenberg writes, “Because of him, environmental illness, that is, illness caused by a toxic environment, is widely thought not to exist, its symptoms automatically blamed on disordered thoughts and out-of-control emotions… Freud ended the search for a physical cause of neurasthenia by reclassifying it as a mental disease… In all of Asia, Eastern Europe, Russia and the former Soviet Republics, neurasthenia is today the most common of all psychiatric diagnoses as well as one of the most frequently diagnosed diseases in general medical practice. It is often considered a sign of chronic toxicity.”
*This article presents a case for research being misrepresented in the The Contagion Myth. None of the article’s contentions were relevant to the points above. It also says, “research on viruses… is extremely technical, highly mediated by sophisticated technology… You can hardly avoid relying on authorities, but which authorities?” The notion that health and medicine are too complex for people to understand is a common assumption built into Western medicine’s model of an authority figure holding power over their “patients.” The 1919 research is easily understandable. And the extensive research, evidence, and history in The Contagion Myth is perfectly understandable for anyone to grasp.
Correcting Our View So We Can Use the Evidence to Address the True Causes of Illness
Viruses are not here to kill us; in reality they are exosomes whose role is to provide the detoxification package and the communication system that allows us to live a full and healthy existence… In fact, these “viruses” … help us adjust to environmental assaults, including electro-smog.* After all, most people have adjusted to worldwide radio waves, electricity in our homes, and ubiquitous Wi-Fi — and the sparrow population rebounded after the Great Plague of 1738. It is exosomes that allow this to happen. These tiny messengers provide real-time and rapid genetic adaptation to environmental changes… A war on viruses is a war on life. It’s clear that the misidentification of exosomes as viruses was a tragic mistake, one that it’s about time we correct, once and for all…
Western medicine pays scant attention to the electrical nature of living things — plants, animals, and humans — but mountains of evidence indicate that faint currents govern everything that happens in the body to keep us alive and healthy. From the coagulation of the blood to energy production in the mitochondria, even to small amounts of copper in the bones, which create currents for the maintenance of bone structure — all can be influenced by the presence of electricity in the atmosphere, especially “dirty” electricity, characterized by many overlapping frequencies and jagged changes in frequency and voltage. Today we know that each cell in the body has its own electrical grid, maintained by structured water inside the cell membrane (see chapter 8). … Traditional Chinese medicine has long recognized the electrical nature of the human body and has developed a system to defuse the “accumulation of electricity” that leads to disease. It’s called acupuncture…
Today we are surrounded by a jangle of overlapping and jarring frequencies — from power lines to the fridge to the cell phone. It started with the telegraph and progressed to worldwide electricity, then radar, then satellites that disrupt the ionosphere, then ubiquitous Wi-Fi. The most recent addition to this disturbing racket is fifth generation wireless — 5G.”
– Thomas Cowan MD & Sally Fallon Morell, The Contagion Myth
*The authors point to a research study that shows exosomes help with adaptation (and thus survival) even from directly receiving radiation.
The Protective, Detoxifying Role of Viruses

Virus = Exosome
The virus is fully an exosome in every sense of the word.
– James Hildreth MD, PhD, Journal of Cell Biology
Research Shows that Producing & Excreting Exosomes is a Crucial Detox Function of Cells and Tissues
The study [published in Nature] showed that bacteria-exposed cells died on their own but lived only when toxin-absorbing exosomes were present. Researchers say their latest findings show that this cell defense system is common among mammals, including humans, and may help explain why as many as one-fifth of Americans have community-based MRSA bacteria on their body yet very few, no more than 1 in 10,000, die from infection by it... The results… add knowledge of mammalian defenses against infection… In other experiments in mice and human cells, when exosome production was… blocked, the cells all died, demonstrating to researchers the critical role played by these exosomes in cell survival. … One earlier finding was that a specific protein called ATG16L1 was always present in cells that lived longer or survived infection… Cells that lacked ATG16L1 all died from infection… [This is a] known autophagy protein, acting as a key component in molecules involved in enveloping cellular waste so it can be broken down and disposed of. The researchers say the action of exosomes outside of cells “mirrors” this autophagy/ATG16L1 waste removal pathway observed inside cells.
