How did I manage to go through five years of medical school with not one lecture on vaccines, their mode of action, ingredients, research demonstrating safety, etc., but still come out of the system with the absolute unquestioning belief that vaccines were safe and a miracle drug? Talk about mind control and indoctrination. Kudos to the Faculty of Medicine. – Doc Malik
Use the contents to jump to your area of interest. The curation below is organized like this:
- Corruption & Concealment
- Evidence & Research
- About Heavy Metals
- Counter-Narratives
- Vax Manufacturers Not Held Liable for Products
- Reports by Date
- Reports by Vaccine Type
- Gardasil, HPV (HPV = Human Papillomavirus; Cervical Cancer)
- Hep B (Hepatitis B)
- RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus)
- MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)
- DTap, DTP, DPT, Td, Tdap (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis /Whooping Cough)
- Polio, IPV, Rotavirus, PCV (IPV = Inactivated Polio Vaccine, PCV = Pneumococcal Conjugae Vaccine; Pneumonia, Invasive Pneumococcal Disease)
- Chickenpox, Shingles (Varicella)
- Flu, Hib (Influenza; Hib = Haemophilus Influenzae Type b)
- Anthrax, Swine Flu, Mpox, Smallpox, TB, Other (H1N1 = Swine Flu)
- Other Cancer
- Bird Flu (H5N1 = Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 = A/H5N1 = Avian Influenza)
- Covid-19
- What You Can Do
Corruption & Concealment

- “None of the vaccines on the childhood schedule were tested against an inert saline placebo and none of the trials were long enough to accurately measure harms.” — “Lawyer Aaron Siri has produced a remarkable chart. It lists every vaccine on the childhood schedule, how many doses are recommended, what age children are injected with it, the brand, who manufactures it, whether the clinical trial for this vaccine used a placebo, and how long the clinical trial lasted. And what the chart shows is that none of the vaccines on the childhood schedule were tested against an inert saline placebo and none of the trials were long enough to accurately measure harms…This chart illustrates that the CDC child and adolescent vaccine schedule is the most horrifying example of regulatory capture in history… This is the chart that you need. This chart will save lives.”
- “After decades of gaslighting the public, a new study admits that vaccine safety studies are not conducted before or after use on the public.” — “For decades, parents of vaccine-injured children, vaccine-injured adults and others contested the claims that vaccines are the world’s most thoroughly safety-tested products in the world only to be shunned and attacked by the medical community and health agencies. Now a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine in the first week of July admits vaccines are not properly studied.”
- Unethical & Nullifying Research: Instead of an Inactive Placebo, Girls in Vaccine Study Were Injected with a Toxic Heavy Metal. The researchers lied to study participants and lied about the results. The study was not properly conducted, and it was unethical. Girls were injected with a toxic substance and several in the “placebo” group suffered “chronic disabling symptoms.” — “Participants in Merck’s Gardasil study were led to believe that the study’s placebo was saline, which is harmless. But instead of injecting saline, the placebo in this trial contained amorphous aluminium hydroxyphosphate sulphate (AAHS)… Using a ‘placebo’ that can independently produce adverse effects confounds the trial results and ‘nullifies the very concept of a placebo-controlled trial,’ the researchers wrote, making it impossible to evaluate vaccine safety.” … The trial consent form stated that “One half of the participants will receive the active vaccine, while the other half will get the placebo vaccine (meaning a vaccine without active substance)” leading the participants to falsely believe the placebo was inactive… A number of trial participants experienced chronic disabling symptoms, including some randomized to the adjuvant ‘placebo’ group… Aluminum has no place in biology. It’s an extremely toxic substance… Fact checkers have often stated things like ‘the amount of aluminum in a vaccine is equivalent to canned food’ …The aluminum we ingest through food is discarded via digestion, whereas aluminum injected into the body or bloodstream is treated entirely differently. From another article on the same subject: Dr. Christophr Exley, a chemist with a PhD in ecotoxicology of aluminum: “No so-called vaccine, probably including covid products, has maimed and killed more adolescents over the past twenty years… No more children must be maimed and killed by this evil and worthless product. In our view, the administration of a reactive placebo in Gardasil clinical trials was without any possible benefit, needlessly exposed study subjects to risks, and was therefore a violation of medical ethics. The routine use of aluminum adjuvants as ‘placebos’ in vaccine clinical trials is inappropriate as it hinders the discovery of vaccine-related safety signals.” — Original research: A Reactogenic “Placebo” and the Ethics of Informed Consent in Gardasil HPV Vaccine Clinical Trials: A Case Study from Denmark
- FDA’s “Safety Testing” is Fraudulent, Approving Vaccines without Using True Controls — “Refusal to include true controls in safety testing is scientific fraud. As a general rule, vaccines are not tested against true controls i.e. compared against subjects who are not exposed to other known toxins or other vaccines. The current art of vaccine ‘safety testing’ includes the outright fraud of injecting the so-called ‘placebo controls’ with other vaccines and/or other toxic vaccine ingredients that are known to cause biological effects… This is the outrageously fraudulent scheme by which vaccines are FDA ‘approved’ and marketed with the false slogan ‘safe’ or ‘relatively safe’ – as compared to the fake placebo controls or as compared to the 99.74% vaccine-exposed population.”
- Officials Finally Tell the Truth: No Research Has Been Properly Conducted Either Before or After Administering Vaccines to Children, and None Have Been Shown to Be Safe & Effective — “For over three decades, the medical establishment, spearheaded by figures like Dr. Stanley Plotkin, has assured the public that vaccines are the most rigorously tested medical products using retrospective studies. Yet, Salmon et al. now concede that prelicensure clinical trials often have ‘limited sample sizes and follow-up durations’ and that there are ‘no resources earmarked for post-authorization safety studies’.”
- Fraud & Ethics Violations: “Research” on Covid-19 Vaccines in Pregnancy Was Inadequate & Manipulated — “Research on Covid-19 vaccines in pregnancy was not designed to generate meaningful knowledge about risks. The Pfizer pregnancy trial (C4591015) was supposed to be the gold standard for safety assessment—but it was drastically reduced in size and terminated early, ensuring that no meaningful conclusions could be drawn. This represents a clear violation of Clause 8, as regulatory agencies and public health authorities prioritized global vaccine coverage over the protection of individual patients’ rights… One of the most egregious ethical violations was coercing pregnant women to receive a vaccine that had not been adequately tested in their demographic. Doctors who advised caution faced professional retaliation. Pregnant women who refused vaccination were stigmatized and, in some cases, denied services or employment. Informed consent was reduced to a formality, with misleading messaging erasing uncertainty about vaccine safety.”
- Those Attempting to Publish Proper Studies Censored without Justification — “Incredibly, few vaccinated vs unvaccinated studies have ever been published – and attempts to publish them have usually been met with violent reactions that typically result in the papers being retracted. This famously happened to Wakefield’s 1998 Lancet paper. But the process is ongoing, albeit less conspicuously and without justification from a kangaroo court such as the General Medical Council (GMC).”
- Investigation Found All Vaccines Were Contaminated with Foreign Matter That “Induce an Inflammatory Reaction that is Chronic Because Most of Those Particles Cannot Be Degraded” — Jan 23, 2017: “Vaccines are under investigation for the possible side effects they can cause… An electron-microscopy investigation method was applied to the study of vaccines… The results show the presence of micro- and nanosized particulate matter composed of inorganic elements in vaccines’ samples which is not declared… The quantity of foreign bodies detected and, in some cases, their unusual chemical compositions baffled us. The inorganic particles identified are neither biocompatible nor biodegradable, that means that they are biopersistent and can induce effects that can become evident either immediately close to injection time or after a certain time from administration… As happens with all foreign bodies, particularly that small, they induce an inflammatory reaction that is chronic because most of those particles cannot be degraded. Furthermore, the protein-corona effect (due to a nano-bio-interaction) can produce organic/inorganic composite particles capable of stimulating the immune system in an undesirable way. Particles the size often observed in vaccines can enter cell nuclei and interact with the DNA. In some cases, they can corrode and the corrosion products exert a toxicity affecting the tissues. Given the contaminations we observed in all samples of human-use vaccines, adverse effects after the injection of those vaccines are possible and credible and have the character of randomness, since they depend on where the contaminants are carried by the blood circulation.“
- Pediatricians Have Been Bought — “Healthcare providers for years have been leading the charge in recommending — and often pressuring — parents to vaccinate their children. During the Covid-19 pandemic, strong endorsements from pediatricians played a significant role in the acceptance of experimental Covid-19 shots for kids, while parents expressed dismay at receiving dismissal letters for delaying or refusing a barrage of shots. What these letters failed to disclose is that many pediatric practices lose out on financial rewards, including bonuses, if a certain percentage of their patient population isn’t vaccinated, and dismissal policies are one of many strategies used to increase vaccine compliance. If it were about public health, no physician would leave a child without established medical care based on whether a parent exercises their fundamental right to withhold consent to vaccination.”
- Merck Concealed Evidence of MMR Vaccine Harms — May 7, 2024: “According to this evidence, it appears that Merck knew about problems with the mumps component of its measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine (MMR II) in the 1990s and has spent significant resources in the decades since to cover up those problems rather than admit the truth or improve the vaccine’s quality.” See also: ‘Highly Confidential’: Former FDA Chief Details Fraud in Merck’s Testing, Marketing of Mumps Vaccine and ‘Fraud, Pure and Simple’: Merck Mumps Vaccine May Contain Up to 4 Times Approved Amount of Live Virus; Merck misrepresented the efficacy of its mumps vaccine for years, “overfilling” the vaccine with live mumps virus to meet efficacy targets despite the lack of safety testing — and the practice may be continuing today, documents reveal.
- Authorities Spin Stories to Hide From Every Truth About Vaccine Harms — “Every single time the vaccinators come up against data they don’t like, they abandon science and resort to magical thinking. Children regress into autism following ‘well baby’ visits: Coincidence. Better awareness. Blame the mother. Teenagers develop POTS, PANDAS, PANS, and SADS after the HPV vaccine: Teenage girls are so dramatic. Hormonal. Attention seeking. Covid shots cause myocarditis: Vaccine induced myocarditis is mild, transient, and better than Covid. Covid shots cause athletes in the prime of life to go into cardiac arrest in the middle of a match: Athletes have always collapsed and died during the middle of a match. Even if they worked (which they don’t), most people already have natural immunity so there’s no need for Covid shots: Hybrid immunity is better than natural immunity. In every case the response from public health authorities is a fiction, invented whole cloth in order to keep the vaccine program going.”
- Whistleblowers Have Been Mercilessly Attacked & Gaslit — Jan 27, 2002: “Controversial doctor Andrew Wakefield is unrepentant about his conviction that the MMR vaccine may cause autism in some children… Dr Wakefield first went public about his research in 1998. Parents’ confidence in MMR was severely dented and uptake of the vaccine began to fall. ‘My concerns are that one more case of this is too many and that we put children at no more risk if we dissociate those vaccines into three but we may be averting the possibility of this problem,’ he said. From the moment he first voiced concerns over MMR, Andrew Wakefield has faced intense criticism from the Department of Health and the medical establishment. Reports from two expert committees have insisted the MMR vaccine is safe.” See also: “Twenty-five years after Andrew Wakefield found himself amid the MMR debacle, I was shocked to see the Daily Mail run another hit piece on Andrew after he came on my podcast. The fact that my fledgling podcast (it hadn’t even been up for two months at that point) hit a mainstream paper suggests that the authorities are constantly on the lookout for any critical voices when it comes to vaccines and will try their best to squash any critique before it gains traction.” [Doc Malik]
- Military Record-Keeping Almost Kept the Truth Hidden, but with “Much Sleuthing,” it Was Found that Victims of Gulf War Syndrome Were Injected Using Different Anthrax Vaccine Production Lots than Non-Victims — “Government manipulation of vaccine-related data, as discussed by Brian Hooker in the last issue is not unprecedented or restricted to studies of measles-mumps-rubella vaccine. After serving in the U.S. Navy during Desert Shield, I was a member of the Naval Research Advisory Committee. At that time, around 1993, I [met] with the lead researcher assigned to figuring out the truth of Gulf War Syndrome (GWS)… Most GWS victims were reservists, while most in-theater personnel were on active duty. Thus, it was reasoned that the stress of being unexpectedly jerked out of private life into a combat zone played a causative role in GWS. Later, it was determined that GWS victims had received vaccines from different production lots than had the non-victims. Much sleuthing was required because the military purposely did not record all anthrax vaccines in service records, and when they did, often it was as “Vac A” or “Vac B.” Some of the lots had squalene adjuvant MF59, and some did not. Subject testing revealed — even in reservists who did not actually deploy to the Gulf — that anti-squalene antibodies were present in nearly all GWS victims and in none of the non-victims.(2,3)”
- Retired US Air Force Colonel Blew the Whistle on Military Anthrax Vaccine — In this 15-min video, retired Air Force colonel Tom Rempfer reports, “The military knew the anthrax vaccine did not work. There were … significant quality control deviations. It was a broken operation, total malfunction.”
- Report to U.S. Department of Health & Human Services in 2010: “Adverse events from vaccines are common but underreported, with less than one percent reported to the FDA” — “Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported. Although 25% of ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 1-13% of serious events are reported to the FDA. Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. Low reporting rates preclude or slow the identification of ‘problem’ drugs and vaccines that endanger public health. New surveillance methods for drug and vaccine adverse effects are needed. Barriers to reporting include a lack of clinician awareness, uncertainty about when and what to report, as well as the burdens of reporting: reporting is not part of clinicians’ usual workflow, takes time, and is duplicative.”
- In 2025, corrupt “authorities” continue to vent and posture, but it’s all a show, because the papers they wave around do not, in fact, compare unvaccinated to vaccinated which show the vaccines are not effective or safe. — [A senator] went on a rant proclaiming vaccines are safe waving a pile of papers representing 40 studies to be entered into the record. The details of the studies including baseline assessments, which vaccine combinations, duration of observation, and completeness of follow-up were not cited. There are no studies in my assessment as an epidemiologist that have ‘ruled out’ a connection between excessive vaccination and the development of neurodevelopmental disorders. [The senator] was in full-blown reaction formation.”
- 12 Babies Died During a Trial to “Protect” Infants from RSV; The CDC Ignored the Deaths and Continues to Recommend the Treatment — This 18-min video features testimony from whistleblower and veteran internal medicine physician, Dr. Denise Sibley MD. See also: New Paper Shows RSV Shot for Infants May Worsen Infection; “May cause more severe RSV infection and death in some infants due to a mechanism that enhances the virus’ ability to infect cells” link
- Pfizer Hid Safety Issues with Covid Vaccines — October, 2023: “Every month since December 2021, the FDA has been required to release thousands of pages of documents… Pfizer is finally including safety reports in their latest document release… Pfizer’s September 2021 Safety Report includes data on incidence of myocarditis, among other serious adverse events.” [See here for extensive reporting and documented research on heart issues.]
- Immediately Upon Administration of its Covid Vaccine, Pfizer Had to Hire an Additional 600 Full Time Employees to Handle the Onslaught of Adverse Event Reports — “Within weeks of the vaccine being administered, Pfizer, apparently unexpectedly, had to hire 600 full time employees ‘to help alleviate the large increase of adverse event reports’ being received by the company. You can find initial redacted copy of the report here and the unredacted copy here with the redactions lifted on page 6.”
- Polio Vaccines Caused Polio & Cancer — Dr. Jack Kruse, neurosurgeon: “Cutter Pharmaceuticals… used African green monkeys to grow the polio virus on to make the vaccine… A researcher named Dr. Bernice Eddie did some testing on the Cutter vaccine… she injected it into monkeys, and every single monkey got polio… Eddie started to look into this, and she found that there were multiple viruses that were grown in the polio vaccine, and 120 million people in the world from 1951 through about 1955 and 1956 got this.* The one that you may have heard of, because it’s been in the news a lot, is called SV40. SV stands for Simian Virus 40; that tells you there were 39 others, but Simian Virus 40 is important. African green monkeys have this virus in them; it doesn’t bother them at all. They don’t get any problems. But when you take SV40 out of any African green monkey, and put it in any other animal they always get soft tissue cancers. 100% guaranteed.” *See also: The Cutter Incident
- The Corrupt Practices of Pharmaceutical Corporations, Specified in Meticulous Detail — They give lavish gifts to physicians, promote new “diseases,” set up phony “patient advocacy organizations,” “educate” doctors about drug’s unapproved uses, bury studies they don’t want seen, and more.
- Pharma Corporations Inundate Med School Students with Gifts — Recognizing the formative nature of the clinical years of medical education, pharmaceutical companies seek to influence medical students years before they are ready to independently practice medicine.
- Big Pharma Are Big Lobbyists — Pharmaceutical corporations are among the largest lobby groups in Washington DC. How is government lobbying by corporations different from bribery and corruption?
- How Corporations Betray Humanity — Includes section on pharmaceutical corporations.
Evidence & Research

Infants Who Receive More Vaccinations Have “Exponentially” More Disease
A new study published in the peer-reviewed International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research confirms infants who receive more vaccinations have “exponentially” more diseases. – Jun 22, 2024
2011 Meta Analysis with Data from 34 Countries: Higher Number of Vaccine Doses Statistically Correlated with Increasing Infant Mortality Rates; U.S. Had Most Vaccines and Highest Infant Mortality
There is a highly statistically significant correlation between increasing number of vaccine doses and increasing infant mortality rates.; “The infant mortality rate (IMR) is one of the most important indicators of the socio-economic well-being and public health conditions of a country. The US childhood immunization schedule specifies 26 vaccine doses for infants aged less than 1 year—the most in the world—yet 33 nations have lower IMRs. Using linear regression, the immunization schedules of these 34 nations were examined… Linear regression analysis of unweighted mean IMRs showed a high statistically significant correlation between increasing number of vaccine doses and increasing infant mortality rates… A closer inspection of correlations between vaccine doses, biochemical or synergistic toxicity, and IMRs is essential.” – Meta Analysis published May 4, 2011
Study of 47,000 Children: Likelihood of an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Diagnosis Increased with the Number of Vaccination Visits
Using healthcare claims data from over 47,000 children, the study examined whether vaccination status and frequency of vaccination visits were linked to conditions such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), epilepsy, and learning disabilities… The likelihood of an ASD diagnosis increased with the number of vaccination visits. Children with 11 or more vaccination visits were 4.4 times (a 340% increase) more likely to have autism compared to those who were unvaccinated. – VaxCalc, January 2025
More Findings from the Study of 47,000 Children: Across All Metrics, Vaccinated Children Had Higher Rate of Brain Development Disorders & Learning Disabilities
The study found that, across all metrics, vaccinated children had a higher rate of neurodevelopmental disorders compared to those who remained unvaccinated. According to the findings: The relative risk of developing a neurodevelopmental disorder grew as the number of doctor’s visits that included vaccinations increased. Children with just one vaccination visit were 1.7 times more likely to have been diagnosed with autism compared to those who were unvaccinated. Children with 11 or more vaccination visits were 340% more likely to be diagnosed with autism compared to unvaccinated children and 89% more likely to be diagnosed with autism compared to children with one vaccination visit. Vaccinated children who were born preterm were 258% more likely to be diagnosed with at least one neurodevelopmental disorder, compared to children born preterm who remained unvaccinated. Nearly 40% of vaccinated preterm children were diagnosed with such a disorder, compared to 15.7% of those who were unvaccinated. Vaccinated children were 419% more likely to be diagnosed with encephalopathy (brain inflammation), 525% more likely to develop tic disorders and 581% times more likely to have a learning disability, compared to unvaccinated children. Among children born preterm who were subsequently vaccinated, the risk of brain inflammation and learning disabilities grew by 612% and 884%, respectively. – Children’s Health Defense, January 2025
Swine Flu Vaccine Associated with Spontaneous Abortion
Of 919 potential cases identified using diagnosis codes, 485 were eligible and confirmed by medical record review… Spontaneous abortion (SAB) was associated with influenza vaccination [containing pH1N1] in the preceding 28 days. – Case control study, 2017
Increased Mortality in DTP-Vaccinated Children
We examined the introduction of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP) and oral polio vaccine (OPV) in an urban community in Guinea-Bissau in the early 1980s. The child population had been followed with 3-monthly nutritional weighing sessions since 1978. From June 1981 DTP and OPV were offered from 3 months of age at these sessions. Due to the 3-monthly intervals between sessions, the children were allocated in a ‘natural experiment’ to receive vaccinations early or late between 3 and 5 months of age… We compared mortality between 3 and 5 months of age of DTP-vaccinated and not-yet-DTP-vaccinated children… All-cause infant mortality after 3 months of age increased after the introduction of these vaccines… DTP was associated with increased mortality. – EBio Medicine and PubMed
“The Greater the Number of Vaccines in Combination Yields an Exponentially Greater Number of Disease Diagnoses”
Adverse Outcomes Are Increased with Exposure to Added Combinations of Infant Vaccines… This study evaluates 1,542,076 vaccine combinations administered to infants (less than 1 year of age at time of vaccination) between July 1st, 1991 and May 31st, 2011…. By examining all 7 combinations of 3 vaccines (HepB, PNC, and Rota) in context of the base and widely administered set of 3 others (DTaP, HIB, and IPV) we describe contextually relevant diseases pertaining to development, respiratory, and suspected infectious disease. We additionally go on to describe adverse outcome frequency trends… the greater the number of vaccines in the combination yields an exponentially greater number of disease diagnoses. – International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research
Why Aren’t There More Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated Trials? What Do the Ones We Have Show Us?
Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Serious and Irreversible Neurological, Developmental, and Immune-Related Health Risks: Four Studies Reveal the Grave Consequences of Childhood Hyper-Vaccination. When studies compare vaccinated to unvaccinated children, they find serious and irreversible neurological, developmental, and immune-related health risks. This is likely one of the primary reasons that prevents Big Pharma and our regulatory agencies from conducting such studies — their flawed business model of pushing inadequately tested injections would collapse as parents learn the true risks of vaccination. It’s important to remember that ALL of the routine childhood vaccines were licensed WITHOUT proper long-term, placebo-controlled trials. – Nicolas Hulscher MPH
“Unvaccinated Persons Are Incommensurably Healthier than Vaccinated”
Results from the 2019/2020 nationwide Control Group Survey of Unvaccinated Americans show that those refusing vaccines are thriving while those accepting them are being injured and met with a multiplicity of grave injuries as well as sudden unexpected death. This survey quantified the long-term health risks of total vaccine avoidance against the health outcomes observed in the 99.74% vaccine-exposed American population. Based upon the sample sizes for the controls vs. the exposed population, the p-values and odds ratios evidence the astronomical odds against the innocence of vaccines as the actual cause of well over 90% of the disabling and life-threatening chronic conditions suffered by Americans. The true “controls” (calculated to represent 0.26% of the population in 2020) have established the baseline disease risk incurred by those without exposure to vaccination. The null hypothesis, that no significant difference would be found between vaccinated vs. unvaccinated persons in heart disease, diabetes, digestive disorders, eczema, asthma, allergies, developmental disabilities, birth defects, epilepsy, autism, ADHD, cancers, and arthritis, is rejected with overwhelming statistical confidence and power in every single contrast. – Int’l Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2022
Fully and Partially Vaccinated Children Had More Severe Allergies, Autism, Gastrointestinal Disorders, Asthma, ADD and Chronic Ear Infections
Higher odds ratios were observed within the fully and partially vaccinated groups versus the unvaccinated group for severe allergies, autism, gastrointestinal disorders, asthma, ADD/ADHD, and chronic ear infections. – 2021 Research
Peer-Reviewed Study Confirms Polio Infections Caused by Vaccine
A peer-reviewed study published in January in the Pan African Medical Journal (PAMJ) confirms hundreds of poliovirus infections in Africa were caused by an oral vaccine meant to prevent the disease. – Apr 8, 2024
Of 674 Confirmed Cases of Paralytic Polio in 28 Countries, 658 Were Caused by the Polio Vaccine
A GPEI report published last year found that ‘vaccine-derived polioviruses are paralyzing nearly 50 times more children than wild polioviruses.’ Of the 674 confirmed cases of paralytic polio reported from 28 countries during the 12 months up leading up to July 31, 2023, only 16 were caused by type 1 wild poliovirus. The remaining 658 confirmed cases were caused by polioviruses (type 1 and type 2) derived from the oral polio vaccines themselves.” – Marco Cáceres
Children Who Got Flu Vaccine Had Increased Respiratory Infections Compared to Control
We randomized 115 children to trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV) or placebo. Over the following 9 months, [vaccinated] recipients had an increased risk of virologically-confirmed non-influenza infections. – Randomized control trial, Mar 15, 2012
“Autopsy Confirms Infant Died from Over-Vaccination”
A toxicology report shows that a new mom in Maine was right. Her baby, Sawyer, died when he was just eight weeks old, 34 hours after being vaccinated… The aluminum concentration in the baby’s blood was at adult toxicity levels… Several of the vaccines Baby Sawyer received, including Hib and Pediarix, contained high amounts of aluminum. So the medical examiner’s office was wrong in assuming (without ever testing it) that heavy metals did not contribute to or cause the death. “This additional pathology report shows how much our medical examiners don’t know because they won’t look.” – Jennifer Margulis
Severe Risk from Vaccinating Infants for Adult Illnesses & Bacterial Infections that are Readily Treatable
The bottom line [from this CDC data] is that parents should fully understand the real risks of febrile seizures and the theoretical benefit of vaccinating for adult illnesses (hepatitis B, influenza, pneumococcus, etc) at such a young age. Many bacterial infections are readily treatable with today’s antibiotics (diphtheria, pertussis, pneumococcus, haemophilus). Many of the viral syndromes are very mild and have exceedingly rare complications when encountered early in life (measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, rotavirus). – Dr. Peter A. Mccullough MD, MPH
“World-Renowned Vaccinologist Publishes Paper Admitting Lack of Vaccine Safety Studies”
In a stunning reversal, Dr. Stanley Plotkin, widely regarded as the godfather of modern vaccinology, has co-authored a paper in the New England Journal of Medicine… admitting significant gaps in vaccine safety research, contradicting decades of claims that vaccines are thoroughly studied and safe. The paper acknowledges inadequacies in prelicensure clinical trials and reveals a lack of dedicated funding for post-approval vaccine safety studies in the U.S. Over 76% of vaccine-related health outcomes examined by the Institute of Medicine lacked sufficient evidence to determine causality, challenging assertions that vaccine safety is settled science. A study by Dr. Paul Thomas found higher rates of various health issues in vaccinated children compared to unvaccinated children, highlighting the need for more independent research. Critics argue the authors’ proposed solutions and motivations suggest an attempt to boost public confidence in vaccines rather than critically examine vaccine safety concerns. – Aug 5, 2024
Aluminum is in Vaccines
Adjuvants are substances added to vaccines to enhance their immune response, i.e. their ability to produce a quantitative amount of antibody. Aluminum was first used in human vaccines in 1932… Adjuvants have been assumed to act by a combination of mechanisms, including forming a depot to hold the antigen locally for a longer period of time; 2) the induction of cytokines and chemokines; 3) the recruitment of immune cells; 4) the promotion of the transportation of the antigen to lymph nodes; and 5) the induction of local inflammation. It appears that adjuvants activate innate immune responses. Despite its extensive and continuous use, the immune mechanism of action of aluminum remains incompletely understood. (2015) What!!?? We’ve been loading kids, adults, and animals with aluminum for nearly a hundred years, and we don’t know how it works? That means we don’t really know why we put it in the shots. It’s just a guess. A theory. Instead of viewing this with jaw-dropping horror on what aluminum and other adjuvants may be doing to the immune system, researchers continue to look at these questionable mechanisms for help in designing other types of adjuvants. – Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
Safety Research on Aluminum in Vaccines, 2004: “Severely Lacking”
This meta-analysis shows that the data available on the safety of aluminum adjuvants is severely lacking. There is also only data available for aluminum hydroxide and does not consider the toxicity of amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate. – GreenMedInfo, 2004
2015: Aluminum is Proven to Cause Chronic Inflammation in the Brain, including Increased IL-6. In animals, IL-6 Causes Autistic Behavior and Brain Injury.
All these steps have been supported by scientific evidence: vaccination > febrile seizure > IL-6 > autism. Aluminum is proven to cause chronic inflammation in the brain, including increased IL-6. Aluminum adjuvant can be transported into the brain. Aluminum from vaccines therefore likely causes chronic IL-6 elevation in the brain. Both acute and chronic IL-6 elevation have been demonstrated to cause autistic behavior and brain injury in animals. – Jan 1, 2015
“Aluminum Adjuvants, Commonly Used in Vaccines, Induce a Variety of Toxic Effects”
Aluminum adjuvants, commonly used in vaccines, have been shown to induce a variety of toxic effects, including neuroinflammation, oxidative stress, and DNA damage. The long-term consequences of repeated aluminum exposure, particularly for the developing brain, are unknown. – Google AI Admits the Truth
FDA Didn’t Conduct Toxicity Studies of Aluminum, While Countries with Heaviest Vaccine Schedules Have Higher Autism Rates & the HPV Vaccine Increases Risk of Brain Autoimmune Disorders
FDA documentation from 2002 admit that routine toxicity studies in animals with vaccine ingredients such as aluminum adjuvants were never conducted because it was assumed that these ingredients are safe. Countries with the heaviest vaccine schedules have higher autism rates compared to countries that do not vaccinate children with as many vaccines. Compelling evidence shows the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine can raise your risk of brain autoimmune disorders, such as multiple sclerosis (MS). Research shows that repeated stimulation with the same antigen overcomes the genetic resistance to autoimmunity. So by giving regular booster shots, you break your tolerance to autoimmunity. – Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mar 29, 2015
There’s a Long History of Vaccines Containing Harmful Ingredients
The present study provides additional epidemiological evidence linking thimerosal with neurodevelopmental disorders. – Nov, 2004
Bird Flu Vaccine Contains Neurotoxins, Dog DNA, and Other Cancer-Causing Chemicals
As of March 2024, the FDA has approved “Audenz” bird flu vaccine. But the package insert for Audenz indicates the drug is laced with 25 micrograms of mercury, a known neurotoxin, in addition to containing canine DNA and other cancer-causing chemicals, and is linked to more than a dozen deaths. One in 33 Audenz vaccine recipients experience a serious adverse reaction (SAE). The jab “has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for impairment of male fertility in animals,” the insert reads. – Jon Fleetwood
For Decades, Thimerosol (Made with a Neurotoxin that Can Destroy Cells in the Brain & Nervous System) Was “Widely Marketed as Safe and Effective”
Thimerosol is 49.6 percent mercury by weight. It was invented in the 1920s under the direction of Eli Lilly… One of its many uses was as a preservative for the growing number of vaccines under development… For decades, thimerosal was widely marketed as safe and effective. However, the preservative had been “grandfathered” onto the approved list of medical additives by the FDA… Thimerosal is made with ethylmercury… a dangerous form of mercury, which is considered to be the second most toxic substance on earth, after plutonium. Mercury is a recognized neurotoxin that can destroy cells in key centers of the brain and nervous system. It is especially hazardous to fetuses and small infants, whose vital organs are still developing. – David Kirby, Evidence of Harm, 2006

More about Heavy Metals
Key Points
Heavy Metals in the Body Cause Cellular Interference, Oxidative Stress and Chronic Inflammation
When present in the human body, heavy metals serve no beneficial role. In fact, they almost always interfere with normal biological processes instead (1). They do this partly by binding to proteins in the body that would otherwise be activated by normally occurring minerals like magnesium and zinc. This causes massive cellular interference, oxidative stress, and chronic inflammation. – Dr. David Jockers
Toxic Metals Cause DNA Damage, Disrupt Physiology, Help Create Cancer, and Reduce Sensitivity to Treatment
Toxic metals have proven to be a major threat to human health, mostly because of their ability to cause membrane and DNA damage, and to perturb protein function and enzyme activity… It is well known that exposure to xenobiotic [toxic] metals can cause gastrointestinal, respiratory, cardiovascular, reproductive, renal, hemopoietic, and neurological disorders [6,7]. Some heavy metals stimulate through different pathogenetic links the progression of cancers and reduce their sensitivity to treatment [8,9]. Oxidative stress (rising level of oxidative damage in a cell) caused by these metals destroys lipids, proteins and DNA molecules, and supports carcinogenesis [formation of cancer]. – Danuta Witkowska et al, Molecules
Basic Facts
- Heavy metals are those with a relatively high density, and include mercury, lead, aluminum, cadmium and arsenic. [source]
- Heavy metals serve no beneficial role in the human body, and cause adverse effects. [source and source and source]
- Heavy metals enter the body by exposure to toxins in food and drinks, through the skin, and by breathing polluted air. [source]
- Heavy metals are stored in the tissues, including organs and bone marrow.
- As heavy metals accumulate in the body, they lead to immune system dysfunction and disease, and if/when they are released into the bloodstream, they can cause additional issues.
- Aluminum enters the body from vaccines among other sources. “Clinical studies provide evidence that aluminum poisoning causes bone diseases such as renal osteodystrophy [92, 93], osteomalacia [94], and osteoporosis.” [source] “One primary site of aluminum accumulation is in bone, where it contributes to the development of osteomalacia [softening of bones and impaired bone remodeling].” [source]
Safety Rating Manipulation: Not Accounting for Vast Difference Between Ingestion vs. Injection
Bioavailability is a Crucial Concept in Drug Administration
Bioavailability… has been defined as the relative amount of a drug administered in a pharmaceutical product that enters the systemic circulation in an unchanged form. – Science Direct
Bioavailability from Injection and Ingestion are Always Different. Bioavailability from Injection is by Definition 100%.
Oral administration… can encounter barriers in the digestive system, while intravenous [injected] administration bypasses these barriers. – Open Access Journals
In many cases, most of the orally administered drug is metabolized and eliminated before reaching systemic blood circulation. – Pharmaceutical Research
While the intravenous bioavailability of drugs is always 100 %, the oral bioavailability [from swallowing the drug] is usually less than 100% because of incomplete absorption and/or first-pass elimination. Many factors influence the oral bioavailability of a drug. – Pharmacological Basis of Acute Care
The FDA’s Vaccine Safety Guidelines are Typically Based on Ingestion rather than Injection — A Very Consequential Inaccuracy
The FDA’s safety guidelines… are often based upon the greatly-reduced exposures one would expect if the substance were ingested, as opposed to directly injected into the bloodstream, which bypasses normal filtering and protective systems of the body. Exposure by direct injection (rather than ingestion) can be expected to increase the dosage by as much as 99%. – The Control Group
See much more: Common Toxins & Evidence of Harm

Jan 25, 1896, The Case Against Vaccination (Presentation given during Gloucester Smallpox Epidemic)
The medical profession of today is divided into two great sections. On the one hand we have a section, who form, I am bound to say, the majority, who believe that the only remedy for small-pox is vaccination with all its risks. On the other hand there is another section, the minority to which I have the honour to belong, which believes that the remedy for small-pox is not vaccination but sanitation—(cheers)— which is accompanied by no risk at all. We protest against the diseasing of children by Act of Parliament. We say that small-pox is a filth disease, and that if we get rid of the filth we shall get rid of the disease. We also declare that when a person is ill the doctor is justified in doing all he possibly can for his patient; but when a person is well he has no right whatever to interfere with the normal functions of the human body as he does when he introduces disease, especially the disease of an inferior animal, unless he can give a distinct and absolute guarantee, not only that the operation will effect the purpose avowed, but also that it will produce no injurious results. – Dr. Walter Hadwen, Jan 25, 1896
Why Herd Immunity Is a Hoax
According to the herd immunity theory, once a certain majority of people have been vaccinated, the disease in question can no longer spread and everyone is protected, including those who cannot be vaccinated… The problem with this argument is that it doesn’t work for vaccines. While there is such a thing as herd immunity among populations in which a majority has had the infectious disease and acquired a long lasting natural immunity, vaccines confer only temporary artificial immunity, and so true herd immunity is unlikely to be fully achieved, even if nearly 100 percent of the population are vaccinated. The measles vaccine, for example, wears off after about a decade or two. Whatever temporary artificial protection is obtained from other vaccines also fades in time… What’s more, between 2 and 10 percent of some vaccines result in “primary vaccine failure,” meaning those who get the vaccine do not gain even temporary artificial protection after vaccination. – Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mar 12, 2019
Rational Risk Analysis: Disease vs Vaccine
Obviously, we all want our children to be healthy, so the question we have to ask is, what affords them a better shot at good health and long life: taking the measles vaccine, or not taking it? The first thing we would have to clarify would be how much of a risk measles poses, and the second would be, what kind of risks the vaccine poses. Of course, we have been conditioned for the past 60 years (the measles shot was introduced in 1963) to think that measles is very risky, and the vaccine is very safe. This article, and the next installment will… attempt to clarify the actual risks of each. – See article for extensive research
1920: “Horrors of Vaccination Exposed and Illustrated”
It must be here remembered that it was admitted that the old smallpox inoculation had a certain preventive power and yet it was finally condemned and abandoned for reasons of its great danger as causing more disease and death than it prevented… This modern system of compulsory vaccination is the most violent and dangerous and most immoral or unethical system of medication that has ever been devised by a most honorable yet most presumptuous profession which has been proved guilty of the most gigantic medical mistakes in its past history of the centuries, one of which—indiscriminate bleeding—as we have already seen, killed… many. To this gigantic and abandoned mistake we might now add the two horrible practices of smallpox inoculation and arm-to-arm vaccination, both of which were once used and approved by the highest medical authority… yet both were finally abandoned as great medical mistakes and were prohibited by penal law as most risky methods of propagating and extending disease and more dangerous to human health and life than the natural disease itself.
Vaccination is Blood Poisoning with Inflicted Disease and is Often More Fatal than Natural Disease:
For these former medical mistakes there is now substituted the modern medical mistake of compulsory bovine and serum vaccinations of various kinds and multiple repetitions which are in many instances as dangerous to human health and life as the former prohibited malpractices, or more so, and will, doubtless, in due time, be publicly condemned and abandoned… Indeed, this modern vaccine system of medicine is so violent and dangerous that it has been frequently known to kill in ten to fifteen minutes after injection of the serum, by what is known as ‘serum sickness,’ which is a kind of rapid blood and nerve poisoning affecting vital nerve centers, to which some persons are very susceptible. This is, of course, a more violent, rapid and fatal action than occurs in the most virulent and deadly natural diseases and is comparable only to a stroke of lightning or shock of electricity or to the violent action of the most virulent… poisons known in toxicology. In other fatal cases, where the poisoning action is slower, death finally occurs from lockjaw, paralysis, meningitis, or pneumonia, which are frequent results of vaccination. And these fatal results of vaccination are commonly denied and concealed in death certificates by recording the terminal disease of lockjaw, paralysis, meningitis, or pneumonia only as the sole and original cause of death without any record of the inflicted disease—vaccination—as the primary or contributory cause of the death. This evil practice is, of course, a gross falsification of our vital statistics, and is now a frequent offense by some of our vaccinating doctors, as I can legally prove by documentary evidence when required. – Chas. M. Higgins, April 1920
Smoke and Mirrors: An Idea that Convinced Scientists to Abandon Science
Think about how powerful vaccines are AS AN IDEA. The injectable biological products themselves do not work as advertised and cause catastrophic side effects; nearly all of the supposed benefits from vaccines actually come from clean water, having enough food to eat, sanitation systems, etc. But as an idea, vaccines have the unrivaled ability to hypnotize people… Vaccines make scientists and doctors completely abandon science and medicine. Double blind randomized controlled trials? Who needs those? Postmarket surveillance? Why would we do that? Automated reporting of side effects? What, are you some kind of nutter?” – Toby Rogers
The Pandemic Industry Playbook in Action
Eight years after the pandemic influenza outbreak, a lawsuit alleging that GlaxoSmithKline’s Pandemrix vaccine caused narcolepsy has unearthed internal reports suggesting problems with the vaccine’s safety. [Narcolepsy is the name for a chronic neurological disorder indicating harm to brain physiology and negative effects on vitally important sleep cycles.] Peter Doshi asks what this means for the future of transparency during public health emergencies. In October 2009, the US NIH infectious diseases chief, Anthony Fauci, appeared on YouTube to reassure Americans about the safety of the ‘swine flu’ vaccine. ‘The track record for serious adverse events is very good. It’s very, very, very rare that you ever see anything that’s associated with the vaccine that’s a serious event,’ he said. Four months earlier, the WHO had declared H1N1 influenza a pandemic, and by October 2009 the new vaccines were being rolled out across the world. A similar story was playing out in the UK, with prominent organisations, including the Department of Health, British Medical Association, and Royal Colleges of General Practitioners, working hard to convince a reluctant NHS workforce to get vaccinated. ‘We fully support the swine flu vaccination programme … The vaccine has been thoroughly tested,’ they declared in a joint statement. Except, it hadn’t… Governments around the world had made various logistical and legal arrangements to shorten the time… [to] production… and administration of [a] vaccine in the population. In Europe, one element of those plans was an agreement to grant licences to pandemic vaccines based on data from pre-pandemic ‘mock-up’ vaccines produced using a different virus… Another element, adopted by countries such as Canada, the US, UK, France, and Germany, was to provide vaccine manufacturers indemnity from liability for wrongdoing, thereby reducing the risk of a lawsuit stemming from vaccine related injury.”– Peter Doshi, BMJ, Sep 20, 2018
“CDC Inflates Flu Death Stats to Sell More Flu Vaccines”
As can be seen from the graphic above, which is a screen shot of selected text directly from the CDC’s own website, the CDC claims they don’t really know how many people die from the flu each year. The reason given as to why they make estimates is ‘it is important to convey the full burden of the seasonal flu to the public.’ … The other way that statement could be read is that the burden to the public is to purchase more flu vaccines, since they are manufactured ahead of time and stockpiled for the flu season. According to Lawrence Solomon, that is exactly what they are doing. They are inflating the numbers to encourage more flu vaccine sales. While the most common number cited by the media is 36,000 deaths a year, actual death certificates only list about 500 per year. And since a laboratory test is not usually taken to determine if it was actually the influenza virus, only 15-20 percent of those 500 recorded flu deaths were actually due to the flu, which means the real numbers are about 100 or less. But it would be very difficult to sell 145 million doses of the flu vaccine if the public knew less than 100 people died each year from the flu.” – Health Impact News, 2014
Industry-Corrupted Players’ Playbook: Smear Professionals Who Advocate for Non-Vaccination Solutions
In a recent Forbes article, Bruce Y. Lee, associate professor of international health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, specifically stated that advice to boost vitamin D should be ignored. He highlighted one of my previous articles, pointing out that one of my references showing benefit from vitamin D stated in its conclusion that “it is premature to recommend vitamin D for either the prevention or treatment of viral respiratory infections.” Call for further research is extremely common in studies, and you’ll find similar commentary in drug studies as well. Does that stop doctors from prescribing them? No. Lee also points out that I sell vitamins, and that this makes my vitamin D recommendation suspect. [Note, also, that no one can patent such nutrients, unlike pharmaceuticals where recommendations to take a drug directly enrich those corporations only.] So, are we to believe that no one advocating for flu vaccines makes any money from it? In my view, optimizing your vitamin D levels is one of the absolute best respiratory illness prevention and optimal health strategies available. Influenza has also been treated with high-dose vitamin C, and vitamin C also boosts the effectiveness of quercetin, a flavonoid antioxidant. Taking zinc lozenges at the first sign of respiratory illness can also be helpful…
Lee and other dogmatic universal vaccination disciples seem to forget that nearly all vaccine safety studies come with marked bias, and the safety testing of vaccines is a joke. Nearly all side effects are classified as a “coincidence,” a talking point Lee uses in his article. September 20, 2018, an important article in the BMJ highlighted the fact that, while health authorities swore the pandemic H1N1 swine flu vaccine was safe and had undergone rigorous testing, internal documents unearthed during a lawsuit reveal there were, in fact, questions about the vaccine’s safety. Yet, the public was simply never informed. – Dr. Joseph Mercola
“SIDS: Maybe Babies Don’t Just Suddenly Die. Maybe It’s Vaccines That Are Killing Them”
Just like the ultimate control group in the Amish proves that SIDS is a direct function of vaccinations, an interesting case study is cited involving what was once also another excellent control group: ‘In the 1960s and 1970s, Aborigine infants began to mysteriously die at alarming rates. In some regions of Australia, 1 of every 2 babies succumbed to an unexplained death… An Australian physician… realized the deaths were occurring shortly after the babies were vaccinated. Health officials had recently initiated a mass vaccination campaign to protect Aborigine babies; their deaths corresponded with the vaccination program. Kalokerinos realized that these babies were severely malnourished. Their undeveloped immune systems couldn’t handle the additional stress of vaccination: “Some would die within hours from acute vitamin C deficiency precipitated by the immunization. Others would suffer immunological insults and die later from pneumonia, gastroenteritis, or malnutrition.” Kalokerinos was able to save numerous babies from the same fate by administering small quantities of vitamin C prior to their vaccines’.” – 2nd Smartest Guy
The History of Smallpox Vaccination: Not What We’ve Been Told
This article explores the history of smallpox vaccination and presents evidence that vaccinating people with cowpox pus did not prevent smallpox, did not save lives and did not eradicate smallpox. Instead it caused deaths and began a pernicious multi-billion dollar vaccine industry.
