Why it Matters

Multiple generations of students have been taught a limited science and philosophy — key aspects of which have been disproven and shown to be based on incorrect assumptions.
This has led to incomplete and inaccurate interpretations regarding such vital subjects as what consciousness is, why it’s important, and the nature of our relationship with it.
Therefore, we need to unlearn what is clearly false and re-learn or remember the truth, a truth which empowers us in ways unimaginable to the materialist mindset.

By simply learning key terminology, you can make surprising leaps in understanding technical or complex subjects. The following terms are perfectly accessible to any curious person.
- Aether / Ether
- Nonlocality and Entanglement
- Quantum Physics
- Unified Theory of Physics
In addition, the following terms refer to powerful scientific concepts that may be helpful to you, but they are not critical for understanding most of the science presented later in this section.
- Biocentrism
- Fractals
- Holographic Universe
- Noetic Sciences
See below for clear explanations, plus links to more information.
Aether / Ether & Etheric Energy (Prana)

Of all the concepts and terminology related to consciousness and the nature of reality, aether is arguably the most important in helping to reorient thinking from an outdated worldview to be more aligned with the true nature of reality.
Aether / Ether
- Aether is “the field which connects and permeates all things.”
- In wisdom traditions around the world, including yoga philosophy, aether has long been described as the fifth of the elements that make up the universe: earth, water, fire, air and aether. Aether provides the space for other elements to exist; it transcends and includes the other four.
- Aether serves as the medium for light and sound waves. “Aether was the name given to a subtle energy field that fills all space and therefore provides a carrier medium for light energy to travel through the great void of space between the Sun and the Earth.” (source)
- It is “a living force behind all things.” (source)
Aether (also spelled ether) may also be called:
- An Immense Background of Energy
- Brahman
- Consciousness
- Dark Matter
- Grandmother Spider’s Web
- Indra’s Net
- Luminiferous Ether
- Massless Ether
- Plasma*
- Space*
- SpaceTime
- The Cosmic Web
- The Divine Matrix
- The Fabric of the Cosmos
- The Field
- The Higgs Field
- The Plenum
- The Quantum Field
- The Quantum Vacuum
- The Tao
- The Universe
- The Vacuum
- The Vector Field
- The Void
- Consciousness – Some definitions for consciousness are quite similar to that of aether. For example, experts have found consciousness to be: the Intelligence of the universe; a “primary principle of existence” and “universal phenomenon”; “a fabric of the universe that pervades all sentient (and perhaps non-sentient) beings”; “The eternal driving force for all that exists, that manifests itself through physical form in order to experience”; an “ultimate nothingness that exists before anything is created, appears to come into existence, and is perceived.” We might presume, then, that aether (the field everything bathes in) is made of — or arises from — consciousness.
- Plasma – As used in mainstream science terminology, plasma is defined as a state of matter (along with solid, liquid and gas) that makes up 99.9% of the universe (NASA). Like gas, plasmas have no fixed shape or volume, but unlike gas which is neutral, plasma is charged. (Live Science) The sun and stars are comprised of plasma, and in addition, plasma forms a “soup” or “field.” Thus, we can deduce that plasma is synonymous with aether.
- Space – In some cases, the word “space” is also a synonym for aether, such as in philosophies that include space as one of the five elements, and in statements such as: “Instead of space being emptiness, it begins to appear that space is the mother of everything.” (source) In those cases, space is synonymous with spacetime, and with aether. In common parlance, however, the word “space” may be used to indicate “outer space” — a place beyond Earth.
Etheric Energy / Prana
In this article, Adam Apollo makes an elegant connection between aether and prana. We might call this the relationship between The Field (aether) and The Force (prana), which describes the movement of energy through the Field, or the movement of the Field itself.
Similarly, Owen Waters distinguishes Ether and Etheric Energy. “The ether – the fabric of the universe – seethes with etheric energy, but that energy is not the medium through which it travels… the aether is the field of support for the active etheric energy which courses through the universe… etheric energy is the life force that streams towards us from the Sun, energizing and motivating all forms of life.”
Other names for etheric energy include:
- Biofield
- Charge
- Chi
- Cold Electricity
- Creative Force
- Dark Energy
- Elan Vitale
- Energy from the Vacuum
- Ki
- Life Force
- Mana
- Odic Force
- Orgone
- Prana
- Qi
- Quintessence
- Radiant Energy
- Scalar Energy
- Spirit
- Tachyon Energy
- The Eternal Driving Force for All that Exists
- Vital Energy
- Vital Force
- Zero Point Energy
Nikola Tesla, 1907
All perceptible matter comes from a primary substance… filling all space, the akasha, or luminiferous ether, which is acted upon by the life-giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never-ending cycles all things and phenomena.