– Science Daily
Exosomes Help Us Detoxify & Adapt
Every person carries trillion of viruses inside. (source) There are always billions of symptomatic and asymptomatic persons in the world of flu, cold, SARS and all kind of viruses. If they were contagious, we would be continually experiencing pandemics.
– Gemma Calzada PhD
More Evidence on the Role of Exosomes in Protecting Others in Community
There is now clear experimental evidence that exosomes made by one organism can be picked up by other organisms (of the same or different species) and cause protective reactions in these new organisms.12 One study showed that if mice are exposed to the liver toxin known as acetaminophen (Tylenol), the liver cells increase their production of protective exosomes. The researchers isolated and purified these exosomes and exposed other mice to them. The second group of mice did not get sick, as would be predicted by the virus theory; instead they developed protective responses in their livers and secreted more exosomes.13 This is similar to what trees do when confronted with a beetle infestation. The originally affected tree produces chemicals that help the tree survive the beetle exposure. These same chemicals are secreted, with the help of the fungus or mycelium in the soil, through the root system of the tree. These chemicals then serve as messengers to the surrounding trees, telling them that beetles have taken hold and that protective measures may be needed. If the beetles go away, then these measures are not taken; if the beetles show up, the surrounding trees also produce a protective response…
– Thomas Cowan MD & Sally Fallon Morell, The Contagion Myth
Incontrovertible Research: Germs Didn’t Cause Flu

1919 Research on Spanish Flu Disproved it Was Contagious
100 volunteers… were administered… a pure culture of bacillus of influenza into the nostrils… The… trials proved negative.
– JAMA, Experiments to Determine Mode of Spread of Influenza, August 2, 1919
The landmark study of Milton J. Rosenau, MD, “Experiments to Determine Mode of Spread of Influenza,” was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1919. They isolated microbial mixtures from the throat and noses of carefully selected influenza cases from an outbreak location. The researchers then administered these to… volunteers without prior exposure to influenza. None fell sick. They drew blood from influenza patients and transferred it to the navy volunteers. None fell sick. They collected influenza patients’ mucous membranes with swabs and filtered them to exclude larger microbes like bacteria. They then injected the filtrate into the navy volunteers. None fell sick. They brought the navy volunteers to meet influenza patients. They shook hands and conversed. The patients also exhaled (as hard as possible) onto the volunteers’ face for five times. Then the patients coughed directly onto the volunteers. None fell sick…
“We entered the outbreak with a notion that we knew the cause of the disease, and were quite sure we knew how it was transmitted from person to person,” he concluded. “Perhaps, if we have learned anything, it is that we are not quite sure what we know about the disease.”
– Shin Joe Yong,, Spread of Spanish Flu Was Never Experimentally Confirmed
The 1889 Flu Simultaneously Began in Remote Places All Over the Earth
The speed at which influenza travels,… its random and simultaneous pattern of spread, has perplexed scientists for centuries. Furstenberg describes, in compelling historical detail, how influenza (the name derived from influence by the stars or rather solar flares), represents a… phenomenon that defies the prevailing paradigm of germ theory. He describes, for example, how the 1889 flu simultaneously began in such remote places as: Bukhara, Uzbekistan; Greenland; and Northern Alberta. Flu was reported in July in Philadelphia and in Hillston, a remote town in Australia, and in August in the Balkans. The trouble with person to person contagion is that this disease had to travel faster than trains and ships at that time. “Influenza,” said Dr. Benjamin Lee of the Pennsylvania State Board of Health in 1890, “spreads like a flood, inundating whole sections in an hour… It is scarcely conceivable that a disease which spreads with such astonishing rapidity goes through the process of re-development in each person infected, and is only communicated from person to person by infected articles.”