The word ‘pox’ is the plural form of ‘pocke’ (pocke meaning sac). Smallpox leaves small indentations, pocks, all over the body but particularly over the face. The name ‘smallpox”, which first occurs in Holinshead’s Chronicles from 1571, was given to this disease to distinguish it from syphilis, the ‘great pox’. Michael Nightingale, a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine, writes: “It is a matter of pure speculation as to when the condition first appeared, but it is unlikely to have done so prior to man’s establishment of large townships coupled with poor nutrition, overcrowding, lack of sanitation and inadequate hygiene. Keeping people, such as slaves and prisoners, in disgusting and sub-human conditions may have been the necessary ingredient for the establishment of the virus but there is virtually no doubt that the aforementioned adverse conditions were responsible for the epidemics of smallpox as well as for its endemic nature in certain areas until its recent demise.”…
The idea of putting pus into a cut was first introduced to the West by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu… She was agog with excitement that she could introduce to England a cure for smallpox, a disease she had suffered from when she was nineteen. She writes… “An old woman comes with a nutshell of the matter [discharge or pus] of the best sort of smallpox and asks what veins you please to have opened. The old woman rips open the vein that you offer her with a large needle and puts into the vein as much venom as can lie upon the head of her needle and after binds up the little wound with a hollow bit of shell. In this manner she opens four or five veins… They are well for eight days. Then the fever seizes them…They have rarely more than twenty or thirty pustules on their face, which leave no mark, and then they are as well as before their inoculation.” … Princess Caroline… was determined to test inoculation. In the summer of 1721 six condemned prisoners in Newgate were allowed to volunteer for the operation, with freedom as their reward. Five of the six developed a mild attack of smallpox and the sixth, who had previously had smallpox, showed no change. Encouraged, the Princess had a group of orphans inoculated… and were rewarded, in some instances, with blindness, lameness and death… [Then] the Royal children and Lady Mary’s daughter were inoculated. Just as royalty and the famous set the fashion today so they did in the 1700s and the idea of inoculation spread among the upper classes. Then two people died: a young servant in a Lord’s household and the small son of the Earl of Sutherland… Inoculation was not, of course, a cure or preventative for smallpox as it usually induced an active case of the disease. Unfortunately, there are no records of how many people were inoculated, how many developed smallpox as a result, or how many did not. The trouble was that inoculated people were fully contagious during their brief illness so that they could, and did, start epidemics. Dr. Lettsom, writing in 1806, tells us that whereas smallpox deaths for forty-two years before inoculation were 72 per thousand, there were 89 per thousand in the forty-two years after its introduction. Furthermore, conscientious physicians could see the connection between inoculation and the increased incidence of worse diseases than smallpox, such as syphilis, tuberculosis and erysipelas. Councillor Asbury, Chairman of Sheffield’s Health Committee, wrote in 1927, “It has been calculated that from 1721 to 1758 smallpox inoculation was responsible for the deaths of no less than 22,700 persons from smallpox in London alone. It is not therefore surprising that when Jenner proposed that smallpox inoculation should be given up and cowpox inoculation substituted for it “thus covering the retreat of the (medical) profession from an untenable position, his ideas were accepted by all whose interests were not conspicuously bound up with the older form of treatment.” Eventually an Act of Parliament was passed in 1840 forbidding the practice of inoculation, largely because, as Asbury mentions, Edward Jenner offered an alternative.
Edward Jenner was born in 1749 and died in 1823… Living in rural Gloucestershire, Jenner heard about the local superstition that those who contracted cowpox did not get smallpox. How the superstition arose is dealt with at length by Dr. Charles Creighton in Jenner and Vaccination: a Strange Chapter of Medical History, published in 1889 and recently republished. In this book Creighton says, “The single bond connecting cowpox with smallpox was the occurrence of the word ‘pox’ in each name… To a pathologist or epidemiologist, it is as truly nonsense to speak of cowpox becoming smallpox as it is legitimate nonsense to prove that a horse-chest¬nut is a chestnut horse.” Cowpox is a disease that occurs on the teats of cows only when they are in milk. The causative virus is said to be orthopox vaccinia; it results in an ugly chancre; it is not infectious; it is, of course, found only in female animals. People who milked infected animals developed pustules on their hands, which in turn, led to swollen glands and general malaise. Smallpox, on the other hand, is not limited to the female sex nor to one portion of the body. The causative virus is said to be orthopox variola; it is found only in humans; it is highly infectious. There is no correspondence between cowpox and smallpox as legitimate scientists of Jenner’s day were well aware. Nevertheless, on May 14, 1796, Jenner conducted the famous experiment that is the foundation of the practice of vaccination. If a rational person wanted to test the theory that a previous dose of cowpox prevented smallpox, he would surely have conducted a survey. But Jenner proceeded to experiment on an eight-year old boy, James Phipps by inserting cowpox pus from a dairymaid, Sarah Nelmes, into incisions in his arm. Two months later, on July 1st, 1796, Jenner made more incisions into the arms of James Phipps but this time he smeared the cuts with smallpox pus. The boy did not contract smallpox. As no figures were kept in this era it is impossible to say whether insertion of smallpox pus under the skin inevitably produced a case of smallpox. Many people, including children, were immune to smallpox anyway having encountered it without developing a case of the disease. Two months later, on July 1st, 1796, Jenner made more incisions into the arms of James Phipps but this time he smeared the cuts with smallpox pus. The boy did not contract smallpox. Creighton tells us that James Phipps, even if her were “perfectly well on the ninth day” as Jenner wrote, had ulcers on his arms which took weeks to heal. Some writers claim that James Phipps died from tuberculosis at the age of twenty-one but one source states that he recovered and lived until 1853. Jenner’s son, who was also vaccinated more than once, died at twenty-one from tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is a condition that some researchers have linked to the smallpox vaccine. In fact, Dr. A. Wilder, Professor of Pathology and former editor of The New York Medical Times, went so far as to say, “Consumption (TB) follows in the wake of vaccination as surely as effect follows cause.” Jenner continued with his experiments and in 1798 wrote about them, describing each case in detail in a text he called, An Inquiry into the Causes and Effects of the Variolae Vaccinae, a Disease Discovered in some of the Western Counties, especially Gloucestershire, and Known by the Name of Cowpox. This is an interesting title because Variolae Vaccinae means ‘smallpox of the cow’. The term is never mentioned again in the text nor is there any rationale for labelling cowpox in this way but by using it in the title, readers are led to believe that cowpox is smallpox. Furthermore, one could take issue with the word, ‘discovered’ as cowpox had been well known for years. Jenner presented his booklet to the Royal Society who turned it down. Thus scorned by his peers, Jenner published the book himself...
Variolation, introduced by Lady Mary, was still going strong and Jenner used the opportunity to deliver people from “the inconveniences, uncertainties, disasters, and horrors of variolation.” He petitioned the House of Commons in 1802, and again in 1807, for large sums of money to promote smallpox vaccinations promising that his product had the “singularly beneficial effect of rendering through life the person so inoculated perfectly secure from the infection of smallpox.” Parliament granted his request by a vote of 59 to 56 and gave him the equivalent of half a million of today’s dollars. How different public health would be today had the figures been reversed. Vaccination campaigns began. It didn’t take long before cases of smallpox among the vaccinated were reported. The first response was denial but when the vaccinated were obviously afflicted, Jenner and his supporters said that the disease was milder in form. But when the vaccinated caught the disease and died, they had to come up with another explanation. Re-naming the disease did the trick; they didn’t die of smallpox, they died of the re-named disease: spurious cowpox. Despite increasing evidence that vaccination with cowpox pus did not prevent smallpox, the practice continued.
Physicians, for the first time, attended the healthy. 100% of their catchment areas could now be treated instead of the 10% who had contracted smallpox. As Dr. Hadwen so aptly remarked in 1896, “What Jenner discovered, though hardly original in its general principle, was that it pays far better to scare 100% of the fools in the world into buying vaccine than it does to treat the small minority who really get smallpox and who cannot afford to pay anything… That is why this kind of blackmail is still kept going.”
Over a century later his words still ring true… Following Jenner’s death the vaccine establishment used one excuse after another to explain the failure of vaccination: the number of punctures was incorrect, or re-vaccination was necessary or the lymph was impure. The smallpox deaths of vaccinated patients in hospital were recorded as “pustular eczema.” …
The compulsory vaccination law was repealed in 1907. By 1919, England and Wales had become one of the least vaccinated countries and had only 28 deaths from smallpox out of a population of 37.8 million people. According to official figures of the Registrar General of England, 109 children under five years in England and Wales died of smallpox between 1910 and 1933. In that same period 270 died from vaccination. Between 1934 and 1961 not one smallpox death was recorded but 115 children under five years died from smallpox vaccination. Apart from killing people the literature abounds with examples of the failure of smallpox vaccination to prevent the disease. One of the worst smallpox epidemics took place in England between 1870 and 1872, nearly two decades after compulsory vaccination was introduced. Leicester, with nearly 200,000 inhabitants, boasted a 95% vaccination record but it suffered more deaths than less-vaccinated London. Faced with this obvious evidence of the uselessness of vaccination, Leicester’s citizens rejected the program in favour of cleaning up the city. Under the leadership of James Briggs, Town Councillor and Sanitary Inspector, clean streets, clean markets and dairies, efficient garbage removal, sanitary housing and pure water supply replaced vaccination scars. In 1892-3 Leicester had 19.3 cases of smallpox per 10,000 population; similar-sized Warrington, with 99.2% vaccinated, had 123.3 cases. In Japan, in 1885, 13 years after compulsory vaccination, a law was passed requiring re-vaccination every seven years. From 1886 to 1892, a total of 25,474,370 revaccinations were recorded. Yet during this same period, Japan had 156,175 cases of smallpox with 38,979 deaths, a case mortality of nearly 25 percent. Slow learners, the government passed another act requiring every resident to be vaccinated and re-vaccinated every 5 years. Between 1889 and 1908, the case mortality was 30 percent. Prior to vaccination the case mortality was about 10 percent.
During a ruthless campaign by the US in the Philippines in 1905, the native population were forcibly vaccinated several times. In 1918 and 1919, with over 95% of the population vaccinated, the worst epidemic the Philippines had ever known occurred. In the Congressional Record of December 21, 1937, William Howard Hay, MD, said, “The Philippines suffered the worst attack of smallpox, the worst epidemic three times over, that had ever occurred in the history of the islands and it was almost three times as fatal. The death rate ran as high as 60% in certain areas where formerly it had been 10-15%.” The same Dr. Hay addressed the Medical Freedom Society regarding the Lemke Bill to abolish compulsory vaccination. He stated, “I have thought many times of all the insane things we have advocated in medicine, that one of the most insane was to insist on the vaccination of children, or anybody else, for the prevention of smallpox when, as a matter of fact, we are never able to prove that vaccination saved one man from smallpox.”
Objections to smallpox vaccination continued into the twentieth century. Dr. R. P. Garrow published an article in a January 1928 issue of the British Medical Journal showing that the fatality rate among the vaccinated cases of smallpox in England and Wales in 1923 and 1926 in those over 15 years of age was higher than among the unvaccinated. The article provoked a number of letters including one from Dr. L. A. Parry. He raised a number of questions: How is it that smallpox is five times as likely to be fatal in the vaccinated as in the unvaccinated? How is it that, as the percentage of people vaccinated has steadily fallen (from 85% in 1870 to about 40% in 1925), the number of people attacked with variola has declined pari passu and the case mortality has progressively lessened? The years of least vaccination have been the years of least smallpox and of least mortality. How is that in some of our best vaccinated towns, for example Bombay and Calcutta, smallpox is rife, whilst in some of our worst vaccinated towns, such as Leicester, it is almost unknown? How is it that something like 80% of the cases admitted into the Metropolitan Asylum Board smallpox hospitals have been vaccinated whilst only 20% have not been vaccinated? How is it that in Germany, the best vaccinated country in the world, there are more deaths in proportion to the population than in England — for example, in 1919, 28 deaths in England, 707 in Germany; in 1920, 30 deaths in England, 354 in Germany. In Germany, in 1919 there were 5,012 cases of smallpox with 707 deaths; in England in 1925 there were 5,363 cases of smallpox with 6 deaths. What is the explanation?…
Dr. Beddow Baily’s words in 1936 are as true today as they were then. He said, “It would seem to be impossible for a rational mind to conceive that a filthy virus derived from a smallpox corpse, the ulcerated udder of a cow, or the running sores of a sick horse’s heels, and cultivated in scabbed festers on a calf’s abdomen could fail to have disastrous effects when inoculated into the human body.” Yet this conception continues today except that pus is no longer used in vaccines. Instead they contain viruses, dead or alive, formaldehyde, phenol, mercury, aluminium and DNA bits from human and other animals. Nevertheless, the principle of injecting toxic substances under the skin is, without any proof whatsoever, believed to lower the death rates from infectious disease. – Jennifer Craig BSN, Smallpox Vaccine: Origins of Vaccine Madness
A “Public Health” Playbook with a Long History
In January 2020, I believed the government stories about infectious diseases and vaccines… Between January and May 2022… I learned about the non-existence of scientific or legal standards of evidence to support government officer claims about pathogens, emergencies and products. I learned HHS Secretary pronouncements are, legally: unilateral, unreviewable and require no validated scientific support. I learned about… military contracts for vaccine procurement and distribution, through Brook Jackson’s case. During 2022 and 2023, I… deepened my understanding that public health emergency/biodefense programs are drawn from a playbook that had been used several times already in recent decades (SARS, MERS, H1N1). I realized that playbooks are written to be used repeatedly and the PHE/biodefense playbook would be used again, and therefore people should be warned not to use or take any emergency “medical countermeasures” (isolation and social-distancing advice, masks, diagnostic tests, vaccines, medications). I also learned that government and pharmaceutical officers would incorporate the same alleged new substances and manufacturing processes allegedly used to make Covid vaccines, into all emergency and routine vaccines henceforth, and that government officers had reduced or eliminated even the purported scientific evidentiary standards used to authorize use of the emergency Covid vaccines, which standards I knew to be non-existent, pretextual, inapplicable, unenforceable, and unenforced. I understood that people should be urged not to accept or use any vaccines at all, routine or emergency, on babies, children or adults.
I learned (in December 2023) the phrase “Direct Final Rule” as describing federal administrative agency regulations published in the Federal Register that go into effect on an expedited schedule… I learned the Direct Final Rule process was used from Dec. 2012 to Feb. 2013 to revise HHS-CDC interstate and foreign quarantine rules by adopting new definitions, including a definition for the term “quarantinable communicable disease.”… I knew (by Dec. 2023) that even if inspectors had entered vaccine manufacturing facilities in 2020, or in the years following 2020, FDA had never developed or promulgated any scientific evidentiary standards for vaccines, so the inspectors would have had no scientific evidentiary standards available to apply to the procedures and products being manufactured in the factories anyway. I began to understand that the non-existence of scientific and legal evidentiary standards pre-dated Covid, and that the standards that don’t exist for emergency and non-emergency products manufactured during and since Covid, also didn’t exist for vaccines and other biological products manufactured before Covid.
I wanted to find out when and how the evidentiary standards — and the legal forums for evidence review and substantive decisions (regulatory agencies, courts) — had been eliminated, or whether they had ever existed at all. I… found dozens of regulatory amendments made between 1995 and 2019 (and ongoing) to carry out the deregulation program laid out in the 1995 document and related Congressional statutes and Presidential executive orders.
I learned about the 1955 nationwide polio vaccination campaign targeting children and expectant mothers, and the “Cutter incident;” 1968-1969 influenza pandemic; 1971-1972 Congressional GAO study of NIH Division of Biologics Standards’ (non-)regulation of “ineffective” influenza vaccines; 1972 transfer of biological product (non-)regulation from NIH to FDA; and 1976-1977 swine flu vaccine program, injuries and government payouts.
I learned about how each event was handled by Congress with show hearings and fake-investigations but no vaccination program shutdowns or statutory repeals, and how they were handled by regulatory agencies with program transfers, reorganizations and renaming but no vaccination program shutdowns or substantive scientific standards or enforcement. I learned that Congress and the fake-regulators work only to protect and expand vaccination/mass-poisoning programs, suppress vaccine hostility and maintain vaccine confidence, and how the events following the 1955 polio campaign led to the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act…
Stop taking vaccines. Stop vaccinating babies and children. – Katherine Watt
Vax Manufacturers Not Held Liable for Products

Getting Vaccines on the Childhood Schedule is Very Big Business
“There’s no dynamic in American capitalism like the vaccine schedule because the second you get something on that schedule, the government is paying hundreds of billions of dollars for a product that’s then mandated for every single American [child]” [said Calley Means]… Passed by Congress in 1986, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) removes all liability for only those vaccines on the childhood schedule, thus creating an extremely lucrative business model and a boom in the childhood vaccine market. Of course, with zero product liability, there’s no incentive to determine how or if the vaccines recommended to every American infant and child play a role in creating the chronic disease epidemic plaguing children today. And the federal government doesn’t demand the studies because it is the one pushing the schedule… Doctors went from recommending 32 doses for eight illnesses in the 1960s, to upwards of 80 doses for 18 illnesses in 2024. – Health Freedom Institute
‘We Are Told to Just Follow the Schedule’ – Pediatrician Speaks Out
Pediatrician Tara Pridgett, M.D. has been in the healthcare business for over 20 years. Dr. Pridgett brings to light the pressure put on doctors to follow orders, even if those mandates are unsound and even dangerous. – Children’s Health Defense, Aug 30, 2023, 11-min video
57% of Americans Want Vaccine Makers to Lose their Immunity from being Sued for Vaccine Injuries
More than half (57%) of poll respondents believed vaccine makers should lose their immunity from legal action and the public should be able to sue the manufacturer of a vaccine that caused them harm. – Children’s Health Defense
“It’s Only Logical”
It’s only logical: liability is a fundamental mechanism for ensuring product quality and consumer safety in any industry, and vaccines should be no exception. – James Lyons-Weiler PhD
Vaccine Manufacturers Demanded and Received Protection from Legal Action Arising from Damage Caused by Their Products
Doctors will not give parents their personal guarantee in writing of the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines they wish to administer.
- Vaccine manufacturers demand, and receive, Government protection against legal action arising from damage caused by their products.
- Australia does not have a vaccine damage compensation scheme. The 20 developed countries that do have paid out literally billions of dollars in compensation for vaccine damage.
- Short-term damage is highlighted on the US Government’s VAERS site.
- No comprehensive studies evaluating the long-term health of fully vaccinated and unvaccinated children have ever been published, thus long-term safety is unknown.
DESPITE THESE FACTS, Australian politicians from all parties have been convinced to economically penalise parents who have genuine concerns about the safety of vaccines, and to encourage others to socially ostracise these caring and informed parents. – HomStudy, Natural Immunisation Research
In 2002, Big Pharma “Mysteriously” Infiltrated Congress to Add a Legislative Provision that Shields Drugmakers from Liability + Forced the Lawsuits Filed by Parents Over Thimerosol-Poisoning of Their Children into “The Vaccine Court” with a Statute of Limitations that Meant “Tens of Thousands of Autistic Children Were Plain Out of Luck”
Lobbyists for Eli Lilly & Company, the pharmaceutical giant, did not have much luck when they made the rounds on Capitol Hill earlier this year, seeking protection from lawsuits over a preservative in vaccines… When lawmakers rebuffed a request to slip language into domestic security legislation, a Lilly spokesman said, the company gave up. Now, in a Washington whodunit worthy of Agatha Christie, the provision has been resurrected and become law, as part of the domestic security legislation signed on Monday by President Bush. Yet in a city where politicians have perfected the art of claiming credit for deeds large and small, not a single member of Congress — or the Bush administration — will admit to being the author of the Lilly rider… The provision forces lawsuits over the preservative, developed by Eli Lilly and called thimerosal, into a special ”vaccine court.” It may result in the dismissal of thousands of cases filed by parents who contend that mercury in thimerosal has poisoned their children, causing autism and other neurological ailments. Among them are Joseph and Theresa Counter… The Counters’ 6-year-old son, Joseph Alexander, was normal and healthy until he was 2, they say. Then he took an unexplained downward slide. Today, the boy struggles with words. He cannot zip his pants, snap buttons or tie his shoes. His parents say tests eventually showed that he had mercury poisoning, which they attribute to vaccines. They sued last year… Washington is rife with speculation about who is responsible for aiding Lilly… One aide said the language mysteriously appeared in the House version of the bill in entirely different type than the rest of the measure… Earlier this year, the National Academy of Sciences issued a report saying there was no scientific evidence either to prove or disprove a link between thimerosal and brain disorders like autism. But the academy did find that such a link was ”biologically plausible,” and so it urged pharmaceutical companies to eliminate thimerosal, which has already been removed from many vaccines, as quickly as possible. The Lilly rider closes a loophole in a 1986 law that requires victims to file claims with the vaccine court, which awards payments from a taxpayer-financed compensation fund, before going to civil court. But the law covered only vaccines themselves, not their ingredients, which meant people like the Counters could sue ingredient manufacturers like Lilly directly… In the meantime, Mr. Smith, the Lilly spokesman, said his company would soon go to court to seek dismissal of the suits. That news made Theresa Counter cry. ”It just makes me sick,” she said. ”I cannot tell you how devastating it is to think that we might have to start all over.” – Sheryl Gay Stolberg, The New York Times, Nov 29, 2002
The quoted phrase in the headline above is from prologue of the 2006 book, Evidence of Harm; Mercury in Vaccines and the Autism Epidemic: A Medical Controversy by David Kirby.
Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 and PREP Act of 2005
The vaccine business has been a liability-free bonanza for pharmaceutical companies since the passage of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. The Act explicitly acknowledges that vaccines are not entirely safe, and therefore cannot be marketed and sold as conventional pharmaceutical products because it would expose the manufacturers to unacceptably high liability risk. The rationale for the Act is the claim that vaccines are of strategic value for public health… The PREP Act of 2005 provided additional immunity to the VAX Racket, which inaugurated our present era in which the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex… needs emerging infectious diseases and aims to make sure we get one — or at least the appearance of one — every few years. – John Leake
Reports by Date
- Feb 18, 2025 — ‘I Couldn’t Get Out of Bed After Gardasil Shot’ – Stephanie Cardozo — Children’s Health Defense 15-min video
- Feb 17, 2025 — Intentional Abuse of Health Outcomes in Studies and Recommendations of Vaccines During Pregnancy: A Critical Examination of Scientific Integrity, Data Suppression, and Ethical Failures in Vaccine Safety Research — James Lyons-Weiler link
- Feb 11, 2025 — SIDS: Maybe Babies Don’t Just Suddenly Die. Maybe It’s Vaccines That Are Killing Them.; “Just like the ultimate control group in the Amish proves that SIDS is a direct function of vaccinations, an interesting case study is cited involving what was once also another excellent control group: ‘In the 1960s and 1970s, Aborigine infants began to mysteriously die at alarming rates. In some regions of Australia, 1 of every 2 babies succumbed to an unexplained death… An Australian physician… realized the deaths were occurring shortly after the babies were vaccinated. Health officials had recently initiated a mass vaccination campaign to protect Aborigine babies; their deaths corresponded with the vaccination program. Kalokerinos realized that these babies were severely malnourished. Their undeveloped immune systems couldn’t handle the additional stress of vaccination: “Some would die within hours from acute vitamin C deficiency precipitated by the immunization. Others would suffer immunological insults and die later from pneumonia, gastroenteritis, or malnutrition.” Kalokerinos was able to save numerous babies from the same fate by administering small quantities of vitamin C prior to their vaccines’.” — 2nd Smartest Guy in the World link
- Feb 9, 2025 — Senators Screaming “Vaccines are Safe!” Deep Reaction Formation on Display at RFK Hearings; “[A senator] went on a rant proclaiming vaccines are safe waving a pile of papers representing 40 studies to be entered into the record. The details of the studies including baseline assessments, which vaccine combinations, duration of observation, and completeness of follow-up were not cited. There are no studies in my assessment as an epidemiologist that have ‘ruled out’ a connection between excessive vaccination and the development of neurodevelopmental disorders. [The senator] was in full-blown reaction formation.” — Dr. Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH link
- Feb 7, 2025 — The Latest “Bird Flu” Psyop; “Both the tetanus and diphtheria vaccines carry risks for adults. It is estimated that… Anaphylaxis [potentially fatal allergic reaction] after tetanus vaccination… [has] an incidence of 1.6 cases per million doses. That means if 100 million adults receive the booster every ten years, 320 cases of anaphylaxis will be avoided… [from] two boosters being eliminated. Tetanus has always been a ‘rare’ disease, spread through a skin wound contaminated by [a particular bacteria]… The traditional stand-alone tetanus vaccine… has been discontinued due to WHO recommendations… Now, in order to get a booster tetanus shot, an adult must take the… Td… Why is the DPT combination vaccine discouraged in adults due to encephalitis [acute brain inflammation] risk, but is recommended for children? Another one of those inconvenient issues that plague the CDC-recommended childhood vaccine schedule.” — Dr. Robert Malone, Brownstone Institute link
- Feb 6, 2025 — Senator Hassan Proclaims Measles Vaccines Save Hundreds of Lives Per Year: Mild Illness with Well-Understood Determinants for Mortality–Senate No Place for False Drug Claims; “Death due to measles was very rare and went away decades ago in the United States and was linked to vitamin A deficiency as highlighted in a Cochrane Review where studies used vitamin A as a therapeutic resulting in a 79% reduction in death among children under age 2 years.” — Dr. Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH link
- Feb 4, 2025 — Vaccine stocks fall as Senate panel advances RFK Jr.’s nomination for HHS secretary — Annika Kim Constantino, NBC New York link
- Feb 4, 2025 — Public Support for Religious Exemptions Nearly Doubled Over Past 6 Years: Public support for religious exemptions to school vaccine requirements doubled, from 20% in 2019 to 39% in 2025. — Suzanne Burdick PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Feb 4, 2025 —RFK Jr was RIGHT? Groundbreaking New Study; “It’s time to apologize to RFK Jr. A brand new study looked at the prevalence of autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders in V’d and un-V’d children. The results are disturbing. Study here:“ — EONutrition, YouTube 5-min video
- Feb 4, 2025 — ‘Safe and Effective’: The Fatal Trope That Claimed Countless Lives: As the debate rages over RFK Jr.’s confirmation, the hollow echo of ‘safe and effective’ reveals a deadly disconnect between political rhetoric and public tragedy.; “Science is not a slogan. It is not a decree handed down by compromised institutions. It is a process—a relentless pursuit of truth that demands skepticism, scrutiny, and accountability. To mindlessly repeat ‘trust the science’ is to prove you have no understanding of what science is. Anything less than open inquiry is propaganda. Anything less than full reckoning is complicity.” — Sayer Ji link
- Feb 4, 2025 — Four Studies Confirm Serious Health Risks Associated With Childhood Vaccination; “And now we have four additional studies showing that all vaccines should be avoided like the plague.” — 2nd Smartest Guy in the World link
- Feb 4, 2025 — Precision-AI Oncology: A Safer, Scalable Replacement Than mRNA Cancer Vaccines: Signal-Based Medicine | Safer Replacement Than mRNA Cancer Vaccines; “The push for rapid ’48-hour mRNA cancer vaccine deployment; represents a profit-driven race that places speed over safety. This strategy mirrors the rushed interventions seen during the pandemic, resulting in serious unintended consequences—immune dysregulation, genetic instability, and persistent health complications.” — Dr. Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH, Nicolas Hulscher MPH, Dr. John Catanzaro link
- Feb 3, 2025 — Four Studies Confirm Serious Health Risks Associated With Childhood Vaccination; “Four damning studies, compiled by epidemiologist Nic Hulscher, expose the devastating long-term health risks linked to compliance with the CDC’s recommended vaccine schedule for children.” — The Vigilant Fox link
- Feb 3, 2025 — Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Serious and Irreversible Neurological, Developmental, and Immune-Related Health Risks: Four Studies Reveal the Grave Consequences of Childhood Hyper-Vaccination — Nicolas Hulscher MPH link
- Feb 3, 2025 — Deciding Whether to Accept an Unvaccinated Child into a Pediatric Practice; I was struck with a recent New England Journal of Medicine vignette concerning a healthy unvaccinated child. The questions imply a weighty decision for the pediatrician on whether or not to accept the patient into practice. You are going to be shocked at how many doctors would deny care to this partially vaccinated toddler who simply has not taken the MMR vaccine out of parental concerns for autism as a vaccine side effect… The poll indicated 46% of doctors would deny care to this healthy child unless the parents accepted the MMR vaccine…. [A]s demonstrated by Mawson and Jacob… healthy unvaccinated children have much lower rates of neurodevelopmental disorders by age nine years compared to vaccinated cohorts. In fact, there was a dose-response relationship between the number of vaccine visits and risk of autism spectrum disorder.” — Dr. Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH link
- Feb 3, 2025 — RFK Jr’s confirmation hearing highlights vaccine absolutism; “The hearing was dominated by an unyielding focus on vaccine absolutism, which stifled what should have been a much-needed discussion about the broader public health issues facing Americans. Despite the urgent need for a conversation about the escalating health crisis—rising rates of obesity, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders—the hearing was focused on attempts to force Kennedy into making categorical statements about vaccine safety.” — Maryanne Demasi PhD link
- Feb 3, 2025 — Del Bigtree links childhood vaccines to chronic illness, neurological, autoimmune disease: ‘The greatest decline in public health in human history’ — Anne Dachel link
- Feb 3, 2025 — Curious Timing of Caroline Kennedy’s Denunciation of Her Cousin, RFK, Jr.: She chose to remain silent during his presidential bid, but felt compelled to speak out because he purportedly poses a threat to vaccines.; “Ms. Kennedy touches on the timing of her denunciation—not during her cousin’s presidential campaign, but only when he appeared to pose a threat to vaccines.” — John Leake link
- Feb 3, 2025 — It is Hard to Grok* How Evil Vaccines Are: *Robert Heinlein’s word for complete understanding. For example, if you use the phrase, “vaccine hesitancy,” you do not grok that vaccines are all Russian roulette.; “Contents: 1. The Control Group Study proves vaccines cause nearly all of today’s chronic diseases. 2. Turtles All the Way Down summary. (1200 five-star Amazon reviews). 3. Dissolving Illusions (3000 five-star reviews). I reproduced the Amazon book blurb as your introduction. 4. Vaccination Is Not Immunization book summary. This is also excellent.” — Dr. Robert Yoho MD link
- Feb 2, 2025 — Finally, the hard truth about childhood vaccines: A new large-scale, peer-reviewed study of nearly 50,000 children links vaccination with significant risk of neurodevelopmental disorders.; “The study found that vaccinated children were significantly more likely to be diagnosed with NDDs [neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder, learning diabilities, and epilepsy] compared to their unvaccinated peers.” — Brucha Weisberger link
- Feb 2, 2025 — Sen. Cassidy Told RFK Jr. This Study Proves Vaccines Don’t Cause Autism — Here’s What’s Wrong With the Study; “[T]his meta-analysis, authored by Luke E. Taylor, Amy L. Swerdfeger and Guy D. Eslick, is propaganda poorly masquerading as science. Using standard criteria, the authors searched the open scientific literature and found 46 eligible studies for their meta-analysis. However, rather than consider the entirety of the 46 studies, the authors cherry-picked only 10 studies… After reviewing the list of eligible studies, the only reason I can find for selecting these 10 studies is that they all have one thing in common: They support the authors’ preferred foregone conclusion…” — Brian Hooker PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Feb 2, 2025 — Vaccines are toxic injections. And we give our children multiple injections of these poisons. They a cause of leukaemia, autism, diabetes and many other “allergies.”: We need radical changes and complete transparency here in Australia if we are going to be a free nation and able to determine what goes into our bodies. — Dr. Ian Brighthope link
- Feb 1, 2025 — Vaccinating Over 65s: Lifesaving or a Misplaced Bet? Vaccines are supposed to be the cornerstone of public health, especially to protect the elderly – but do they work well enough for older adults; “A systematic review from 2024 confirmed that both young adults and the elderly experience lower vaccine effectiveness compared to other age groups. If the vaccines are least effective for the groups supposedly most ‘in need’ of them, what’s the point?” — World Council for Health link
- Jan 31, 2025 — Sen. Cassidy Told RFK Jr. This Study Proves Vaccines Don’t Cause Autism — Here’s What’s Wrong With the Study: [The senator] cited a meta-analysis published in May 2014 in the journal Vaccine as scientific proof that vaccines don’t cause autism. Unfortunately, the study is less science than propaganda. — Brian Hooker PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Jan 31, 2025 — The New York Times is wrong about vaccines containing aluminium being a “good thing” — Rhoda Wilson, The Expose link
- Jan 31, 2025 — New Study – Covid-19 ‘Vaccinated’ People Are Sicker: Vaccinated individuals experienced a greater overall disease burden, with more doctor visits, higher rates of Covid-19 infections, and increased musculoskeletal issues compared to the unvaccinated. — Nicolas Hulscher MPH link
- Jan 31, 2025 — Biden Administration Stacked Key Vaccine Review Committee With Pro-vaxxers: Outgoing Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra made the last-minute appointments to the Advisory Committee of Immunization Practices (ACIP), STAT News reported today. The incoming health secretary will have the option to fire new and existing committee members or disband ACIP altogether. — Michael Nevradakis PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Jan 30, 2025 — Gardasil Vaccine Kills — Dr. Wiliam Makis MD link
- Jan 30, 2025 — RFK Jr. Falsely Attacked for Stating Scientific Fact on Vaccine Responses by Race; “RFK Jr.’s views are not ‘dangerous,’ but are actually backed by abundant scientific evidence. Multiple studies demonstrate that antibody responses to vaccines DO differ between races… — Nicolas Hulscher MPH link
- Jan 30, 2025 — The Case Against HPV Vaccines. Robert Kennedy Jr. ‘s Concerns Regarding Gardasil HPV Vaccine’s Alarming Flaws; “This article confirms Robert’s concerns about the safety and efficacy of Gardasil and the vaccine’s alarming flaws. This has been rigorously documented in peer-reviewed medical journals. The vaccine was fast-tracked by the FDA in 2006 despite incomplete and misleading trial data, including the exclusion of key participant groups and the use of aluminum-containing placebos that obscured safety signals.” — Richard Gale & Dr. Gary Null, Global Research link
- Jan 30, 2025 — VAERS military death reporting rates increased 230% from 2019 to 2021 — Jessica Rose PhD link
- Jan 29, 2025 — Breaking: Claims That Childhood Vaccines ‘Saved Millions of Lives’ Based on Flawed Models; In a paper published today, all-cause mortality expert Denis Rancourt, Ph.D., said claims by public health agencies and top medical journals that childhood vaccination prevents millions of deaths annually are based on “tentative and untethered models of epidemiological forecasting” that produce “unlikely results.” — Brenda Baletti PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Jan 29, 2025 — Poll: More Than Half of Americans Want Right to Sue Vaccine Makers for Injuries: More than a third of respondents said they have little or no trust in federal health agencies, and more than half opposed government mandates for vaccines that haven’t been fully licensed. — Children’s Health Defense link
- Jan 29, 2025 — In Another Mad Dash to Trash Kennedy, NYTimes Shows Their Vast Ignorance… Again, and Again, and Again; “Predictably, the NYT plays the old card of ‘the flu vaccine works every year, end of story.‘ What they fail to mention: Flu vaccine effectiveness varies significantly by season, sometimes as low as 10-20%, as documented in CDC-reported data from multiple flu seasons… Past Cochrane Reviews have raised questions about the real-world efficacy of annual flu shots, particularly in healthy adults. CDC and FDA cannot decide on the difference between influenza cases and cases of ‘influenza disease’, which include respiratory illnesses caused by other viruses, bacteria, fungi – as long as they are not otherwise definitively diagnosed. I estimate 5,000 deaths from influenza disease, not 50,000-80,000 due to their substitution of ‘influenza disease’ for ‘influenza’… The claim that all vaccines undergo rigorous safety testing… The truth: Many childhood vaccines were never tested in long-term, inert placebo-controlled trials. Regulators often allow ‘placebos’ that contain adjuvants, or other vaccines, not inert saline. Non-inferiority trials are not the same as placebo-controlled trials, yet The Times presents them as equivalent. For example, the FDA’s approval process for the HPV vaccine relied on comparison with an aluminum-adjuvant placebo rather than an inert saline placebo, as highlighted in a 2017 review in Drug Safety. If a pharmaceutical company used this kind of sleight of hand in advertising, they’d face lawsuits. When The New York Times does it? It’s called journalism.” — James Lyons-Weiler PhD link
- Jan 28, 2025 — The 99th Congress That Called Vaccines “Unavoidably Unsafe”; “Meet the original ‘Conspiracy Theorists,’ Ronald Reagan and the members of the 99th Congress, who, in 1986, passed into law the ‘medical misinformation’ that vaccines were ‘unavoidably unsafe’ and potentially caused autism.” — Ginger Taylor, Brownstone Institute link
- Jan 28, 2025 — Cancer NanoVaccines? Only 0.7% of nanoparticles have been successfully delivered to the tumor (median value); “A striking review by Wilhelm et al. in 2016 revealed that after extensively reviewing 10 years of nanoparticle research… only 0.7% of nanoparticles have been successfully delivered to the tumor… Nanoparticles aim to reduce immunotoxicities associated with conventional drugs but can also indirectly induce many immunotoxic effects of their own. Their… characteristics… such as size and large surface area, make them susceptible to undesirable interactions when administered intravenously…” — Outraged Human link
- Jan 27, 2025 — ‘Jaw-dropping’ Study Finds Vaccinated Children Have 170% Higher Risk of Autism; “The study found that, across all metrics, vaccinated children had a higher rate of neurodevelopmental disorders compared to those who remained unvaccinated. According to the findings: The relative risk of developing a neurodevelopmental disorder grew as the number of doctor’s visits that included vaccinations increased. Children with just one vaccination visit were 1.7 times more likely to have been diagnosed with autism compared to those who were unvaccinated. Children with 11 or more vaccination visits were 340% more likely to be diagnosed with autism compared to unvaccinated children and 89% more likely to be diagnosed with autism compared to children with one vaccination visit. Vaccinated children who were born preterm were 258% more likely to be diagnosed with at least one neurodevelopmental disorder, compared to children born preterm who remained unvaccinated. Nearly 40% of vaccinated preterm children were diagnosed with such a disorder, compared to 15.7% of those who were unvaccinated. Vaccinated children were 419% more likely to be diagnosed with encephalopathy (brain inflammation), 525% more likely to develop tic disorders and 581% times more likely to have a learning disability, compared to unvaccinated children. Among children born preterm who were subsequently vaccinated, the risk of brain inflammation and learning disabilities grew by 612% and 884%, respectively.” — Michael Nevradakis PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Jan 27, 2025 — New Study: 340% Increase in Autism Risk Linked to Vaccination Visits: A recent study suggests an association between vaccination visits and a 340% higher likelihood of autism. Preterm children who were vaccinated faced even greater risks. Parents deserve access to transparent data to make informed decisions.; “Using healthcare claims data from over 47,000 children, the study examined whether vaccination status and frequency of vaccination visits were linked to conditions such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), epilepsy, and learning disabilities… The likelihood of an ASD diagnosis increased with the number of vaccination visits. Children with 11 or more vaccination visits were 4.4 times (a 340% increase) more likely to have autism compared to those who were unvaccinated.” — Chris Downey, VaxCalc link