– Nikola Tesla, 1907
The Zero Point Field: A Hive of Activity
“There is one giant reservoir of energy we haven’t talked about,” Hal said. Every quantum physicist, he explained, is well aware of the Zero Point Field. Quantum mechanics had demonstrated that there is no such thing as a vacuum, or nothingness. What we tend to think of as a sheer void if all of space were emptied of matter and energy and you examined even the space between the stars is, in subatomic terms, a hive of activity… Also referred to by physicists as “the vacuum”, the Zero Point Field was called “zero” because fluctuations in the field are still detectable in temperatures of absolute zero, the lowest possible energy state, where all matter has been removed and nothing is supposedly left to make any motion.
– Lynne McTaggart, The Field
Aether Makes a Comeback in Science, Contributing to a Unified Theory of Physics
Acknowledgment of the aether solves many problems in physics… Imagine that the universe is an ocean of living energy... Instead of space being emptiness, a void of nothingness, it begins to appear that space is the mother of everything. The “Quantum Foam” of the modern physicist is a vibrant and dynamic caldron… The major paradigm shift is that space-time is a thing. Space-time is like a fluid. We give space-time a name, to differentiate it from the concept of a void of nothingness. That name is aether, a tribute to the ancient term for the firmament above Earth. Once you understand that all matter obtains its nature within the active “stage” of the aether, then a holistic explanation appears that could be called nothing other than a Theory of Everything… The problem [in the late 1800s] was they were searching for an aether they assumed was at absolute rest, a stationary and solid aether. That incorrect assumption and the inability to find an “aether wind” caused physicists to dismiss the aether for over a century… In this book, we define the Aether Unit’s geometry and spin structure.
– Secrets of the Aether
Dark Matter = Quantum Vacuum = Aether
Multiple sources show how what we call “Dark Matter” might actually represent the quantum vacuum, a “substance” that could make up the large majority of our universe. It’s an invisible force: massless, neither solid nor liquid that can be used to help make our world a better place… Can the collective mind ever open up to science that confirms the reality of metaphysical and spiritual principles? Despite statistically significant results in various fields, science that conflicts with long held belief systems still has a hard time seeing the light of day.
– Earth, Water, Air & Fire: Why Is The Fifth Element (Aether) Completely Ignored?
The Field
If ocean waves travel through water and sound waves travel through air, then light waves must travel through something… The aether was replaced by a new name for the fabric of space: Spacetime… Today, the aether is back. Under a new name, of course. Today, it’s called the Higgs Field, and its existence has been proven using no less than the high-energy particle accelerator at CERN… So, what do we call this field, this fabric of space? The aether again? The Higgs Field? Personally, I prefer using Lynne McTaggart’s 2003 book title, which inquires into its nature and simply calls it The Field, with a capital “F.” The Field is a primary form of magnetism. It is a subtle magnetic fluid that can be distorted or compressed like a gas and it can flow through the poles of a bar magnet in a highly condensed form. As a magnetic energy, it is attractive in nature. It is intensified within and around matter, where its attractive nature produces the force of gravity. The Field is a subtle, fluid, magnetic energy which fills all space.
– Owen Waters, Higher Energies: The Ether & Etheric Energy
Massless Ether
Therefore, massless Ether has got to be once again established. Then, there will be a meaningful understanding of physics, meaningful understanding of metaphysics and meaningful understanding of spiritual processes.
– The Paramahamsa Tewari, former Executive Director, Nuclear Power Corporation, India
You can think of plasma as the connective tissue of the unseen world… All forms of matter — from our cells, to our bodies, to our sun, to distant stars — are intimately connected by plasma. This means that everything we know in the physical universe has an electric field, and these fields connect to everything else in the universe through a greater, singular field.
– Dr. Joe Dispenza,
Quantum Field: Another Word for Aether
Current scientific theories advocating the existence of “dark matter,” “dark energy,” “zero point energy” and “energy from the vacuum” have dragged unwilling Western researchers to the recognition of an undetected energy that exists throughout the universe. While these same scientists deplore terms like “aether,” they’ll often freely use a term like “quantum field,” which is really just another word for the aether. One very early instance of evidence for the presence of the aether originates from the reputable physicist Dr Hal Puthoff. He regularly points out experiments from the very early 20th century, performed prior to quantum mechanics, that were created to see if there is any type of power in “void” of empty space.