Furstenberg concludes his chapter: “The embarrassing secret among virologists is that from 1933 to the present day, there have been no experimental studies proving that influenza-either the virus or the disease-is ever transmitted from person to person by normal contact.”
– Michael Mendizza
Evidence Connecting Electrosmog to Illness Outbreaks

Firstenberg Has Brought to Light the Impacts of the Electrification of Society
The Invisible Rainbow [by Arthur Firstenberg] is… a call to recognise that biology is not just about chemistry, but also about electricity, it is a call to recognise that electrification of society could have effects on humans, animals and the environment more general, and most of all it is a call to arms for the recognition of electro hypersensitivity and to study this more and better. And in these calls to arms, Firstenberg has been very successful.
– Frank de Vocht, Bristol Medical School
Electrical Wiring, Computer Frequencies, TV Radio Waves, Cell Phone Microwaves… These are “Distortions of the Invisible Rainbow that Runs through Our Veins and Makes Us Alive”
The electricity that we use today, the substance that we send through wires and broadcast through the air without a thought, was identified around 1700 as a property of life. Only later did scientists learn to extract it and make it move inanimate objects, ignoring — because they could not see — its effects on the living world. It surrounds us today, in all of its colors, at intensities that rival the light from the sun, but we still cannot see it because it was not present at life’s birth…
Nollet was the first person, back in 1753, to report significant biological effects from exposure to a DC electric field—the kind of field that according to mainstream science today has no effect whatsoever. His experiment was later replicated, using a bird, by Steiglehner, professor of physics at the University of Ingolstadt, Bavaria, with similar results. Table 1 lists the effects on humans… of an electric charge or small currents of DC electricity. Electrically sensitive people today will recognize most if not all of them.
[In the book, Table 1 has 2 columns, one for “therapeutic and neutral effects” and one for “non-therapeutic effects” which includes headaches, irratibility, depression, insomnia, fatigue, muscle and joint pains, backache and more.]
… We live today with a number of devastating diseases that do not belong here, whose origin we do not know, whose presence we take for granted and no longer question. What it feels like to be without them is a state of vitality that we have completely forgotten. “Anxiety disorder,” afflicting one-sixth of humanity, did not exist before the 1860s, when telegraph wires first encircled the earth. No hint of it appears in the medical literature before 1866. Influenza, in its present form, was invented in 1889, along with alternating current… Cancer was also exceedingly rare. Even tobacco smoking, in non-electrified times, did not cause lung cancer. These are the diseases of civilization, that we have also inflicted on our animal and plant neighbors, diseases that we live with because of a refusal to recognize the force that we have harnessed for what it is. The 60-cycle current in our house wiring, the ultrasonic frequencies in our computers, the radio waves in our televisions, the microwaves in our cell phones, these are only distortions of the invisible rainbow that runs through our veins and makes us alive. But we have forgotten. It is time that we remember.”
[Firstenberg goes on to provide intricate and fascinating detail on not only the industrial history of electricity and the correlation with disease but many specific and detailed reports on the direct effects of electricity on living systems, particularly people.]
– Arthur Firstenberg, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life
Spanish Flu of 1918 Was Deadly
The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, the deadliest in history, infected an estimated 500 million people worldwide—about one-third of the planet’s population—and killed an estimated 20 million to 50 million victims, including some 675,000 Americans… Citizens were ordered to wear masks. Schools, theaters and businesses were shuttered and bodies piled up in makeshift morgues.
1919 Research on Spanish Flu Disproved it Was Contagious
100 volunteers… were administered… a pure culture of bacillus of influenza into the nostrils… The… trials proved negative.
– JAMA, Experiments to Determine Mode of Spread of Influenza, August 2, 1919
Illness Arose in Situations The Medical Researchers Couldn’t Understand
The English warship Arachne was cruising off the coast of Cuba ‘without any contact with land.’ No less than 114 men out of a crew of 149 fell ill with influenza and only later was it learnt that there had been outbreaks in Cuba at the same time.