- Jan 27, 2025 — Fact Check: MSM Gets Aluminum Toxicity in Vaccines Dead Wrong— Here Are the Facts They Don’t Want You to Know; Do you think The New York Times and the Daily Tribune Know they are being lied to by their “experts”?; “These two legacy media outlets have some explaining to do. Their experts are nothing of the sort; they get it wrong on aluminum in vaccines point after point… Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is 100% correct on the perils of continuing to allow the use of aluminum in vaccines.” — James Lyons-Weiler PhD link
- Jan 27, 2025 — 4 Things the New York Times Got Wrong About Aluminum in Vaccines: A recent New York Times article claimed that aluminum in vaccines is “a good thing.” Aluminum toxicity experts told The Defender the chemical was never sufficiently safety tested by the industry, is toxic and continues to be used in vaccines because it’s more profitable than safer alternatives. — Brenda Baletti PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Jan 27, 2025 — Several Bills Filed to Weaken Vaccine Mandates as More Texas Families Opt Out of Immunizations; “Rebecca Hardy recalls her up-close seat to lawmaking during the 2015 state legislative session… she remembers how tough it was to find anyone interested in what she wanted: more choice for Texans when it came to getting vaccinated. After forming Texans For Vaccine Choice the year before, she came to Austin to see if she could find lawmakers interested in policies to help parents who believe it’s their responsibility, not the government’s, to decide if and when a vaccination is administered to their child. ‘We were on the scene far before Covid was even a word that anybody knew… And it was really hard to find people willing to put their names on protective pieces of legislation.’ What a difference a global pandemic makes. Today, Hardy’s group and others in the vaccine hesitancy or anti-vaccine space have the ears of state lawmakers…” — Associated Press, U.S. News & World Report link
- Jan 26, 2025 — Vax/Unvax Study Finds Increased Child Vaccinations Raise Risks for Neurodevelopmental Delays; “The peer reviewed study was published on Jan. 23, 2025 in Science, Public Health Policy and the Law. An analysis of Medicaid claims data for 47,155 nine-year-old children revealed that vaccinated children were significantly more likely than unvaccinated children to be diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD); hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood; epilepsy or seizures; encephalopathy, tic disorders and learning disorders.” — Barbara Loe Fisher, The Vaccine Reaction link
- Jan 26, 2025 — Vaccination and Neurodevelopmental Disorders (Brain Inflammation and Damage): A Study of Nine-Year-Old Children Enrolled in Medicaid – 25 Q&As — Lies are Unbekoming link
- Jan 26, 2025 — “Vaccination and Neuro-developmental Disorders: A Study of Nine-Year-Old Children Enrolled in Medicaid”; “The study’s large, representative sample and control of confounding factors add weight to its findings. It emphasises the need for caution in applying universal vaccination schedules, particularly for preterm infants, and calls for deeper investigation into the cumulative effects of vaccination on child health… The importance of considering alternative approaches that prioritise individual health needs and minimising significant risks is paramount. There are alternatives to vaccination. We must boost innate immunity. This means optimising nutritional status (e.g., ensuring adequate levels of vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids) [which] has been shown to enhance immune resilience. By addressing environmental factors, such as reducing exposure to toxins, pollutants, and endocrine disruptors, we can mitigate stressors on the immune system.” — Ian Brighthope link
- Jan 26, 2025 — NY Times, Again, Tries to Normalize Injecting Kids With Neurotoxins — Jefferey Jaxen link
- Jan 25, 2025 — Pro-Vaxxers Need to Wake Up: How much longer will people believe the lies?; “Children with just one vaccination visit were nearly twice as likely to be diagnosed with autism (ASD) than the unvaccinated. Those with 11 or more visits were 4.4 times more likely to have been diagnosed with autism than those with no visit for vaccination.” — Dr. Sherri Tenpenny link
- Jan 25, 2025 — Vaccinations: How Vaccines Wreck Immunity (2015) by Dr Jack & Mary Stockwell – 30 Q&As – Unbekoming Book Summary — Lies are Unbekoming link
- Jan 25, 2025 — Multiple Childhood Vaccinations increased Autism risk by 4.4 X — Henry Lahore link
- Jan 24, 2025 — It isn’t due to vaccines. Now shut up and go home. Wash your mouth out with soap. Don’t ever let me hear such things from you again! Vaccine injuries being the first medical subject to be powerfully cancelled. — Dr. Meryl Nass MD link
- Jan 24, 2025 — Pediatricians Try New Tactics to Win Over Vaccine Skeptics: As trust in medicine declines and vaccine hesitancy spreads, doctors are changing how they talk about lifesaving childhood shots; “Physicians say this skepticism has gained new momentum in recent years… The New York Times spoke to pediatricians across the country who said they were looking for better ways to address these concerns and, ultimately, get more children vaccinated.” — Melinda Wenner Moyer, The New York Times link
- Jan 24, 2025 — Why Can’t I Talk About This?; “‘Vaccines and Autoimmunity’ presents data about specific vaccines and the autoimmune diseases they might trigger. For example, the vaccine for Lyme disease can trigger arthritis in hamsters genetically susceptible to arthritis. In 1950, 5 vaccines were given to children. Today, children receive over 30 vaccines. The CDC recommends 69 doses of 16 vaccines from birth to age 18 months. Could these vaccines overstimulate an already fragile immune system? Is it possible to overdo it? If you have to take a vaccine, taking vitamin D could be a good idea to add some protection.” — Dr. Eric Berg link and 7-min video
- Jan 23, 2025 — Larry Ellison Sells Stargate AI-Driven Personalized mRNA Cancer Vaccines Developed in 48 Hours — Dr. Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH link
- Jan 23, 2025 — Breaking Study – Childhood Vaccination Associated with Autism, Learning Disorders, Seizures, Encephalopathy, and Tics: Vaccinated children 212% more likely to be diagnosed with at least one neurodevelopmental disorder (NDD) compared to unvaccinated children. — Nicolas Hulscher MPH link
- Jan 23, 2025 — Vaccination and Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Study of Nine-Year-Old Children Enrolled in Medicaid — Anthony R. Mawson & Binu Jacob, Science, Public Health Policy and The Law link
- Jan 23, 2025 — Merck to Face California Jury as ‘Historic’ Gardasil HPV Vaccine Trial Gets Under Way: Jennifer Robi, confined to a wheelchair since age 16 after receiving three doses of the Gardasil HPV vaccine, will face off against Merck in Los Angeles. Robi, who sued Merck in 2016, has already won several key pretrial motions. Children’s Health Defense is supporting the case. — Brenda Baletti PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Jan 23, 2025 — RSV Vaccine Dangers Ahead… including Guillain-Barré Syndrome — Dr. Kevin Stillwagon link
- Jan 22, 2025 — Vaccines, Abortion, and Hypocrisy: Pence’s Blind Spot in Targeting RFK Jr.; Mike Pence’s pro-life rhetoric crumbles under the weight of his vaccine advocacy, which quietly relies on abortion-derived fetal cells, exposing a deep and unsettling hypocrisy. — Sayer Ji link
- Jan 17, 2025 — Polio: Truth and Lies; “Polio remains one of the most controversial topics in the health sphere and has been a hotly contested matter ever since it was first discovered. Questioning of the ‘accepted’ narrative surrounding this subject has continued to gain traction amongst the broader public, leaving many confused while sparking heated arguments… Today, on ‘Doctors & Scientists,’ we hear from Forrest Maready, an author and researcher who has compiled all the relevant information.” — Children’s Response Center 36-min video
- Jan 15, 2025 — Whistleblower Seeks IRS Investigation Into Gates Foundation’s For-profit Vaccine Activities; “‘Under the pretense of improving World Health, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation/Trust has been engaged in the promotion, manufacture and sale of Covid-19 vaccines that were not sufficiently tested for safety or for effectiveness for their intended use,’ Scott said in his appeal. Scott is asking that the IRS tax the Gates Foundation’s Covid-19 vaccine-related activities retroactively and in the future ‘as ordinary income from for-profit transactions… The claim that its efforts are charity are bogus and it has acted in bad faith,’ Scott wrote.” — Michael Nevradakis PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Jan 15, 2025 — ‘Huge Win’: West Virginia Governor Issues Executive Order Allowing Religious Exemptions; “[The] executive order allow[s] for religious exemptions from mandatory school vaccinations, ending one of the most restrictive vaccination policies in the country.” — Brenda Baletti PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Jan 14, 2025 — Vaccines Pose Small Breathing Risk to Premature Babies, Trial Shows: Apnea is more common in hospitalized preterm infants after routine vaccinations. [Apnea is a temporary cessation of breathing.] — Cara Michelle Miller, The Epoch Times link
- Jan 14, 2025 — Moderna Halts RSV Pediatric Vaccine Trial After Five Infants Hospitalized; “The recent phase 1 trials of two experimental respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccines for infants not only failed to provide adequate protection but may have worsened respiratory symptoms in some babies who contracted RSV or other respiratory viruses.” — Amber Baker, The Vaccine Reaction link
- Jan 14, 2025 — No Proof MMR Vaccine Is ‘Safer’ than Measles, Mumps or Rubella Infection, Physician Group Says: The risk of permanent disability or death from the MMR vaccine may be greater than the risk from a measles, mumps or rubella infection because large enough vaccine safety studies haven’t been done, according to a collection of new documents released by Physicians for Informed Consent. — Suzanne Burdick PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Jan 12, 2025 — Childhood Vaccine Injuries – Gardasil HPV Vaccine Victim 17 year old Colton Roger Berrett, who died Jan. 2018 — Dr. Wiliam Makis MD link
- Jan 12, 2025 — Scientists Sound Alarm About Using Mosquitoes to Vaccinate Humans: Researchers in the Netherlands are developing a malaria vaccine that uses mosquitoes to inject genetically modified malaria parasites into humans. — Children’s Health Defense link
- Jan 12, 2025 — Lyons-Weiler Responds to Hotez: The vaccine activists who conducted and promoted science-like activities to hide vaccine risk are acting as though we don’t know about the fraud.; “Hotez believes that telling the world that there will be four years of ‘anti-vaccine activism’ is an effective Public Health message. In reality, Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s appointment will mean an end to narrative enforced ‘science-like activities’ and a return to bona fide science… As long as he continues to attempt to gaslight with these tropes, we will not be able to take him, or people who act like him, seriously… The vaccine risk awareness movement is far from a monolithic group of ideological nutjobs. It encompasses a broad spectrum of individuals and motivations, united by a shared concern for safety, transparency, and ethical medical practices.”— James Lyons-Weiler PhD link
- Jan 11, 2025 — Concerning herd immunity… how smart is Meta AI?; “Me: You didn’t refine your understanding at all. Previously I stated that ‘Focusing vaccination efforts on high-risk populations, such as the elderly and immunocompromised individuals is a bad idea. Their immune systems can’t handle the challenge. We’re better off trying to bolster their immune systems.’ You agreed by stating that ‘focusing vaccination efforts on high-risk populations, such as the elderly and immunocompromised individuals, may not be the most effective approach.’ Now you state again that it is the most effective approach. Meta: You are correct, I previously agreed with your perspective that focusing vaccination efforts solely on high-risk populations might not be the most effective approach, considering their potentially compromised immune systems. Thank you for pointing out the inconsistency. I strive to provide accurate and nuanced information. Me: Friends, at least for now, artificial intelligence has a vast and constantly expanding access to information but will only regurgitate it in a certain way. We are the smart ones when it comes to understanding human health, not AI, so as always, thanks for watching, and thanks for staying smart.” — Dr. Kevin Stillwagon link
- Jan 10, 2025 — Experts Raise Questions About SIDS After Study Shows Vaccinating Preterm Babies Greatly Increases Risk of Apnea: Hospitalized preterm infants had a 170% higher incidence of apnea within 48 hours of receiving their routine 2-month vaccinations compared to unvaccinated babies, according to a new study. — Michael Nevradakis, Children’s Health Defense link
- Jan 10, 2025 — Vaccination: Proved Useless and Dangerous (1889) by Alfred R. Wallace – 35 Q&As – Unbekoming Book Summary — Lies are Unbekoming link
- Jan 10 2025 — Experts link toxic chemicals to soaring rates of childhood cancer, autism; “I would like to know where these doctors have been for the past thirty years as our children became the most vaccinated humans on the planet and the sickest. They seem satisfied with the current situation where their waiting rooms are filled with chronically ill children.” — Anne Dachel link
- Jan 9, 2025 — FDA Mandates Nerve Damage Warnings for 2 RSV Vaccines; “The FDA ordered two RSV vaccine manufacturers to include a potentially paralytic side effect warning related to nerve damage on product labels. The manufacturers… must now include a warning stating a risk of Guillain-Barre syndrome following vaccination, according to a Jan. 7 statement from the agency.” — Naveen Athrappully, The Epoch Times link
- Jan 9, 2025 — Mosquitos Harnessed to Vaccinate Humans without Consent: New England Journal of Medicine Report of Malaria Vaccine Delivered by Mosquito Bites — Dr. Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH link
- Jan 9, 2025 — Vaccines Do Have an Adverse Effect on the Animals That We’re Giving Them To — Dr. Brooke Miller MD, The Vaccine Reaction link
- Jan 9, 2025 — Yes, Aborted Fetal Cells, DNA, and Protein are in Vaccines — Megan Redshaw, The Vaccine Reaction link
- Jan 8, 2025 — RSV vaccines from Pfizer, GSK take another hit with new FDA warning mandate; “The FDA will require GSK and Pfizer to include on the label of their RSV vaccines a warning about the risk of developing Guillain-Barré syndrome… The ruling will affect GSK’s Arexvy and Pfizer’s Abrysvo, both of which were approved by the agency in May of 2023 for adults 60 years or older and realized booming sales in their first year on the market.” — Kevin Dunleavy, Fierce Pharma link
- Jan 8, 2025 — ‘Painful Truths’: Florida Grand Jury Finds ‘Profound and Serious’ Issues With Vaccine Development and Safety in U.S.; “[The Florida governor] said that not only does the report reveal Big Pharma’s pattern of deception and obfuscation, it also details the frustrations of many, stating, ‘these sponsors have taken in billions of taxpayer dollars for creating and selling their vaccines; they cannot be sued if something goes wrong with them; they have access to critical information about deaths related to a side effect of their products; and the public does not have access to that information’.” — Suzanne Burdick PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Jan 7, 2025 — Trust the Science? Faulty Study Analysis; “The study, titled Apnea After 2-Month Vaccinations in Hospitalized Preterm Infants, looked at the frequency and duration of apneic events in infants born at or before 33 weeks gestation… Apneic means not breathing… In this study of 223 infants, 107 were vaccinated, and 116 were unvaccinated. The vaccinated infants received the pneumococcal, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, polio, and haemophilus influenza vaccines—SEVEN INJECTIONS! The average gestational age was 27 weeks. It’s my opinion that jabbing tiny humans this early in life is straight-up unethical… The hep B vaccine given within hours of birth is pure insanity. The people in the CDC who approved the hep B jab for babies and the doctors who administer them should be given a psych evaluation to determine if they’re psychopathic or sociopathic. The only way a person can contract hep B is if they’re doing heroin and sharing needles or having unprotected sex.” — The Truth Expedition link
- Jan 7, 2025 — Protecting Neonates: Evaluating Apnea Risks and Aluminum Exposure in NICU Immunizations; Infants must breathe to live. Dr. McCullough points to SIDS as a likely result of vaccine-induced apnea.; “There’s an expression in toxicology: The dose makes the poison. To which, a few years back, I added: Body weight makes the poison. That’s why FDA limits aluminum exposure in people with renal dysfunction to 4-5 mcg: ‘Research indicates that patients with impaired kidney function, including premature neonates, who receive parenteral levels of aluminum at greater than 4 to 5 [micro]g/kg/day accumulate aluminum at levels associated with central nervous system and bone toxicity. Tissue loading may occur at even lower rates of administration.‘ Neonates, particularly preterm infants, face unique vulnerabilities due to their developing physiology and their low body weight. A recent randomized controlled trial by Greenberg et al…. linked vaccinations to increased episodes of apnea (temporary cessation of breathing) in premature infants in the NICU, raising questions about the safety and timing of immunizations in this population.” — James Lyons-Weiler PhD link
- Jan 7, 2025 — Breaking–Combination Vaccination of Premature Neonates Results in Apnea Events: Randomized Trial Shows Irrational Immunization of Preemies Harmful, Demonstrates Mechanism of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome — Dr. Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH link
- Jan 6, 2025 — A Young Child Died During Moderna Covid Vaccine Clinical Trial—Did FDA Know? A preschool-aged child died of cardio-respiratory arrest after getting a Covid-19 booster in a Moderna clinical trial, according to an investigation by journalist Alex Berenson. The FDA has yet to answer the question: Did the agency know about the death? — Suzanne Burdick PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Jan 4, 2025 — Vaccine adverse events, including death, are grossly under-reported: Here’s the evidence from the peer-reviewed literature. — Steve Kirsch link
- Dec 31, 2024 — Anyone Who Tells You Vaccines Are Safe and Effective is Lying (2011) by Dr. Vernon Coleman – 45 Q&As – Unbekoming Book Summary — Lies are Unbekoming link
- Dec 31, 2024 — Breaking: The Lawsuit v Pfizer by TX Attorney General, Ken Paxton is Dismissed: PREP Act and EUA law pre-empt civil lawsuits. These suits are theater/political campaigning. AGs serious about prosecution should bring criminal charges, not civil complaints.; “The AG Paxton’s (TX) case against Pfizer for deceptive marketing practices under TX law has been dismissed. The judge cited PREP Act as the reason for dismissal as it pre-empts state law and regulatory authority.” — Sasha Latypova link
- Dec 30, 2024 — The Media’s Deception of Parents; “Numerous mainstream media outlets are deliberately lying to American parents about the law regarding Covid-19 vaccines… Ironically, if schools administer non-PREP Act vaccines such as DPT or HPV without consent, all those state causes of action would be available – for vaccines with better testing and safety records than the PREP Act interventions for which they can not sue under the Politella decision.” — John Klar, Brownstone Institute link
- Dec 28, 2024 — Tucker Carlson with Aaron Siri; the truly dark and grotesque side of vaccines; “Tucker Carlson: ‘I’m about as uncomfortable as I’ve ever been in an interview right now’.” — Anne Dachel link
- Dec 27, 2024 — Medical Freedom Attorney Drops Measles Vaccine Bombshell; “Did you know that the death rate from measles declined by 98% before the measles vaccine was introduced? ‘This is all on the CDC website… That decline had nothing to do with vaccines’.” — The Vigilant Fox link
- Dec 27, 2024 — Do Vaccines Cause Chronic Disease? Evidence is now available; “Vaccines are serious drugs yet they are not subjected to proper long term safety testing. This was made clear by Dr. Stanley Plotkin (Godfather of vaccinology) in his sworn deposition of 2018… The literature seems devoid of good quality surveys comparing the long term health of the vaccinated vs the unvaccinated. However, Joy Garner of the Control Group has issued a survey on this topic reporting the following.” — Phillip Altman link
- Dec 25, 2024 — SV40 Contamination in Pfizer’s Covid-19 Vaccines: A Troubling Echo of the Polio Vaccine Scandal: History repeats itself – SV40 contamination in Covid-19 vaccines raises alarming echoes of the polio vaccine scandal, reigniting cancer concerns. — Sayer Ji link
- Dec 24, 2024 — Faith In Vaccines PLUMMETS — The Jimmy Dore Show 17-min video
- Dec 22, 2024 — RSV Vaccination Unpopular Among Adults in First Marketing Season: Nationwide Survey Shows Little Enthusiasm for Previously Unconcerning Infection — Dr. Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH link
- Dec 22, 2024 — The Flu Vaccine: Science at Its Worst; “Joshua Hadfield was a normal, healthy developing child as a toddler. In the midst of the H1N1 swine flu frenzy and the media fear mongering about the horrible consequences children face if left unvaccinated, the Hadfield family had Joshua vaccinated with Glaxo’s Pandermrix influenza vaccine. Within weeks, Joshua could barely wake up, sleeping up to nineteen hours a day. Laughter would trigger seizures. Joshua was diagnosed with narcolepsy, ‘an incurable, debilitating condition’ associated with acute brain damage. Looking back, Pandermrix was a horrible vaccine. Research indicates that it was associated with a 1400% increase in narcolepsy risk. A medical team at Finland’s National Institute for Health and Welfare recorded 800 cases of narcolepsy associated with this vaccine. Aside from the engineered viral antigens, the other vaccine ingredients are most often found to be the primary culprits to adverse vaccine reactions. The Finnish research, on the other hand, indicated that the vaccine’s altered viral nucleotide likely contributed to the sudden rise in sleeping sickness.” — Richard Gale & Dr. Gary Null, Global Research link
- Dec 20, 2024 — CNN Reveals “Troubling” Poll: American Trust In Vaccines Is Plummeting — Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge link
- Dec 19, 2024 — Review of US vaccine injury reimbursement program shows less than 3% of claims eligible for compensation; “A report yesterday from the U.S. Government Accountability Office on federal response to medical countermeasure injury compensation claims — primarily about Covid-19 and flu vaccines — reveals that, during the first few years of the Covid-19 pandemic, claims spiked to 27 times the typical number received, and less than 3% of the claims were eligible for compensation. About half of the claims were related to Covid-19 vaccination. The vast majority of money paid for claims, however — more than $6 million — was for harms tied to the H1N1 flu vaccine. The Health and Human Services Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program review showed that the program received a surge of 13,333 injury claims, and 92 (2.6%) of the completed claims were eligible for compensation.” — Jim Wappes, CIDRAP link
- Dec 19, 2024 — Bill Gates Isn’t the Largest Funder of His Global Vaccine Campaign – American Taxpayers Are: $11.5 billion in U.S. taxpayer money funds Gates’ aggressive crusade to push vaccines on global populations, White House documents show.; “Recent White House announcements reveal the American people are the largest financial backers of his Gavi vaccine agenda, contributing over $11.5 billion through taxpayer-funded government allocations.” — Jon Fleetwood link
- Dec 17, 2024 — Latest News Reports Claim Vaccines Are Safe — But That’s Not What the ‘Godfather of Vaccines’ Said Six Months Ago; “What almost all of the latest news reports neglect to mention is that one of the country’s staunchest, most high-profile defenders of vaccine safety — known in some circles as the ‘godfather of vaccines’ — published a paper six months ago that undermines the CDC and FDA ‘safe and effective’ narrative.” — Michael Nevradakis PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Dec 17, 2024 — FDA ‘Fast Tracks’ 2 Combination Covid-19-Influenza Shots Containing Formaldehyde, Insect DNA, Toxic Detergent Banned in Europe: Bill Gates-Funded Manufacturer; Both jabs flagged for Guillain-Barré Syndrome and neither have been tested for carcinogenicity or mutagenesis. — Jon Fleetwood link
- Dec 17, 2024 — Feds Quietly Ban Liability for Vax Makers through Trump’s Full Term as FDA Exposes RSV Trial Harm: HHS offers no rationale for five-year expansion followed by 12 months to ‘arrange for disposition.’ RSV vaccine for infants found harm because of placebo group.” — Greg Piper, Just the News link
- Dec 16, 2024 — Too many vaccines on the childhood immunisation schedule?; “In 2002, well-known vaccinologist Paul Offit claimed there was no evidence that receiving ‘thousands’ of vaccines could overwhelm or weaken a baby’s immune system. In fact, he postulated that infants have ‘the theoretical capacity to respond to about 10,000 vaccines at any one time.’” — Maryanne Demasi PhD link
- Dec 16, 2024 — Covid 2.0? New RSV shots are already harming babies — Daniel Horowitz, Blaze Media link
- Dec 14, 2024 — Kendall Nelson: Eight Unsung Heroes Of Vaccine Risk Awareness: Waking up the world — Anne Dachel link
- Dec 14, 2024 — RSV Vaccines for Children: Still Crazy After All These Years; Vaccine-enhanced disease raises its ugly head again. When will they ever learn? — Dr. Robert W. Malone link
- Dec 13, 2024 — There is no scientific definition of vaccine in US biological product law.; “Congress added the term ‘vaccine’ to the biological products law in 1970 for the first time but did not define the term or direct the executive agencies to adopt or promulgate scientific definitions in regulations.” — Katherine Watt link
- Dec 12, 2024 — Infants Vaccinated with Moderna RSV mRNA Jab 3x More Likely to Develop RSV Disease Than Unvaccinated: FDA; FDA flags Moderna mRNA RSV shots for causing “very severe” RSV in infants & weakening effectiveness of other medicines. — Jon Fleetwood link
- Dec 12, 2024 — RSV Jab Halted by FDA for Infants 5-8 Months Old. How About All Others? — Andreas Oehler link
- Dec 11, 2024 — Moderna Shuts Down mRNA RSV Vaccine Trial in Babies After Shots Linked to Severe Side Effects, FDA Document Reveals: The FDA’s vaccine advisory committee will meet tomorrow to discuss concerns about the vaccine, which the agency fast-tracked in 2021. Meanwhile, trials for investigational RSV vaccines for babies and some children are now on hold. — Brenda Baletti PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Dec 11, 2024 — Moderna’s mRNA vaccine against RSV takes a tumble: The latest trial data demonstrates the dangerous speed of innovation.; “The clinical trial, conducted in the UK and other countries, ended after alarming data suggested that the vaccine might not just fail to prevent severe RSV disease, but could potentially worsen it. Until now, the data were kept secret. This week, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) disclosed that vaccinated children in the trial experienced higher rates of severe RSV compared to those in the placebo group. The data were striking…” — Maryanne Demasi PhD link
- Dec 10, 2024 — Flu Vaccine Injury Story – Dr. Matthew Christenson discusses his vaccine injury — Dr. William Makis MD 6-min video
- Dec 9, 2024 — The difference between the US childhood vaccination schedule and Denmark’s: The need for cluster RCTs. — Dr. Vinay Prasad MD, MPH link
- Dec 2, 2024 — The CDC Just Released Its New Vaccination Schedule—And It’s Alarming: The agency now recommends more than 200 “routine vaccinations” during a person’s lifetime and more than 28 doses during a baby’s first year of life. — Megan Redshaw link
- Dec 2, 2024 — Combination Routine Childhood Vaccination Associated with Development of Asthma and Eczema — Dr. Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH link
- Nov 30, 2024 — CDC Escalates Childhood Hyper-Vaccination Agenda for 2025: Children are now recommended to receive 32 injections by age 2 and more than 70 injections by age 18 — no long-term, placebo-controlled trials required. — Nicolas Hulscher MPH link
- Nov 28, 2024 — Joe Rogan and Josh Brolin discuss vaccine injury: Pharma has liability protection — Anne Dachel link
- Nov 24, 2024 — America’s Compliance with Federal Vaccine Recommendations Has Collapsed: CDC report finds that the vast majority of adults reject ACIP guidelines, refusing Covid-19 genetic booster shots with no human data, as well as flu and RSV vaccines. — Nicolas Hulscher MPH link
- Nov 21, 2024 — Vaccination Rates for Flu and Covid are Low this Season, CDC Says; An estimated 35% of U.S. adults have received the flu shot and less than 18% have received Covid vaccines, according to a new report — Marlene Lenthang, NBC News link
- Nov 18, 2024 — Attorney Leigh Dundas Destroys Orange County Board of Supervisors Illegal RSV Mandate Meeting; “Human rights attorney Leigh Dundas challenges the legality and ethics of potential new restrictions due to RSV, arguing that such measures are not only unnecessary given the low mortality rate but also unconstitutional. She passionately declares resistance against any new lockdowns, masks, or business closures, emphasizing the defense of American freedoms.” — Broken Truth TV link
- Nov 14, 2024 — Texas Rep-Elect Andy Hopper Introduces Constitutional Right to Refuse Vaccines, Blocking Coercion Statewide: “No one should have the power to force or extort you to undergo a medical procedure that you don’t want,” says new state representative. — Jon Fleetwood link
- Nov 10, 2024 — Whooping Cough (Pertussis): On Bacteria — Lies are Unbekoming link
- Nov 10, 2024 — Joe Rogan: Why RFK Jr. first looked into vaccines; More vaccines and more and more sick kids in America; “It’s important for the public to know that they can’t sue vaccine manufacturers or doctors over vaccine injury. Why isn’t that ever told to parents taking their children in for those well baby checks? Instead, Pharma is protected.” — Anne Dachel link
- Nov 6, 2024 — How Merck Pushed Gardasil Vaccine to Pay for Vioxx Lawsuits – and Why the HPV Shot Is So Dangerous: Gardasil proved to be extremely dangerous, yet both Merck and the FDA ignored the alarming data and continued promoting it, even as it resulted in unprecedented injuries, including autoimmunity, POTS, infertility and death. — Dr. Joseph Mercola, Children’s Health Defense link
- Nov 5, 2024 — FDA Approves AstraZeneca No-Needle At-Home ‘Live’ Virus Flu Vaccine with 90% Shed Rate: FluMist manufacturer insert confirms vaccinated can infect unvaccinated. — Jon Fleetwood link
- Nov 4, 2024 — Vaccine Ideology: Exposed; Shocking video reveals the unprecedented rise of this false religion. — Nicolas Hulscher MPH link
- Nov 4, 2024 — US Childhood Routine Vaccination Rates Plummeting; CDC/HHS Report: Parents Declining Shots for Children Born in 2020 and 2021 — Dr. Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH link
- Nov 2, 2024 — Autism Rates Skyrocket with Intensified Childhood Vaccination Schedules: Data from 2011-2021 reveal alarming rise in neuropsychiatric disorder among an increasing number of children receiving dozens of vaccines in combination. — Nicolas Hulscher MPH & Dr. Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH link
- Nov 2, 2024 — WHO Chief Tedros Declares ‘Aggressive Action’ Needed Against Growing Anti-Vaccine Movement — Lioness of Judah Ministry link
- Nov 2, 2024 — How Effective Are Vaccines Targeted to Respiratory Viruses?; “For healthy adults, there is quite literally zero evidence of improvement in important outcomes.” — Ian Miller, Brownstone Institute link
- Oct 31, 2024 — Decentralized Medicine Bombshell: Nazis, Mobsters, The Intelligence Industrial Complex & The “Vaccine” Induced Turbo Cancer Epidemic; “While SV40 was not explicitly added to the first generation polio vaccine, it was deliberately left in all of the other batches going forward; in fact, SV40 promotor has been purposely added to all kinds of vaccines, and the Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ were also ‘contaminated’ by this SV40 promotor as this Substack has been diligently covering for quite some time; to wit: Breaking Horrific Update: HIV-Infected Green Monkey DNA Found in Covid-19 ‘Vaccines’” which is precisely why we are now witnessing a turbo cancer epidemic that will last another 40-50 years.” — 2nd Smartest Guy in the World link
- Oct 26, 2024 — Guillain-Barré Syndrome Associated With 17 Vaccines, Including Covid and Flu Shots: A new long-term study assessing the association of vaccines with reported cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) found that “most vaccines” were associated with GBS. — Michael Nevradakis PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Oct 23, 2024 — Vaccination is legalized, decriminalized, government-sponsored, government-run torture, mutilation and homicide.; “Vaccination programs can be shut down by lack of cooperation by individual targets — stop taking vaccines and stop vaccinating babies and children — and by legislative repeal of the enabling laws at federal and state levels.” — Katherine Watt link
- Oct 17, 2024 — ‘Reckless Disregard for the Truth’: Shareholders Sue Moderna for Misleading Investors on RSV Shot Efficacy — Michael Nevradakis PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Oct 17, 2024 — FDA Brushed Off Concerns About DNA Fragments in Gardasil’s HPV Vaccine: Researchers sent the FDA evidence of fragments of viral DNA in Gardasil’s HPV vaccine, but the agency declared the vaccines “safe and effective” anyway. — Maryanne Demasi PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Oct 17, 2024 — CBS News Misinforms the Public on Pertussis Vaccination Policy; “CBS’s Dr. Jon Lapook overlooked key scientific data… Because the vaccine fails to prevent infection but instead targets symptoms, vaccinated recipients are actually at greater risk of becoming asymptomatic carriers if exposed… The pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine does not confer herd immunity… the acellular pertussis vaccine does not prevent asymptomatic infection or transmission… vaccination coverage itself has been declining due to increased skepticism.” — James Lyons-Weiler PhD link
- Oct 16, 2024 — FDA Halts Novavax Trial of Combo Covid-Flu Vaccine Citing Patient With Nerve Damage: A class-action lawsuit filed in August accuses Moderna of making “materially false and misleading statements” about the efficacy of its RSV shot, leading to significant damages for investors. — Brenda Baletti PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Oct 15, 2024 — Thinking of taking a flu shot? Read this first. It’s not just that they’re ineffective, they also cause harm. Learn about safe alternatives such as Vitamin D, quercetin and zinc. — World Council For Health link
- Oct 12, 2024 — Brave Doctors Were Warming Us Decades Ago: Vaccines Are Unsafe And Ineffective — 2nd Smartest Guy in the World link
- Oct 11, 2024 — FOIA Request Forces CDC To Produce Horrifying Records: A Large Scale Vaccinated VS Unvaccinated Study — 2nd Smartest Guy in the World link
- Oct 11, 2024 — Report: Vaccines Are the Real Cause of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, and the Government Has Been Covering It Up for Decades, One Doctor Says; “One disturbing study found that two-thirds of infants who died of SIDS had been vaccinated with the DPT vaccine prior to death. Of those… 26% died within three days. Dr. William Torch, the author of the study, concluded, ‘DPT vaccination may be a generally unrecognized major cause of sudden infant and early childhood death, and that the risks of immunization may outweigh its potential benefits.’ A Midwestern Doctor claims there is a century of evidence to suggest vaccines cause SIDS, but the government has continuously worked to suppress such findings. One of those efforts has been the removal of vaccine-related death classifications in the ICD system in 1979. This change made it impossible for doctors to officially attribute infant deaths to vaccines, further obscuring the true cause of SIDS.” — Lioness of Judah Ministry link
- Oct 11, 2024 — Learning curve.; “Public health emergency/biodefense programs are drawn from a playbook that has been used several times already in recent decades (SARS, MERS, H1N1)… I learned that Congress and the fake-regulators work only to protect and expand vaccination/mass-poisoning programs, suppress vaccine hostility and maintain vaccine confidence, and how the events following the 1955 polio campaign led to the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act… Stop taking vaccines. Stop vaccinating babies and children.” — Kathernine Watt link
- Oct 5, 2024 — Interview with Joy Lucette Garner: On the Control Group Study, Unvaccinated Health, Chronic Disease, Autism, Maternal Vaccines, Birth Defects and much more. — Lies are Unbekoming link
- Oct 2, 2024 — “5 Vaccines You Need After 50”. Or Not? A brief rebuttal.; “Shingles… RSV… Pneumococcal… Influenza… Covid-19…” — Andreas Oehler link
- Sep 30, 2024 — 30 Lawmakers Sponsor Bill to End Liability Protection for Vaccine Makers — Brenda Baletti PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Sep 28, 2024 — VaxCalc; Interview with Chris Downey — Lies are Unbekoming link
- Sep 28, 2024 — It’s Only Logical: This Bill Will End the Era of Vaccine Liability Protection; “It’s only logical: liability is a fundamental mechanism for ensuring product quality and consumer safety in any industry, and vaccines should be no exception.” — James Lyons-Weiler PhD link
- Sep 27, 2024 — Fewer Young Children Getting Vaccines: CDC — Zachary Stieber, The Epoch Times link
- Sep 26, 2024 — New Paper Shows RSV Shot for Infants May Worsen Infection; “May cause more severe RSV infection and death in some infants due to a mechanism that enhances the virus’ ability to infect cells” — Reform Pharma link
- Sep 26, 2024 — Maine Warned Public About a Measles Case – But Didn’t Mention It Was Caused by the Vaccine; A case of measles in 2023, reported by the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and mainstream media as being the state’s first case in four years, was vaccine-induced. — Children’s Health Defense link
- Sep 26, 2024 — An Angry Father’s Guide to Vaccines; Don’t be like me, do your research first — J.B. Handley link
- Sep 25, 2024 — Japans Self Amplifying mRNA Vaccine – Is It Really The First Self Replicating RNA (Bio Nano) Machines Deployed On Humanity? How Dangerous Are Self Replicating Nano Machines To Life On Earth? — Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea MD, PhD link
- Sep 24, 2024 — Measles “Outbreak” In Maine Was Vaccine-Induced All Along; “Test results from the CDC confirmed that the measles case was ‘consistent with vaccine strain,’ meaning there was no ‘outbreak’ and, instead, it was the vaccine that caused the child’s rash.” — ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network) link
- Sep 24, 2024 — Update on Alexis Lorenze, 23-Year-Old Severely Injured After Hospital Forced Her to Get 3 Vaccines — Brenda Baletti PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Sep 24, 2024 — Is Autism Caused By Vaccination? Dr. Vernon Coleman believes autism is caused by vaccination. He presents seven facts to support this claim. He argues that the increase in autism cases correlates with the rise in vaccinations and suggests that severe autism is simply vaccine-induced brain damage. — Rhoda Wilson, The Expose link
- Sep 23, 2024 — Open Letter to Students and Parents about Vaccines — Clayton J. Baker, The Vaccine Reaction link
- Sep 23, 2024 — Parents Now Allowed to Give Kids Nasal Flu Vaccine at Home, Despite Vaccine’s Link to Severe Reactions — Michael Nevradakis PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Sep 22, 2024 — Young Woman With Blood Disorder Develops Painful Severe Reaction to Multiple Vaccinations — The Vaccine Reaction link
- Sep 22, 2024 — ‘Dissolving Illusions’ 10th Anniversary Edition Challenges Vaccine Narratives; The updated and expanded 10th anniversary edition of “Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History,” by Dr. Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk, empowers readers with information, encourages critical examination of vaccine policies and advocates for informed consent in medical decisions.” — Dr. Joseph Mercola link
- Sep 22, 2024 — Leading Japanese Experts Warn: ‘Self-Amplifying mRNA Vaccines’ Will Trigger Worldwide Disaster — Lioness of Judah Ministry link
- Sep 21, 2024 — Proud to Be Suing Hospitals and Doctors That Inject Hep B Vaccines Into Newborns Without Parental Consent; Hospitals and doctors across the nation: You are on notice — Aaron Siri link
- Sep 20, 2024 — Breaking: FDA Approves At-Home Nasal Flu Vaccine — Lioness of Judah Ministry link
- Sep 20, 2024 — Mainstream Media Picks Up Story of Alexis Lorenze’s Horrific Coercion Vaccine Injury — The Vigilant Fox link
- Sep 19, 2024 — Collider Bias and the Problem with Vaccine Case-Control Studies; How the bias can lead to the wrong conclusions about treatment effectiveness — Prof. Norman Fenton PhD & Marin Neil PhD link
- Sep 18, 2024 — What Happens When a Hospital Vaccine Injures You? The tragic but insightful story of Alexis Lorenze — A Midestern Doctor link
- Sep 18, 2024 — Update: 23-Year-Old in Grave Condition; Alexis Lorenze’s battle for her life continues. She received three vaccines in one day, and within 10 minutes of injection was suffering a severe adverse reaction. — Children’s Health Defense 19-min video
- Sep 18, 2024 — Horrific Vaccine Injury Leaves 23-Year-Old Woman Fighting for Her Life; Alexis was mandated to take three vaccines against her will, and now she anticipates only having a few days to live. Her dying wish is for you to share her story. — Vigilant News Network link
- Sep 16, 2024 — Flu Vaccination Increases Risk of Medium- and Long-Term Covid-19 Symptoms: ‘Journal of Clinical Medicine’; 66.67% of flu-vaccinated have long-term COVID symptoms, compared to only 38.71% of the unvaccinated. — Jon Fleetwood link
- Sep 14, 2024 — mRNA Injury Stories – 31 year old UK Rugby player Calvin Nap developed Turbo Cancer (Glioblastoma) and was given a 200,000GBP “Cancer Vaccine” that didn’t work. He died Aug. 27, 2024. — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Sep 13, 2024 — Andrew Wakefield And What Really Happened With The Whole MMR Fiasco; “For most of my career, Dr Andrew Wakefield was a figure who had lurked in the periphery of my awareness. I was studying for my medical finals during the MMR fiasco that Andrew found himself in early 1998. Back then… all I knew about Andrew was that he was a disgraced doctor who was ridiculed by colleagues and shunned by the profession. It had something to do with vaccines, which was strange because aren’t vaccines safe? I look back in amazement. How did I manage to go through five years of medical school training with not one lecture on vaccines, their mode of action, ingredients, research demonstrating safety, etc., but still come out of the system with the absolute unquestioning belief that vaccines were safe and a miracle drug? Talk about mind control and indoctrination. Kudos to the Faculty of Medicine.” — Doc Malik and Dr. Andrew Wakefield link
- Sep 13, 2024 — Why Do All Vaccines Cause Harm? Exploring a foundational cause of disease, and the reason all vaccines are so dangerous: Blood “sludging”; There are electrical charges that keep our blood cells freely moving and not clumped up. Aluminum is one of most effective “clumpers,” and the results of blood sludging are strokes and many illnesses. — Brucha Weisberger link
- Sep 10, 2024 — Doctors Cash In: The Hidden Profits Behind Pediatric Vaccinations; “Many pediatric practices lose out on financial rewards, including bonuses, if a certain percentage of their patient population isn’t vaccinated” — Megan Redshaw, Reform Pharma link
- Sep 9, 2024 — Colostrum 3 Times More Effective Than Flu Vaccination: Journal ‘Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis’; Milk produced by mammals immediately after giving birth “is at least 3 times more effective than vaccination to prevent flu and is very cost-effective,” the study confirms. — Jon Fleetwood link
- Sep 6, 2024 — Vaccines are an ideology; “The injectable biological products themselves do not work as advertised and cause catastrophic side effects; nearly all of the supposed benefits from vaccines actually come from clean water, having enough food to eat, sanitation systems, etc. But as an idea, vaccines have the unrivaled ability to hypnotize people… Vaccines make scientists and doctors completely abandon science and medicine. Double blind randomized controlled trials? Who needs those? Postmarket surveillance? Why would we do that? Automated reporting of side effects? What, are you some kind of nutter?“ — Toby Rogers link
- Sep 6, 2024 — Defending Dr. Wakefield: Interview with Jim Moody; “You’ve been involved in several high-profile legal cases related to autism and vaccines. Can you share a particularly memorable or challenging case and how it has shaped your perspective on these issues? ‘Well, you know, the actual doing of law is really quite boring, especially with all the midnight footnotes that nobody will likely read or care much about. Probably the most interesting of the “autism” cases was the Omnibus Proceeding, in Vaccine Court, about 6000 cases…” — Lies are Unbekoming link
- Sep 5, 2024 — Flu Vaccines: All Risk and No Benefit; Be smart and conduct a full investigation before an injection. — Brucha Weisberger link
- Sep 5, 2024 — It’s Time to Talk About the CDC’s Vaccine Recommendations; “NCVIA removes all liability for only those vaccines on the childhood schedule, thus creating an extremely lucrative business model and a boom in the childhood vaccine market. Of course, with zero product liability, there’s no incentive to determine how or if the vaccines recommended to every American infant and child play a role in creating the chronic disease epidemic plaguing children today. And the federal government doesn’t demand the studies because it is the one pushing the schedule.” — Health Freedom Institute link