– Eric Thompson, Subtle Energy Sciences
An Essential Facet of the Philosophy & Science of Reality in Cultures Around the World
For thousands of years, the Aether (ether, æther, aither), a field which connects and permeates all things, was an essential facet of both the philosophy and science of reality in cultures around the world… It is sometimes more generally translated simply as “Spirit”… In Japanese, it is considered to be the void through which all other elements come into existence… There are also many terms for the movement of energy through the Aether, or the movement of Aether itself. These include qi (also written as chi, ch’i, or ki) which is a traditional Chinese and Taoist concept for the natural energy or “life force” of any living thing. In Hinduism, a similar idea is known as prana, which is the life force which connects all the elements of the universe. For Hawaiian and some polynesian cultures, this field of living force is known as mana. The same concept is known as ruah in Hebrew, as lüng in Tibetan Buddhism, as pneuma in ancient Greece, and vital energy in Western philosophy. It is also popularized by the idea of “The Force” in Star Wars.
– Adam Apollo, Resonance Institute
The Implication: Matter Arises from – is Birthed from – the Aether
Many, like Tesla, have suggested that matter is birthed from the Aether, which may be mistaken as dark matter.
– Arjun Walia, The Pulse
Physicist David Bohm Said It, Too: Matter is a Ripple on the Wave of the Fullness of Space (the Ether)
In modern physics, one of the things they say is that empty space is full of energy, a vast amount of energy. Each wave in empty space has a certain minimum energy, even when it’s empty, and if you add up all the waves it would be infinite… Even when we talk of things being ‘here’, they are really small ripples on some vast energy which is circulating… What we experience as empty space may be the fullness. It may be that the ground of existence is in the empty space — which is really full. Matter is a small variation of it… The idea is that space is mostly full, and that matter is a small ripple on it. You can make a very strong case for that according to modern physics.
– David Bohm, Thought as a System 1994
The Void, the Tao, the One, & Brahman
In Hinduism, this pre-creative “non-state” is referred to as the Void. In Taoism, this indefinable non-corporeality is referred to as the Tao. Also in Hinduism there is a concept of an ultimate divine abstract creative source or potential termed as Brahman. Although according to Taoists the Tao itself is incomprehensible it may be seen or viewed as the primary “first cause” of all Creation. This primary manifestation of Creation is known to Taoists simply as “the One.” This concept of Oneness may be an allusion to the concept in cosmology of the cosmic ether or the concepts in physics of the quantum vacuum, zero-point energy and zero-point energy fields. In this instance particularly a reference to an all-pervading, universal life-generating energy/field may be a metaphysical reference to the scientific principle of the basic creative potential universal ground state of the cosmos.
– Metastrology, Creation: The Void & The Tao
Nonlocality and Entanglement
- Nonlocality is the name physicists have given to objects having information (“knowing the state”) of other objects, even when separated by large distances.
- Entanglement is the word coined by Erwin Shrodinger to refer to particles that are correlated by an interaction.
The idea of something measured in one place “influencing” measurements far away challenged what Einstein thought of as “local reality.” It came to be known as “nonlocality,” but it always contained something else called “nonseparability.” Einstein called it “spooky action at a distance.”
– The Information Philosopher
2-Minute Video on Nonlocality
Quantum Physics

- Physics is the branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy, and their interactions.
- It includes the subjects of Mechanics (motion and interaction), Thermodynamics (heat and temperature), Vibrations and Waves, Optics (light and colors), Electromagnetism, Relativity and Quantum Mechanics.
- Quantum is the scientific name given to “the basic stuff from which the universe is made.” (Michael Talbot)
- Scientists refer to the tiniest phenomena in the universe as “subatomic phenomena,” because it is smaller than, or occurring within, an atom.
- When subatomic phenomena was found to be both particles and waves, they gave them the name “wave particle” or “quantum.” (Michael Talbot)
- Quanta is the plural of “quantum.”
Quantum Mechanics / Quantum Physics
- Quantum Mechanics (QM) is also known as Quantum Physics and Quantum Theory.
- QM is the branch of physics that deals with the very small.
- It describes motion and interaction at the subatomic level.
Unified Theory of Physics
- Unified Field Theory (UFT) is the name given to the quest to construct a scientific theory that resolves the incompatibility between models of physics, particularly quantum physics and relativity.
- Unified Theory of Physics is another name for UFT or a general term to describe the goal and effect of particular theories such as those proposed by David Bohm and Nassim Haramein.
More Terms
Mainstream scientists propose that life is just an accidental byproduct of the laws of physics and consciousness a result of the brain. Indigenous cultures have a completely different paradigm:
Today, most scientists would argue that what we call consciousness is an epiphenomenon, or secondary by-product, of the brain — that is, that the neural circuitry in the brain creates consciousness. In fact, Francis Crick, one of the discoverers of DNA, states in his book The Astonishing Hypothesis: The Scientific Search for the Soul that everything to be learned about the soul can be found by studying the workings of the human brain. In contrast, shamans are more prone to believe the reverse, that the brain is an epiphenomenon of consciousness, and that consciousness itself utilizes complex evolutionary mechanisms to create the neural circuitry that allows us to become aware of ourselves and the universe.