– William Beveridge
Illnesses & Electromagnetic Pollution
As early as 1799, researchers puzzled over the cause of influenza, which appeared suddenly, often in diverse places at the same time, and could not be explained by contagion. In 1836, Heinrich Schweich, author of
a book on influenza, noted that all physiological processes produce electricity and theorized that an electrical disturbance of the atmosphere may prevent the body from discharging it. He repeated the then-common
belief that the accumulation of electricity in the body causes the symptoms of influenza…Firstenberg chronicles the history of electricity in the United States and throughout the world, and the outbreaks of illness that accompanied each step toward greater electrification. The first stage
involved the installation of telegraph lines; by 1875, these formed a spiderweb over the earth totaling seven hundred thousand miles, with enough copper wire to encircle the globe almost thirty times. With it came a new disease called neurasthenia. Like those suffering today from “chronic fatigue syndrome,” patients felt weak and exhausted and were unable to concentrate. They had headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, floaters in the eyes, racing pulse, pains in the heart region, and palpitations; they were depressed and had panic attacks. Dr. George Miller Beard and the medical community observed that the disease spread along the routes of railroads and telegraph lines; it often resembled the common cold or influenza and commonly seized people in the prime of life…In 1889, we mark the beginning of the modern electrical era and also of a deadly flu pandemic, which followed the advent of electricity throughout the globe. Said Firstenberg: “Influenza struck explosively and unpredictably, over and over in waves until early 1894. It was as if something fundamental had changed in the atmosphere.”
During World War I, governments on both sides of the conflict installed antennas, which eventually blanketed the earth with strong radio signals— and during the latter part of 1918, disaster struck… Those living on military bases, which bristled with antennas, were the most vulnerable. A common symptom was bleeding—from the nostrils, gums, ears, skin, stomach, intestines, uterus, kidneys, and brain. Many died of hemorrhage in the lungs, drowning in their own blood. Tests revealed a decreased ability of the blood to coagulate…
… The year 1957 marked the installation of radar worldwide. The “Asian” influenza pandemic began in February 1957 and lasted for a year. [Beginning Jan 31, 1958], the United States launched twenty-eight satellites [over the next decade]… The Hong Kong flu pandemic… began in July 1968…
– Thomas Cowan MD & Sally Fallon Morell, The Contagion Myth
Evidence that Supports the Hypothesis of Electrosmog (Particularly 5G Towers) Causing COVID-19 Illness
On September 26, 2019, 5G wireless was turned on in Wuhan, China (and officially launched November 1) with a grid of about ten thousand antennas — more antennas than exist in the whole United States, all concentrated in one city. A spike in cases occurred on February 13, the same week that Wuhan turned on its 5G network for monitoring traffic. Illness has subsequently followed 5G installation in all the major cities in America…
Pivotal Commware is testing an “Echo 5G In-Building Penetration Device.” Pivotal’s offices are about one mile from the Life Care nursing home in Kirkland, Washington, where the illness first appeared in the United States, and where twenty-five residents died. Was the Life Care center a testing ground for Pivotal’s new device? Health-care facilities also teem with electronic equipment, some of it located right by the heads of sick patients. People who suffer from electrical hypersensitivity cannot go near many hospitals and nursing homes.
The 5G system is also installed on modern cruise ships. For example, the Diamond Princess cruise ship advertises “the best Wi-Fi at sea.” On February 3, 2020, the ship was quarantined in Yokohama, Japan after many passengers complained of illness. In the end, 381 passengers and crew members became sick, and fourteen died.