- Sep 4, 2024 — 5 Scientific Findings Explain Link Between Vaccines and Autism — Why Do Health Agencies Ignore Them? Federal public health agencies continue to ignore scientific advances, made largely by prominent scientists working outside of the U.S., despite the scientists’ appeals to agencies to investigate the link and stop telling parents aluminum in vaccines is safe. — Brenda Baletti PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Sep 3, 2024 — There Are No Licensed Covid Vaccines for Kids Under 12 — But CDC Wants Babies to Get 3 Pfizer Shots by Age 9 Months; “According to the latest CDC guidance, 9-month-old babies must receive multiple doses of an unlicensed mRNA Covid-19 vaccine to be considered ‘up to date’ with their Covid-19 vaccination.” — Ray L. Flores II & Esq.Suzanne Burdick, PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Sep 3, 2024 — Video – RFK Jr. Dismantles Propaganda on Childhood Vaccines — Dr. William Makis MD 5-min video
- Sep 3, 2024 — Worth the Risk? RSV Shots for Babies Lack Long-term Safety Data; Unlike conventional vaccines, nirsevimab — a new RSV shot for infants — is a monoclonal antibody. Its widespread use in children is unprecedented, and long-term safety data is limited. — Dr. Joseph Mercola, Children’s Health Defense link
- Sep 2, 2024 — International Scientists Have Found Autism’s Cause. What Will Americans Do? Five clear, replicable, and related discoveries explaining how autism is triggered have formed an undeniably clear picture of autism’s causation. — J.B. Handley link
- Aug 27, 2024 — How Much Damage Have Vaccines Done to Society? The data that shows horrific, unrecognized consequences of vaccination. — Brucha Weisberger link
- Aug 26, 2024 — Most people think the smallpox vaccine stopped smallpox. That couldn’t be further from the truth. This critically important historical data will upend your thinking not only about the smallpox inoculations, but about much more, as well. It has serious implications for us today. — Brucha Weisberger link
- Aug 20, 2024 — Distrust in Vaccines Grows Among U.S. Adults, Survey Shows — Suzanne Burdick, PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Aug 19, 2024 — Merck MMR Case Ruling: “You can defraud the American people when government agencies go along with it” — Steve Kirsch link
- Aug 18, 2024 — Dissolving Illusions About Vaccine Safety — Dr. Joseph Mercola 1.25 hr video
- Aug 16, 2024 — Why Do All Vaccines Cause Harm? “Neurologist Andrew Moulden discovered that vaccines frequently trigger microstrokes, which can lead to a myriad of acute and chronic diseases. Research from the 1960s, shows that blood cell clumping is a root cause of many diseases — a belief also shared by Chinese Medicine. Colloidal chemistry and zeta potential science reveal that positive charges around blood cells cause clumping. Agents with concentrated positive charges, such as aluminum and the Covid spike protein, are especially problematic.” — A Midwestern Doctor link
- Aug 16, 2024 — Nasty ‘Anti-Vax’ Statements About the MMR Vaccine: But, the source may surprise you; “These events are resulting in an increase in health services utilization. The estimated 595 additional children experiencing at least one event for every 100 000 vaccinated translates into approximately one child experiencing at least one event per 168 children vaccinated... You might be surprised to know that every quotation was taken from a peer-reviewed scientific paper published in the rock-solid science journal PLoS One prior to the massive politicization of science and medicine.” — Dr. Byram W. Bridle link
- Aug 15, 2024 — We got Google AI to Finally Admit the Truth About the Covid Vaccines and the US Childhood Vaccine Schedule; “The rapid and repeated exposure to multiple antigens through vaccination could overwhelm the developing immune system, leading to immune dysregulation, chronic inflammation, and potential autoimmunity… Aluminum adjuvants, commonly used in vaccines, have been shown to induce a variety of toxic effects, including neuroinflammation, oxidative stress, and DNA damage… Emerging research suggests that vaccines, including those in the childhood schedule, can induce epigenetic modifications, altering gene expression and potentially influencing susceptibility to chronic diseases later in life. The transgenerational effects of such epigenetic changes are also a concern… The gut microbiome plays a crucial role in immune development and overall health. Vaccines, particularly those administered orally or through the gut mucosa, could potentially disrupt the gut microbiome, leading to dysbiosis and associated health problems.” — Steve Kirsch link
- Aug 15, 2024 — Unnecessary, Excessive Routine Childhood Vaccination Leading to Chronic Illness; “Many legacy illnesses had dramatic reductions in case count and mortality long before the introduction of vaccines including smallpox, measles, diphtheria, pertussis, and influenza. This was due to improved living conditions, sanitation, nutrition, and antibiotics. So why are healthy young babies vaccinated for adult infectious diseases of the past?” — Dr. Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH link
- Aug 12, 2024 — Routine Infant Hepatitis B Vaccination Fails to Protect Into Young Adulthood: Parents Should Not Expect a Long-Term Benefit — Dr. Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH link
- Aug 8, 2024 — Vaccines Are DOD ‘Bioweapons’: Global Conspiracy Using Public Health to ‘Kill Lots of People’ Constitutes ‘War Crimes’ (Video); Paralegal Katherine Watt warns world is in a military “kill box” where international criminals “can achieve the same goals of killing lots of people without their fingerprints being all over it.” — Jon Fleetwood link
- Aug 7, 2024 — Fewer Americans Now View Childhood Vaccines as Important: Gallup — Sarah Fortinsky, The Hill link
- Aug 7, 2024 — Injecting Babies: 1986 v Today; Important reminder regarding the explosive growth in the vaccine schedule since 1986 — Aaron Siri link
- Aug 6, 2024 — Paper Showing Covid and Flu Vaccines Do Not Reduce Hospitalization Was Published Today; We immediately got four offers from top journals to submit for publication in their journals. Also, the Medicare data confirms the Czech data that vaccine toxicity varies by brand — Steve Kirsch link
- Aug 5, 2024 — Breaking — World-Renowned Vaccinologist Publishes Paper Admitting Lack of Vaccine Safety Studies; “Dr. Stanley Plotkin co-authored a paper in the New England Journal of Medicine admitting significant gaps in vaccine safety research, contradicting decades of claims that vaccines are thoroughly studied and safe” — Dr. Joseph Mercola link
- Aug 5, 2024 — Flu Shot Killed Young Mom — Dr. William Makis MD 13 min video
- Aug 4, 2024 — The Pandemic-Vaccine Industry is Desperate; For the Next “Pandemic” They Want to Use Police and Even NATO to Force Vaccination on People — Rhoda Wilson, The Expose link
- Aug 1, 2024 — Experts Concede Vaccine Safety is Unfunded and Inadequate; Vaccines are Not Necessary — Dr. Ian Brighthope link
- Aug 1, 2024 — Top Vaccinologists Fail to Produce Science to Support Safety; “In a recent interview, one of the world’s leading vaccinologists and co-author of what is considered to be the ‘bible of vaccines’, Dr. Paul Offit admitted that studies comparing unvaccinated children to vaccinated children have not been done.” — The HighWire link
- Aug 1, 2024 — Vermont Supreme Court Ruling is a Threat to the Doctrine of Parent Informed Permission and Child Assent; “The recent decision to affirm a lower court’s ruling that the state and the Windham Southeast Supervisory Union are immune from legal challenges brought by the parents of a child who was mistakenly vaccinated against their wishes raises significant concerns regarding informed consent and parental rights.” — James Lyons-Weiler PhD link
- Jul 31, 2024 — ‘Really Chilling’: Five Countries to Test European Vaccination Card — Children’s Health Defense link
- Jul 30, 2024 — Gardasil Fails to Protect Against Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia Over Time; Enthusiasm Over a Vaccine to Prevent Cervical Cancer Fades with Longitudinal Data — Dr. Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH link
- Jul 29, 2024 — Appellate Court Tosses Out 1,200 Shingles Vaccine Injury Lawsuits Against Merck — Carolyn Hendler JD, The Vaccine Reaction link
- Jul 29, 2024 — The Majority of Americans Are “Anti-Vaxxers”; A majority of Americans now officially meet the definition of “anti-vaxxer” — Aaron Siri link
- Jul 29, 2024 — A Summary of Why the Czech Republic Data is So Devastating to the “Safe and Effective” Narrative; Gold-standard data + simple analysis methodology + a huge safety signal (30% increased mortality) + 7 confirmatory studies –> regulatory oversight epic fail — Steve Kirsch link
- Jul 28, 2024 — Unsafe at Any Age: Three Stories of Disability/Death in Children Receiving Vaccines at 18 mos, 5 yrs, and 1 yr of Age; Parents often delay shots to lessen risk. But that still doesn’t make them safe — Brucha Weisberger link
- Jul 27, 2024 — Clinical Trials of Childhood Vaccines: No Placebo-Controlled Long-Term Trials; Not a single childhood vaccine on the CDC’s schedule was licensed based on a long-term placebo-controlled trial. Not one. — Aaron Siri link
- Jul 27, 2024 — “The Conversation” Misleads on Aluminum in Vaccines and Promotes Stolen Valor; Sanitation (hygiene) and nutrition deserve the bulk of the credit for the reduction in severe disease and deaths, not vaccines — James Lyons-Weiler PhD link
- Jul 25, 2024 — Raised 6 Children with No Vaccines — Dr. William Makis MD 11-min video
- Jul 25, 2024 — 12 Year Old Meredith Prohaska Died Hours after HPV Vaccine — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 24, 2024 — 2 Month Old Injured — Dr. William Makis MD 8-min video
- Jul 24, 2024 — 5 month old Charlie James Sears Died in his Sleep Weeks after 4 Month Vaccinations — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 23, 2024 — Anthrax Military Vaccine – Retired US Air Force Colonel Tom Rempfer; “The military knew the anthrax vaccine did not work. There were … significant quality control deviations. It was a broken operation, total malfunction.” — Dr. William Makis MD 15-min video
- Jul 23, 2024 — Interview with Dr Isaac Golden: On Homeopathy, Homeoprophylaxis, Vaccination, Vaccine Injury and More — Unbekoming link
- Jul 23, 2024 — Childhood Vaccine Injury – 1 year old Rafael Developed Type I Diabetes Shortly after his Childhood Vaccine Visit (MMR, Hep.A) — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 22, 2024 — 10 Year Old Isabella Zuggi Died 10 Weeks After 1st dose of Gardasil (HPV Vaccine) – Parents Sue Merck — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 22, 2024 — Del Bigtree – After Decades of Aggressively Promoting Experimental Jabs, Dr. Stanley Plotkin is Finally Admitting that Vaccine Safety has Never Been Robustly Studied — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 22, 2024 — Katie Thompson Had HPV Gardasil Vaccine Injury – Headaches, Brain Surgery, Lupus— Dr. William Makis MD 11-min video
- Jul 22, 2024 — Vaccine Injuries Deserve More Attention, Says Vaccinologist — Harvard School of Public Health link
- Jul 22, 2024 — Paediatrician is Alarmed at Bill Gates’ Plan to Inject 500 Million Children with Harmful and Unnecessary Vaccines — Rhoda Wilson, The Expose link
- Jul 21, 2024 — Marie Had Flu Vaccine Injuries — Dr. William Makis MD 6-min video
- Jul 20, 2024 — Brandy Vaughan, Former Merck Sales Rep for Vioxx, on Childhood Vaccine Injuries— Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 20, 2024 — Childhood Vaccine Injury – 5 year old Holly Stavola — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 19, 2024 — Top Vaccinologists Admit Vaccines Are Not Properly Studied — Covid Call to Humanity link
- Jul 19, 2024 — 18 Month Old Izzy Had a Severe Reaction to DTaP Vaccine — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 19, 2024 — ‘Fraud, Pure and Simple’: Merck Mumps Vaccine May Contain Up to 4 Times Approved Amount of Live Virus; Merck misrepresented the efficacy of its mumps vaccine for years, “overfilling” the vaccine with live mumps virus to meet efficacy targets despite the lack of safety testing — and the practice may be continuing today, documents reveal — Michael Nevradakis link
- Jul 19, 2024 — Two Generations of No Vaccines — Dr. William Makis MD 18-min video
- Jul 19, 2024 — 2 year Old Faith Suffered a Vaccine Injury After Routine MMR Vaccine Injection — Brucha Weisberger link
- Jul 18, 2024 — CHD: Jacqueline’s son was vaccine injured at 7 months — Dr. William Makis MD 6-min video
- Jul 18, 2024 — 2 Month Old Baby Charron was Injured by DTaP Vaccine – Developed Severe Food Allergies — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 17, 2024 — CDC Analysis Shows High Rate of Parental Hesitation Toward Kids’ Vaccinations — Jim Wappes, CIDRAP (Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy) link
- Jul 17, 2024 — Pediatrician Slams $11.9 Billion Plan to Vaccinate 500 Million Children by 2030; The WHO on Monday reported that global childhood immunization rates have stalled. Meanwhile, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance unveiled an $11.9 billion plan to vaccinate 500 million children by 2030. Dr. Paul Thomas warned that vaccination programs are unnecessary and health agencies should focus on nutrition and overall health. — John-Michael Dumais, Children’s Health Defense link
- Jul 17, 2024 — 5 Year Old Jonathan Daniel Ramirez Porter Died Suddenly After His Childhood Vaccines and Flu Shot – Brain Inflammation — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 17, 2024 — Merck Was Injecting Girls With Aluminum But Told Them It Was A Saline Placebo: This Is Why It’s Called “Big Pharma” — Arjun Walia, The Pulse link
- Jul 17, 2024 — Merck Defeats Appeal by Nearly 1,200 Shingles Vaccine Plaintiffs — Alison Frankel, Retuers link
- Jul 17, 2024 — CHD: Christy Schweiss daughter died from immune issues after childhood vaccines — Dr. William Makis MD 14-min video
- Jul 16, 2024 — CHD: MJ’s Son Got Autism from MMR Vaccines at 18 Months — Dr. William Makis MD 7-min video
- Jul 16, 2024 — Childhood Vaccine Injuries – 6 month old Evee Gayle Clobes died 1.5 days after her childhood vaccines — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 16, 2024 — ‘Highly Confidential’: Former FDA Chief Details Fraud in Merck’s Testing, Marketing of Mumps Vaccine; For decades, Merck misrepresented the efficacy of its mumps vaccine, marketing an “adulterated” drug without proven efficacy to millions of American children, according to a recently released expert report by Dr. David Kessler, former head of the FDA — Brenda Baletti PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Jul 16, 2024 — UN Says Global Child Vaccination Rates Below Pre-Pandemic Levels; The World Health Organization and UNICEF say childhood vaccination rates stalled worldwide in 2023 — Jack Phillips, The Epoch Times link
- Jul 15, 2024 — 11 Month Old Saba Button (Australia) Developed a Disabling Reaction to the Influenza Vaccine — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 15, 2024 — CHD: Debbie’s son Braden got Diabetes after DTaP & Meningitis Vaccines — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 15, 2024 — After Decades of Gaslighting the Public, a New Study Admits that Vaccine Safety Studies are Not Conducted Before or After Use on the Public — Rhoda Wilson, The Expose link
- Jul 15, 2024 — Childhood vaccine injury – 11 month old Saba Button (Australia) developed a disabling reaction to the Influenza Vaccine — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 14, 2024 — After ‘Historic Backslide’ During Pandemic, Global Childhood Immunization Rates Stall, New Data Shows — Maya Davis, CNN link
- Jul 14, 2024 — CHD: Garth Jackson, Engineer and teacher, injured by flu vaccine, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, May 2024 — Dr. William Makis MD 10-min video
- Jul 14, 2024 — What are the Pros and Cons of Each Type of Vaccine?; Knowing how vaccines work is necessary for understanding which ones are likely to help and which ones are likely to harm — A Midwestern Doctor link
- Jul 14, 2024 — Childhood Vaccine Injury – 2 month old Berit “Bear” died 2 days after multiple vaccines (DTaP, Hep. B, IPV, Hib, Pneumo Conjugate 13, and Rotavirus vaccines) — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 13, 2024 — 2 Month Old Brooks Ryker State Died Suddenly 4 Days after Vaccination — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 13, 2024 — Clean Water Saved the World; Not Vaccination — Dr. Sherri Tenpenny link
- Jul 12, 2024 — This is What DTaP Vaccine Did: 4 Month Old “Sudden Death.” Parents, Be Forewarned. 4 month old Mason Bundy died suddenly 3 days after DTaP Vaccine – death was labeled as “SIDS” (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) — Brucha Weisberger link
- Jul 12, 2024 — The Century of Forgotten Vaccine Hot Lot Disasters; How the mantra of “safe and effective” has shielded countless compromised products from scrutiny and led to the same disasters continuously repeating — A Midwestern Doctor link
- Jul 12, 2024 — Routine Childhood Vaccines Cause Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS); “There is ample evidence to show that routine childhood vaccines cause SIDS, and have done so for decades. Yet that evidence is ignored or suppressed. In 2011, Dr. Raymond Obomsawin provided several scientific studies to show the harm, including sudden death, that childhood vaccines are causing. Dr. Obomsawin believed that most cases of shaken baby syndrome are also caused by childhood vaccines.” — Rhoda Wilson, The Expose link
- Jul 11, 2024 — Top Vaccinologist Admits Vaccines Are Not Properly Tested for Safety: ‘The New England Journal of Medicine’ — Jon Fleetwood link
- Jul 11, 2024 — Too Little, Too Late, Wrong Science; “For over three decades, the medical establishment, spearheaded by figures like Dr. Stanley Plotkin, has assured the public that vaccines are the most rigorously tested medical products using retrospective studies. Yet, Salmon et al. now concede that prelicensure clinical trials often have “limited sample sizes and follow-up durations” and that there are “no resources earmarked for post-authorization safety studies.” This admission undermines the credibility of these long-standing claims [and] highlights a systemic failure to prioritize safety.” — James Lyons-Weiler PhD link
- Jul 11, 2024 — Will Covid-19 Vaccine Injury Support Program Last Decades like Thalidomide Compensation?; “Tamara Ugolini looks back at the Canadian government’s compensation program after the ‘safe and effective’ narrative proved false about thalidomide, and wonders: will Canada’s Covid-19 vaccine injury support program continue for decades too?” — Rebel News 7-min video
- Jul 11, 2024 — Experts Concede Vaccine Safety is Unfunded and Inadequate — The Highwire video
- Jul 11, 2024 — Infant RSV Shots May Cause RSV, Other Infections or Death in Some Babies, Study Finds; “French scientist Hélène Banoun, Ph.D., author of the preprint study that analyzed outcomes from the 2023-2024 RSV immunization campaign in four countries, found a ‘significant increase in mortality’ among newborns between 2 and 6 days of age in France” — Brenda Baletti PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Jul 11, 2024 — Mandatory Vaccination And Informed Consent; “Elizabeth Hart is an independent researcher campaigning for the medical profession to fulfill its legal and ethical duty to properly inform people about vaccination, and obtain valid voluntary informed consent for this medical intervention.” — Doc Malik 1-hr video
- Jul 11, 2024 — 100 Facts Your Doctor Won’t Tell You About Vaccines; Here’s the Hidden Scientific and Historical Data — Lauren Geertsen link and link
- Jul 11, 2024 — On “Unavoidable, Adverse Side Effects” as Deceptive Language Used to Conceal the Intentionality of Vaccine Toxicity — Katherine Watt link
- Jul 10, 2024 — Childhood Vaccine Injury – 4 month old Mason Bundy died suddenly 3 days after DTaP Vaccine – death was labeled as “SIDS” (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) — Dr. WIlliam Makis MD link
- Jul 10, 2024 — And Like That, the Claim Vaccines are the World’s Best Studied Product Dies; The world’s leading vaccinologist, Dr. Stanley Plotkin, and company have just capitulated — Aaron Siri link
- Jul 9, 2024 — Childhood Vaccine Injury – 18 month old Alina Sharma died weeks after childhood (18 month) vaccinations (MMRV + DTaP) — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 9, 2024 — Whistleblower Case Alleging Merck Committed Fraud Deserves to Be Heard by a Jury, Lawyer Argues — Suzanne Burdick PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Jul 8, 2024 — Childhood Vaccine Injury – 5 year old Kiera Driscoll, age five, died Jan. 20, 2015 from cardiac arrest. She had been recently vaccinated against Influenza A and developed “flu” days before sudden death — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 8, 2024 — Philadelphia Court to Hear Oral Arguments in Merck MMR Vaccine Fraud Case — Andy Wakefield, Children’s Health Defense link
- Jul 8, 2024 — Exclusive: Two Infants Died Within Hours of Receiving RSV Shots, CDC Internal Emails Show — Brenda Baletti, PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Jul 7, 2024 — 19 year old Christopher Kalevi Kanervisto Got Influenza H1N1 Vaccine (Swine Flu) and Died in His Sleep 1 Month Later — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 6, 2024 — Funding Postauthorization Vaccine-Safety Science — Daniel A. Salmon PhD et al, The New England Journal of Medicine link
- Jul 5, 2024 — Deconstructing the Lies: Refuting the Propaganda for Maternal Tdap Vaccination; Shocking facts, but true — Brucha Weisberger link
- Jul 2, 2024 — My Congressional Testimony: Why Covid-19 Vaccines Were Never Going to Be Properly Safety Tested; Covid-19 vaccines fell into an existing economic and regulatory framework for vaccines — Aaron Siri link
- Jul 2, 2024 — Imagine You Are an Aluminum Atom by Dr Christopher Exley Book Summary — Lies are Unbekoming link
- Jul 1, 2024 — More Parents in U.K. Refuse Childhood Vaccinations — Rishma Parpia, The Vaccine Reaction link
- Jul 1, 2024 — CHD: Flu vaccine killed young mother May 2024 — Dr. William Makis MD 14-min video
- Jun 30, 2024 — Childhood Vaccine Injuries – HPV Gardasil Vaccine caused two sisters to have infertility (Premature Ovarian Failure) — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jun 29, 2024 — The Many Dysphorias of Vaccine Injury; Once the brain, gut, endocrine system, and immune system are injured, all interactions with the world are changed — Toby Rogers link
- Jun 28, 2024 — An Outbreak of E. Coli in the UK is Due to Salad Leaves; Or Is It?; “Scientists have modified E. coli to produce virus-like particles (“VLPs”) that can be used as vaccine delivery systems. E. coli-derived VLPs have been used for vaccines against various diseases in humans and animals.” — Rhoda Wilson, The Expose link
- Jun 27, 2024 — Pumping and Dumping Vaccines; Dissecting the predatory business model we are all subjected to — A Midwestern Doctor link
- Jun 26, 2024 — Breaking: New Study Shows that More Vaccines Make Your Child More Likely to Get Sick; The increase in illness is dramatic — Brucha Weisberger link
- Jun 26, 2024 — Vaccinologists are Getting Smarter… but Not Smart Enough — Dr Kevin Stillwagon link
- Jun 26, 2024 — Vaccine Hostility as an Alternative to Both Vaccine Hesitancy and Vaccine Confidence; A short timeline of Congressional acts and appropriations demonstrating federal government intent to harm and kill with legal impunity using ‘vaccines,’ and effective execution of programs — Katherine Watt link
- Jun 25, 2024 — Aborted Fetal Cells in Vaccines (what this really means is, babies were born alive & organs removed while they were alive to get these cells…) — Brucha Weisberger link
- Jun 25, 2024 — Pfizer Sued for Misleading Claims About Its Covid Shot; “The 69-page Complaint points out the misrepresentations that Pfizer made to the public, including claiming that (1) the shot prevented infection, despite knowing that any potential protection waned over time; and (2) the shot prevented transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, even though the shot was never tested for its ability to prevent transmission.” — Carolyn Hendler, JD, The Vaccine Reaction link
- Jun 24, 2024 — Diseases Increase ‘Exponentially’ With Each Added Vaccine Given to Babies; A first-of-its-kind study blew the lid off the infant vaccination schedule — Megan Redshaw link
- Jun 24, 2024 — What’s Really in Childhood Vaccines? And, did you know that DTaP vaccination puts your child at significantly higher risk of Sudden Infant Death? — Brucha Weisberger link
- Jun 24, 2024 — ‘Amazon Files’: Emails Show Amazon Caved to Pressure From White House to Suppress Books Critical of Vaccines; A report by the House Committee on the Judiciary and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government contained internal emails showing White House officials pressured Amazon until the online bookseller put “Do Not Promote” labels on at least 43 books. — Suzanne Burdick PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Jun 23, 2024 — VAX Racket — John Leake, The Hot Zone link
- Jun 22, 2024 — More Vaccinations Means ‘Exponentially’ More Disease in Infants: ‘International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research’; “The greater the number of vaccines in the combination yields an exponentially greater number of disease diagnoses,” study reads. — Jon Fleetwood link
- Jun 22, 2024 — Yet Another Study Shows Pediatricians and Near-Birth Doctors Do Not Know What They Are Doing to Our Infants; More Vaccines in Combination Means More Illness — James Lyons-Weiler PhD link
- Jun 21, 2024 — The Fraud of Vaccinology …and How it Affects Aviation Safety — Dr.Kevin Stillwagon 29-min video
- Jun 20, 2024 — The Mantra “Safe and Effective” Began with Smallpox Vaccines; Were They “Safe and Effective”? — Rhoda Wilson, The Expose link
- Jun 19, 2024 — Adverse Outcomes Are Increased with Exposure to Added Combinations of Infant Vaccines; “This study evaluates 1,542,076 vaccine combinations administered to infants (less than 1 year of age at time of vaccination) between July 1st, 1991 and May 31st, 2011…. By examining all 7 combinations of 3 vaccines (HepB, PNC, and Rota) in context of the base and widely administered set of 3 others (DTaP, HIB, and IPV) we describe contextually relevant diseases pertaining to development, respiratory, and suspected infectious disease. We additionally go on to describe adverse outcome frequency trends… the greater the number of vaccines in the combination yields an exponentially greater number of disease diagnoses.” — Karl Jablonowski & Brian Hooker, International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research link
- Jun 19, 2024 — Childhood Vaccine Injury – 13 year old Noah Tate Foley received 1st HPV Gardasil Vaccine May 7, 2018. From then on he became sick and died on Oct.8, 2020. First wrongful death lawsuit against Merck. — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jun 19, 2024 — Febrile Seizure Risk after Vaccination in Children One to Five Months of Age; CDC Study Confirms Early Combination Vaccination is the Problem — Dr. Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH link
- Jun 18, 2024 — Florida Surgeon General: Measles Outbreaks, Covid-19 Vaccines & Public Health — Maryanne Demasi PhD link
- Jun 17, 2024 — Mandatory Mass Vaccination of Children Is a Failed Strategy — Children’s Health Defense link
- Jun 17, 2024 — ‘Protocol 7’: New Film Dramatizes Story of Whistleblowers Who Allege Merck Doctored MMR Vaccine Data — Jeremy Kuzmarov, PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Jun 16, 2024 — Influenza Vaccination Requirements for Health Care Personnel in US Hospitals; Acceptance Rates Dropping Despite Coercive Mandates — Dr. Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH link
- Jun 14, 2024 — What Makes All Vaccines So Dangerous? — A Midwestern Doctor, link
- Jun 14, 2024 — Do Vaccines Cause Microstrokes That Can Trigger a Host of Chronic Diseases? — Dr. Joseph Mercola, Children’s Health Defense link
- Jun 13, 2024 — India’s Rotavirus Vaccine Increases Risk of Serious Bowel Condition in Infants — Are U.S. Vaccines Any Safer? — John-Michael Dumais, Children’s Health Defense link
- Jun 13, 2024 — Dr. Andrew Wakefield Goes Hollywood; The Vaccine Story told through a New Blockbuster Movie — Justus R. Hope link
- Jun 12, 2024 — What You’re Not Being Told About the Hepatitis B Vaccine — The Vigilant Fox link and 1-hr video
- Jun 12, 2024 — ‘Concerning decline’ in childhood vaccination as Australian Government seeks input on new immunisation strategy — Rebekah Barnett link
- Jun 5, 2024 — Merck Used Highly Potent Aluminum in Gardasil HPV Vaccine Trials Without Informing Participants — Brenda Baletti, PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Jun 4, 2024 — HPV Vaccine; The war on adolescents — Dr. Christopher Exley link
- Jun 3, 2024 — FDA Approves Moderna’s mRNA RSV Vaccine — With No Input From Independent Advisers — Brenda Baletti, PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Jun 3, 2024 — Health Officials Push Mpox Vaccine After Bavarian Nordic’s FDA-Approved Shot Hits Commercial Market — John-Michael Dumais, Children’s Health Defense link
- June 2024 — What’s in the Childhood Vaccines? — Health Freedom Institute link
- May 30, 2024 — The CDC Doesn’t Want You to See This Data; The damning autism statistic that they’re trying to hide — The Vigilant Fox link
- May 28, 2024 — Explosive Report Drops a Bomb on the Entire Childhood Vaccine Schedule; The CDC doesn’t want you to hear this information — The Vigilant Fox link
- May 26, 2024 — Determining the Risks and Benefits of Each Recommended Vaccine; How to Navigate Which Vaccines To Give Your Children — A Midwestern Doctor link
- May 25, 2024 — Measles Vaccine Math; Health experts are telling everyone to get the MMR shot. But simple math shows getting the measles vaccine is completely nonsensical. Who do you trust? — Steve Kirsch link
- May 23, 2024 — Vaccine Risks Versus Benefits: Autism and What the Science Reveals About Childhood Vaccine Injury — Brian Hooker PhD, The Epoch Times 1.5 hr video
- May 23, 2024 — The Power of Antibodies… Unveiling the Truth Behind Artificial Immunization — Dr. Kevin Stillwagon link
- May 22, 2024 — Unvaccinated Kids Are Healthier Than Vaxed — Why Aren’t Public Health Agencies Investigating? — Dr. Joseph Mercola, Children’s Health Defense link
- May 22, 2024 — Childhood Vaccines and Autism: Things Have Gotten Out of Control — Rhoda Wilson, The Expose link
- May 22, 2024 — HPV Vaccination – The Combination of Pharmaceutical Business and Medicine; “The normalisation of HPV vaccination is laid out in a report on industry led training of doctors in how to get parents to agree to their child being given an HPV shot… The process does not include advising parents of potential risks or harms associated with the vaccine in order to obtain properly informed consent.” [Alliance for Natural Health] — Dr. Peter F. Mayer, Children’s Health Defense link
- May 21, 2024 — Near 0 Deaths Per Year from MMR in the US Over the Last 6 Years. So Why Do We Require Kids to Get the Measles Jab?; The CDC and WHO claim that the MMR vaccine is the reason there are so few deaths and that the measles vaccines have saved millions of lives. Sorry, not even close. I show you the math. It’s stunning. — Steve Kirsch link
- May 17, 2024 — Six Explanations for Rising Vaccine Hesitancy — Ramesh Thakur & Jullian Gillespie, Brownstone Institute link
- May 16, 2024 — Ben Franklin’s Anguish: The Origin of the Modern Vaccine Cult; Examining Franklin’s reaction to the death of his son from smallpox.; “The 18th century American literature on smallpox suggests that our modern Vaccine Cult—that is, the faith that vaccines are a panacea for viral illnesses and that everyone should take them for every viral illness and not even dare question their safety and efficacy—has its roots in the trauma of smallpox. Out of the inconsolable anguish of parents like Benjamin and Deborah Franklin grew a fervent desire for a practical invention that would deliver humanity from the nightmare of smallpox. And so inoculation—and later vaccination—came to be viewed as mankind’s salvation.” — John Leake link
- May 15, 2024 — CHD FOIAs VAERS Reports of Infant Deaths Following RSV Vaccines — Brenda Baletti, PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- May 14, 2024 — Whooping Cough Vaccination; A Story of Dishonesty and Deceit— Rhoda Wilson, The Expose link
- May 13, 2024 — 400 Critical Vaccine Studies Parents and Pediatricians Should Know About — Dr. Joseph Mercola, Children’s Health Defense link
- May 8, 2024 — Type 1 Diabetes Following Flu Vaccine; “Kimber Furr’s daughter was diagnosed with Type-1 Diabetes after a flu shot, and her mom passed away after a Covid booster. After all they experienced, the Furr family has decided to stop vaccinating, altogether.” — Children’s Health Defense 13-min video
- May 7, 2024 — Blaze News investigates: Long before Covid, Merck Allegedly Lied about Mumps Vaccine in MMR II — Cortney Weil, Blaze Media link
- May 3, 2024 — What the Data Says About Vaccines; “All slides are linked to the data sources” — Steve Kirsch link
- May 3, 2024 — Covid Made Me a Full-on Anti-Vaxxer — Jenna McCarthy, The FLCCC Alliance link
- May 2, 2024 — Survey Indicates Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Gender Dysphoria are All Primarily Caused by Vaccination; We are basically causing these effects. Nowadays, 80% of the deviations from traditional norms can be ascribed to vaccination. Clinical evidence (25 years/5,000 kids) aligns with the survey. — Steve Kirsch link
- May 2, 2024 — Thinking Points; “Vaccines have become the greatest disaster in the history of medicine” — Toby Rogers link
- May 1, 2024 — “Unyielding” Story of Military Anthrax Vaccine Debacle; Thomas Rempfer Relentlessly Exposing a Bad Vaccine, Laws Broken, Nefarious Letter Bombs, and Parallels with the Covid-19 Vaccine Disaster — Dr. Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH link and 53-min video
- May, 2024 — Vaccines from Womb to Tomb — Health Freedom Institute link
- Apr 30, 2024 — The Untold Story of Polio — Lies are Unbekoming link
- Apr 25, 2024 — Interview with Larry Cook on Childhood Vaccination; “Parents are now aware of other parents who have both vaccinated and unvaccinated children, and their stories are always the same: the unvaccinated kids reach milestones sooner, are sick less often, get over illnesses faster, and don’t suffer from chronic health ailments like asthma, allergies, eczema, seizures, autoimmune disorders, autism and other ailments like the vaccinated siblings do. Several small-scale studies say the same thing: the unvaccinated are healthier. The CDC will never do a vax vs unvax health outcomes study and publish the true finding because if they ever did, all parents would immediately stop vaccinating.” — Lies are Unbekoming link
- Apr 25, 2024 — Terms, Phrases and Organizations Involved in Worldwide Regulatory and Manufacturing Deception Surrounding Vaccines and Other Biological Products; Part 7 of series — Katherine Watt link
- Apr 24, 2024 — Excessive Childhood Vaccination, Febrile Seizures, Risk of Autism; Dr. McCullough on Autism Parenting Secrets with Len and Cass Arcuri — Dr. Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH link and 30-min video
- Apr 23, 2024 — 6 Month Old Liam Received 5 Vaccines (Hep.B, DTaP, Polio, Rotavirus, Pneumococcal) and Died within Hours of Vaccination — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Apr 23, 2024 — The CDC Doesn’t Want You to Hear This Conversation; “KENNEDY: ‘I had eleven siblings [and] 70 cousins — nobody with a peanut allergy. Why do five of my seven kids have allergies? The autism rate in my generation today, right now, 2024, one in 10,000 70-year-old men have autism. In my kid’s generation, it’s one in every 34 kids. One in every 22 boys, according to CDC.’ “— The Vigilant Fox link
- Apr 20, 2024 — Do Vaccines Make Us Healthier? 2024 Update Reviews the Data on Ever-Increasing Routine Vaccine Schedule and Health Outcomes — Dr. Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH article and 22-min video
- Apr 20, 2024 — How Vaccines Alter Intimate Relationships and Gender Identity; Exploring the links between vaccination, human connection, autism, and sexual orientation — A Midwestern Doctor link
- Apr 17, 2024 — Protocol 7 by Dr. Andrew Wakefield; Legendary Physician, Activist, Film-Maker Sits Down with Firebrand, Sara Gonzales — Dr. Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH link and 22-min video
- Apr 16, 2024 — How Much Damage Have Vaccines Done to Society? — Patricia Harrity, The Expose link
- Apr 14, 2024 — Expert Validates Survey Analysis: Vaccines Are the Main Cause of Chronic Diseases; Confirmed: Vaccines are a public health disaster because they are the #1 cause of chronic disease. When will the medical community admit their error? — Steve Kirsch link
- Apr 13, 2024 — Measles Had Largely Disappeared in the US Before the Doctors Started Giving Measles Shots (Which Only Made the Problem Worse); Yet another illness whose lethality was wildly overstated to create a booming bio-fascist industry that’s made us all much sicker than we were before they starting using their infernal needles on us — Mark Crispin Miller link
- Apr 11, 2024 — Why Not Get the Measles Shot?; Measles Part 2: The risks of the measles vaccine. You be the judge whether the actual risks of measles outweigh the risks of the measles shot, or vice versa. — Brucha Weisberger link
- Apr 9, 2024 — Other Researchers Who Have Compiled Evidence that US Military-Public Health-Vaccination Programs Injure and Kill People — Katherine Watt link
- Apr 8, 2024 — Polio Vaccine Causes Hundreds of Polio Infections in Africa, WHO Scientists Confirm: ‘Pan African Medical Journal’ — Jon Fleetwood link
- Apr 6, 2024 — Interview with Dr Christopher Exley: On Aluminium, Adjuvants, Alzheimer’s, Fluoride and more.— Lies are Unbekoming link
- Apr 4, 2024 — Who Has the Truth in the Debate on Childhood Vaccines? You Be the Judge; Measles, Part 1: View graphs that tell the real story, plus highly enlightening January 2024 email exchange with Dr. Paul Offit, in this article — Brucha Weisberger link
- Apr 1, 2024 — As Media Hypes Bird Flu-Infected Cows, Bird Flu Vaccine Discovered to Contain Neurotoxin Mercury, Dog DNA, Cancer-Causing Chemicals: FDA Package Insert — Jon Fleetwood link [see also: Bird Flu & Actions Against Farmers]
- Apr 1, 2024 — Killing Babies; On SIDS — Lies are Unbekoming link
- Mar 31, 2024 — What Makes All Vaccines So Dangerous? Exploring the forgotten but critically important science of zeta potential — A Midwestern Doctor link
- Mar 31, 2024 — Mandatory Cure-All Jabs?; More common or less common than you might think, depending on where you stand — Andreas Oehler link
- Mar 30, 2024 — US Government Confirms that Preventing Fraud & Vaxxx Death “Is Inconsistent With its Public Health Policy.” DOJ’s attempt to dismiss whistleblower Brook Jackson’s case against Pfizer contains some eye-opening revelations. — Anthony Colpo link
- Mar 29, 2024 — The Troubling Legacy of Merck’s HPV Vaccines; The vaccine that’s supposed to prevent cancer can actually cause cancer? — The Truth About Cancer link
- Mar 26, 2024 — The More Vaccines an Infant Receives, the Greater the Risk of Hospitalisation and Death — Rhoda Wilson, The Expose link
- Mar 24, 2024 — Mainstream Measles Mongers — Alan Cassels, The Vaccine Reaction link
- Mar 24, 2024 — Oral Polio Vaccine Causes Nearly All Cases of Paralytic Polio; “A GPEI report published last year found that ‘vaccine-derived polioviruses are paralyzing nearly 50 times more children than wild polioviruses.’ Of the 674 confirmed cases of paralytic polio reported from 28 countries during the 12 months up leading up to July 31, 2023, only 16 were caused by type 1 wild poliovirus. The remaining 658 confirmed cases were caused by polioviruses (type 1 and type 2) derived from the oral polio vaccines themselves.” — Marco Cáceres, The Vaccine Reaction link
- Mar 22, 2024 — The Flu Vaccine Scam; The mortality risk of the flu is also massively inflated. However, decades of never-ceasing (and never-challenged) flu shot propaganda conditioned everyone to get a vaccine that doesn’t work. — Bill Rice Jr. link
- Mar 22, 2024 — Interview with Dr. Kevin Stillwagon; On Medical Freedom, Viruses, Vaccination, Shedding, Pilots and more — Lies are Unbekoming link
- Mar 21, 2024 — The Century of Evidence That Vaccines Cause Sudden Infant Deaths; The Disturbing Parallels between Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Sudden Adult Death Syndrome — A Midwestern Doctor link
- Mar 21, 2024 — “I’m not against vaccines; I just want to make them cheaper and more lethal”; “‘He knows vaccination is basically a good way to prevent disease. He just wants safer and more effective ingredients.’ Dream on. Show me ONE large-scale MAINSTREAM study comparing the overall health of vaccinated and unvaccinated children, where the two groups are evenly matched—they have a reasonably nutritious diet and they aren’t egregiously exposed to environmental toxins. Where is that study of, say, 5000 kids? Nowhere. After centuries of vaccination. This is called a clue. The CDC would be terrified to conduct the study. If they had to, they’d find numerous ways to cheat. They’d have to cheat. Discovering unvaccinated children are healthier (take a look at the Amish) would smash the CDC charade forever. And the rest of the medical cartel dominos would fall.” — Jon Rappoport link
- Mar 21, 2024 — Fauci Admits Vaccines for Upper Respiratory Infections Don’t Work… Yet He Thinks the Solution is Better Vaccines. He’s Wrong. — Dr. Kevin Stillwagon link
- Mar 16, 2024 — Autoimmune Disease Epidemic; Why are doctors still ‘baffled’? — Dr. Sherri Tenpenny link
- Mar 15, 2024 — The Big Pharma Vaccine Swindle That Has Been Going On Long Before Covid; “Del Bigtree is a former Emmy award winning television Producer, CEO of Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) and Host of one of the fastest growing internet health talk shows in history” — Kim Iverson, Rumble 1.3-hr video
- Mar 14, 2024 — Measles, Oh My. Measles “Outbreaks” Making Headline News. Should We Be Very, Very Afraid?; “Remember the absolutely horrifying and sure-to-be-lethal “outbreak” of the measles at Disneyland? The one that
killedcaused a rash in so many children? That same measles scare prompted mainstream media to call for parents who did not vaccinate to be put in jail.” — Jennifer Margulis link - Mar 13, 2024 — The New Rise of “Shaken Baby Syndrome”; I’m getting reports of parents who had their child vaccinated subsequently being accused of “shaken baby syndrome” and had their child taken from them. Their crime? Following their doctors’ advice. — Steve Kirsch link
- Mar 11, 2024 — RSV Vaccines for Senior Adults Linked to Guillain-Barré Syndrome — Rishma Parpiam The Vaccine Reaction link
- Mar 11, 2024 — Is the Department of Defense Covering Up Vaccine Injuries? — Matt Gaetz, The Vaccine Reaction link
- Mar 10, 2024 — Influenza Vaccines Only 42 Percent Effective in Adults This Year — Marco Cáceres, The Vaccine Reaction link
- Mar 7, 2024 — Timothy Caulfield: Stop Pretending To Be An Expert About Vaccines — Dr. Byram W. Bridle link
- Mar 4, 2024 — RSV Vaccines May Raise Risk of Guillain-Barré Syndrome, FDA Preliminary Analysis Finds — Zoey Becker, Fierce Pharma link
- Feb 29, 2024 — Measles Truth & Consequences — Barbara Loe Fisher, National Vaccine Information Center link
- Feb 26, 2024 — Sen. Ron Johnson Roundtable on Feb 26, 2024; In her statement, Fisher talks about demonization and discrimination against parents and vaccine victims who have long been marginalized and silenced by vested interests within federal health agencies, pharmaceutical corporations, and mainstream media. She describes a systemic campaign aimed at suppressing freedom of thought, speech and conscience, and hiding the truth surrounding vaccine risks and failures. — Barbara Loe Fisher, National Vaccine Information Center link
- Feb 26, 2024 — The Vaccine Industry is a Fraud; For 225 Years Vaccines Have Been Making People Unhealthier — Rhoda Wilson, The Expose link
- Feb 26, 2024 — Why I Stopped Vaccinating My Children; “Sitting with her ‘healthy’ unvaccinated son, daughter and injured eldest child, Veronica explains her family’s stance on the medical establishment. She also encourages listeners to get educated and advocate for their personal values.” — Children’s Health Defense 17-min video
- Feb 24, 2024 — Brave Doctors Were Warning Us Decades Ago; This was filmed in 1985, the year before vaccines became liability free — Exposing the Darkness link
- Feb 20, 2024 — Breaking News: 10 Year Old Girl Dies Following HPV Vaccine — Children’s Health Defense 11-min video
- Feb 16, 2024 — Merck Facing Two New Wrongful Death Suits From Mothers Of 10-And 14-Year Old Girls Who Died After Receiving Gardasil — L.J. Williamson, NewsWires link
- February 2024 — Long-term efficacy and safety of a tetravalent dengue vaccine (TAK-003): 4·5-year results from a phase 3, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial; [Nearly twice as many children died in the vaccinated group.] “17 deaths were reported: 6 in the placebo group and 11 in the [vaccinated group]…” — Vianney Tricou et al, The Lancet link
- Jan 24, 2024 — How Did 9 Healthy Young Adults React to the HPV Vax?; “We hear the outcomes of seven young women and two young men who received Merck ’s HPV vaccine, Gardasil. Kidney stones, miscarriages, hydrocephalus, brain lesions and death are among the list of side effects they never could have anticipated and certainly were never informed about. The ER visits, hospital stays and funerals were the last thing on any of their minds before going to get their Gardasil shots. The immense suffering of these nine young men and women is incessant for both them and their families years after having their last injection. With continual cognition issues, muscle pains and other debilitating issues, navigating the lingering trauma these shots caused is now a part of their daily routine. And the hearts of the families who lost their loved ones are forever broken… all because of a CDC recommended vaccine.” — Children’s Health Defense link
- Jan 14, 2024 — What is Polio and Was it Really Eradicated? — Patricia Harrity, The Expose link