– Albert Villoldo PhD
In modern science, the term “biocentrism” reflects this model. Biocentrism is the view that consciousness creates the universe rather than the other way around.(source) Robert Lanza M.D. is a chief proponent of this paradigm. In 2014, Lanza was named one of TIME Magazine’s 100 most influential people in the world among other honors noted here.
In the following 19-minute video, Lanza makes the science accessible.
A fractal is a rough or fragmented shape (as distinguished from a sphere or cone, for example) that, if viewed from various distances, appears “self-similar.” (source)
If a fractal were to be split into parts, each would be a reduced-size copy of the whole. For example, a frond is a miniature replica of the whole fern. More examples include clouds, snowflakes, crystals, mountain ranges, river networks, lightning bolts, and systems of blood vessels.
The word “fractal” was coined in 1975 by mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot, who came to be called the “father of fractal geometry.”
Mountains, Coastlines, Cauliflowers & Ferns are All Natural Fractals
Unfortunately, there is no definition of fractals that is both simple and accurate. Like so many things in modern science and mathematics, discussions of “fractal geometry” can quickly go over the heads of the non-mathematically-minded. This is a real shame, because there is profound beauty and power in the idea of fractals. The best way to get a feeling for what fractals are is to consider some examples. Clouds, mountains, coastlines, cauliflowers and ferns are all natural fractals. These shapes have something in common — something intuitive, accessible and aesthetic.
– Jack Challoner
Technically, fractals are defined as having “infinite intricacy,” “zoom symmetry,” “complexity from simplicity,” and “fractional dimensions.” (Each is explained here.)
A key teaching of fractal mathematics is that there are patterns and order where there may have seemed to be disorder or chaos.
Notice that the shape of the fern is intricately detailed. Remarkably, you can see that the leaves are shaped like little copies of the branches. In fact, the entire fern is mostly built up from the same basic shape repeated over and over again at ever smaller scales… Fractals can be found everywhere in the world around you, from a humble fern to the structure of the universe on the largest of scales. Even certain parts of your anatomy are fractal, including your brain… Fractal mathematics not only allows us to begin modelling the shapes of nature, it can also reawaken our childlike wonder at the world around us.
– What are Fractals
Fractal math can find order within patterns that seem unthinkably complicated.
– Fractalenlightenment.com
The chaos and irregularity of the world — Mandelbrot referred to it as “roughness” — is something to be celebrated. It would be a shame if clouds really were spheres, and mountains cones… The fractal mathematics Mandelbrot pioneered, together with the related field of chaos theory, lifts the veil on the hidden beauty of the world. It inspired scientists in many disciplines — including cosmology, medicine, engineering and genetics — and artists and musicians, too. The whole universe is fractal.
– Jack Challoner
See Also
The Holographic Universe
Here we are not discussing holograms or holography per se, but rather the science and implications of what is called the holographic universe, the scientific theory that the universe employs holographic principles in its operations. The evidence and theory was initially published by David Bohm, which he further described in his book, Wholeness and the Implicate Order, first published in 1980.
- Of course, the stunning revelation in this science is that since a holographic image is a kind of illusion that the universe as we know it is also a kind of illusion.
- But arguably just as powerful in this theory is that underlying the reality we experience is a “deeper order of existence, a vast and more primary level of reality that gives birth to all the objects and appearances of our physical world in much the same way that a piece of holographic film gives birth to a hologram.”
- Another extraordinary aspect of holographic order is its nonlocal properties. (See definition above.)
- Also called holographic paradigm, holographic model, holographic analogy, holographic metaphor and holographic theory.
When something is organized holographically, all semblance of location breaks down. Saying that every part of a piece of holographic film contains all the information possessed by the whole is really just another way of saying that the information is distributed nonlocally. Hence, if the universe is organized according to holographic principles, it, too, would be expected to have nonlocal properties.
– Michael Talbot
In the first 3 minutes, Gregg Braden explains the holographic model of consciousness in accessible terms with accompanying visuals.
Noetic Sciences
- Apollo astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell founded the Institute for Noetic Sciences (IONS) to bridge science and spirituality in a systematic study of the nature of consciousness. (source)
- The noetic sciences are a framework for a deeper understanding of our inner worlds, our shared reality, and the interconnection between all things. (source)
Keep Reading
- Next, see Overcoming an Outdated Worldview.
- Or, jump to What is Consciousness?