– Thomas Cowan MD & Sally Fallon Morell, The Contagion Myth
Robert Becker and the Bio-Electric Characteristics of the Human Body
Before Robert Becker there was little if any acknowledgement of the bio-electric characteristics of the human body. Like many visionaries, Becker paid a high price for his discoveries. Now bio-electricity is an integral component to modern medical treatment. The Body Electric is a book about the science, but also about Becker’s dealings with a government that hired him to study the effects of radio frequency radiation on the human body – and punished him when they didn’t like his results; results that are now considered fact. – Jim Bouchard, 2010
It’s a bit technical and very physics-y in the beginning but wow does Dr. Becker just blow your mind as to what the human body is capable of. Then scattered throughout is a story of how the true scientist is dead and does not exist in today’s day and age. A must read for anyone wanting to know more about electromagnetism and how it relates to the body. – Karch Gajdos, 2019
If there haven’t been improvements in the world since this book was written (35 years ago), I shudder to think about the effects that the entire world is experiencing, unbeknownst to almost everyone. We can only hope there are more people like this trying to advance science for the good of humanity in the midst of the broken research system through which the author had to slog through his entire career. Good, informative read with far-reaching consequences. – Stephen Bauman, 2020
– Book Reviews
More History, Courtesy of Arthur Firstenberg
The German physician Rudolf Arndt… made the connection between neurasthenia and electricity… “Even the weakest galvanic current,” he wrote, “so weak that it scarcely deflected the needle of a galvanometer, and was not perceived in the slightest by other people, bothered them in the extreme.” He proposed in 1885 that “electrosensitivity is characteristic of high-grade neurasthenia.” And he prophesied that electrosensitivity “may contribute not insubstantially to the elucidation of phenomena that now seem puzzling and inexplicable.”… A large obstacle to the proper study of neurasthenia, he suggested, was that people who were less sensitive to electricity did not take its effects at all seriously: instead, they placed them in the realm of superstition… That obstacle to progress confronts us still today…
In December 1894, an up-and-coming Viennese psychiatrist wrote a paper whose influence was enormous… Because of him, neurasthenia, which is still the most common illness of our day, is accepted as a normal element of the human condition, for which no external cause need be sought. Because of him, environmental illness, that is, illness caused by a toxic environment, is widely thought not to exist, its symptoms automatically blamed on disordered thoughts and out-of-control emotions. Because of him, we are today putting millions of people on Xanax, Prozac, and Zoloft instead of cleaning up their environment. For over a century ago, at the dawn of an era that blessed the use of electricity full throttle not just for communication but for light, power, and traction, Sigmund Freud renamed neurasthenia “anxiety neurosis” and its crises “anxiety attacks.” Today we call them also “panic attacks.” The symptoms listed by Freud, in addition to anxiety, will be familiar to every doctor, every “anxiety” patient, and every person with electrical sensitivity: irritability, heart palpitations, arrhythmias, chest pain, shortness of breath, asthma attacks, perspiration, tremor and shivering, ravenous hunger, diarrhea, vertigo, vasomotor disturbances (flushing, cold extremities, etc.), numbness and tingling, insomnia, nausea and vomiting, frequent urination, rheumatic pains, weakness, exhaustion. Freud ended the search for a physical cause of neurasthenia by reclassifying it as a mental disease... Neurasthenia survives in the United States only in the common expression, “nervous breakdown,” whose origin few people remember… Half the world still uses neurasthenia as a diagnosis in the sense intended by Beard. In all of Asia, Eastern Europe, Russia and the former Soviet Republics, neurasthenia is today the most common of all psychiatric diagnoses as well as one of the most frequently diagnosed diseases in general medical practice. 17 It is often considered a sign of chronic toxicity. 18 [He goes on to provide extensive and important detail.]
… As living beings, not only do we possess a mind and a body, but we also have nerves that join the two… As a messenger service, the nervous system can be poisoned by toxic chemicals. As a network of fine transmission wires, it can easily be damaged or unbalanced by a great or unfamiliar electric load. This has effects on both mind and body that we know today as anxiety disorder. 6
– Arthur Firstenberg, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life