- Jan 1, 2024 — Studies Reveal Vaccine Harm; “Two studies.. offer evidence that vaccinated children have more health problems than unvaccinated children. Among unvaccinated premature infants, no link to neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD) was found. However, a significant link between vaccinations and NDD was detected, regardless of whether the child was premature or full-term. The combination of preterm birth with vaccination was associated with a 660% increased odds of NDD, suggesting a synergistic effect.” [Reprint from Jun 6, 2017] — Dr. Joseph Mercola link
- Jan 1, 2024 — Published Paper on Unvaccinated Health Outcomes vs. Vaxxed: The 1st peer-reviewed nationwide study showing vaxxed vs. unvaxxed long-term health outcomes. — Joy Lucette Garner link
- Dec 29, 2023 — Repeat Influenza Vaccination Linked to Higher Risk of Infection: CDC Preprint — Marina Zhang, The Epoch Times link
- Dec 27, 2023 — Dr. Douglas Hulstedt: 40%-50% of Autism Cases are Caused by Childhood Vaccines — Rhoda Wilson, The Expose link
- Dec 19, 2023 — Study: Moderna’s mRNA-Based RSV Vaccine Causes High Rate of Adverse Reactions; The vaccine group suffered roughly 81 adverse events for every RSV illness the jab prevented — Naveen Athrappully, The Epoch Times link
- Dec 10, 2023 — ‘Perfectly Healthy’ 15-Month-Old Girl Dies Two Days After Routine Vaccination — John-Michael Dumais, Children’s Health Defense link
- Dec 4, 2023 — The Doctor That Sacrificed His Career, His Reputation and Ultimately His Life; “Dr. Andrew Moulden provided clear scientific evidence to prove that every dose of vaccine given to a child or an adult produces harm. Dr Moulden PhD MD, was not afraid to speak the truth about medical corruption and the flawed healthcare system that does “more to harm health than it does to cure disease.” — Patricia Harrity, The Expose link
- Dec 1, 2023 — How Many Times Has the Government Covered Up a Vaccine Disaster? — A Midwestern Doctor, link
- Nov 27, 2023 — How Pfizer and Moderna Control Vaccine Discourse — Dr. Joseph Mercola link
- Nov 25, 2023 — What Can the Smallpox Vaccine Disaster Teach Us About Spike Protein Injuries? — A Midwestern Doctor, link
- Nov 22, 2023 — Pfizer Failed to Disclose Risks of Preterm Birth and Neonatal Death to Pregnant Women in RSV Vaccine Trial; A BMJ investigation revealed Pfizer was studying preterm births as an “adverse event of special interest” in RSV trial, but didn’t inform pregnant participants — Megan Redshaw JD, The Epoch Times link
- Nov 22, 2023 — VAERS Intentionally Undercounting, Obscuring Vaccine Injury Data, Expert Says: This week’s edition of “The Defender In-Depth” featured an interview with Albert Benavides, an expert on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) who took viewers on a deep dive into what’s really going on with how vaccine-related injuries and deaths are tallied. — Michael Nevradakis PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Nov 21, 2023 — CDC: Last Year’s Flu Shot Was Less Than 50 Percent Effective for Children and Adolescents — Megan Redshaw JD, The Epoch Times link
- Nov 15, 2023 — CDC Runs Two VAERS Systems – The Public Can Only View One of Them — Patricia Harrity, The Expose link
- Nov 14, 2023 — CDC Runs Two VAERS Systems — The Public Can Access Only One of Them; An investigation by The BMJ into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS, found multiple deficiencies in the system, including the revelation that the government runs two systems — one for the public, and a private back-end system that contains all of the corrections and updates, including deaths that occurred after an initial injury. — John-Michael Dumais, Children’s Health Defense link
- Nov 2, 2023 — Secret Database: CDC Is Hiding Children’s Vaccine Data, Expert Says — Frontline Health, Epoch TV link
- Nov 1, 2023 — Blacklisting and Censorship Violates Freedom of Thought, Speech and Conscience — Barbara Loe Fisher, Dr. Mercola’s Censored Library link
- Oct 17, 2023 — Two Types of People Who Should Never Get the Flu Shot; “CDC data have repeatedly demonstrated that the flu vaccine does not work for seniors. The 2018/2019 flu vaccines against influenza A and B viruses had an adjusted effectiveness rating of just 12% for those over age 65. Studies have also demonstrated that influenza vaccination has little or no impact on mortality among the elderly. The flu vaccine is routinely recommended for all pregnant women during any trimester, yet some scientific evidence suggests it could place their pregnancy at risk. Research funded by the CDC found an association between flu vaccination during pregnancy and an eightfold risk of miscarriage. Injury following influenza vaccination is now the most compensated claim in the federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). Between January 1, 2006, and December 31, 2019, a total of 5,407 injury claims for flu vaccine were file.” — Dr. Joseph Mercola link [reprint from Sep 26, 2019]
- Oct 15, 2023 — The Real Risks of Childhood Vaccines; “In 2011, Neil Miller, Ph.D., and Gary Goldman, Ph.D., in the journal Human & Experimental Toxicology showed how infant mortality rates correlated with childhood vaccination rates, with high-uptake countries having higher child mortality. This was confirmed by a reanalysis of the data in February 2023, which was published in the peer-reviewed journal Cureus. The paper confirmed their 2011 conclusion that there’s a positive correlation between vaccine doses and infant mortality rates. In 2020, national and international health authorities bemoaned the fact that Covid fears and lockdowns had the ‘unfortunate’ side effect of lowering routine childhood vaccination rates. Yet evidence is now coming to light that the predicted decline in vaccinations might actually have had a positive impact. According to Dr. Mercola, data from the first few months of the Covid pandemic seems to confirm this link; the death rate for American children dropped during lockdowns when many parents were unable to take their children for their scheduled vaccinations. During this period childhood deaths dropped by 30% going from an average of seven hundred deaths per week to fewer than five hundred during the months of April and May 2020.” — Alan Brough, 2nd Smartest Guy in the World link
- Oct 14, 2023 — Leading Cause of Immune Dysregulation, Like Autism, Is ‘Hypervaccination’: Dr. Peter McCullough; Children who do not take any vaccines have ‘healthier outcomes’ in current conditions, claimed the doctor — Naveen Athrappully, The Epoch Times link
- Oct 14, 2023 — Here are Just Some of the Harmful Ingredients Present in Routine Vaccines — Rhoda Wilson, The Expose link
- Oct 11, 2023 — Undeniable Toxic Ingredients in HPV Vaccines; HPV vaccines contain an “upgraded” version of a toxin that’s been used in vaccines for the past 90 years. Its harms have been covered by unethical studies. — Yuhong Dong, The Epoch Times link
- Sep 13, 2023 — Adverse Event Reports from 700,000 People in Germany Have Yet to Be Processed; “Vaccine adverse events reported in Germany have not been evaluated (link to German news site) because the authority appointed to deal with the system couldn’t cope with the deluge of reports. Data from 700,000 people are yet to be processed. News of the massive failing of the German authorities comes from the Brandenburg Corona Investigative Committee.” — ANH News Beat week 37/20203, Alliance for Natural Health link
- Sep 9, 2023 — Autopsy Confirms Infant Died From Over-Vaccination; Maine Mom, RN, Paid Ultimate Price Trusting Her Doctors; “A toxicology report shows that a new mom in Maine was right. Her baby, Sawyer, died when he was just eight weeks and six days old, just 34 hours after being vaccinated.” — Jennifer Margulis link
- Aug 30, 2023 — ‘They Told Us Our Daughter Would Never Be Normal’; “Matt and Katrina had a happy, healthy baby named Megan who was advanced for her age, and exceeded all her milestones. Prior to her well check visit at 4 months old, she would ‘jump up and down smiling’, play with toys, sit up and down and maintain eye contact. 20 days after she was administered a group of routine immunizations, including the DTaP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis) vaccine, she was found seizing in her crib at day care and had stopped breathing. Megan was airlifted to a nearby hospital where she remained for three weeks. ‘She was screaming 24/7’, and placed on a breathing tube, parents Matt and Katrina told [us]. Today, Megan is 10 years old and in need of complete care. “She needs help in every aspect of her life,” suffering from seizures and vision impairment from damaged brain processing centers. Despite her life being stolen from her, Megan enjoys ‘playing ball’, going on walks with her Dad and reading books. ‘Do your research’, Matt and Katrina warn.”— Children’s Health Defense link and 9-min video
- Aug 30, 2023 — ‘We Are Told to Just Follow the Schedule’ – Pediatrician Speaks Out; “Pediatrician Tara Pridgett, M.D. has been in the healthcare business for over 20 years. Dr. Pridgett brings to light the pressure put on doctors to follow orders, even if those mandates are unsound and even dangerous.” — Children’s Health Defense 11-min video
- Aug 12, 2023 — 2% of Vaccine Reactions Reported; “Therefore up to 98% not reported. A system beset by conflicts of interest.” — Dr. John Campbell 14-min video
- Aug 9, 2023 — ANH News Beat; “Regulatory authorities globally have never compared the health of vaccinated children to unvaccinated children and won’t give independent researchers access to government data that would allow them to undertake such studies. In an effort to show the breadth of independent studies that already exist to show the difference in health outcomes between vaccinated and unvaccinated children, Brian Hooker PhD and Robert F Kennedy Jr have co-authored a book ‘Vax-Unvax: Let the science speak’. The book is designed to “…expose to the public the real science behind the vaccination schedule [US], including the Covid-19 vaccine“. — Alliance for Natural Health link
- Apr 15, 2023 — Pertussis; Or Croup if you are vaccinated; “Not only does Pertussis vaccination make you more likely to get Pertussis, but also makes you an asymptomatic carrier as vaccination acts to suppress symptoms, even as viral load is increasing.” — Lies are Unbekoming link
- Mar 1, 2023 — CDC and NIH Unable to Provide a Single Study to Support the Safety of Injecting Aluminum Adjuvants Despite its Widespread Use in Childhood Vaccines — ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network) link
- Dec 21, 2022 — More concerns over HPV vaccine safety and effectiveness — Alliance for Natural Health link
- Dec 9, 2022 — Unsafe and Unsanitary Practices Exposed at Merck’s Vaccine Manufacturing Facility — ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network) link
- Nov 15, 2022 — Health versus Disorder, Disease, and Death: Unvaccinated Persons Are Incommensurably Healthier than Vaccinated; “Results from the 2019/2020 nationwide Control Group Survey of Unvaccinated Americans (CGS) show that those refusing vaccines are thriving while those accepting them are being injured and met with a multiplicity of grave injuries as well as sudden unexpected death. This survey quantified the long-term health risks of total vaccine avoidance against the health outcomes observed in the 99.74% vaccine-exposed American population. Based upon the sample sizes for the controls vs. the exposed population, the p-values and odds ratios evidence the astronomical odds against the innocence of vaccines as the actual cause of well over 90% of the disabling and life-threatening chronic conditions suffered by Americans. The true “controls” (calculated to represent 0.26% of the population in 2020) have established the baseline disease risk incurred by those without exposure to vaccination. The null hypothesis, that no significant difference would be found between vaccinated vs. unvaccinated persons in heart disease, diabetes, digestive disorders, eczema, asthma, allergies, developmental disabilities, birth defects, epilepsy, autism, ADHD, cancers, and arthritis, is rejected with overwhelming statistical confidence and power in every single contrast.” — Joy Garner, International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research link
- Oct 18, 2022 — The Unvaccinated. The Baseline: What Unvaccinated Children look like. — Lies are Unbekoming link
- Oct 11, 2022 — The CDC is Still Discussing How to Respond to Vaccine Safety Debate it Lost to ICAN Over a Year Prior — ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network) link
- Sep 27, 2022 — Vaccine Coercion – Never Forget; “… it’s fitting also that we ‘Never Forget’ the amount of social engineering, group manipulation, mass hysteria, lies, betrayal, and bullshit that was levied at us in order to usher in the new dawn of global social control. Someone sent me the following video the other day… it tells the story of the coercion and manipulation we’ve been subjected to over the last few years. Look at the astounding amount of money, time and creative energy spent on shaping our perceptions about this event, and on manufacturing the perception of public unanimity for experimental vaccines.” — Dylan Charles, The Waking Times link
- Sep 25, 2022 — How Do Vaccines Cause Sudden Death? — A Midwestern Doctor link
- Sep 21, 2022 — Examples of Outcome Reporting Bias in Vaccine Studies: Illustrating How Perpetuating Medical Consensus Can Impede Progress in Public Health — Gary S. Goldman, Cureus link
- Sep 7, 2022 — What Makes All Vaccines So Dangerous? — A Midwestern Doctor link
- Jul 20, 2022 — Is Gardasil More Dangerous than HPV?; “Gardasil was fast-tracked through the system meant to safeguard our health and wellbeing. It was approved and rushed to market (like many pharmaceutical drugs with horrific side effects) despite questionable results in regard to safety. No independent studies have been done to determine if the vaccine itself causes cancer or what the long-term effects might be on those vaccinated. As should have been expected, a shocking number of girls have had adverse reactions to receiving the HPV vaccination.” — Ty & Charlene Bollinger, The Truth About Vaccines link
- Jul 15, 2022 — Turtles All the Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth; “[Includes] scientific references and specific quotes… – more than 1,200 of them – all from mainstream scientific papers and textbooks, the official publications of relevant government agencies, or manufacturers’ documents. The book consolidates a great deal of information (accompanied by detailed analysis) that is scattered in hundreds of medical articles, books, and websites. All discussion is presented in clear and easy-to-understand language, so no medical education is required.” — Mary Holland editor, book
- May 19, 2022 — Suppressing Scientific Discourse on Vaccines? Self-perceptions of Researchers and Practitioners; The deliberate dismantling of science didn’t start two years ago — Josh Guetzkow link
- Feb 4, 2022 — The ‘Science’ of Manipulation: Researchers Craft Messages of Guilt, Shame to Foster Vaccine Compliance: There’s an entire field of research dedicated to developing messaging designed to persuade ‘vaccine-hesitant’ individuals to get the Covid-19 vaccine — and none of it has anything to do with facts. — Ann Tomoko Rosen, Children’s Health Defense link
- Nov 30, 2021 — Why You Should Get the Shingles Vaccine Soon; “The FDA recently required that a warning about Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) be included in safety labeling information for Shingrix. After evaluating data from a post-marketing study, the FDA determined that “the results of the observational study show an association of GBS with Shingrix [shingles vaccines].” — Lisa Esposito & Dr. Jeffrey Fromowitz MD link
- Jun 12, 2021 — Health effects in vaccinated versus unvaccinated children, with covariates for breastfeeding status and type of birth; “Higher odds ratios (ORs) were observed within the fully and partially vaccinated groups versus the unvaccinated group for severe allergies, autism, gastrointestinal disorders, asthma, ADD/ADHD, and chronic ear infections.” — Brian S. Hooker & Neil Z. Miller, Journal of Translational Science (Open Access Text) link
- Jun 11, 2021 — 5 Historical Vaccine Scandals Suppressed by the Establishment — Brendan D. Murphy, Waking Times link
- Jun 9, 2021 — Forgotten Moments From the History of Vaccines – Yes, History Matters — Jon Rappoport, Waking Times link
- Jun 3, 2021 — ICAN v. CDC – CDC Cannot Support its Claim That “Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism” — ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network) link
- Apr 26, 2021 — Facebook deletes 120,000-member group where people posted stories of alleged adverse vaccine reactions — Tom Parker, Winter Watch link
- Feb 9, 2021 — The Control Group: Pilot Survey of Unvaccinated Americans; “Refusal to include true controls in safety testing is scientific fraud. As a general rule, vaccines are not tested against true controls i.e. compared against subjects who are not exposed to other known toxins or other vaccines. The current art of vaccine ‘safety testing’ includes the outright fraud of injecting the so-called ‘placebo controls’ with other vaccines and/or other toxic vaccine ingredients that are known to cause biological effects… This is the outrageously fraudulent scheme by which vaccines are FDA ‘approved’ and marketed with the false slogan ‘safe’ or ‘relatively safe’ – as compared to the fake placebo controls or as compared to the 99.74% vaccine-exposed population. Legalizing this practice does nothing to alter the dictionary definition of the word fraud… Until this study was conducted, there was no existing dataset available with which to accurately calculate the number of entirely unvaccinated adults living in the USA today… Pharma’s false allegations that a person is spreading infectious agents because they haven’t recently been injected with those very same infectious agents is beyond absurd. It collapses further with the objectively-true fact that vaccinated people are the ones ‘shedding’ (code for spreading)the very same infectious agnets they’ve been injected with. [source]” — Joy Garner, The Control Group link
- Dec 28, 2020 — Attacking Ourselves: Top Doctors Reveal Vaccines Turn Our Immune System Against Us — Celeste McGovern, GreenMedInfo link
- Dec 12, 2020 — Vaccinated Children Are Sicker, Study Shows — Jennifer Margulis, Prepare for Change (Stillness in the Storm) link
- Nov 3, 2020 — New Supercharged Shingles Vaccine Has Serious Problems — Kate Raines, Humans are Free (Stillness in the Storm) link
- Nov 2, 2020 — Vaccination Is Not Immunization: The War On Children; “This vaccination book is meticulously documented with over 300 references and does not represent special interests. It’s all there: the ingredients in vaccines, the dangers of vaccines, vaccine side effects, autism and vaccines, HPV vaccine, vaccine cover-ups, and more. The book is written in easy-to-understand language as well, not the med-speak found in medical journals. It covers the important vaccine events of the past year, which have been kept out of most media. It is not an anti-vaccine textbook. It is in favor of any vaccines that have proven to be 100% safe, effective, and necessary when tested by independent, third-party research that is wholly unconnected with vaccine manufacturers. Since so many doctors don’t vaccinate their own kids, perhaps it isn’t a good idea to get all your information about vaccines from advertising or from the people selling them. See what the scientists who make the vaccines have to say. — Tim O’Shea book
- Sep 3, 2020 — Polio Vaccine Causing Polio Outbreaks in Africa, WHO Admits — Children’s Health Defense link
- Jun 11, 2020 — The Sordid History of Vaccines & Covid-19 — Ty & Charlene Bollinger link
- May 27, 2020 — Analysis of Health Outcomes in Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Children: Developmental Delays, Asthma, Ear Infections and Gastrointestinal Disorders; “Higher odds ratios were observed within the vaccinated… group for developmental delays, asthma and ear infections.” — Brian S. Hooker & Neil Z. Miller, Sage Journals link
- Apr 28, 2020 — The Bill Gates Effect: WHO’s DTP Vaccine Killed More Children in Africa Than the Diseases it Targeted — Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Waking Times link
- Mar 5, 2020 — Stipulated Order Proving CDC Has No Studies To Support Claim That Vaccines Given in First 6 Months of Life Do Not Cause Autism — ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network) link
- Oct 11, 2019 — Gardasil Vaccine Found To Increase Cervical Cancer Risk By 44.6% In Women Already Exposed To HPV — Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Waking Times link
- Aug 19, 2019 — HPV Vaccine: Is It Safe? Doctors Answer Your Questions: Dr. Timothy Johnson and other physicians address your concerns.; “Johnson noted that he could not recommend that all girls and young women in the eligible age range for the shot get vaccinated based on what researchers currently know about the vaccine’s risk profile.” — ABC News link
- Aug 15, 2019 — Americans Can Handle an Open Discussion on Vaccines—RFK Jr. Responds to Criticism from His Family — Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Children’s Health Defense link
- Jun 10, 2019 — The Historical Facts on Measles and the Measles Vaccine Censored by Mainstream Media — Barbara Loe Fisher, Health Impact News (Sitllness in the Storm) link
- May 23, 2019 — 25 Reasons to Avoid the Gardasil Vaccine — Children’s Health Defense, Waking Times link
- May 19, 2019 — Open Letter to Legislators Regarding Fetal Cell DNA in Vaccines; “I am Founder and Lead Scientist at Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute, whose mission is to educate the public about vaccine safety, as well as to pressure manufacturers to provide better and safer vaccines for the public.” — Theresa A. Deisher, PhD, Health Impact News link
- May 14, 2019 — Childhood Shingles Resulting from Chickenpox Vaccination: “Rare” or Predictable?; “Chickenpox and shingles infections both stem from varicella zoster virus—and before the advent of the varicella vaccine, children infected with chickenpox helped boost adults’ immunity to shingles by inhibiting the latent virus’s reactivation.” — Collective Evolution, Stillness in the Storm link
- May 6, 2019 — Why Didn’t California’s Vaccine Mandate Stop the Measles? — Ethan Huff, Natural News (Stillness in the Storm) link
- Apr 23, 2019 — Japan Leads the Way: No Vaccine Mandates and No MMR Vaccine = Healthier Children — Kristina Kristen, Children’s Health Defense link
- Apr 15, 2019 — Toxic Aluminum in Vaccines — Jon Rappoport, Waking Times link
- Mar 31, 2019 — Dear America, You Cannot Be Pro-Freedom and Pro-Forced Vaccinations at The Same Time; “It’s hard to think of a more fundamental right than the right to determine what happens to one’s own body. Forcing someone to undergo medical treatment against their will violates this most basic of rights—the right to be free from physical assault. Yet even some libertarians have jumped on the mandatory vaccination bandwagon, arguing that one person not taking every possible precaution against contracting a disease constitutes an assault against another. But this line of thinking requires some very tortured logic. To begin with, nobody has a ‘right’ to a germ-free environment outside of their own property (and good luck establishing one there). Proponents of vaccine mandates assert this ‘right’ as if it is a long-standing social or legal norm, but it is not. Human beings have been living among each other for millennia, and there, and there has never been a widely asserted right to freedom from any and all pathogens at others’ expense.” — Bretigne Shaffer, FEE (Waking Times) link
- Mar 30, 2019 — Unvaccinated Children Pose No Risk To Anyone, Says Harvard Immunologist — Richard Enos, Collective Evolution (Stillness in the Storm) link
- Mar 26, 2019 — Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Mawson Homeschooled Study Reveals Who is Sicker — Derek Knauss, Prepare for Change (Stillness in the Storm) link
- Mar 15, 2019 — Doctors Admit Vaccines Are Harmful and Turn Our Immune Systems Against Us — Tracey Watson, Natural News (Stillness in the Storm) link
- Mar 14, 2019 — A Witch Hunt Against Parents of Unvaccinated Children — Vera Sharav, Children’s Health Defense link
- Mar 12, 2019 — Why Herd Immunity is a Hoax; “Vaccines only confer temporary artificial immunity and sometimes they fail to do that. This has been shown to have important generational ramifications as well. Infants under age 1, who used to be protected in the first year of life by getting natural maternal antibodies from their mothers, who had experienced and recovered from measles in childhood, are now susceptible to measles from birth. That is because most young mothers today have been vaccinated and measles vaccine-acquired maternal antibodies are far less protective than naturally acquired antibodies.” — Dr. Mercola, Waking Times link
- Mar 11, 2019 — Vaccinating Against Chickenpox Often Causes Shingles, Even in Children — Jessica Dolores, Natural News (Stillness in the Storm) link
- Mar 7, 2019 — Is the Flu Vaccine Really ‘Working Well’ This Year? — Dr. Joseph Mercola, Waking Times link
- Feb 20, 2019 — Godfather of Vaccines Admits to Experiments on Orphans and Handicapped Children; “Dr. Stanley Plotkin is a well known MD who has played a very significant role in manufacturing multiple vaccines. He’s widely known as one of the ‘godfathers’ of vaccines.” — Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution (Stillness in the Storm) link
- Feb 12, 2019 — Women-Led Team of Mexican Scientists Develop Cure for HPV, a Leading Cause of Cancer; “This therapy doesn’t have any collateral damage to the human body, meaning it has no side effects.” — Elias Marat, TMU (Waking Times) link
- Feb 9, 2019 — Science CONFIRMS it: Vaccines Spread Measles — Ethan Huff, Natural News (Stillness in the Storm) link
- Feb 6, 2019 — Paradoxical Effect of Anti-HPV Vaccine Gardasil on Cervical Cancer Rate — Nicole Delepine, GreenMedInfo link
- Feb 4, 2019 — Measles Scare Tactics Hurt Us All — Anne Mason, GreenMedInfo link
- Feb 3, 2019 — Arizona Bill Proposes Full Disclosure of Vaccine Ingredients and Side Effects — GreenMedInfo link
- Jan 24, 2019 — Herd Immunity: A False Rationale for Vaccine Mandates – Are Unvaccinated Children Really Dangerous? — Collective Evolution, Stillness in the Storm link
- Jan 14, 2019 — Revised: Court Ruling Confirms Merck’s Gardasil HPV Vaccine Kills People – Did Anyone Even Notice? — Alex Pietrowski, Waking Times link
- January 2019 — Shoulder injury related to vaccine administration and other injection site events; “Shoulder injury related to vaccine administration (SIRVA) is a preventable occurrence caused by the injection of a vaccine into the shoulder capsule rather than the deltoid muscle. As a result, inflammation of the shoulder structures causes patients to experience pain, a decreased range of motion, and a decreased quality of life.” — Ashley Bancsi et al, Canadian Family Physician link
- 2019 — Immunotoxicity Considerations for Next Generation Cancer Nanomedicines; “Interest and funding in nanotechnology for oncological applications is thriving… Upon intravenous administration, nanomaterials interact with constituents of the blood inducing a wide range of associated immunotoxic effects.” — Gary Hannon et al, Advanced Science link
- Dec 21, 2018 — Research: Flu Vaccine Increases Your Risk of Infecting Others by 6X — GreenMedInfo, Waking Times link
- Dec 9, 2018 — Manufactured Crisis – HPV, Hype and Horror; “‘Manufactured Crisis — HPV, Hype and Horror,’ a film by The Alliance for Natural Health, delves into the all too often ignored dark side of this unnecessary vaccine, interviewing families whose lives have been forever altered after their young daughters suffered life-threatening or lethal side effects following Gardasil vaccination.” — Dr. Joseph Mercola, Waking Times link
- Oct 10, 2018 — What’s Behind the CDC Claiming 80,000 Died From Flu Last Winter?; “As you’d expect, these mortality statistics are now being used to frighten people into getting an annual flu shot. U.S. Surgeon General… goes even further, saying that getting vaccinated is a ‘social responsibility,’ as it ‘protects others around you, including family, friends, co-workers and neighbors.’ But is that actually true? Not according to recent research, it isn’t. In fact, research published earlier this year suggests repeated annual flu vaccinations could actually make you a greater health threat to your community. Influenza vaccination does not appear to lower the risk of disease transmission at all. According to a study published in the journal PNAS January 18, 2018, people who receive the seasonal flu shot and then contract influenza excrete infectious influenza viruses through their breath. What’s more, those vaccinated two seasons in a row have a greater viral load of shedding influenza A viruses.” — Dr. Joseph Mercola, Waking Times link
- Sep 25, 2018 — The HPV Vaccine On Trial: Seeking Justice For A Generation Betrayed — Mary Holland et al book
- Sep 20, 2018 — Pandemrix vaccine: why was the public not told of early warning signs?; “Eight years after the pandemic influenza outbreak, a lawsuit alleging that GlaxoSmithKline’s Pandemrix vaccine caused narcolepsy has unearthed internal reports suggesting problems with the vaccine’s safety. Peter Doshi asks what this means for the future of transparency during public health emergencies. In October 2009, the US National Institutes of Health infectious diseases chief, Anthony Fauci, appeared on YouTube to reassure Americans about the safety of the ‘swine flu’ vaccine. ‘The track record for serious adverse events is very good. It’s very, very, very rare that you ever see anything that’s associated with the vaccine that’s a serious event,’ he said. Four months earlier, the World Health Organization had declared H1N1 influenza a pandemic, and by October 2009 the new vaccines were being rolled out across the world. A similar story was playing out in the UK, with prominent organisations, including the Department of Health, British Medical Association, and Royal Colleges of General Practitioners, working hard to convince a reluctant NHS workforce to get vaccinated. ‘We fully support the swine flu vaccination programme … The vaccine has been thoroughly tested,’ they declared in a joint statement. Except, it hadn’t.” — Peter Doshi, BMJ link
- Sep 19, 2018 — How to End the Autism Epidemic; “While many parents have heard the rhetoric that vaccines are safe and effective and that the science is settled about the relationship between vaccines and autism, few realize that in the 1960s, American children received three vaccines compared to the thirty-eight they receive today. Or that when parents are told that the odds of an adverse reaction are ‘one in a million,’ the odds are actually one in fifty. Or that in the 1980s, the rate of autism was one in ten thousand children. Today it’s one in thirty-six.” — J.B. Handley book
- Jul 15, 2018 — Karwowski 2018: Blood and Hair Aluminum Levels, Vaccine History, and Early Infant Development: A Cross Sectional Study; “A close look at the Karwowski paper reveals that the results are essentially meaningless for assessing Al adjuvant safety. The study has a nonsensical design and is fatally flawed. The Karwowski results are grossly inadequate for supporting the safety of Al adjuvant.” [details provided] — Vaccine Papers link
- Jul 6, 2018 — Explosive Research: Chickenpox Vaccine Linked to Widespread Increase in Shingles — Isabelle Z., Natural News (Stillness in the Storm) link
- Apr 10, 2018 — Autistic Brains Have High Aluminum Levels — Vaccine Papers link
- Spring 2018 — Vaccine Adjuvant, Suspect in Gulf War Syndrome, Added to Influenza Vaccine — Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons (peer-reviewed journal) link
- Feb 15, 2018 — Past Encounters with the Flu Shape Vaccine Response: Immune history influences vaccine effectiveness, interacting with other potential problems arising from the manufacturing process; “The problem is that the virus changes ever so slightly from year to year… Antibodies produced from our first encounters with the flu, either from vaccines or infection, tend to take precedence over ones generated by later inoculations. So even when the vaccine is a good match for a given year, if someone has a history with the flu, the immune response to a new vaccine could be less protective. This story may be complicated by an additional factor, which is that the vaccine could be inducing a weak immune response in many who receive it. ‘We see that both vaccinated and unvaccinated people were infected with similar flu viruses and that the vaccine didn’t elicit a strong immune response from most people in our study,’ said Yonatan Grad, MD, PhD, assistant professor of immunology and infectious diseases at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and co-author of the study.” — University of Chicago Medical Center link
- Feb 1, 2018 — Vaccines to prevent influenza in healthy adults; “The aim of this Cochrane Review, first published in 1999, was to summarise research that looks at the effects of immunising healthy adults with influenza vaccines during influenza seasons. We used information from randomised trials comparing vaccines with dummy vaccines or nothing… We found 52 clinical trials of over 80,000 adults… 71 people would need to be vaccinated to avoid one influenza case, and 29 would need to be vaccinated to avoid one case of influenza-like illness (ILI). Vaccination may have little or no appreciable effect on hospitalisations… or number of working days lost. — Demicheli V. et al, Cochrane link
- Jan 19, 2018 — Introduction to AI Adjuvant and Autism – 20 Pages, 97 References — Vaccine Papers link
- Jan 18, 2018 — Infectious virus in exhaled breath of symptomatic seasonal influenza cases from a college community; “… observation of an association between repeated vaccination and increased viral aerosol generation…” — Jing Yan et al, PNAS link
- Jan 1, 2018 — The evidence for a lower risk of influenza and influenza-like illness in the elderly with vaccination is limited by biases in the design or conduct of the studies. — GreenMedInfo link
- Sep 25, 2017 — Association of spontaneous abortion with receipt of inactivated influenza vaccine containing H1N1pdm09 in 2010-11 and 2011-12; “Spontaneous abortion (SAB) was associated with [seine] influenza vaccination in the preceding 28 days.” — James G. Donahue et al, Vaccine link
- Sep 1, 2017 — Shoulder injury related to vaccine administration reported more frequently — Dr. H. Cody Meissner MD, FAAP, American Academy of Pediatrics link
- Jul 19, 2017 — HPV vaccine – follow the money: ANH International investigates the economics behind global HPV vaccination programs and suggests profit more than altruism might be the primary driver — Alliance for Natural Health link
- Jun 6, 2017 — New Studies Reveal Vaccine Harm; “When it comes to vaccine safety, a complaint that I’ve frequently expressed is the lack of credible studies comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated populations. At best, we’ve had vaccination surveys based on self-reported data, and while that evidence strongly suggested unvaccinated children experience better health and fewer health problems, they were dismissed by most public health officials as unimportant. There are also published studies showing annual influenza vaccination takes its toll on your health, and may do more harm than good in the long term. Now, two pilot studies led by Anthony Mawson, an interdisciplinary epidemiologist and social scientist with a doctorate in public health, have helped to shed some light on the topic.” — Dr. Joseph Mercola, Waking Times link
- Jun 3, 2017 — Brochure: Vaccines and Autism — Vaccine Papers link
- Jun 2, 2017 — USA’s National Embarrassment: Mandatory Vaccinations; “Millions of children and adults have been permanently damaged by mandatory vaccines… U.S. citizens are not told, nor permitted to know from the vested-interest-controlled-media, what goes on in other countries and all the damage that occurs globally from mandated vaccines and vaccine trials often performed under dubious circumstances. One example of such a vaccine program gone horribly wrong was the 2011 polio vaccine campaign promoted by Bill Gates and his foundation. That vaccine campaign left 47,500 children paralyzed! Other countries have had their problems with vaccines: Italy; Nordic Countries; United Kingdom. However, in the African country of Nigeria, here’s what happened in 2003.” — Catherine J. Frompovich, Waking Times link
- May 17, 2017 — US research finds injury link to vaccinated children; “Incredibly, few vaccinated vs unvaccinated studies have ever been published – and attempts to publish them have usually been met with violent reactions that typically result in the papers being retracted. This famously happened to Wakefield’s 1998 Lancet paper. But the process is ongoing, albeit less conspicuously and without justification from a kangaroo court such as the General Medical Council (GMC).” — Robert Verkerk PhD, Alliance for Natural Health link
- May 11, 2017 — School Bans Unvaccinated Kids After Immunized (Vaccinated) Children Start Chickenpox Outbreak – Vaxx Fraud Revealed — Justin Deschamps, Stillness in the Storm link
- Apr 24, 2017 — Preterm birth, vaccination and neurodevelopmental disorders: a cross-sectional study of 6- to 12-year-old vaccinated and unvaccinated children; “Vaccinated children were… more likely to have been diagnosed with pneumonia, otitis media, allergies and neurodevelopmental disorders (that is, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), ADHD, and/or a learning disability). The vaccinated were also more likely to use allergy medication, to have had myringotomies with tube placement, visited a doctor for a health problem in the previous year, and been hospitalized at some time in the past.” — Anthorny R. Mawson, Journal of Translational Science (Open Access Text) link
- Apr 24, 2017 — Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6- to 12- year old U.S. children; “The vaccinated were… more likely to have been diagnosed with pneumonia, otitis media, allergies and neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD).” — Anthorny R. Mawson et al, Journal of Translational Science (Open Access Text) link
- Apr 9, 2017 — Examine the Evidence – A Rebuttal to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) — Vaccine Papers link
- Mar 9, 2017 — Govt. Still Pushing HPV Vaccine on Kids a Decade after JW Exposed Deadly Side Effects; “A decade after Judicial Watch exposed the dangers of a government-backed cervical cancer vaccine, a federal lawsuit highlights its perilous side effects including paralysis, seizures, nausea and death. Litigation was initiated by disgruntled parents because the government is still pushing the hazardous vaccine, manufactured by pharmaceutical giant Merck, on children as young as nine years old to treat a sexually transmitted disease. The vaccine is called Gardasil and in the last ten years Judicial Watch has uncovered troves of government records documenting its harmful side effects. The vaccine was scandalously fast-tracked by the FDA and was ardently promoted by the Obama administration as a miracle shot that can prevent certain strains of cervical cancer caused by Human Papillomavirus (HPV). Instead it’s been linked to thousands of debilitating side effects, according to the government’s own daunting statistics. This includes thousands of cases of paralysis, convulsions, blindness and dozens of deaths. Back in 2008, after receiving the first disturbing batch of records from the CDC, Judicial Watch published a special report detailing Gardasil’s approval process, side effects, safety concerns and marketing practices.” — Judicial Watch link
- Mar 8, 2017 — DTP Vaccine Increases Mortality 5-Fold, in Study Without Healthy User Bias — Vaccine Papers link
- Feb 1, 2017 — The Introduction of Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis and Oral Polio Vaccine Among Young Infants in an Urban African Community: A Natural Experiment; “DTP was associated with increased mortality” — Søren Wengel Mogensen et al, EBio Medicine and PubMed link
- Jan 23, 2017 — New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro- and Nanocontamination; “Vaccines are under investigation for the possible side effects they can cause… An electron-microscopy investigation method was applied to the study of vaccines… The results show the presence of micro- and nanosized particulate matter composed of inorganic elements in vaccines’ samples which is not declared… The quantity of foreign bodies detected and, in some cases, their unusual chemical compositions baffled us. The inorganic particles identified are neither biocompatible nor biodegradable, that means that they are biopersistent and can induce effects that can become evident either immediately close to injection time or after a certain time from administration… As happens with all foreign bodies, particularly that small, they induce an inflammatory reaction that is chronic because most of those particles cannot be degraded. Furthermore, the protein-corona effect (due to a nano-bio-interaction) can produce organic/inorganic composite particles capable of stimulating the immune system in an undesirable way. Particles the size often observed in vaccines can enter cell nuclei and interact with the DNA. In some cases, they can corrode and the corrosion products exert a toxicity affecting the tissues. Given the contaminations we observed in all samples of human-use vaccines, adverse effects after the injection of those vaccines are possible and credible and have the character of randomness, since they depend on where the contaminants are carried by the blood circulation.“ — Antonietta M. Gatti & Stefano Mantanari, International Journal of Vaccines & Vaccination link and link
- Oct 13, 2016 — Receipt of whole cell pertussis-containing DTP vaccine was associated with an increase in all-cause mortality. — GreenMedInfo link
- Oct 11, 2016 — Flu Vaccine Effectiveness in Question; “Mounting research suggests getting an annual flu shot may be ill advised for long-term health, and doesn’t actually work in the first place. An analysis of influenza vaccine effectiveness reveals that, between 2005 and 2015, the flu vaccine was less than 50 percent effective more than half of the time. Recent studies show that, with each successive annual flu vaccination, the protection afforded by the vaccine appears to diminish. It may also increase your risk of contracting more serious influenza infections.” — Dr. Joseph Mercola link
- Jul 2, 2016 — The Foundation for AI Adjuvant Safety is False — Vaccine Papers link
- Apr 4, 2016 — Vaccine Maker Admits On FDA Website that DTaP Vaccine Causes Autism; “A Huge hat tip and shout out goes to Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, for finding pharmacological admittance and written proof that at least one vaccine causes autism as an adverse reaction. According to the U.S. FDA’s online Biologics Blood Vaccines publication… DTaP package insert information under the section for Adverse Reactions, which runs from page 6 to page 11, we find the following declared admission that DTaP caused autism “during post-approval use of Tripedia vaccine.” See the copy and paste information below. So, why all the denials that a vaccine hasn’t or can’t cause autism?” — Frompovich, Waking Times link
- Feb 16, 2016 — Zika: The Essence of the Hoax; “The ‘one condition-one-cause’ fallacy has spread through medical research… In those 404 ‘confirmed’ cases of microcephaly, Brazilian researchers admitted some cases could actually be, instead, other kinds of nervous-system impairment. There are many arbitrary names and labels for such nervous-system destruction. These names overlap. The conditions overlap… Autism, autism spectrum, developmental delay, Fragile X syndrome, Intellectual Disability, Asperger’s Syndrome, Rett Syndrome, CDD, etc. The artificial attempt to separate them is typical nonsense. Likewise, the attempt to ascribe different and distinct causes to each is preposterous… True researchers would be looking for multiple causes where, in general, brain and nervous-system damage is the result. Causes such as? Toxic pesticides, including Roundup and atrazine. Brazil uses more pesticides than any nation in the world, and many of these chemicals are banned in other countries. Toxic vaccines—for example, the Tdap, which was recommended to pregnant women in Brazil in 2014. The MMR vaccine. Other vaccines. Look, for example, at aluminum ingredients, which cross the blood-brain barrier and are neurotoxic. Genetically-engineered mosquitoes, released to combat mosquitoes that carry dengue fever. No human health studies were done. Anti-mosquito sprays. Chemicals used to fumigate public places. The mosquito-killing insecticide, pyroproxyfen, which has been dumped in water supplies. And of course, those traditional immune-system destroyers, severe malnutrition, lack of basic sanitation, overcrowding, and stolen farm land. There are other potential causes.” — Jon Rappoport, Waking Times link
- Winter 2016 — Aluminum in Childhood Vaccines is Unsafe; “Toxic metals such as aluminum do not belong in prophylactic medications administered to children, teenagers, or adults. Vaccines are normally recommended for healthy people, so safety (and efficacy) standards must be impeccable. Parents, especially, should not be compelled to permit their loved ones to receive multiple injections of toxic metals that could increase their risk of neurodevelopmental and autoimmune ailments.” — Neil Z. Miller link
- Jan 11, 2016 — In seven studies of BCG-vaccinated children, DTP vaccination was associated with an increase in mortality in girls. [“Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) is a vaccine for tuberculosis (TB).” – CDC] — GreenMedInfo link
- Nov 11, 2015 — Getting a flu shot every year? More may not be better — Helen Branswell, STAT link
- Sep 18, 2015 — Brochure: Vaccines and the Brain — Vaccine Papers link
- Jul 17, 2015 — The MMRV (measles-mumps-rubella-varicella) vaccine is associated with an increased risk of febrile seizures. — GreenMedInfo link
- Jun 30, 2015 — Journal Verifies That the Vaccinated Are Transmitting Disease; “Officials at the CDC say the best way to prevent pertussis is to get vaccinated. However, more data continues to present itself suggesting that may be completely false. A new study published in BMC Medicine… points to a different, but related, source of the outbreak — vaccinated people who are infectious but who do not display the symptoms of whooping cough… In 2012, whooping cough, or pertussis, spread across the entire US at rates at least twice as high as those recorded in 2011 and epidemiologists and health officials were even admitting that the vaccines may be the cause… In the 1990s adverse side effects of previous whooping cough vaccines led to the development and introduction of acellular pertussis vaccines, which use just a handful of the bacteria’s proteins. The standard DTP or DPT vaccine is acknowledged to be the deadliest of all vaccines, causing more disability, illness and the highest risks, even exceeding MMR. In the study cited above, the researchers noted the vaccine’s effectiveness was only 41 percent among 2- to 7-year-olds and a dismal 24 percent among those aged 8-12.” — Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease (Waking Times) link
- May 31, 2015 — Thousands of teenage girls report feeling seriously ill after routine school cancer vaccination: ‘The symptoms grew increasingly worse after the second and third injections – One time I couldn’t move anything on one side of my body’ — Paul Gallagher, The Independent link
- Mar 29, 2015 — How Vaccine Adjuvants Affect Your Brain; “FDA documentation from 2002 admit that routine toxicity studies in animals with vaccine ingredients such as aluminum adjuvants were never conducted because it was assumed that these ingredients are safe. Countries with the heaviest vaccine schedules have higher autism rates compared to countries that do not vaccinate children with as many vaccines. Compelling evidence shows the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine can raise your risk of brain autoimmune disorders, such as multiple sclerosis (MS). Research shows that repeated stimulation with the same antigen overcomes the genetic resistance to autoimmunity. So by giving regular booster shots, you break your tolerance to autoimmunity.” — Dr. Joseph Mercola link
- Mar 8, 2015 — Influenza Vaccine Causes Illness and Immune Dysfunction — Vaccine Papers link
- Feb 2, 2015 — Studies Show that Vaccinated Individuals Spread Disease; “Scientific evidence demonstrates that individuals vaccinated with live virus vaccines such as MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), rotavirus, chicken pox, shingles and influenza can shed the virus for many weeks or months afterwards and infect the vaccinated and unvaccinated alike. Furthermore, vaccine recipients can carry diseases in the back of their throat and infect others while displaying no symptoms of a disease.” — Weston A. Price Foundation, GlobeNewswire link
- Jan 27, 2015 — Debunking Vaccine History: The Forgotten History Of Vaccines & Disease Everyone Should Know – Truth about Smallpox Vaccine — Justin Deschamps, Stillness in the Storm link
- Jan 14, 2015 — Deaths after Fluad flu vaccine and the epidemic of panic in Italy; “We report the detrimental effects of poorly managed risk communication. On 27 November 2014, the Italian Medicines Agency suspended, as a precautionary measure, the use of two batches of Fluad flu vaccine after three post-vaccination deaths… reported through the Network of Pharmacovigilance were deemed to be associated with the vaccine…” — Carlo Signorelli et al, BMJ link
- Jan 1, 2015 — Part 5: Vaccines and Immune Activation; “All these steps have been supported by scientific evidence: vaccination > febrile seizure > IL-6 > autism. Aluminum is proven to cause chronic inflammation in the brain, including increased IL-6… Both acute and chronic IL-6 elevation have been demonstrated to cause autistic behavior and brain injury in animals.” — Vaccine Papers link
- Oct 8, 2014 — What Whistleblowers Tell Us About Vaccine Safety and Effectiveness; “In 2010, two Merck virologists filed a federal lawsuit under the False Claims Act against their former employer, alleging the vaccine maker lied about the effectiveness of their mumps vaccine (which is part of the trivalent measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine). The whistleblowers, Stephen Krahling and Joan Wlochowski, claimed they witnessed ‘firsthand the improper testing and data falsification in which Merck engaged to artificially inflate the vaccine’s efficacy findings.'” — Dr. Joseph Mercola, Waking Times link
- Apr 21, 2014 — Merck Dr. Exposes Gardasil Scandal: Ineffective, Deadly, Very Profitable — Judicial Watch link
- Apr 3, 2014 — Guillain Barré Syndrome is #1 Side Effect of Vaccine Injury Compensations due to Flu Shots — Health Impact News link
- Feb 9, 2014 — CDC Inflates Flu Death Stats to Sell More Flu Vaccines; “As can be seen from the graphic above, which is a screen shot of selected text directly from the CDC’s own website, the CDC claims they don’t really know how many people die from the flu each year. The reason given as to why they make estimates is ‘it is important to convey the full burden of the seasonal flu to the public.’ … The other way that statement could be read is that the burden to the public is to purchase more flu vaccines, since they are manufactured ahead of time and stockpiled for the flu season. According to Lawrence Solomon, that is exactly what they are doing. They are inflating the numbers to encourage more flu vaccine sales. While the most common number cited by the media is 36,000 deaths a year, actual death certificates only list about 500 per year. And since a laboratory test is not usually taken to determine if it was actually the influenza virus, only 15-20 percent of those 500 recorded flu deaths were actually due to the flu, which means the real numbers are about 100 or less. But it would be very difficult to sell 145 million doses of the flu vaccine if the public knew less than 100 people died each year from the flu.” — Health Impact News link
- Jan 15, 2014 — A Mother’s Decision: The First Shot, Hepatitis B; “If you are in a hospital, your baby is likely to be snatched away from you upon entry into the world, and subjected to all manner of empirical interventions aimed at damage control for all of his weaknesses and lurking dysfunctions – antibiotics in his eyes, vitamin K in his blood, a good scrubbing with some 1, 4-dioxane and formaldehyde-containing baby wash, and, since 1991, the Hepatitis B vaccine. What is that? Why does my baby need it? According to the CDC, everyone needs it. As far as we understand it, this is a communicable infection that can, in debated percentages, progress to cirrhosis, liver cancer, and death. Populations at risk are those having unprotected sex, using IV drugs (not most babies!), those transfused, or in blood contact with an infected party. Of adults infected, 90-95% clear the virus on their own, without intervention, according to my medical school textbook, Harrisons Principals of Internal Medicine.... The implication of [information provided in article] is that immune response to the vaccine, which is heralded as ‘proof of efficacy’, in fact had no statistical bearing on infectious outcomes. Only exposure to active maternal infection at birth correlated with future outcomes.” — Dr. Kelly Brogan MD, GreenMedInfo (Waking Times) link
- Jan 5, 2014 — Flu Vaccine is the most Dangerous Vaccine in the U. S. based on Settled Cases for Injuries — Health Impact News link
- Dec 10, 2013 — Sisters Sue Over HPV Vaccine — The Doctors, YouTube 2-min video
- Oct 30, 2013 — Dr Tetyana Obukhanych, Ph.D. – Natural Immunity and Vaccination; “Dr Tetyana Obukhanych is the author of Vaccine Illusion: How Vaccination Compromises Our Natural Immunity and What We Can Do to Regain Our Health. In her book, she presents a view on vaccination that is radically different from mainstream theories. Dr Tetyana Obukhanych has studied immunology in some of the world’s most prestigious medical institutions. She earned her PhD in Immunology at the Rockefeller University in New York and did postdoctoral training at Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA and Stanford University in California.” — AGF Meko, YouTube 1.75-hr video
- Oct 24, 2013 — $47 Mil to Get More Adolescents on Gardasil; “The U.S. government has given dozens of state and municipal health agencies nearly $50 million to boost the number of adolescents that get a dangerous cervical cancer vaccine linked to thousands of adverse reactions, debilitating side effects and even death.” — Judicial Watch link
- Jul 27, 2013 — Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History; “Starting in the mid-1800s, there was a steady drop in deaths from all infectious diseases, decreasing to relatively minor levels by the early 1900s. The history of that transformation involves famine, poverty, filth, lost cures, eugenicist doctrine, individual freedoms versus state might, protests and arrests over vaccine refusal, and much more. Today, we are told that medical interventions increased our lifespan and single-handedly prevented masses of deaths. But is this really true? Dissolving Illusions details facts and figures from long-overlooked medical journals, books, newspapers, and other sources. Using myth-shattering graphs, this book shows that vaccines, antibiotics, and other medical interventions are not responsible for the increase in lifespan and the decline in mortality from infectious diseases.” — Dr. Suzanne Humphries MD & Roman Bystrianyk book
- Jul 17, 2013 — CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Received Polio Vaccine In An 8-Year Span When It Was Contaminated With Cancer Virus — Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease (Waking Times) link
- Jul 4, 2013 — Curcumin Found To Outperform Pneumococcal Vaccines In Protecting Infants — Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease (Waking Times) link
- Jun 3, 2013 — Inventor of Rotavirus Vaccine Wants To End Parental Exemptions For School Vaccinations; “Public health officials are routinely failing to inform the public of their right to refuse vaccines in both school and work settings. Greater powers are at work to make mandatory vaccination policies which will allow officials to conduct childhood vaccinations without any parental consent at all. The inventor of the rotavirus vaccine wants all exemptions based on religious or philosophical grounds to end along with informed consent and the freedom to choose. Paul A. Offit, MD is an American pediatrician who specializes in infectious disease and is also the co-inventor of a rotavirus vaccine.” — Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease, Waking Times link
- Jan 18, 2013 — Vaccine Court Awards Millions to Two Children With Autism; “The federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, better known as ‘vaccine court,’ has just awarded millions of dollars to two children with autism for ‘pain and suffering’ and lifelong care of their injuries, which together could cost tens of millions of dollars. The government did not admit that vaccines caused autism, at least in one of the children. Both cases were ‘unpublished,’ meaning information is limited, and access to medical records and other exhibits is blocked… These cases fit the pattern of other petitions, (i.e., Poling and Banks) in which the court ruled (or the government conceded) that vaccines had caused encephalopathy (brain disease), which in turn produced permanent injury, including symptoms of autism and ultimately an austism spectrum disorder ASD diagnosis… Meanwhile, parents, grandparents, friends and neighbors of both children testified they were developmentally normal, if not advanced for their age when they developed seizures, spiking fevers and other adverse reactions to their vaccines. According to these eyewitnesses, the children never fully recovered, and instead began losing vocabulary, eye contact and interest in others around them, all classic symptoms of regressive autism. In the first case, involving a 10-year-old boy from Northern California named Ryan Mojabi, the parents allege that ‘all the vaccinations’ received from 2003-2005, and ‘more specifically, measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccinations,’ caused a ‘severe and debilitating injury to his brain…'” — David Kirby, Huffington Post (CureZone) link
- Aug 10, 2012 — Hep-B Vaccinations for Newborns are Crimes Against Infants — Paul Fassa, Waking Times link
- Jul 4, 2012 — Scientists Sue Merck: Allege Fraud for MMR Vaccine — Suzanne Humphries, Waking Times link
- Jun 15, 2012 — Unexpectedly Limited Durability of Immunity Following Acellular Pertussis Vaccination in Preadolescents in a North American Outbreak; “The vaccine effectiveness was 41%, 24%, and 79% for children aged 2–7 years, 8–12 years, 13–18 years, respectively.” — Maxwell A. Witt et al, Clincial Infectious Diseases link
- Jun 14, 2012 — Vaccine programmes must consider their effect on general resistance; “There are few observational studies and virtually no randomised clinical trials documenting the effect on child mortality of any of the existing vaccines. A notable exception is the high titre measles vaccine, which was withdrawn because an interaction with DTP vaccine resulted in a 33% increase in mortality among children aged 4-60 months in several west African randomised trials.” — Peter Aaby et al, BMJ link
- May 4, 2012 — Italian Court Rules MMR Vaccine Did Trigger Autism — Natural Health News Waking Times link
- Mar 21, 2012 — Whooping cough beats vaccine; “… new strains of whooping cough bacteria are evading Australia’s vaccine against the disease and entrenching a four-year epidemic that could spread overseas, Sydney scientists have found in research that raises questions about the national immunisation program.” — Julie Robotham, The Sydney Morning Herald link
- Mar 15, 2012 — Increased Risk of Noninfluenza Respiratory Virus Infections Associated With Receipt of Inactivated Influenza Vaccine; “We randomized 115 children to trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV) or placebo. Over the following 9 months, TIV recipients had an increased risk of virologically-confirmed non-influenza infections. Being protected against influenza, TIV recipients may lack temporary non-specific immunity that protected against other respiratory viruses.” — Benjamin J. Cowling et al, Clinical Infectious Diseases link
- Feb 17, 2012 — Norway Paying Victims of Swine Flu Vaccine — The Local No link
- Jan 10, 2012 — Mechanisms of Aluminum Adjuvant Toxicity and Autoimmunity in Pediatric Populations — L. Tomljenovic & C.A. Shaw, Lupus (Sage Journals & PubMed) link and link
- Jan 1, 2012 — There is evidence that both the oral polio vaccine and the inactivated polio vaccine allow for viral shedding. — GreenMedInfo link
- Dec 31, 2011 — “The design and reporting of safety outcomes in MMR vaccine studies, both pre- and post-marketing, are largely inadequate.” — GreenMedInfo link
- Sep 30, 2011 — Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given: Is there a biochemical or synergistic toxicity? — Neil Z. Miller & Gary S. Goldman, Human & Experimental Toxicology link
- May 4, 2011 — There is a highly statistically significant correlation between increasing number of vaccine doses and increasing infant mortality rates.; “The infant mortality rate (IMR) is one of the most important indicators of the socio-economic well-being and public health conditions of a country. The US childhood immunization schedule specifies 26 vaccine doses for infants aged less than 1 year—the most in the world—yet 33 nations have lower IMRs. Using linear regression, the immunization schedules of these 34 nations were examined… Linear regression analysis of unweighted mean IMRs showed a high statistically significant correlation between increasing number of vaccine doses and increasing infant mortality rates… A closer inspection of correlations between vaccine doses, biochemical or synergistic toxicity, and IMRs is essential.” — GreenMedInfo link
- Jan 31, 2011 — The effectiveness of the 2008-2009 seasonal flu vaccine in England was -6%. — GreenMedInfo link
- Jan 1, 2011 — There are no randomized controlled trials that assessed the effects of hepatitis B vaccine during pregnancy for preventing infant infection. — GreenMedInfo link
- Nov 29, 2010 — Over 1,000 confirmed cases of vaccine-induced thrombocytopenia [abnormally low levels of blood platelets] were reported between 1990-2008.; “Most (1078; 75%) met the regulatory definition of a serious adverse event.” — GreenMedInfo link
- Jul 20, 2010 — Does Gardasil Actually Increase Your Risk of Cervical Cancer?; “As director of gynecology at St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital, Dr. Moritz is in a position to know what he’s talking about – and what he told ABC News is that this vaccine’s safety data concerns him so much that he’s neither offering it to his patients, nor giving it to his 11-year-old daughter.”— Dr. Joseph Mercola link
- Apr 6, 2010 — New Canadian studies suggest seasonal flu shot increased H1N1 [Swine Flu] risk — Maryn McKenna, CIDRAP link
- Feb 26, 2010 — Smallpox vaccine: Origins of vaccine madness. — Jennifer Craig BSN link
- Jan 1, 2010 — There is little evidence supporting the belief that vaccines are effective in preventing influenza in healthy adults. — GreenMedInfo link
- Jan 1, 2010 — Influenza vaccination for healthcare workers who work with the elderly has no effect on laboratory-proven influenza, pneumonia or deaths from pneumonia. — GreenMedInfo link
- Jan 1, 2010 — Male newborns vaccinated with hepatitis B prior to 1999 had a 3-fold higher risk for parentally reported autism. — GreenMedInfo link
- 2010 — Electronic Support for Public Health – Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System; “Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported. Although 25% of ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 1-13% of serious events are reported to the FDA. Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. Low reporting rates preclude or slow the identification of ‘problem’ drugs and vaccines that endanger public health. New surveillance methods for drug and vaccine adverse effects are needed. Barriers to reporting include a lack of clinician awareness, uncertainty about when and what to report, as well as the burdens of reporting: reporting is not part of clinicians’ usual workflow, takes time, and is duplicative.” — Lazarus, Ross MBBS, MPH & Dr. Michael Klompas MD, MPH submitted to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services link and link
- Sep 1, 2009 — Inactivated flu vaccines have not been proven to be effective or safe in preventing influenza in healthy children under two. — GreenMedInfo link
- Jun 22, 2009 — New FDA Records Obtained by Judicial Watch Indicate 28 Deaths Related to Gardasil in 2008; “Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced today that it has obtained records from the FDA documenting 28 deaths in 2008 associated with Gardasil, the vaccination for HPV, up from 19 deaths in 2007. The total number of Gardasil-related deaths is 47 since the vaccine was approved in 2006. Overall, the FDA documented 6,723 ‘adverse events’ related to Gardasil in 2008, of which 1,061 were considered ‘serious,’ and 142 considered ‘life threatening.'”— Judicial Watch link
- May 20, 2009 — Children Who Get Flu Vaccine Have Three Times Risk Of Hospitalization For Flu, Study Suggests — American Thoracic Society, Science Daily link
- Jun 30, 2008 — Examining the FDA’s HPV Vaccine Records: Detailing the Approval Process, Side-Effects, Safety Concerns and Marketing Practices of a Large-Scale Public Health Experiment — Judicial Watch link
- Mar 20, 2007 —What Led to the Nigerian Boycott of the Polio Vaccination Campaign?; “Supreme Council for Sharia in Nigeria (SCSN) is quoted as saying that polio vaccines were ‘corrupted and tainted by evildoers from America and their Western allies.’ Ahmed went on to say: ‘We believe that modern-day Hitlers have deliberately adulterated the oral polio vaccines with anti-fertility drugs and…viruses which are known to cause HIV and AIDS’… In April 2004 Datti Ahmed argued that ‘the SCSN harbours strong reservations on the safety of our population, not least because of our recent experience in the Pfizer scandal, when our people were used as guinea pigs with the approval of the Federal Ministry of Health, and the relevant UN agencies.’” — Ayodele Samuel Jegede, PLOS link
- February 2007 — Aluminum Adjuvant Linked to Gulf War Illness Induces Motor Neuron Death in Mice — Michael S. Petrik et al, Neuromolecular Medicine link and link
- March 2006 — The Cutter Incident: How America’s First Polio Vaccine Led to a Growing Vaccine Crisis; “In April 1955 more than 200,000 children in five Western and mid-Western USA states received a polio vaccine in which the process of inactivating the live virus proved to be defective. Within days there were reports of paralysis and within a month the first mass vaccination programme against polio had to be abandoned. Subsequent investigations revealed that the vaccine, manufactured by the California-based family firm of Cutter Laboratories, had caused 40, 000 cases of polio, leaving 200 children with varying degrees of paralysis and killing 10.” — Michael Fitzpatrick, JRSM link
- 2006 — Evidence of Harm; Mercury in Vaccines and the Autism Epidemic: A Medical Controversy — David Kirby, St. Martin’s Press link
- Oct 19, 2005 — Vitamin A for treating measles in children; “Vitamin A … 200,000 IUs on each day for two days… lowered the number of deaths from measles [by 79%] in hospitalized children under the age of two years.” — Hui Ming Yang et al, Cochrane Library link
- April 2005 — The relationship between vaccine refusal and self-report of atopic disease in children; “The data included 515 never vaccinated, 423 partially vaccinated, and 239 completely vaccinated children… Parents who refuse vaccinations reported less asthma and allergies in their unvaccinated children.” — Rachel Enriquez PhD et al, JACI (The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology) link
- Feb 14, 2005 — Impact of Influenza Vaccination on Seasonal Mortality in the US Elderly Population; “We examined influenza-related deaths in the entire US elderly population by estimating seasonal numbers of excess all-cause deaths. These estimates, which provide the best available national estimates of the fraction of all winter deaths that are specifically attributable to influenza, show that the observational studies must overstate the mortality benefits of the vaccine. For the 33 seasons studied, influenza-related mortality (excess all-cause mortality) was always less than 10% of the total number of winter deaths among the elderly. This period included the 1968 pandemic and the severe 1997-1998 season during which the mismatched vaccine formulation provided little protection; for both of these seasons, the estimated influenza-related mortality was probably very close to what would have occurred had no vaccine been available. We conclude, therefore, that there are not enough influenza-related deaths to support the conclusion that vaccination can reduce total winter mortality among the US elderly population by as much as half.” — Lone Simonsen PhD et al, JAMA link
- November 2004 — Neurodevelopmental Disorders Following Thimerosal-Containing Childhood Immunizations: A Follow-Up Analysis; “The present study provides additional epidemiological evidence linking thimerosal with neurodevelopmental disorders.” — David A. Geier & Mark R. Geier, American College of Toxicology (Sage Journals) link
- Jul 1, 2004 — Maternal influenza vaccination during pregnancy does not reduce the incidence of acute respiratory illness visits among infants. — GreenMedInfo link
- Mar 1, 2004 — Thimerosol-containing vaccines are associated with autism prevalence and measles-containing vaccines are associated with serious neurological disorders. — GreenMedInfo link
- Feb 1, 2004 — This meta-analysis shows that the data available on the safety of aluminum adjuvants is severely lacking. There is also only data available for aluminum hydroxide and does not consider the toxicity of amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate. — GreenMedInfo link
- 2003 — Bioavailability; “Bioavailability (biological availability)… is the term most often used to characterize drug absorption. This term has been defined as the relative amount of a drug administered in a pharmaceutical product that enters the systemic circulation in an unchanged form, and the rate at which this occurs… An intravenous formulation of a drug… by definition has 100% bioavailability.” — Encyclopedia of Food Sciences and Nutrition, Science Direct link [“The FDA’s safety guidelines… are often based upon the greatly-reduced exposures one would expect if the substance were ingested, as opposed to direclty injected into the bloodstream, which bypasses normal filtering and protective systems of the body. Exposure by direct injection (rather than ingestion) can be expected to increase the dosage by as much as 99%.” The Control Group, 2021, p.7]
- Nov 29, 2002 — A Capitol Hill Mystery: Who Aided Drug Maker? — Sheryl Gay Stolberg, The New York Times link
- Jan 27, 2002 — Wakefield Stands by MMR Claims — Panorama, BBC News link
- Sep 16, 2001 — Focus Groups are Now Considered Science? [Response to BMJ’s publication of a letter proposing that the vastly increased prevalence of autism was due to previous undercounting.]— Mark F. Blaxill, BMJ link
- Jun 1, 2001 — Over 600 cases of sudden infant death syndrome following vaccination were reported from 1990-1997. — GreenMedInfo link
- Feb 1, 2000 — DTP or tetanus vaccination increases the risk of allergies and related respiratory symptoms in children and adolescents. — GreenMedInfo link
- Jul 9, 1999 — Thimerosal in Vaccines: A Joint Statement of the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Public Health Service; “Some children could be exposed to a cumulative level of mercury over the first 6 months of life that exceeds one of the federal guidelines on methyl mercury.” — CDC, PubMed link
- Oct 1, 1997 — 38,787 adverse events including infant death (highest in 1-3 month olds) after vaccination were reported between 1991-1994. (The authors speciously claim SIDS and not vaccination caused these deaths). — GreenMedInfo link
- 1994 — DPT Vaccine and Chronic Nervous System Dysfunction: A New Analysis; “The Committee… determined that the evidence is consistent with a causal relation between DPT and acute encephalopathy [disorders and diseases of the brain].” — Institute of Medicine link
- 1991 — Adverse Effects of Pertussis and Rubella Vaccines: A Report of the Committee to Review the Adverse Consequences of Pertussis and Rubella Vaccines; “In 1933, Madsen reported on two infants who received immunizations against pertussis shortly after birth and died within 2 hours of their second shot at ages 4 and 11 days, respectively. Although there were other isolated case reports of death following DPT immunization, current concern about pertussis and SIDS dates from March 1979, when the Tennessee Department of Health reported that four sudden and unexplained deaths had occurred since November 1978; these infants had all died within 24 hours following their first DPT immunization. All four children had received vaccine from the same lot (lot A), which was the predominant lot in use in Tennessee at that time. A subsequent investigation confirmed a greater than expected temporal relation between lot A DPT vaccine and SIDS.” — Institute of Medicine link
- Jan 1, 1985 — The risk of adverse events from the pertussis vaccine outweighed the risk of pertussis infection. — GreenMedInfo link
- April 1920 — Horrors of Vaccination Exposed and Illustrated; “This modern system of compulsory vaccination is the most violent and dangerous and most immoral or unethical system of medication that has ever been devised by a most honorable yet most presumptuous profession which has been proved guilty of the most gigantic medical mistakes in its past history of the centuries, one of which—indiscriminate bleeding—as we have already seen, killed our first President and many other victims of that period. To this gigantic and abandoned mistake we might now add the two horrible practices of smallpox inoculation and arm-to-arm vaccination, both of which were once used and approved by the highest medical authority as safe and infallible preventives of natural disease, yet both were finally abandoned as great medical mistakes and were prohibited by penal law as most risky methods of propagating and extending disease and more dangerous to human health and life than the natural disease itself.” — Chas. M. Higgins link
- Jan 25, 1896 — The Case Against Vaccination [Address during Glouceser Smallpox Epidemic]; “The medical profession of to-day is divided into two great sections. On the one hand we have a section, who form, I am bound to say, the majority, who believe that the only remedy for small-pox is vaccination with all its risks. On the other hand there is another section, the minority to which I have the honour to belong, which believes that the remedy for small-pox is not vaccination but sanitation—(cheers)— which is accompanied by no risk at all. We protest against the diseasing of children by Act of Parliament. We say that small-pox is a filth disease, and that if we get rid of the filth we shall get rid of the disease. We also declare that when a person is ill the doctor is justified in doing all he possibly can for his patient; but when a person is well he has no right whatever to interfere with the normal functions of the human body as he does when he introduces disease, especially the disease of an inferior animal, unless he can give a distinct and absolute guarantee, not only that the operation will effect the purpose avowed, but also that it will produce no injurious results.” — Dr. Walter Hadwen MD link
- No Date — Shining a Light on Rubella — Health Freedom Institute link
- No Date — State of health of unvaccinated children; “The results of our survey with currently 17,627 participants show that unvaccinated children are far less affected by common diseases than vaccinated children.” — link
- No Date — U.S., Italian Courts Award Millions for Vaccine-Autism Cases; “As David Kirby reported here, ‘The federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, better known as “vaccine court,” has just awarded millions of dollars to two children with autism for ‘pain and suffering’ and lifelong care of their injuries, which together could cost tens of millions of dollars.’ The Autism Action Network issued a statement that says, in part: ‘It happened again. The federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) has awarded Ryan Mojabi and his family a multi-million dollar settlement for autism as the result of an injury from the Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR) vaccine. Ryan’s family joins Hannah Poling and at least 85 others who have received judgments for vaccine-induced autism from the VICP. These people aren’t supposed to exist. We are told again and again that vaccines cannot cause autism, vaccines have never caused autism, and vaccines never will cause autism. Except when they do.” — Age of Autism link
Reports by Vaccine Type

Gardasil, HPV
HPV = Human Papillomavirus; Cervical Cancer
- Feb 18, 2025 — ‘I Couldn’t Get Out of Bed After Gardasil Shot’ – Stephanie Cardozo — Children’s Health Defense 15-min video
- Jan 30, 2025 — Gardasil Vaccine Kills — Dr. Wiliam Makis MD link
- Jan 30, 2025 — The Case Against HPV Vaccines. Robert Kennedy Jr. ‘s Concerns Regarding Gardasil HPV Vaccine’s Alarming Flaws; “This article confirms Robert’s concerns about the safety and efficacy of Gardasil and the vaccine’s alarming flaws. This has been rigorously documented in peer-reviewed medical journals. The vaccine was fast-tracked by the FDA in 2006 despite incomplete and misleading trial data, including the exclusion of key participant groups and the use of aluminum-containing placebos that obscured safety signals.” — Richard Gale & Dr. Gary Null, Global Research link
- Jan 29, 2025 — In Another Mad Dash to Trash Kennedy, NYTimes Shows Their Vast Ignorance… Again, and Again, and Again; “This is where the article moves from misleading to outright deceptive. The claim that “all vaccines undergo rigorous safety testing”… The truth: Many childhood vaccines were never tested in long-term, inert placebo-controlled trials. Regulators often allow ‘placebos’ that contain adjuvants, or other vaccines, not inert saline. Non-inferiority trials are not the same as placebo-controlled trials, yet The Times presents them as equivalent. For example, the FDA’s approval process for the HPV vaccine relied on comparison with an aluminum-adjuvant placebo rather than an inert saline placebo, as highlighted in a 2017 review in Drug Safety. If a pharmaceutical company used this kind of sleight of hand in advertising, they’d face lawsuits. When The New York Times does it? It’s called journalism.” — James Lyons-Weiler PhD link
- Jan 23, 2025 — Merck to Face California Jury as ‘Historic’ Gardasil HPV Vaccine Trial Gets Under Way: Jennifer Robi, confined to a wheelchair since age 16 after receiving three doses of the Gardasil HPV vaccine, will face off against Merck in Los Angeles. Robi, who sued Merck in 2016, has already won several key pretrial motions. Children’s Health Defense is supporting the case. — Brenda Baletti PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Jan 12, 2025 — Childhood Vaccine Injuries – Gardasil HPV Vaccine Victim 17 year old Colton Roger Berrett, who died Jan. 2018 — Dr. Wiliam Makis MD link
- Nov 6, 2024 — How Merck Pushed Gardasil Vaccine to Pay for Vioxx Lawsuits – and Why the HPV Shot Is So Dangerous: Gardasil proved to be extremely dangerous, yet both Merck and the FDA ignored the alarming data and continued promoting it, even as it resulted in unprecedented injuries, including autoimmunity, POTS, infertility and death. — Dr. Joseph Mercola, Children’s Health Defense link
- Oct 17, 2024 — FDA Brushed Off Concerns About DNA Fragments in Gardasil’s HPV Vaccine: Researchers sent the FDA evidence of fragments of viral DNA in Gardasil’s HPV vaccine, but the agency declared the vaccines “safe and effective” anyway. — Maryanne Demasi PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Jul 30, 2024 — Gardasil Fails to Protect Against Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia Over Time; Enthusiasm Over a Vaccine to Prevent Cervical Cancer Fades with Longitudinal Data — Dr. Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH link
- Jul 25, 2024 — 12 Year Old Meredith Prohaska Died Hours after HPV Vaccine — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 22, 2024 — 10 Year Old Isabella Zuggi Died 10 Weeks After 1st dose of Gardasil (HPV Vaccine) – Parents Sue Merck — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 22, 2024 — Katie Thompson Had HPV Gardasil Vaccine Injury – Headaches, Brain Surgery, Lupus— Dr. William Makis MD 11-min video
- Jun 30, 2024 — Childhood Vaccine Injuries – HPV Gardasil Vaccine caused two sisters to have infertility (Premature Ovarian Failure) — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jun 19, 2024 — Childhood Vaccine Injury – 13 year old Noah Tate Foley received 1st HPV Gardasil Vaccine May 7, 2018. From then on he became sick and died on Oct.8, 2020. First wrongful death lawsuit against Merck. — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jun 5, 2024 — Merck Used Highly Potent Aluminum in Gardasil HPV Vaccine Trials Without Informing Participants — Brenda Baletti, PhD, Children’s Health Defense link Jun 4, 2024 — HPV Vaccine; The war on adolescents — Dr. Christopher Exley link
- May 22, 2024 — HPV Vaccination – The Combination of Pharmaceutical Business and Medicine; “The normalisation of HPV vaccination is laid out in a report on industry led training of doctors in how to get parents to agree to their child being given an HPV shot… The process does not include advising parents of potential risks or harms associated with the vaccine in order to obtain properly informed consent.” [Alliance for Natural Health] — Dr. Peter F. Mayer, Children’s Health Defense link
- Mar 29, 2024 — The Troubling Legacy of Merck’s HPV Vaccines; The vaccine that’s supposed to prevent cancer can actually cause cancer? — The Truth About Cancer link
- Feb 20, 2024 — Breaking News: 10 Year Old Girl Dies Following HPV Vaccine — Children’s Health Defense 11-min video
- Feb 16, 2024 — Merck Facing Two New Wrongful Death Suits From Mothers Of 10-And 14-Year Old Girls Who Died After Receiving Gardasil — L.J. Williamson, NewsWires link
- Jan 24, 2024 — How Did 9 Healthy Young Adults React to the HPV Vax?; “We hear the outcomes of seven young women and two young men who received Merck ’s HPV vaccine, Gardasil. Kidney stones, miscarriages, hydrocephalus, brain lesions and death are among the list of side effects they never could have anticipated and certainly were never informed about. The ER visits, hospital stays and funerals were the last thing on any of their minds before going to get their Gardasil shots. The immense suffering of these nine young men and women is incessant for both them and their families years after having their last injection. With continual cognition issues, muscle pains and other debilitating issues, navigating the lingering trauma these shots caused is now a part of their daily routine. And the hearts of the families who lost their loved ones are forever broken… all because of a CDC recommended vaccine.” — Children’s Health Defense link
- Oct 11, 2023 — Undeniable Toxic Ingredients in HPV Vaccines; HPV vaccines contain an “upgraded” version of a toxin that’s been used in vaccines for the past 90 years. Its harms have been covered by unethical studies. — Yuhong Dong, The Epoch Times link
- Dec 21, 2022 — More concerns over HPV vaccine safety and effectiveness — Alliance for Natural Health link
- Jul 20, 2022 — Is Gardasil More Dangerous than HPV?; “Gardasil was fast-tracked through the system meant to safeguard our health and wellbeing. It was approved and rushed to market (like many pharmaceutical drugs with horrific side effects) despite questionable results in regard to safety. No independent studies have been done to determine if the vaccine itself causes cancer or what the long-term effects might be on those vaccinated. As should have been expected, a shocking number of girls have had adverse reactions to receiving the HPV vaccination.” — Ty & Charlene Bollinger, The Truth About Vaccines link
- Oct 11, 2019 — Gardasil Vaccine Found To Increase Cervical Cancer Risk By 44.6% In Women Already Exposed To HPV — Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Waking Times link
- Aug 19, 2019 — HPV Vaccine: Is It Safe? Doctors Answer Your Questions: Dr. Timothy Johnson and other physicians address your concerns.; “Johnson noted that he could not recommend that all girls and young women in the eligible age range for the shot get vaccinated based on what researchers currently know about the vaccine’s risk profile.” — ABC News link
- May 23, 2019 — 25 Reasons to Avoid the Gardasil Vaccine — Children’s Health Defense, Waking Times link
- Feb 12, 2019 — Women-Led Team of Mexican Scientists Develop Cure for HPV, a Leading Cause of Cancer; “This therapy doesn’t have any collateral damage to the human body, meaning it has no side effects.” — Elias Marat, TMU (Waking Times) link
- Feb 6, 2019 — Paradoxical Effect of Anti-HPV Vaccine Gardasil on Cervical Cancer Rate — Nicole Delepine, GreenMedInfo link
- Jan 14, 2019 — Revised: Court Ruling Confirms Merck’s Gardasil HPV Vaccine Kills People – Did Anyone Even Notice? — Alex Pietrowski, Waking Times link
- Dec 9, 2018 — Manufactured Crisis – HPV, Hype and Horror; “‘Manufactured Crisis — HPV, Hype and Horror,’ a film by The Alliance for Natural Health, delves into the all too often ignored dark side of this unnecessary vaccine, interviewing families whose lives have been forever altered after their young daughters suffered life-threatening or lethal side effects following Gardasil vaccination.” — Dr. Joseph Mercola, Waking Times link
- Sep 25, 2018 — The HPV Vaccine On Trial: Seeking Justice For A Generation Betrayed — Mary Holland et al book
- Jul 19, 2017 — HPV vaccine – follow the money: ANH International investigates the economics behind global HPV vaccination programs and suggests profit more than altruism might be the primary driver — Alliance for Natural Health link
- Mar 9, 2017 — Govt. Still Pushing HPV Vaccine on Kids a Decade after JW Exposed Deadly Side Effects; “A decade after Judicial Watch exposed the dangers of a government-backed cervical cancer vaccine, a federal lawsuit highlights its perilous side effects including paralysis, seizures, nausea and death. Litigation was initiated by disgruntled parents because the government is still pushing the hazardous vaccine, manufactured by pharmaceutical giant Merck, on children as young as nine years old to treat a sexually transmitted disease. The vaccine is called Gardasil and in the last ten years Judicial Watch has uncovered troves of government records documenting its harmful side effects. The vaccine was scandalously fast-tracked by the FDA and was ardently promoted by the Obama administration as a miracle shot that can prevent certain strains of cervical cancer caused by Human Papillomavirus (HPV). Instead it’s been linked to thousands of debilitating side effects, according to the government’s own daunting statistics. This includes thousands of cases of paralysis, convulsions, blindness and dozens of deaths. Back in 2008, after receiving the first disturbing batch of records from the CDC, Judicial Watch published a special report detailing Gardasil’s approval process, side effects, safety concerns and marketing practices.” — Judicial Watch link
- May 31, 2015 — Thousands of teenage girls report feeling seriously ill after routine school cancer vaccination: ‘The symptoms grew increasingly worse after the second and third injections – One time I couldn’t move anything on one side of my body’ — Paul Gallagher, The Independent link
- Mar 29, 2015 — How Vaccine Adjuvants Affect Your Brain; “FDA documentation from 2002 admit that routine toxicity studies in animals with vaccine ingredients such as aluminum adjuvants were never conducted because it was assumed that these ingredients are safe. Countries with the heaviest vaccine schedules have higher autism rates compared to countries that do not vaccinate children with as many vaccines. Compelling evidence shows the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine can raise your risk of brain autoimmune disorders, such as multiple sclerosis (MS). Research shows that repeated stimulation with the same antigen overcomes the genetic resistance to autoimmunity. So by giving regular booster shots, you break your tolerance to autoimmunity.” — Dr. Joseph Mercola link
- Apr 21, 2014 — Merck Dr. Exposes Gardasil Scandal: Ineffective, Deadly, Very Profitable — Judicial Watch link
- Dec 10, 2013 — Sisters Sue Over HPV Vaccine — The Doctors, YouTube 2-min video
- Oct 24, 2013 — $47 Mil to Get More Adolescents on Gardasil; “The U.S. government has given dozens of state and municipal health agencies nearly $50 million to boost the number of adolescents that get a dangerous cervical cancer vaccine linked to thousands of adverse reactions, debilitating side effects and even death.” — Judicial Watch link
- Jul 20, 2010 — Does Gardasil Actually Increase Your Risk of Cervical Cancer?; “As director of gynecology at St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital, Dr. Moritz is in a position to know what he’s talking about – and what he told ABC News is that this vaccine’s safety data concerns him so much that he’s neither offering it to his patients, nor giving it to his 11-year-old daughter.”— Dr. Joseph Mercola link
- Jun 22, 2009 — New FDA Records Obtained by Judicial Watch Indicate 28 Deaths Related to Gardasil in 2008; “Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced today that it has obtained records from the FDA documenting 28 deaths in 2008 associated with Gardasil, the vaccination for HPV, up from 19 deaths in 2007. The total number of Gardasil-related deaths is 47 since the vaccine was approved in 2006. Overall, the FDA documented 6,723 ‘adverse events’ related to Gardasil in 2008, of which 1,061 were considered ‘serious,’ and 142 considered ‘life threatening.'”— Judicial Watch link
- Jun 30, 2008 — Examining the FDA’s HPV Vaccine Records: Detailing the Approval Process, Side-Effects, Safety Concerns and Marketing Practices of a Large-Scale Public Health Experiment — Judicial Watch link
Hep B
Hepatitis B
- Jan 14, 2025 — Vaccines Pose Small Breathing Risk to Premature Babies, Trial Shows: Apnea is more common in hospitalized preterm infants after routine vaccinations. [Apnea is a temporary cessation of breathing.] — Cara Michelle Miller, The Epoch Times link
- Jan 10, 2025 — Experts Raise Questions About SIDS After Study Shows Vaccinating Preterm Babies Greatly Increases Risk of Apnea: Hospitalized preterm infants had a 170% higher incidence of apnea within 48 hours of receiving their routine 2-month vaccinations compared to unvaccinated babies, according to a new study. — Michael Nevradakis, Children’s Health Defense link
- Jan 7, 2025 — Trust the Science? Faulty Study Analysis; “The study, titled Apnea After 2-Month Vaccinations in Hospitalized Preterm Infants, looked at the frequency and duration of apneic events in infants born at or before 33 weeks gestation… Apneic means not breathing… In this study of 223 infants, 107 were vaccinated, and 116 were unvaccinated. The vaccinated infants received the pneumococcal, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, polio, and haemophilus influenza vaccines—SEVEN INJECTIONS! The average gestational age was 27 weeks. It’s my opinion that jabbing tiny humans this early in life is straight-up unethical… The hep B vaccine given within hours of birth is pure insanity. The people in the CDC who approved the hep B jab for babies and the doctors who administer them should be given a psych evaluation to determine if they’re psychopathic or sociopathic. The only way a person can contract hep B is if they’re doing heroin and sharing needles or having unprotected sex.” — The Truth Expedition link
- Jan 7, 2025 — Protecting Neonates: Evaluating Apnea Risks and Aluminum Exposure in NICU Immunizations; Infants must breathe to live. Dr. McCullough points to SIDS as a likely result of vaccine-induced apnea.; “There’s an expression in toxicology: The dose makes the poison. To which, a few years back, I added: Body weight makes the poison. That’s why FDA limits aluminum exposure in people with renal dysfunction to 4-5 mcg: ‘Research indicates that patients with impaired kidney function, including premature neonates, who receive parenteral levels of aluminum at greater than 4 to 5 [micro]g/kg/day accumulate aluminum at levels associated with central nervous system and bone toxicity. Tissue loading may occur at even lower rates of administration.‘ Neonates, particularly preterm infants, face unique vulnerabilities due to their developing physiology and their low body weight. A recent randomized controlled trial by Greenberg et al…. linked vaccinations to increased episodes of apnea (temporary cessation of breathing) in premature infants in the NICU, raising questions about the safety and timing of immunizations in this population.” — James Lyons-Weiler PhD link
- Sep 21, 2024 — Proud to Be Suing Hospitals and Doctors That Inject Hep B Vaccines Into Newborns Without Parental Consent; Hospitals and doctors across the nation: You are on notice — Aaron Siri link
- Aug 12, 2024 — Routine Infant Hepatitis B Vaccination Fails to Protect Into Young Adulthood: Parents Should Not Expect a Long-Term Benefit — Dr. Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH link
- Jul 14, 2024 — Childhood Vaccine Injury – 2 month old Berit “Bear” died 2 days after multiple vaccines (DTaP, Hep. B, IPV, Hib, Pneumo Conjugate 13, and Rotavirus vaccines) — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 13, 2024 — 2 Month Old Brooks Ryker State Died Suddenly 4 Days after Vaccination — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jun 19, 2024 — Adverse Outcomes Are Increased with Exposure to Added Combinations of Infant Vaccines; “This study evaluates 1,542,076 vaccine combinations administered to infants (less than 1 year of age at time of vaccination) between July 1st, 1991 and May 31st, 2011…. By examining all 7 combinations of 3 vaccines (HepB, PNC, and Rota) in context of the base and widely administered set of 3 others (DTaP, HIB, and IPV) we describe contextually relevant diseases pertaining to development, respiratory, and suspected infectious disease. We additionally go on to describe adverse outcome frequency trends… the greater the number of vaccines in the combination yields an exponentially greater number of disease diagnoses.” — Karl Jablonowski & Brian Hooker, International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research link
- Jun 12, 2024 — What You’re Not Being Told About the Hepatitis B Vaccine — The Vigilant Fox link and 1-hr video
- Apr 23, 2024 — 6 Month Old Liam Received 5 Vaccines (HepB, DTaP, Polio, Rotavirus, Pneumococcal) and Died within Hours of Vaccination — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Dec 10, 2023 — ‘Perfectly Healthy’ 15-Month-Old Girl Dies Two Days After Routine Vaccination — John-Michael Dumais, Children’s Health Defense link
- Sep 9, 2023 — Autopsy Confirms Infant Died From Over-Vaccination; Maine Mom, RN, Paid Ultimate Price Trusting Her Doctors; “A toxicology report shows that a new mom in Maine was right. Her baby, Sawyer, died when he was just eight weeks and six days old, just 34 hours after being vaccinated.” — Jennifer Margulis link
- Jan 15, 2014 — A Mother’s Decision: The First Shot, Hepatitis B; “If you are in a hospital, your baby is likely to be snatched away from you upon entry into the world, and subjected to all manner of empirical interventions aimed at damage control for all of his weaknesses and lurking dysfunctions – antibiotics in his eyes, vitamin K in his blood, a good scrubbing with some 1, 4-dioxane and formaldehyde-containing baby wash, and, since 1991, the Hepatitis B vaccine. What is that? Why does my baby need it? According to the CDC, everyone needs it. As far as we understand it, this is a communicable infection that can, in debated percentages, progress to cirrhosis, liver cancer, and death. Populations at risk are those having unprotected sex, using IV drugs (not most babies!), those transfused, or in blood contact with an infected party. Of adults infected, 90-95% clear the virus on their own, without intervention, according to my medical school textbook, Harrisons Principals of Internal Medicine.... The implication of [information provided in article] is that immune response to the vaccine, which is heralded as ‘proof of efficacy’, in fact had no statistical bearing on infectious outcomes. Only exposure to active maternal infection at birth correlated with future outcomes.” — Dr. Kelly Brogan MD, GreenMedInfo (Waking Times) link
- Aug 10, 2012 — Hep-B Vaccinations for Newborns are Crimes Against Infants — Paul Fassa, Waking Times link
- Jan 1, 2011 — There are no randomized controlled trials that assessed the effects of hepatitis B vaccine during pregnancy for preventing infant infection. — GreenMedInfo link
- Jan 1, 2010 — Male newborns vaccinated with hepatitis B prior to 1999 had a 3-fold higher risk for parentally reported autism. — GreenMedInfo link
Respiratory Syncytial Virus
- Jan 23, 2025 — RSV Vaccine Dangers Ahead… including Guillain-Barré Syndrome — Dr. Kevin Stillwagon link
- Jan 14, 2025 — Moderna Halts RSV Pediatric Vaccine Trial After Five Infants Hospitalized; “The recent phase 1 trials of two experimental respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccines for infants not only failed to provide adequate protection but may have worsened respiratory symptoms in some babies who contracted RSV or other respiratory viruses.” — Amber Baker, The Vaccine Reaction link
- Jan 14, 2025 — Vaccines Pose Small Breathing Risk to Premature Babies, Trial Shows: Apnea is more common in hospitalized preterm infants after routine vaccinations. [Apnea is a temporary cessation of breathing.] — Cara Michelle Miller, The Epoch Times link
- Jan 10, 2025 — Experts Raise Questions About SIDS After Study Shows Vaccinating Preterm Babies Greatly Increases Risk of Apnea: Hospitalized preterm infants had a 170% higher incidence of apnea within 48 hours of receiving their routine 2-month vaccinations compared to unvaccinated babies, according to a new study. — Michael Nevradakis, Children’s Health Defense link
- Jan 9, 2025 — FDA Mandates Nerve Damage Warnings for 2 RSV Vaccines; “The FDA ordered two RSV vaccine manufacturers to include a potentially paralytic side effect warning related to nerve damage on product labels. The manufacturers… must now include a warning stating a risk of Guillain-Barre syndrome following vaccination, according to a Jan. 7 statement from the agency.” — Naveen Athrappully, The Epoch Times link
- Jan 8, 2025 — RSV vaccines from Pfizer, GSK take another hit with new FDA warning mandate; “The FDA will require GSK and Pfizer to include on the label of their RSV vaccines a warning about the risk of developing Guillain-Barré syndrome… The ruling will affect GSK’s Arexvy and Pfizer’s Abrysvo, both of which were approved by the agency in May of 2023 for adults 60 years or older and realized booming sales in their first year on the market.” — Kevin Dunleavy, Fierce Pharma link
- Dec 22, 2024 — RSV Vaccination Unpopular Among Adults in First Marketing Season: Nationwide Survey Shows Little Enthusiasm for Previously Unconcerning Infection — Dr. Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH link
- Dec 17, 2024 — Feds Quietly Ban Liability for Vax Makers through Trump’s Full Term as FDA Exposes RSV Trial Harm: HHS offers no rationale for five-year expansion followed by 12 months to ‘arrange for disposition.’ RSV vaccine for infants found harm because of placebo group.” — Greg Piper, Just the News link
- Dec 16, 2024 — Covid 2.0? New RSV shots are already harming babies — Daniel Horowitz, Blaze Media link
- Dec 14, 2024 — RSV Vaccines for Children: Still Crazy After All These Years; Vaccine-enhanced disease raises its ugly head again. When will they ever learn? — Dr. Robert W. Malone link
- Dec 12, 2024 — Infants Vaccinated with Moderna RSV mRNA Jab 3x More Likely to Develop RSV Disease Than Unvaccinated: FDA; FDA flags Moderna mRNA RSV shots for causing “very severe” RSV in infants & weakening effectiveness of other medicines. — Jon Fleetwood link
- Dec 12, 2024 — RSV Jab Halted by FDA for Infants 5-8 Months Old. How About All Others? — Andreas Oehler link
- Dec 11, 2024 — Moderna Shuts Down mRNA RSV Vaccine Trial in Babies After Shots Linked to Severe Side Effects, FDA Document Reveals: The FDA’s vaccine advisory committee will meet tomorrow to discuss concerns about the vaccine, which the agency fast-tracked in 2021. Meanwhile, trials for investigational RSV vaccines for babies and some children are now on hold. — Brenda Baletti PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Dec 11, 2024 — Moderna’s mRNA vaccine against RSV takes a tumble: The latest trial data demonstrates the dangerous speed of innovation.; “The clinical trial, conducted in the UK and other countries, ended after alarming data suggested that the vaccine might not just fail to prevent severe RSV disease, but could potentially worsen it. Until now, the data were kept secret. This week, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) disclosed that vaccinated children in the trial experienced higher rates of severe RSV compared to those in the placebo group. The data were striking…” — Maryanne Demasi PhD link
- Nov 24, 2024 — America’s Compliance with Federal Vaccine Recommendations Has Collapsed: CDC report finds that the vast majority of adults reject ACIP guidelines, refusing Covid-19 genetic booster shots with no human data, as well as flu and RSV vaccines. — Nicolas Hulscher MPH link
- Nov 18, 2024 — Attorney Leigh Dundas Destroys Orange County Board of Supervisors Illegal RSV Mandate Meeting; “Human rights attorney Leigh Dundas challenges the legality and ethics of potential new restrictions due to RSV, arguing that such measures are not only unnecessary given the low mortality rate but also unconstitutional. She passionately declares resistance against any new lockdowns, masks, or business closures, emphasizing the defense of American freedoms.” — Broken Truth TV link
- Oct 2, 2024 — “5 Vaccines You Need After 50”. Or Not? A brief rebuttal.; “Shingles… RSV… Pneumococcal… Influenza… Covid-19…” — Andreas Oehler link
- Sep 26, 2024 — New Paper Shows RSV Shot for Infants May Worsen Infection; “May cause more severe RSV infection and death in some infants due to a mechanism that enhances the virus’ ability to infect cells” — Reform Pharma link
- Sep 3, 2024 — Worth the Risk? RSV Shots for Babies Lack Long-term Safety Data; Unlike conventional vaccines, nirsevimab — a new RSV shot for infants — is a monoclonal antibody. Its widespread use in children is unprecedented, and long-term safety data is limited. — Dr. Joseph Mercola, Children’s Health Defense link
- Jul 13, 2024 — 2 Month Old Brooks Ryker State Died Suddenly 4 Days after Vaccination — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 11, 2024 — Infant RSV Shots May Cause RSV, Other Infections or Death in Some Babies, Study Finds; “French scientist Hélène Banoun, Ph.D., author of the preprint study that analyzed outcomes from the 2023-2024 RSV immunization campaign in four countries, found a ‘significant increase in mortality’ among newborns between 2 and 6 days of age in France” — Brenda Baletti PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Jul 8, 2024 — Exclusive: Two Infants Died Within Hours of Receiving RSV Shots, CDC Internal Emails Show — Brenda Baletti, PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Jun 3, 2024 — FDA Approves Moderna’s mRNA RSV Vaccine — With No Input From Independent Advisers — Brenda Baletti, PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- May 15, 2024 — CHD FOIAs VAERS Reports of Infant Deaths Following RSV Vaccines — Brenda Baletti, PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Mar 11, 2024 — RSV Vaccines for Senior Adults Linked to Guillain-Barré Syndrome — Rishma Parpiam The Vaccine Reaction link
- Mar 4, 2024 — RSV Vaccines May Raise Risk of Guillain-Barré Syndrome, FDA Preliminary Analysis Finds — Zoey Becker, Fierce Pharma link
- Dec 19, 2023 — Study: Moderna’s mRNA-Based RSV Vaccine Causes High Rate of Adverse Reactions; The vaccine group suffered roughly 81 adverse events for every RSV illness the jab prevented — Naveen Athrappully, The Epoch Times link
- Nov 22, 2023 — Pfizer Failed to Disclose Risks of Preterm Birth and Neonatal Death to Pregnant Women in RSV Vaccine Trial; A BMJ investigation revealed Pfizer was studying preterm births as an “adverse event of special interest” in RSV trial, but didn’t inform pregnant participants — Megan Redshaw JD, The Epoch Times link
- Sep 9, 2023 — Autopsy Confirms Infant Died From Over-Vaccination; Maine Mom, RN, Paid Ultimate Price Trusting Her Doctors; “A toxicology report shows that a new mom in Maine was right. Her baby, Sawyer, died when he was just eight weeks and six days old, just 34 hours after being vaccinated.” — Jennifer Margulis link

Measles, Mumps, Rubella
Essential Facts
Scroll down for more detail from the sources making these points.
- Fraud and corruption with MMR vaccine trials and approval process: Pharma whistleblowers filed suit. Trials didn’t use true placebo controls. Adverse reactions were only tracked for 6 weeks. High rates of reactions were reported. [Dr. Joseph Mercola]
- Before the vaccine was introduced, getting measles was an expected and typically uneventful occurrence among children with adequate nutrition. [Dr. Russell Blaylock]
- “Measles natural immunity superior to vaccination…” [Dr. Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH]
- Research shows the importance of an adequate dose of Vitamin A for managing measles. Vitamin A has been “recommended for decades” by the WHO to manage measles. [Infectious Disease in Clinical Practice]
- Measles complications and deaths “radically diminish” with proper nutrition. The measles vaccine causes harm. [Dr. Joseph Mercola, Barbara Loe Fisher, and Sayer Ji]
- In 2014, “measles outbreaks in highly vaccinated societies occurs primarily among… [the] vaccinated.” Serious vaccine reactions continue to be reported. [Dr. Joseph Mercola]
- In 2019, “government research confirms measles outbreaks are transmitted by the vaccinated.” [Alex Pietrowski]
- In 2023, measles case was vaccine-induced. [Suzanne Burdick PhD]
- “No proof MMR vaccine is safer than measles, mumps or rubella infection, physician group says.” [Suzanne Burdick PhD]
- MMR vaccines provoked seizures in children. [Karl Kanthak]
- “As of May 2019, VAERS recorded 93,929 adverse reactions to the MMR vaccine, oncluding 1,810 disabilities and 463 deaths…. a Harvard Medical School study found that fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are ever reported.” [World Council for Health]
- “Measles vaccine likely caused death of four infants in Nepal, authorities say.” [Dr. Joseph Mercola]
- “Before the measles vaccine was developed, the annual death toll from measles in the U.S. was 450 to 500.” In 2016, more than 20,000 children died. Major causes of death included cancer, drug overdose, heart disease, and chronic respiratory disease. [Dr. Joseph Mercola]
Fraud and Corruption with MMR Vaccine Trials and Approval Process: Pharma Whistleblowers Filed Suit. Trials Didn’t Use True Placebo Controls. Adverse Reactions Were Only Tracked for 6 Weeks. High Rates of Reactions Were Reported.
In 2010, two former Merck employees sued the company, alleging Merck artificially inflated the efficacy of the mumps portion of its MMR II vaccine in testing… FDA documents obtained via FOIA requests filed by the Informed Consent Action Network reveal the MMR II vaccine… clinical trials… show[ed] a shocking amount of vaccine reactions. The… licensing studies followed up on reactions for a mere 42 days post-vaccination, not years, as is done in drug testing. All trials also used other vaccines as controls rather than a placebo, which is not going to give you a valid indication of the vaccine’s safety profile. All eight licensing trials reveal high ratios of gastrointestinal illness and upper respiratory illness occurring within the 42-day follow-up period. — Dr. Joseph Mercola, May 14, 2019 link
Before the Vaccine was Introduced, Getting Measles Was an Expected & Typically Uneventful Occurrence Among Children with Adequate Nutrition
“I grew up when there was no measles vaccine. All of us got measles,” says Dr. Russell Blaylock. “Most children recover from it and they have lifelong immunity,” he adds. After a 26-year career as a neurosurgeon, Dr. Blaylock now focuses on nutritional research. This includes finding natural ways to counter the effects of common toxins—among which he would include childhood vaccines. ‘The more vaccines, the more unhealthy [the children] were—not just neurological diseases, but more ear infections, more eczema, more asthma,’ says Dr. Blaylock, having compared samples of vaccinated, partially vaccinated, and unvaccinated children.” – Vital Signs, Epoch TV link and 24-min video
See also: Measles Natural Immunity Superior to Vaccination: Neither is Perfect, but Natural Measles Patients End Up Well Protected [Dr. Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH]
Research Shows the Importance of an Adequate Dose of Vitamin A for Managing Measles. Vitamin A Has Been “Recommended for Decades” by the WHO to Manage Measles.
Vitamin A has been recommended for decades by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the World Health Organization to manage measles in hospitalized children. However, recent studies show that vitamin A has not been used appropriately to treat US children with measles—either by not using vitamin A at all or by using insufficiently low doses. In November 2019, the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases convened a summit that included multidisciplinary subject matter experts from across the United States to discuss the use of vitamin A in US measles management. The resulting Summit recommendations include that all children in the United States presenting with measles should receive an age-appropriate dose of vitamin A as part of a comprehensive measles management protocol. Multiple studies in populations in which vitamin A deficiency is prevalent have shown that this simple, quick means of improving vitamin A status can dramatically reduce the risk of serious complications and death from measles, with minimal detectable incidence of adverse effects. – Patricia A. Stinchfield & Walter A. Orenstein, Infectious Disease in Clinical Practice, July 2020 link
Measles Complications & Deaths “Radically Diminish” with Proper Nutrition. The Measles Vaccine Causes Harm.
CDC reports that no one in the US has died of measles in the last 12 years. Meanwhile, 98 measles vaccine related deaths were reported to the US government since 2003. During that time period, 694 measles vaccine-related disabilities were reported to the Vaccine Adverse Reporting System (VAERS). Child mortality due to measles is 200 to 400 times greater in malnourished children in less developed countries than those in developed ones; as nutrition improves, complications and deaths radically diminish. – Dr. Joseph Mercola, Barbara Loe Fisher, and Sayer Ji., Mar 24, 2015 link
In 2014, “Measles Outbreaks in Highly Vaccinated Societies Occurs Primarily Among.. [the] Vaccinated.” Serious Vaccine Reactions Continue to be Reported.
Longtime MMR vaccine advocate Dr. Gregory Poland now says the measles-containing MMR shot often fails to protect against measles and that recently reported measles outbreaks in highly vaccinated societies occurs primarily among those previously vaccinated… Serious vaccine reactions continue to be reported; a new father in Australia became paralyzed after receiving a B. pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine in order to visit his newborn son in the hospital nursery… If you’re a parent considering vaccination for your children, or an adult considering vaccination for yourself, you need to defend your right to exercise informed consent so you can make an independent, empowered decision to protect your health. – Dr. Joseph Mercola, Jun 17, 2014 link
In 2019, “Government Research Confirms Measles Outbreaks are Transmitted by the Vaccinated”
The level of hysteria surrounding measles is rising fast, although there has only been 159 cases in North America this season. People are freaking out and blaming the unvaccinated for this ‘outbreak.’ Vaccine advocates are demanding that anti-vaccine voices are scrubbed from public view. Facebook is working to ban all informed vaccine content from the site. Lawmakers are proposing a flurry of legislation aimed at severely punishing families that prefer not to vaccinate, even looking to remove vaccine exemptions at the federal level… A government study actually belies this narrative, pointing out that the measles is actually transmitted by the vaccinated. Sayer Ji from Green Med Info discussed this in detail in a 2016 article… “A groundbreaking study published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases, whose authorship includes scientists working for the… National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases… and CDC… looked at evidence from the 2011 New York measles outbreak that individuals with prior evidence of measles vaccination and vaccine immunity were both capable of being infected with measles and infecting others with it (secondary transmission). This finding even aroused the attention of mainstream news reporting, such as this article from April 2014 titled ‘Measles Outbreak Traced to Fully Vaccinated Patient for First Time.’ … This phenomenon — the MMR vaccine compliant infecting other MMR vaccine compliant cases — has been ignored by health agencies and the media… We are also in the middle of autism epidemic, and already 1 in 37 boys in America is diagnosed with this life-changing condition. And while the vaccine industry will not capitulate and admit any fault whatsoever, vaccines are highly suspect in this major public health crisis. And now the pro-vaxxers want everyone who acknowledges this glaring fact to just shut up and do what they are told. As noted by Sayer Ji: “The moral of the story is that you can’t blame non-vaccinating parents for the morbidity and mortality of infectious diseases when vaccination does not result in immunity and does not keep those who are vaccinated from infecting others.” – Alex Pietrowski, Waking Times 2019 link
In 2023, Measles Case was Vaccine-Induced
A case of measles in 2023, reported by the Maine CDC and mainstream media as being the state’s first case in four years, was vaccine-induced. – Suzanne Burdick PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
“No Proof MMR Vaccine Is ‘Safer’ than Measles, Mumps or Rubella Infection, Physician Group Says”
The risk of permanent disability or death from the MMR vaccine may be greater than the risk from a measles, mumps or rubella infection because large enough vaccine safety studies haven’t been done, according to a collection of new documents released by Physicians for Informed Consent. – Suzanne Burdick PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
MMR Vaccines Provoked Seizures in Children
The MMR vaccine administered alone provokes a febrile seizure 1 in 3500 recipients. The MMR administered with a separate varicella or chicken pox vaccine provokes a seizure 1 in 2500 administrations. The MMRV… combination vaccine provokes a seizure 1 in 1250 administrations… These febrile seizures are not discrete events, but the crescendo of a weeklong ordeal of an increasingly ill child, with the majority of seizures occurring 7 to 10 days after administration… The vaccine reactions described in these documents are arguably equal to or exceed the discomfort of the illnesses the vaccines are intending to prevent. – Karl Kanthak link

“As of May 2019, VAERS Recorded 93,929 Adverse Reactions to the MMR Vaccine, including 1,810 Disabilities and 463 Deaths…. a Harvard Medical School Study found that Fewer than 1% of Vaccine Adverse Events are Ever Reported”
In regions like China, where vaccination rates reach 100%, measles outbreaks still happen, affecting thousands of children... The measles vaccine came after a decline in mortality, NOT before. Historical data shows that the death rate from measles had already declined by 98% before the vaccine was introduced… The safety of the MMR vaccine is a considerable area of concern. A 2003 Cochrane review found that the design and reporting of safety results in MMR vaccine studies were “largely inadequate”. Moreover, no long-term studies comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated populations have been conducted for the MMR vaccine. The side effects of the MMR vaccine are more common and severe than many realize. For instance: 1 in 640 children suffers from epileptic seizures after vaccination. 1 in 168 children ends up in the emergency room after their first dose. As of May 2019, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) recorded 93,929 adverse reactions to the MMR vaccine, including 1,810 disabilities and 463 deaths. These figures are likely underreported, as a Harvard Medical School study found that fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are ever reported. – World Council for Health link
“Measles Vaccine Likely Caused Death of Four Infants in Nepal, Authorities Say”
Four infants between 9 and 14 months of age recently died within 24 hours of receiving the measles vaccine in the Doti area of Nepal.. The Doti District Public Health Office has stated the primary investigation suggests the measles vaccine was the cause of death. – Dr. Joseph Mercola, Sep 4, 2012 link
“Before the Measles Vaccine was Developed, the Annual Death Toll From Measles in the U.S. was 450 to 500.” In 2016, more than 20,000 Children Died. Major Causes of Death included Cancer, Drug Overdose, Heart Disease, and Chronic Respiratory Disease.
The annual numbers of reported measles cases since 2000 have ranged from a low of 37 in 2004 to a high of 667 in 2014… The last recorded measles-associated death in the U.S. occurred in 2015. Before the measles vaccine was developed, the annual death toll from reported measles cases in the U.S. was between 450 and 500. In 2016, 20,360 children aged 1 to 19 died. Motor vehicle crashes, firearm-related injuries, cancer, suffocation, drowning, drug overdoses, heart disease and chronic respiratory disease are the major causes of child deaths. Recent research shows that when measles infection is delayed, negative outcomes are 4.5 times worse than would be expected in a prevaccine era in which the average age at infection would have been lower. — Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mar 20, 2019 link
MMR Vaccinations in Samoa in 2018 and 2019
The MMR vaccination in July of 2018 resulted in 2 infant deaths, prompting the Samoan Ministry of health to suspend all infant MMR vaccinations pending an investigation. Thus, the vaccination rate fell among 1-year-olds. As a result, the 1-year-olds’ vaccination rate fell to 31% by mid-April 2019. On Apr. 14, 2019, the MMR vaccinations resumed, and the Samoan Government Health Ministry reported in June 2019 — three months before the measles outbreak began — that 80% of 12-month-old babies had received the MMR vaccine…. RFK Jr. visits Samoa on June 2, 2019, at which time the MMR vaccination rate is back to 80% and growing. The first case of measles is reported on Aug. 28, almost 3 months after RFK Jr.’s visit and the vaccination rate well over 80% – Andreas Oehler link
“The Suffering Children of Samoa”
Paula Jardine reported on the strange case of the South Pacific island nation of Samoa’s 2019 ‘lockdown’ and compulsory mass measles vaccination programme over a period which saw the deaths of 76 under-fives. Since then she has interviewed the Samoan businessman Edwin Tamasese who reported widespread measles outbreaks six to seven days post-vaccination, and who was subsequently arrested for distributing the Vitamin A the children needed to cope… As Paula explained in her previous article, the high mortality was more likely to be due to a combination of malnutrition and an under-attenuated vaccine – that is, a vaccine where the virus had not been sufficiently weakened before being administered, as opposed to the disease itself.” — Paula Jardine, TCW link
MMR: References by Date
- No Date — Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Virus Vaccine Live Package Insert (2023) — Merck Sharp & Dohme LLC link
- No Date — The Measles Vaccine: Exposing government and industry propaganda about the safety and effectiveness of the MMR vaccine. — Jeremy R. Hammond link
- Mar 7, 2025 — Measles Facts They Won’t Tell You; “The MMR vaccine currently on the market never underwent randomized placebo-controlled trials comparing health outcomes between vaccinated and unvaccinated children?And how effective is it, really? One thing we know for sure: it isn’t as effective as natural immunity! And ‘public health’ policymakers perpetually fail to consider natural immunity and other health benefits of surviving measles infection as opportunity costs of vaccination.” — Jeremy R. Hammond link
- Mar 5, 2025 — Measles Natural Immunity Superior to Vaccination: Neither is Perfect, but Natural Measles Patients End Up Well Protected — Dr. Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH link
- Mar 5, 2025 — Measles is a con job: There will be more measles outbreaks in the future, not less — J.B. Handley link
- Mar 5, 2025 — Exclusive: ‘Just Normal Doctoring’ – a Texas Doctor’s Eyewitness Report on Measles Outbreak — Suzanne Burdick PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Mar 5, 2025 — Hawaii Kills Bill to End Vaccine Exemptions After Massive Pushback From Public: Rep. Diamond Garcia, House minority floor leader, who opposed the bill, told The Defender it was defeated because the “people of Hawai‘i sent a clear message: medical freedom is non-negotiable.” — Brenda Baletti PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Mar 5, 2025 — MMR Vaccine Fraud + Vaxxed; “Many people remember the experience of having measles in childhood as being uncomfortable yet mild. Some even had ‘parties’ with infected individuals so they could catch the disease and have natural immunity. But since its vaccine was put on the market, a new narrative has emerged about this communicable illness. It’s time to separate fact from fiction… Brian Hooker, Ph.D. and Karl Jablonowski, Ph.D. are here… to break it down.” — Children’s Health Defense link
- Mar 5, 2025 — Measles Vaccine and Gain-of-Function: The Inconvenient Truth About CD150/CD46 Tropism Shift — Jon Fleetwood link
- Mar 4, 2025 — Dr. Henry Ealy: The Measles Hoax – A Chapter in the Medical Tyranny Playbook: Exposing the tactics used to manipulate fear, control your health choices, and derail the confirmation of NIH nominee Dr. Jay Bhattacharya. — Reinette Senum link and 1-hr video
- Mar 4, 2025 — Exclusive: Mennonite Community in Texas Is ‘Frustrated’ by Media Coverage of Measles Outbreak: “It’s not just the Mennonites that have measles”— Suzanne Burdick PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Mar 4, 2025 — Rethinking How We Measure Immunity… using measles as an example — Dr. Kevin Stillwagon link
- Mar 3, 2025 — Hawaii, Religious Exemptions and Measles: Will the Playbook Work Again? Twice in recent memory, important states — California in 2015 and New York in 2019 — abolished the right to religious exemptions from school vaccine mandates in the wake of measles outbreaks. Will we see this scenario play out again in Hawaii? — Mary Holland, J.D., Children’s Health Defense link
- Mar 3, 2025 — Measles fear hype got you wondering? Here is a comprehensive analysis of the situation. Study their scare=vaccinate playbook and you’ll understand. It doesn’t vary much. But parents deserve to know the risks of the measles vaccine, too. — Brucha Weisberger link
- Mar 3, 2025 — Measles Vaccine Shedding + Cancer Care Update + The People’s Study; “Measles Vaccine Sheds for Nearly a Month” — Children’s Health Defense video
- Mar 3, 2025 — A Shot In The Dark Ep 14: MMR; “It’s one of the most controversial vaccines on the market, and Candace brings you key information you need to know to make an informed decision. Plus, is there a connection between autism and the MMR vaccine? What is Japan seeing with the MMR vaccine that the rest of the world isn’t?” — Candace Owens 45-min video
- Mar 3, 2025— Measles Plandemic Under Way: Fake News Across America Warning “Unvaccinated Children” Hospitalized and Dying From Measles Outbreak in Texas”: Side effects of the MMR jab include seizures, anaphylactic shock, inflammation of the brain, encephalitis, spontaneous abortion, and measles infection — Lioness of Judah Ministry link
- Mar 2, 2025 — Measles in Australia. It was never the enemy. Natural Immunity: Must be emphasised as superior and lifelong, contrasting with vaccine limitations. Herd immunity may only be achieved with natural immunity. — Dr. Ian Brighthope MD link
- Mar 1, 2025 — Media Panic over Measles: Another Distraction From Real Threats to Kids’ Health and Safety — Dr. Ian Brighthope MD link
- Mar 1, 2025 — Covid Architect Deborah Birx Blames Measles Outbreak on ‘Vaccine Hesitancy’ She Helped Create: And like her pandemic response strategy, her new analysis is flawed as well. — Jeffrey Jaxen link
- Feb 28, 2025 — Fear to Fact: Uncovering the Truth of Measles and Vaccines — Roman Bystrianyk link
- Feb 28, 2025 — MMR & MMRV Vaccine Febrile Seizure Rates; “The MMR vaccine administered alone provokes a febrile seizure 1 in 3500 recipients. The MMR administered with a separate varicella or chicken pox vaccine provokes a seizure 1 in 2500 administrations. The MMRV… combination vaccine provokes a seizure 1 in 1250 administrations… These febrile seizures are not discrete events, but the crescendo of a weeklong ordeal of an increasingly ill child, with the majority of seizures occurring 7 to 10 days after administration.” — Karl Kanthak link
- Feb 28, 2025 — The Role of Vitamin A in Measles Management; “‘Patients with low vitamin A levels are more likely to experience severe measles cases and complications,’ he said… Hospitalized measles patients are frequently vitamin A deficient, with low serum vitamin A (retinol) levels, which is associated with disease severity. Additionally, measles infections may also lower vitamin A levels in healthy people.” — George Citroner, The Epoch Times link
- Feb 27, 2025 — Is vaccination really the best defence against measles?; “In regions like China, where vaccination rates reach 100%, measles outbreaks still happen, affecting thousands of children… The measles vaccine came after a decline in mortality, NOT before. Historical data shows that the death rate from measles had already declined by 98% before the vaccine was introduced… The safety of the MMR vaccine is a considerable area of concern. A 2003 Cochrane review found that the design and reporting of safety results in MMR vaccine studies were “largely inadequate”. Moreover, no long-term studies comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated populations have been conducted for the MMR vaccine. The side effects of the MMR vaccine are more common and severe than many realize. For instance: 1 in 640 children suffers from epileptic seizures after vaccination. 1 in 168 children ends up in the emergency room after their first dose. As of May 2019, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) recorded 93,929 adverse reactions to the MMR vaccine, including 1,810 disabilities and 463 deaths. These figures are likely underreported, as a Harvard Medical School study found that fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are ever reported.” — World Council for Health link
- Feb 27, 2025 — Media Panic Over Measles Distracts From Real Threats to Kids’ Health and Safety; Measles outbreaks in several states, and one death in Texas, are fueling media reports of a coming public health crisis — one that could push more states to remove religious exemptions from vaccine mandates. But doctors and scientists interviewed by The Defender said the hype distracts from what’s really harming kids today. — Brenda Baletti PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Feb 27, 2025 — Pharma-Sponsored Media Launches Measles Fear Campaign Based on Distorted Science: Media-driven panic over measles ignores real risks, natural disease patterns, and the role of vaccine shedding. — Nicolas Hulscher MPH link
- Feb 27, 2025 — Episode 413: The Truth About Measles; “Del uncovers shocking truths about measles, questioning whether eradication was ever truly possible. Del’s exclusive with Dr. Larry Palevsky MD empowers any parent who has fears about measles.” — The Highwire link
- Feb 26, 2025 — Measles Vaccine Sheds for Nearly a Month – Vaccine Virus RNA Detected Up to 29 Days Post-Injection: ‘Journal of Clinical Virology’: 34% of children test positive for measles vaccine RNA after the first dose. — Jon Fleetwood link
- Feb 25, 2025 — Texas Measles Hospital CEO: “But it’s not a terribly lethal disease.” — Karl Kanthak link
- Feb 24, 2025 — MAHA Research Priorities: Towards a Rational Protocol for Measles Treatment; “The first step in managing measles is supporting the immune system and mitigating complications. Most fatalities occur not from the virus itself but from secondary infections, vitamin deficiencies, and immune suppression.” — James Lyons-Weiler PhD link
- Feb 24, 2025 — Measles Outbreak in Texas; “The uptick in the spread of the outbreak happened to coincide with the start of an MMR vaccine clinic in Seminole hosted by the South Plains Public Health District on Feb. 10-13.” — Marco Cáceres, The Vaccine Reaction link
- Feb 22, 2025 — Why You Shouldn’t Be Scared of Measles: Measles is not “back” in the U.S. It never left. The mainstream media was ready to go with its same old measles hysteria as soon as RFK Jr. took over HHS. — Megan Redshaw link
- Feb 19, 2025 — Latest Measles Outbreaks a Result of Failed Vaccines – Not Failure to Vaccinate: As measles outbreaks continue to surface, the mainstream media is pointing the blame at HHS Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s ‘anti-vaccine rhetoric.’ But measles outbreaks have repeatedly occurred in communities exceeding 95% vaccine coverage, proving the vaccine itself does not provide durable immunity. — Sayer Ji, Children’s Health Defense link
- Feb 19, 2025 — The Measles Fear Hoax: How They’re Using an Outbreak to Smear RFK Jr. — Kim Iversen, Rumble 1.5 hr video
- Feb 18, 2025 — Measles Vaccine Failures Documented for A Quarter of A Century, Around the World: Despite relentless blame on the unvaccinated, history proves that the real problem isn’t a failure to vaccinate—it’s a failing vaccine. — Sayer Ji link
- Feb 17, 2025 — Free Measles Vaccine Campaign Followed by Measles Outbreak in Texas County: Measles vaccine contains live virus that can shed onto unvaccinated. — Jon Fleetwood link
- Feb 12, 2025 — Whistleblower: Measles outbreak faked by PNW health officials in 2019: According to a former Oregon Health Authority employee, both Oregon and Washington Health authorities created a fake measles outbreak in 2019 — J.B. Handley link
- Feb 6, 2025 — Senator Hassan Proclaims Measles Vaccines Save Hundreds of Lives Per Year: Mild Illness with Well-Understood Determinants for Mortality–Senate No Place for False Drug Claims; “Death due to measles was very rare and went away decades ago in the United States and was linked to vitamin A deficiency as highlighted in a Cochrane Review where studies used vitamin A as a therapeutic resulting in a 79% reduction in death among children under age 2 years.” — Dr. Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH link
- Feb 3, 2025 — Deciding Whether to Accept an Unvaccinated Child into a Pediatric Practice; I was struck with a recent New England Journal of Medicine vignette concerning a healthy unvaccinated child. The questions imply a weighty decision for the pediatrician on whether or not to accept the patient into practice. You are going to be shocked at how many doctors would deny care to this partially vaccinated toddler who simply has not taken the MMR vaccine out of parental concerns for autism as a vaccine side effect… The poll indicated 46% of doctors would deny care to this healthy child unless the parents accepted the MMR vaccine…. [A]s demonstrated by Mawson and Jacob… healthy unvaccinated children have much lower rates of neurodevelopmental disorders by age nine years compared to vaccinated cohorts. In fact, there was a dose-response relationship between the number of vaccine visits and risk of autism spectrum disorder.” — Dr. Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH link
- Jan 16, 2025 — Hundreds of Lying Radiologists; “The MMR vaccination in July of 2018 resulted in 2 infant deaths, prompting the Samoan Ministry of health to suspend all infant MMR vaccinations pending an investigation. Thus, the vaccination rate fell among 1-year-olds. As a result, the 1-year-olds’ vaccination rate fell to 31% by mid-April 2019. On Apr. 14, 2019, the MMR vaccinations resumed, and the Samoan Government Health Ministry reported (p. 9) in June 2019 — three months before the measles outbreak began — that 80% of 12-month-old babies had received the MMR vaccine…. RFK Jr. visits Samoa on June 2, 2019, at which time the MMR vaccination rate is back to 80% and growing. The first case of measles is reported on Aug. 28, almost 3 months after RFK Jr.’s visit and the vaccination rate well over 80%, according to this timeline.” — Andreas Oehler link
- Jan 14, 2025 — Routine Hospitalization for Measles Isolation Recommended by CDC; “Because measles vaccination is not fully protective, every year there are a few hundred cases of the airborne illness that manifests as a skin rash among the vaccinated and unvaccinated… The CDC essentially says that all measles cases must come into a facility with respiratory isolation for several days whether or not they are ill. As the 2024 data show, not all parents agree and about 60% of kids are managed at home as they always have been to spend a few days away from others to reduce the spread of illness… With modern nutrition and supportive care if needed, I would expect we should have zero American measles deaths among the growing proportion of children whose parents are deferring on the MMR vaccine during childhood. Many of these children have autism or siblings with autism and they are declining further vaccination for good reason.” — Dr. Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH link
- Jan 14, 2025 — No Proof MMR Vaccine Is ‘Safer’ than Measles, Mumps or Rubella Infection, Physician Group Says: The risk of permanent disability or death from the MMR vaccine may be greater than the risk from a measles, mumps or rubella infection because large enough vaccine safety studies haven’t been done, according to a collection of new documents released by Physicians for Informed Consent. — Suzanne Burdick PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Jan 5, 2025 — Population-Level Risk Factors Related to Measles Case Fatality: A Conceptual Framework; “Many experts have pointed out that the mortality rate from measles had reduced 98% before the introduction of the measles vaccine in 1963. This is best substantiated in Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History by Roman Bystrianyk and Dr Suzanne Humphries. By that observation alone, it is impossible for vaccinologists to claim that measles shots saved lives… A comprehensive review by Sbarra et al screened 3,772 papers… As you can see, nutritional status and specifically improvement in sources of vitamin A in the diet had a major impact at improving the survivability of measles which is typically a mild infection in healthy individuals… Essentially, animal sources offer readily available vitamin A, while plant sources require conversion within the body to become active vitamin A.” — Dr. Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH link
- Dec 27, 2024 — Medical Freedom Attorney Drops Measles Vaccine Bombshell; “Did you know that the death rate from measles declined by 98% before the measles vaccine was introduced? ‘This is all on the CDC website… That decline had nothing to do with vaccines’.” — The Vigilant Fox link
- Dec 3, 2024 — The Measles ‘Immune Amnesia’ Propaganda; “What studies show is that measles infection is associated with a lower risk of dying from other diseases, not a higher risk as assumed under the “’immune amnesia’ hypothesis.” — Jeremy R. Hammond link
- Nov 20, 2024 — It’s Measles Time; “They’ve just proven my previous assertion that many children get exposed to measles, also from the measles-vaccinated, with the live attenuated virus, and develop a healthy natural immunity to measles. The more the population is jabbed, the less resilient it becomes to future measles challenges. So, good luck with that 95% measles vaccination target, Canada.” — Andreas Oehler link
- Nov 19, 2024 — Measles Cases Surged 20% Globally But Deaths Declined by 8% — Are More Vaccines the Answer? A new report from the CDC and WHO blamed lower global vaccination rates for the increase in measles. Critics said the global regions affected by measles need economic support, not more drugs. — Brenda Baletti PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Nov 18, 2024 — Measles and Measles Vaccines: 14 Things to Consider; “We now know that by the time the measles vaccine was put into place, the death rate had fallen to virtually zero along with a declining incidence of the disease. We were promised that a single shot would provide lifelong protection and that if only the ‘right’ number of children were vaccinated the disease would have been eradicated by 1967. Instead, we now have to have all children subjected to at least 2 vaccines with less than lifelong protection. Now, whereas natural measles exposure generally left the person with reliable lifelong immunity, measles vaccines leave the individual with waning immunity. Because the truly immune seniors are dying off, the vaccine immune are now recommended to get adult vaccines. This dynamic of waning immunity means we will probably see measles epidemics even in highly vaccinated populations. Because of an early and simplistic understanding of the immune system there has always been a myopic obsession with a single aspect of the immune system – antibodies. This obsession continued despite the early understanding that recovery from measles required only a well-nourished cellular immune system with absolutely no antibodies at all. Vital nutrients such as vitamin A and C and any other non-vaccine approach have been virtually ignored. It was these ingredients that were key to a healthy immune system and complete recovery from measles or even other infections.” — Roman Bystrianyk, GreenMedInfo (Vigilant News Network) link
- Sep 26, 2024 — Maine Warned Public About a Measles Case – But Didn’t Mention It Was Caused by the Vaccine; A case of measles in 2023, reported by the Maine CDC and mainstream media as being the state’s first case in four years, was vaccine-induced. — Suzanne Burdick PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Sep 24, 2024 — Measles “Outbreak” In Maine Was Vaccine-Induced All Along; “Test results from the CDC confirmed that the measles case was ‘consistent with vaccine strain,’ meaning there was no ‘outbreak’ and, instead, it was the vaccine that caused the child’s rash.” — ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network) link
- Sep 13, 2024 — Andrew Wakefield And What Really Happened With The Whole MMR Fiasco; “For most of my career, Dr Andrew Wakefield was a figure who had lurked in the periphery of my awareness. I was studying for my medical finals during the MMR fiasco that Andrew found himself in early 1998. Back then… all I knew about Andrew was that he was a disgraced doctor who was ridiculed by colleagues and shunned by the profession. It had something to do with vaccines, which was strange because aren’t vaccines safe? I look back in amazement. How did I manage to go through five years of medical school training with not one lecture on vaccines, their mode of action, ingredients, research demonstrating safety, etc., but still come out of the system with the absolute unquestioning belief that vaccines were safe and a miracle drug? Talk about mind control and indoctrination. Kudos to the Faculty of Medicine.” — Doc Malik and Dr. Andrew Wakefield link
- Aug 19, 2024 — Merck MMR Case Ruling: “You can defraud the American people when government agencies go along with it” — Steve Kirsch link
- Aug 16, 2024 — Nasty ‘Anti-Vax’ Statements About the MMR Vaccine: But, the source may surprise you; “These events are resulting in an increase in health services utilization. The estimated 595 additional children experiencing at least one event for every 100 000 vaccinated translates into approximately one child experiencing at least one event per 168 children vaccinated... You might be surprised to know that every quotation was taken from a peer-reviewed scientific paper published in the rock-solid science journal PLoS One prior to the massive politicization of science and medicine.” — Dr. Byram W. Bridle link
- Jul 23, 2024 — Childhood Vaccine Injury – 1 year old Rafael Developed Type I Diabetes Shortly after his Childhood Vaccine Visit (MMR, Hep.A) — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 19, 2024 — ‘Fraud, Pure and Simple’: Merck Mumps Vaccine May Contain Up to 4 Times Approved Amount of Live Virus; Merck misrepresented the efficacy of its mumps vaccine for years, “overfilling” the vaccine with live mumps virus to meet efficacy targets despite the lack of safety testing — and the practice may be continuing today, documents reveal — Michael Nevradakis link
- Jul 19, 2024 — 2 year Old Faith Suffered a Vaccine Injury After Routine MMR Vaccine Injection — Brucha Weisberger link
- Jul 17, 2024 — 5 Year Old Jonathan Daniel Ramirez Porter Died Suddenly After His Childhood Vaccines and Flu Shot – Brain Inflammation — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 16, 2024 — MJ’s Son Got Autism from MMR Vaccines at 18 Months — Dr. William Makis MD 7-min video
- Jul 16, 2024 — ‘Highly Confidential’: Former FDA Chief Details Fraud in Merck’s Testing, Marketing of Mumps Vaccine; For decades, Merck misrepresented the efficacy of its mumps vaccine, marketing an “adulterated” drug without proven efficacy to millions of American children, according to a recently released expert report by Dr. David Kessler, former head of the FDA — Brenda Baletti PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Jul 9, 2024 — Childhood Vaccine Injury – 18 month old Alina Sharma died weeks after childhood (18 month) vaccinations (MMRV + DTaP) — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 8, 2024 — Philadelphia Court to Hear Oral Arguments in Merck MMR Vaccine Fraud Case — Andy Wakefield, Children’s Health Defense link
- Jun 18, 2024 — Florida Surgeon General: Measles Outbreaks, Covid-19 Vaccines & Public Health — Maryanne Demasi PhD link
- Jun 17, 2024 — ‘Protocol 7’: New Film Dramatizes Story of Whistleblowers Who Allege Merck Doctored MMR Vaccine Data — Jeremy Kuzmarov, PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- May 25, 2024 — Measles Vaccine Math; Health experts are telling everyone to get the MMR shot. But simple math shows getting the measles vaccine is completely nonsensical. Who do you trust? — Steve Kirsch link
- May 21, 2024 — Near 0 Deaths Per Year from MMR in the US Over the Last 6 Years. So Why Do We Require Kids to Get the Measles Jab?; The CDC and WHO claim that the MMR vaccine is the reason there are so few deaths and that the measles vaccines have saved millions of lives. Sorry, not even close. I show you the math. It’s stunning. — Steve Kirsch link
- May 7, 2024 — Blaze News investigates: Long before Covid, Merck Allegedly Lied about Mumps Vaccine in MMR II — Cortney Weil, Blaze Media link
- Apr 13, 2024 — Measles Had Largely Disappeared in the US Before the Doctors Started Giving Measles Shots (Which Only Made the Problem Worse); Yet another illness whose lethality was wildly overstated to create a booming bio-fascist industry that’s made us all much sicker than we were before they starting using their infernal needles on us — Mark Crispin Miller link
- Apr 11, 2024 — Why Not Get the Measles Shot?; Measles Part 2: The risks of the measles vaccine. You be the judge whether the actual risks of measles outweigh the risks of the measles shot, or vice versa. — Brucha Weisberger link
- Apr 5, 2024 — Did the MMR Vax Really End Measles in the US? How Do Vaxxed Kids Compare to Unvaxxed Kids in Health?; “‘I grew up when there was no measles vaccine. All of us got measles,’ says Dr. Russell Blaylock. ‘Most children recover from it and they have lifelong immunity,’ he adds. After a 26-year career as a neurosurgeon, Dr. Blaylock now focuses on nutritional research. This includes finding natural ways to counter the effects of common toxins—among which he would include childhood vaccines. ‘The more vaccines, the more unhealthy [the children] were—not just neurological diseases, but more ear infections, more eczema, more asthma,’ says Dr. Blaylock, having compared samples of vaccinated, partially vaccinated, and unvaccinated children.” — Vital Signs, Epoch TV link and 24-min video
- Apr 4, 2024 — Who Has the Truth in the Debate on Childhood Vaccines? You Be the Judge; Measles, Part 1: View graphs that tell the real story, plus highly enlightening January 2024 email exchange with Dr. Paul Offit, in this article — Brucha Weisberger link
- Mar 25, 2024 — So-Called Anti-Vaxxers Aren’t “Delusional” — Jennifer Margulis link
- Mar 19, 2024 — Mainstream Measles Mongers; “If you’ve been following reporting from mainstream media outlets lately you could not have missed the flurry of stories about the resurgence of the measles in Canada or the US. Stern-looking public health officials with wrinkled brows are quoted as saying we’re about to be swallowed by a highly infectious disease that is vaccine-preventable. Apparently this is the next BIG thing to worry about. Or maybe not. By the old marketing adage that ‘You don’t sell the steak, you sell the sizzle,’ you can almost hear the char broilers firing up with measles stories…Those of us born before 1970 with personal experience pretty much all agree that measles is a big ‘meh.’ We all had it ourselves and so did our brothers, sisters, and school friends. We also had chicken pox and the mumps and typically got a few days off school. The only side effect of those diseases was that my mom sighed heavily and called work to say she had to stay home to look after a kid with spots… In Canada and the US, even with upwards of 90% vaccination coverage among children there are still outbreaks, mostly in middle and high schools. This is not ‘failure to vaccinate’ as the media will tell you, it is ‘vaccine failure.’ Basically the vaccine doesn’t seem to work in some people. At the same time there hasn’t been a measles-caused death in Canada or the US for at least 20 years.” — Alan Cassels, Brownstone Institute link & The Vaccine Reaction link
- Mar 14, 2024 — Measles, Oh My. Measles “Outbreaks” Making Headline News. Should We Be Very, Very Afraid?; “Remember the absolutely horrifying and sure-to-be-lethal “outbreak” of the measles at Disneyland? The one that
killedcaused a rash in so many children? That same measles scare prompted mainstream media to call for parents who did not vaccinate to be put in jail.” — Jennifer Margulis link - Mar 12, 2024 — MMR Fails to Protect Against Measles & Destroys Natural Immunity + Dengue Vaccine Trial: More Vaccinated Kids Died Than Unvaccinated; “In 2012, MMR vaccine coverage was 90.6%, and in 2018/19, according to the CDC, it was 91.6%. The CDC states that MMR vaccination rates were 93% in the 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 school years. This thoroughly refutes any claims of a ‘dangerous shift’ (or any shift)… The alleged “rise” is not a rise. It’s a 3-4 year cycle, which occurs naturally and is also due to vaccine failure and the loss of passive immunity in infants and toddlers from pregnant and breastfeeding women.” — James Lyons-Weiler and Alison Fujito link
- Feb 29, 2024 — Measles Truth & Consequences — Barbara Loe Fisher, National Vaccine Information Center link
- Feb 9, 2024 — Measles Magic: Pulling back the curtain; “Even though the US officially declared that measles was successfully eliminated (considered an absence of continuous disease transmission for greater than 12 months) from the country in the year 2000, pocket outbreaks tend to conveniently pop up just when there is a growing chorus of anti-vaccination sentiment emerging as well as noticeable decreases in overall vaccination coverage.” — Mike Stone link
- Dec 10, 2023 — ‘Perfectly Healthy’ 15-Month-Old Girl Dies Two Days After Routine Vaccination — John-Michael Dumais, Children’s Health Defense link
- Jan 6, 2023 — How the CDC Brazenly Lies about the Fatality Rate of Measles — Jeremy R. Hammond link
- Jan 4, 2023 — Vaccines and the suffering children of Samoa; “Paula Jardine reported on the strange case of the South Pacific island nation of Samoa’s 2019 ‘lockdown’ and compulsory mass measles vaccination programme over a period which saw the deaths of 76 under-fives. Since then she has interviewed the Samoan businessman Edwin Tamasese who reported widespread measles outbreaks six to seven days post-vaccination, and who was subsequently arrested for distributing the Vitamin A the children needed to cope… As Paula explained in her previous article, the high mortality was more likely to be due to a combination of malnutrition and an under-attenuated vaccine – that is, a vaccine where the virus had not been sufficiently weakened before being administered, as opposed to the disease itself.” — Paula Jardine, TCW link
- Dec 1, 2022 — Was measles outbreak in Samoa a test-bed for the global Covid lockdown?; “The Wuhan lockdown on January 23, 2020 which panicked governments around the world into copying China’s ‘house arrest’ response to Covid is said to have been unprecedented. However, it was heralded weeks earlier in the South Pacific island nation of Samoa by the drastic response to a measles outbreak. The authorities ordered the population to stay indoors and a hastily-orchestrated compulsory mass vaccination programme was launched.” — Paula Jardine, TCW link
- Oct 13, 2020 — Lancet: Measles Shot Loses Immunity Year Over Year — Dr. Joseph Mercola link
- Sep 7, 2020 — The Willful Ignorance of Measles Vaccine Failure — Jeremy R. Hammond link
- July 2020 — Vitamin A for the Management of Measles in the United States; “Vitamin A has been recommended for decades by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the World Health Organization to manage measles in hospitalized children. However, recent studies show that vitamin A has not been used appropriately to treat US children with measles—either by not using vitamin A at all or by using insufficiently low doses. In November 2019, the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases convened a summit that included multidisciplinary subject matter experts from across the United States to discuss the use of vitamin A in US measles management. The resulting Summit recommendations include that all children in the United States presenting with measles should receive an age-appropriate dose of vitamin A as part of a comprehensive measles management protocol. Multiple studies in populations in which vitamin A deficiency is prevalent have shown that this simple, quick means of improving vitamin A status can dramatically reduce the risk of serious complications and death from measles, with minimal detectable incidence of adverse effects.” — Patricia A. Stinchfield & Walter A. Orenstein, Infectious Disease in Clinical Practice link
- Jan 23, 2020 — NY Times Deceives about the Odds of Dying from Measles in the US — Jeremy R. Hammond link
- Nov 21, 2019 — Lena Sun, the Washington Post’s Resident Vaccine Propagandist — Jeremy R. Hammond link
- Oct 17, 2019 — How the Media Lie about Why Parents Don’t Vaccinate — Jeremy R. Hammond link
- Jun 10, 2019 — The Historical Facts on Measles and the Measles Vaccine Censored by Mainstream Media — Barbara Loe Fisher, Health Impact News (Stillness in the Storm) link
- May 30, 2019 — 15 Facts about Measles the Mainstream Media Won’t Tell You — Jeremy R. Hammond link
- May 14, 2019 — What’s the Truth Behind MMR Vaccine Testing?; “In 2010, two former Merck employees sued the company, alleging Merck artificially inflated the efficacy of the mumps portion of its MMR II vaccine in testing… FDA documents obtained via FOIA requests filed by the Informed Consent Action Network reveal the MMR II vaccine… clinical trials… show[ed] a shocking amount of vaccine reactions. The… licensing studies followed up on reactions for a mere 42 days post-vaccination, not years, as is done in drug testing. All trials also used other vaccines as controls rather than a placebo, which is not going to give you a valid indication of the vaccine’s safety profile. All eight licensing trials reveal high ratios of gastrointestinal illness and upper respiratory illness occurring within the 42-day follow-up period.” — Dr. Joseph Mercola link
- May 6, 2019 — Why Didn’t California’s Vaccine Mandate Stop the Measles? — Ethan Huff, Natural News (Stillness in the Storm) link
- Apr 27, 2019 — ZERO U.S. Measles Deaths in 10 Years, but Over 100 Measles Vaccine Deaths Reported; “Here are some easily verifiable facts regarding deaths associated with measles in the United States for the past 10 years, and deaths associated with measles vaccines during the same 10 year period. The CDC keeps a weekly tally of disease outbreaks, including deaths. According to a statement made by Dr. Anne Schuchat, [a] director [at] CDC… in an Associated Press story picked up by Fox News on April 25, 2014: ‘There has been no measles deaths (sic) reported in the U.S. since 2003’… The U.S. Government keeps a database of reports called The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). The database is available to the public, and there is a search portal the public can use at We ran a search for a ten year period for deaths reported with measles vaccines, including a few that are no longer in production. The search result contained 108 deaths over this period, associated with four different measles vaccines sold in the United States during the past 10 years.”— Humans are Free, Stillness in the Storm link
- Apr 24, 2019 — NBC and CNN Caught FAKING Measles Pics; “The mainstream media has been caught red handed faking measles photos of children, seemingly in an attempt to scare the public into getting vaccinated. Nathan Stolpman of the Lift The Veil channel reveals the photos along with recent news about people being fined for not getting the MMR jab.” — Nathan Stolpman, Activist Post (Stillness in the Storm) link
- Apr 23, 2019 — ‘Boiled Frog’ Game Continues as New Yorkers Face Jail Time for Skipping Measles Vaccine — Dr. Joseph Mercola link
- Apr 23, 2019 — Japan Leads the Way: No Vaccine Mandates and No MMR Vaccine = Healthier Children — Kristina Kristen, Children’s Health Defense link
- Mar 20, 2019 — Measles Propaganda Can Have Dire Public Health Ramifications; “The annual numbers of reported measles cases since 2000 have ranged from a low of 37 in 2004 to a high of 667 in 2014… The last recorded measles-associated death in the U.S. occurred in 2015. Before the measles vaccine was developed, the annual death toll from reported measles cases in the U.S. was between 450 and 500. In 2016, 20,360 children aged 1 to 19 died. Motor vehicle crashes, firearm-related injuries, cancer, suffocation, drowning, drug overdoses, heart disease and chronic respiratory disease are the major causes of child deaths. Recent research shows that when measles infection is delayed, negative outcomes are 4.5 times worse than would be expected in a prevaccine era in which the average age at infection would have been lower.” — Dr. Joseph Mercola link
- Mar 12, 2019 — Why Herd Immunity Is a Hoax — Dr. Joseph Mercola link
- Feb 28, 2019 — Government Research Confirms Measles Outbreaks are Transmitted by the Vaccinated — Alex Pietrowski, Waking Times link
- Feb 9, 2019 — Science CONFIRMS it: Vaccines Spread Measles — Ethan Huff, Natural News (Stillness in the Storm) link
- Feb 4, 2019 — Measles Scare Tactics Hurt Us All — Anne Mason, GreenMedInfo link
- Feb 16, 2016 — Zika: The Essence of the Hoax; “True researchers would be looking for multiple causes where, in general, brain and nervous-system damage is the result. Causes such as? Toxic pesticides, including Roundup and atrazine. Brazil uses more pesticides than any nation in the world, and many of these chemicals are banned in other countries. Toxic vaccines—for example, the Tdap, which was recommended to pregnant women in Brazil in 2014. The MMR vaccine. Other vaccines. Look, for example, at aluminum ingredients, which cross the blood-brain barrier and are neurotoxic. Genetically-engineered mosquitoes, released to combat mosquitoes that carry dengue fever. No human health studies were done. Anti-mosquito sprays. Chemicals used to fumigate public places. The mosquito-killing insecticide, pyroproxyfen, which has been dumped in water supplies. And of course, those traditional immune-system destroyers, severe malnutrition, lack of basic sanitation, overcrowding, and stolen farm land. There are other potential causes.” — Jon Rappoport, Waking Times link
- Jul 17, 2015 — The MMRV (measles-mumps-rubella-varicella) vaccine is associated with an increased risk of febrile seizures. — GreenMedInfo link
- Jul 5, 2015 — A Measles Death, Vaccines, and the Media’s Failure to Inform: US media reports on the first confirmed measles death since 2003 treat the subject of vaccines as though there was no discussion to be had. There is. — Jeremy R. Hammond link
- Mar 24, 2015 — Recently Vaccinated Individuals Found to Spread Disease; “You can shed live virus in body fluids whether you have a viral infection or have gotten a live attenuated viral vaccine. The Johns Hopkins Patient Guide for immunocompromised patients used to mention avoiding ‘contact with children who are recently vaccinated’.” — Dr. Joseph Mercola link
- Mar 24, 2015 — Dissolving Illusions About the Measles Vaccine; “CDC reports that no one in the US has died of measles in the last 12 years. Meanwhile, 98 measles vaccine related deaths were reported to the US government since 2003. During that time period, 694 measles vaccine-related disabilities were reported to the Vaccine Adverse Reporting System (VAERS). Child mortality due to measles is 200 to 400 times greater in malnourished children in less developed countries than those in developed ones; as nutrition improves, complications and deaths radically diminish.” — Dr. Joseph Mercola link
- Feb 2, 2015 — Studies Show that Vaccinated Individuals Spread Disease; “Scientific evidence demonstrates that individuals vaccinated with live virus vaccines such as MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), rotavirus, chicken pox, shingles and influenza can shed the virus for many weeks or months afterwards and infect the vaccinated and unvaccinated alike. Furthermore, vaccine recipients can carry diseases in the back of their throat and infect others while displaying no symptoms of a disease.” — Weston A. Price Foundation, GlobeNewswire link
- Oct 8, 2014 — What Whistleblowers Tell Us About Vaccine Safety and Effectiveness; “In 2010, two Merck virologists filed a federal lawsuit under the False Claims Act against their former employer, alleging the vaccine maker lied about the effectiveness of their mumps vaccine (which is part of the trivalent measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine). The whistleblowers, Stephen Krahling and Joan Wlochowski, claimed they witnessed ‘firsthand the improper testing and data falsification in which Merck engaged to artificially inflate the vaccine’s efficacy findings.'” — Dr. Joseph Mercola, Waking Times link
- Jun 17, 2014 — Outspoken Vaccine Advocate States Measles Vaccine Can’t Prevent Measles Outbreaks; “Longtime MMR vaccine advocate Dr. Gregory Poland now says the measles-containing MMR shot often fails to protect against measles and that recently reported measles outbreaks in highly vaccinated societies occurs primarily among those previously vaccinated… Serious vaccine reactions continue to be reported; a new father in Australia became paralyzed after receiving a B. pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine in order to visit his newborn son in the hospital nursery. The parents of Saba Button reached a settlement with the vaccine’s manufacturer and the Australian government after it was ruled that she suffered permanent brain and organ damage after getting the Fluvax shot when she was 11 months old. If you’re a parent considering vaccination for your children, or an adult considering vaccination for yourself, you need to defend your right to exercise informed consent so you can make an independent, empowered decision to protect your health.” — Dr. Joseph Mercola link
- Nov 12, 2013 — Measles Reports in America: What Does It Mean?; “American children are among the most highly vaccinated in the world. Over 90 percent of American toddlers have received a measles-containing MMR shot by age three, along with 10 other government recommended vaccines. Americans born before 1957 have naturally acquired immunity to measles and we passed antibodies on to our babies when they were born to protect them from measles during the first year of life. Because vaccine antibodies are different from naturally-acquired measles antibodies, young vaccinated moms today cannot give longer lasting naturally acquired measles antibodies to their newborns. We have seen a militarization of the public health system in the past century to justify global vaccination campaigns. The public conversation about vaccination, health and autonomy has become ugly and divisive in the 21st century because the War on Disease has been turned into a War on Values and Beliefs.” — Dr. Joseph Mercola link
- Jun 3, 2013 — Inventor of Rotavirus Vaccine Wants To End Parental Exemptions For School Vaccinations; “Public health officials are routinely failing to inform the public of their right to refuse vaccines in both school and work settings. Greater powers are at work to make mandatory vaccination policies which will allow officials to conduct childhood vaccinations without any parental consent at all. The inventor of the rotavirus vaccine wants all exemptions based on religious or philosophical grounds to end along with informed consent and the freedom to choose. Paul A. Offit, MD is an American pediatrician who specializes in infectious disease and is also the co-inventor of a rotavirus vaccine.” — Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease, Waking Times link
- Jan 18, 2013 — Vaccine Court Awards Millions to Two Children With Autism; “The federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, better known as ‘vaccine court,’ has just awarded millions of dollars to two children with autism for ‘pain and suffering’ and lifelong care of their injuries, which together could cost tens of millions of dollars. The government did not admit that vaccines caused autism, at least in one of the children. Both cases were ‘unpublished,’ meaning information is limited, and access to medical records and other exhibits is blocked… These cases fit the pattern of other petitions, (i.e., Poling and Banks) in which the court ruled (or the government conceded) that vaccines had caused encephalopathy (brain disease), which in turn produced permanent injury, including symptoms of autism and ultimately an austism spectrum disorder ASD diagnosis… Meanwhile, parents, grandparents, friends and neighbors of both children testified they were developmentally normal, if not advanced for their age when they developed seizures, spiking fevers and other adverse reactions to their vaccines. According to these eyewitnesses, the children never fully recovered, and instead began losing vocabulary, eye contact and interest in others around them, all classic symptoms of regressive autism. In the first case, involving a 10-year-old boy from Northern California named Ryan Mojabi, the parents allege that ‘all the vaccinations’ received from 2003-2005, and ‘more specifically, measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccinations,’ caused a ‘severe and debilitating injury to his brain…'” — David Kirby, Huffington Post (CureZone) link
- Sep 4, 2012 — Measles Vaccine Likely Caused Death of Four Infants in Nepal, Authorities Say; “Four infants between 9 and 14 months of age recently died within 24 hours of receiving the measles vaccine in the Doti area of Nepal.. The Doti District Public Health Office has stated the primary investigation suggests the measles vaccine was the cause of death.” — Dr. Joseph Mercola link
- Jul 4, 2012 — Scientists Sue Merck: Allege Fraud for MMR Vaccine — Suzanne Humphries, Waking Times link
- Jun 14, 2012 — Vaccine programmes must consider their effect on general resistance; “There are few observational studies and virtually no randomised clinical trials documenting the effect on child mortality of any of the existing vaccines. A notable exception is the high titre measles vaccine, which was withdrawn because an interaction with DTP vaccine resulted in a 33% increase in mortality among children aged 4-60 months in several west African randomised trials.” — Peter Aaby et al, BMJ link
- May 4, 2012 — Italian Court Rules MMR Vaccine Did Trigger Autism — Natural Health News Waking Times link
- Dec 31, 2011 — “The design and reporting of safety outcomes in MMR vaccine studies, both pre- and post-marketing, are largely inadequate.” — GreenMedInfo link
- Oct 13, 2010 — Twins Die Minutes after Measles Vaccination — Dr. Joseph Mercola link
- Oct 19, 2005 — Vitamin A for treating measles in children; “Vitamin A … 200,000 IUs on each day for two days… lowered the number of deaths from measles [by 79%] in hospitalized children under the age of two years.” — Hui Ming Yang et al, Cochrane Library link
- Mar 1, 2004 — Thimerosol-containing vaccines are associated with autism prevalence and measles-containing vaccines are associated with serious neurological disorders. — GreenMedInfo link
- Jan 27, 2002 — Wakefield Stands by MMR Claims — Panorama, BBC News link
- February 2000 — Vitamin A and Measles; “The relative risk of mortality in children less than 2 years of age was reduced significantly by a factor of 8 when supplemented with vitamin A (200,000 IU) upon hospital admission for measles and again the following day when compared with children who received a placebo on the 2 days.” — Clive E. West PhD, Nutrition Reviews link
- 1991 — Adverse Effects of Pertussis and Rubella Vaccines: A Report of the Committee to Review the Adverse Consequences of Pertussis and Rubella Vaccines; “There is a substantial body of evidence, both from controlled and noncontrolled studies in humans, relating rubella vaccine to acute arthropathy and arthritis. The earliest evidence derives from noncontrolled retrospective and prospective studies conducted in the late 1960s and early 1970s… When all rubella vaccine strains, including the discontinued strains, are considered as a group, the evidence indicates a causal relation with chronic arthritis in adult women… There have been reports of cases of paresthesias [pins and needles sensation from pressure on a nerve] and pain involving the arms and the knees… following rubella vaccination.” — Institute of Medicine link
- No Date — Shining a Light on Rubella — Health Freedom Institute link
- No Date — U.S., Italian Courts Award Millions for Vaccine-Autism Cases; “As David Kirby reported here, ‘The federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, better known as “vaccine court,” has just awarded millions of dollars to two children with autism for ‘pain and suffering’ and lifelong care of their injuries, which together could cost tens of millions of dollars.’ The Autism Action Network issued a statement that says, in part: ‘It happened again. The federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) has awarded Ryan Mojabi and his family a multi-million dollar settlement for autism as the result of an injury from the Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR) vaccine. Ryan’s family joins Hannah Poling and at least 85 others who have received judgments for vaccine-induced autism from the VICP. These people aren’t supposed to exist. We are told again and again that vaccines cannot cause autism, vaccines have never caused autism, and vaccines never will cause autism. Except when they do.” — Age of Autism link
DTap, DTP, DPT, Td, Tdap
Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (Whooping Cough)
- Feb 7, 2025 — The Latest “Bird Flu” Psyop; “The CDC recommends a booster for the tetanus vaccine every 10 years for adults. However, research published almost a decade ago suggests that the protection from tetanus and diphtheria vaccination lasts at least 30 years after completing the standard childhood vaccination series… Both the tetanus and diphtheria vaccines carry risks for adults. It is estimated that… anaphylaxis [potentially fatal allergic reaction] after tetanus vaccination… [has] an incidence of 1.6 cases per million doses. That means if 100 million adults receive the booster every ten years, 320 cases of anaphylaxis will be avoided… [from] two boosters being eliminated. Tetanus has always been a ‘rare’ disease, spread through a skin wound contaminated by [a particular bacteria]… The traditional stand-alone tetanus vaccine… has been discontinued due to WHO recommendations… Now, in order to get a booster tetanus shot, an adult must take the… Td… Why is the DPT combination vaccine discouraged in adults due to encephalitis [acute brain inflammation] risk, but is recommended for children? Another one of those inconvenient issues that plague the CDC-recommended childhood vaccine schedule.” — Dr. Robert Malone, Brownstone Institute link
- Jan 29, 2025 — In Another Mad Dash to Trash Kennedy, NYTimes Shows Their Vast Ignorance… Again, and Again, and Again; “Kennedy raises legitimate concerns about pertussis vaccines, but the NYT dismisses them outright. They rely on expert panels’ conclusions without addressing: Historical neurological injury concerns surround the whole-cell pertussis vaccine; The methodological flaws in studies that dismissed adverse effects; The reality that West African studies DID show higher mortality post-vaccination, a finding they conveniently wave away. A notable 2017 study in BMJ Global Health revisited these mortality concerns, questioning the original dismissal of adverse outcomes.” — James Lyons-Weiler PhD link
- Jan 14, 2025 — Vaccines Pose Small Breathing Risk to Premature Babies, Trial Shows: Apnea is more common in hospitalized preterm infants after routine vaccinations. [Apnea is a temporary cessation of breathing.] — Cara Michelle Miller, The Epoch Times link
- Jan 10, 2025 — Experts Raise Questions About SIDS After Study Shows Vaccinating Preterm Babies Greatly Increases Risk of Apnea: Hospitalized preterm infants had a 170% higher incidence of apnea within 48 hours of receiving their routine 2-month vaccinations compared to unvaccinated babies, according to a new study. — Michael Nevradakis, Children’s Health Defense link
- Jan 7, 2025 — Trust the Science? Faulty Study Analysis; “The study, titled Apnea After 2-Month Vaccinations in Hospitalized Preterm Infants, looked at the frequency and duration of apneic events in infants born at or before 33 weeks gestation… Apneic means not breathing… In this study of 223 infants, 107 were vaccinated, and 116 were unvaccinated. The vaccinated infants received the pneumococcal, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, polio, and haemophilus influenza vaccines—SEVEN INJECTIONS! The average gestational age was 27 weeks. It’s my opinion that jabbing tiny humans this early in life is straight-up unethical… The hep B vaccine given within hours of birth is pure insanity. The people in the CDC who approved the hep B jab for babies and the doctors who administer them should be given a psych evaluation to determine if they’re psychopathic or sociopathic. The only way a person can contract hep B is if they’re doing heroin and sharing needles or having unprotected sex.” — The Truth Expedition link
- Jan 7, 2025 — Protecting Neonates: Evaluating Apnea Risks and Aluminum Exposure in NICU Immunizations; Infants must breathe to live. Dr. McCullough points to SIDS as a likely result of vaccine-induced apnea.; “There’s an expression in toxicology: The dose makes the poison. To which, a few years back, I added: Body weight makes the poison. That’s why FDA limits aluminum exposure in people with renal dysfunction to 4-5 mcg: ‘Research indicates that patients with impaired kidney function, including premature neonates, who receive parenteral levels of aluminum at greater than 4 to 5 [micro]g/kg/day accumulate aluminum at levels associated with central nervous system and bone toxicity. Tissue loading may occur at even lower rates of administration.‘ Neonates, particularly preterm infants, face unique vulnerabilities due to their developing physiology and their low body weight. A recent randomized controlled trial by Greenberg et al…. linked vaccinations to increased episodes of apnea (temporary cessation of breathing) in premature infants in the NICU, raising questions about the safety and timing of immunizations in this population.” — James Lyons-Weiler PhD link
- Nov 10, 2024 — Whooping Cough (Pertussis): On Bacteria — Lies are Unbekoming link
- Oct 17, 2024 — CBS News Misinforms the Public on Pertussis Vaccination Policy; “CBS’s Dr. Jon Lapook overlooked key scientific data… Because the vaccine fails to prevent infection but instead targets symptoms, vaccinated recipients are actually at greater risk of becoming asymptomatic carriers if exposed… The pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine does not confer herd immunity… the acellular pertussis vaccine does not prevent asymptomatic infection or transmission… vaccination coverage itself has been declining due to increased skepticism.” — James Lyons-Weiler PhD link
- Jul 19, 2024 — 18 Month Old Izzy Had a Severe Reaction to DTaP Vaccine — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 18, 2024 — 2 Month Old Baby Charron was Injured by DTaP Vaccine – Developed Severe Food Allergies — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 18, 2024 — CHD: Jacqueline’s son was vaccine injured at 7 months — Dr. William Makis MD 6-min video
- Jul 17, 2024 — 5 Year Old Jonathan Daniel Ramirez Porter Died Suddenly After His Childhood Vaccines and Flu Shot – Brain Inflammation — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 16, 2024 — Childhood Vaccine Injuries – 6 month old Evee Gayle Clobes died 1.5 days after her childhood vaccines — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 15, 2024 — CHD: Debbie’s son Braden got Diabetes after DTaP & Meningitis Vaccines — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 14, 2024 — Childhood Vaccine Injury – 2 month old Berit “Bear” died 2 days after multiple vaccines (DTaP, Hep. B, IPV, Hib, Pneumo Conjugate 13, and Rotavirus vaccines) — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 12, 2024 — This is What DTaP Vaccine Did: 4 Month Old “Sudden Death.” Parents, Be Forewarned. 4 month old Mason Bundy died suddenly 3 days after DTaP Vaccine – death was labeled as “SIDS” (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) — Brucha Weisberger link
- Jul 10, 2024 — Childhood Vaccine Injury – 4 month old Mason Bundy died suddenly 3 days after DTaP Vaccine – death was labeled as “SIDS” (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) — Dr. WIlliam Makis MD link
- Jul 9, 2024 — Childhood Vaccine Injury – 18 month old Alina Sharma died weeks after childhood (18 month) vaccinations (MMRV + DTaP) — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 5, 2024 — Deconstructing the Lies: Refuting the Propaganda for Maternal Tdap Vaccination; Shocking facts, but true — Brucha Weisberger link
- Jun 24, 2024 — What’s Really in Childhood Vaccines? And, did you know that DTaP vaccination puts your child at significantly higher risk of Sudden Infant Death? — Brucha Weisberger link
- Jun 19, 2024 — Adverse Outcomes Are Increased with Exposure to Added Combinations of Infant Vaccines; “This study evaluates 1,542,076 vaccine combinations administered to infants (less than 1 year of age at time of vaccination) between July 1st, 1991 and May 31st, 2011…. By examining all 7 combinations of 3 vaccines (HepB, PNC, and Rota) in context of the base and widely administered set of 3 others (DTaP, HIB, and IPV) we describe contextually relevant diseases pertaining to development, respiratory, and suspected infectious disease. We additionally go on to describe adverse outcome frequency trends… the greater the number of vaccines in the combination yields an exponentially greater number of disease diagnoses.” — Karl Jablonowski & Brian Hooker, International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research link
- May 14, 2024 — Whooping Cough Vaccination; A Story of Dishonesty and Deceit— Rhoda Wilson, The Expose link
- Apr 23, 2024 — 6 Month Old Liam Received 5 Vaccines (HepB, DTaP, Polio, Rotavirus, Pneumococcal) and Died within Hours of Vaccination — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Dec 10, 2023 — ‘Perfectly Healthy’ 15-Month-Old Girl Dies Two Days After Routine Vaccination — John-Michael Dumais, Children’s Health Defense link
- Sep 9, 2023 — Autopsy Confirms Infant Died From Over-Vaccination; Maine Mom, RN, Paid Ultimate Price Trusting Her Doctors; “A toxicology report shows that a new mom in Maine was right. Her baby, Sawyer, died when he was just eight weeks and six days old, just 34 hours after being vaccinated.” — Jennifer Margulis link
- Aug 30, 2023 — ‘They Told Us Our Daughter Would Never Be Normal’; “Matt and Katrina had a happy, healthy baby named Megan who was advanced for her age, and exceeded all her milestones. Prior to her well check visit at 4 months old, she would ‘jump up and down smiling’, play with toys, sit up and down and maintain eye contact. 20 days after she was administered a group of routine immunizations, including the DTaP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis) vaccine, she was found seizing in her crib at day care and had stopped breathing. Megan was airlifted to a nearby hospital where she remained for three weeks. ‘She was screaming 24/7’, and placed on a breathing tube, parents Matt and Katrina told [us]. Today, Megan is 10 years old and in need of complete care. “She needs help in every aspect of her life,” suffering from seizures and vision impairment from damaged brain processing centers. Despite her life being stolen from her, Megan enjoys ‘playing ball’, going on walks with her Dad and reading books. ‘Do your research’, Matt and Katrina warn.”— Children’s Health Defense link and 9-min video
- Apr 15, 2023 — Pertussis; Or Croup if you are vaccinated; “Not only does Pertussis vaccination make you more likely to get Pertussis, but also makes you an asymptomatic carrier as vaccination acts to suppress symptoms, even as viral load is increasing.” — Lies are Unbekoming link
- Apr 28, 2020 — The Bill Gates Effect: WHO’s DTP Vaccine Killed More Children in Africa Than the Diseases it Targeted — Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Waking Times link
- Mar 8, 2017 — DTP Vaccine Increases Mortality 5-Fold, in Study Without Healthy User Bias — Vaccine Papers link
- Feb 1, 2017 — The Introduction of Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis and Oral Polio Vaccine Among Young Infants in an Urban African Community: A Natural Experiment; “DTP was associated with increased mortality” — Søren Wengel Mogensen et al, EBio Medicine and PubMed link
- Oct 13, 2016 — Receipt of whole cell pertussis-containing DTP vaccine was associated with an increase in all-cause mortality. — GreenMedInfo link
- Apr 4, 2016 — Vaccine Maker Admits On FDA Website that DTaP Vaccine Causes Autism; “A Huge hat tip and shout out goes to Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, for finding pharmacological admittance and written proof that at least one vaccine causes autism as an adverse reaction. According to the U.S. FDA’s online Biologics Blood Vaccines publication… DTaP package insert information under the section for Adverse Reactions, which runs from page 6 to page 11, we find the following declared admission that DTaP caused autism “during post-approval use of Tripedia vaccine.” See the copy and paste information below. So, why all the denials that a vaccine hasn’t or can’t cause autism?” — Frompovich, Waking Times link
- Feb 16, 2016 — Zika: The Essence of the Hoax; “True researchers would be looking for multiple causes where, in general, brain and nervous-system damage is the result. Causes such as? Toxic pesticides, including Roundup and atrazine. Brazil uses more pesticides than any nation in the world, and many of these chemicals are banned in other countries. Toxic vaccines—for example, the Tdap, which was recommended to pregnant women in Brazil in 2014. The MMR vaccine. Other vaccines. Look, for example, at aluminum ingredients, which cross the blood-brain barrier and are neurotoxic. Genetically-engineered mosquitoes, released to combat mosquitoes that carry dengue fever. No human health studies were done. Anti-mosquito sprays. Chemicals used to fumigate public places. The mosquito-killing insecticide, pyroproxyfen, which has been dumped in water supplies. And of course, those traditional immune-system destroyers, severe malnutrition, lack of basic sanitation, overcrowding, and stolen farm land. There are other potential causes.” — Jon Rappoport, Waking Times link
- Jan 11, 2016 — In seven studies of BCG-vaccinated children, DTP vaccination was associated with an increase in mortality in girls. — GreenMedInfo link [“Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) is a vaccine for tuberculosis (TB).” – CDC]
- Jun 30, 2015 — Journal Verifies That the Vaccinated Are Transmitting Disease; “Officials at the CDC say the best way to prevent pertussis is to get vaccinated. However, more data continues to present itself suggesting that may be completely false. A new study published in BMC Medicine… points to a different, but related, source of the outbreak — vaccinated people who are infectious but who do not display the symptoms of whooping cough… In 2012, whooping cough, or pertussis, spread across the entire US at rates at least twice as high as those recorded in 2011 and epidemiologists and health officials were even admitting that the vaccines may be the cause… In the 1990s adverse side effects of previous whooping cough vaccines led to the development and introduction of acellular pertussis vaccines, which use just a handful of the bacteria’s proteins. The standard DTP or DPT vaccine is acknowledged to be the deadliest of all vaccines, causing more disability, illness and the highest risks, even exceeding MMR. In the study cited above, the researchers noted the vaccine’s effectiveness was only 41 percent among 2- to 7-year-olds and a dismal 24 percent among those aged 8-12.” — Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease (Waking Times) link
- Jun 3, 2013 — Inventor of Rotavirus Vaccine Wants To End Parental Exemptions For School Vaccinations; “Public health officials are routinely failing to inform the public of their right to refuse vaccines in both school and work settings. Greater powers are at work to make mandatory vaccination policies which will allow officials to conduct childhood vaccinations without any parental consent at all. The inventor of the rotavirus vaccine wants all exemptions based on religious or philosophical grounds to end along with informed consent and the freedom to choose. Paul A. Offit, MD is an American pediatrician who specializes in infectious disease and is also the co-inventor of a rotavirus vaccine.” — Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease, Waking Times link
- Jan 18, 2013 — Vaccine Court Awards Millions to Two Children With Autism; “The federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, better known as ‘vaccine court,’ has just awarded millions of dollars to two children with autism for ‘pain and suffering’ and lifelong care of their injuries, which together could cost tens of millions of dollars. The government did not admit that vaccines caused autism, at least in one of the children. Both cases were ‘unpublished,’ meaning information is limited, and access to medical records and other exhibits is blocked… These cases fit the pattern of other petitions, (i.e., Poling and Banks) in which the court ruled (or the government conceded) that vaccines had caused encephalopathy (brain disease), which in turn produced permanent injury, including symptoms of autism and ultimately an austism spectrum disorder ASD diagnosis… Meanwhile, parents, grandparents, friends and neighbors of both children testified they were developmentally normal, if not advanced for their age when they developed seizures, spiking fevers and other adverse reactions to their vaccines. According to these eyewitnesses, the children never fully recovered, and instead began losing vocabulary, eye contact and interest in others around them, all classic symptoms of regressive autism. In the first case, involving a 10-year-old boy from Northern California named Ryan Mojabi, the parents allege that ‘all the vaccinations’ received from 2003-2005, and ‘more specifically, measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccinations,’ caused a ‘severe and debilitating injury to his brain…'” — David Kirby, Huffington Post (CureZone) link
- Jun 15, 2012 — Unexpectedly Limited Durability of Immunity Following Acellular Pertussis Vaccination in Preadolescents in a North American Outbreak; “The vaccine effectiveness was 41%, 24%, and 79% for children aged 2–7 years, 8–12 years, 13–18 years, respectively.” — Maxwell A. Witt et al, Clincial Infectious Diseases link
- Jun 14, 2012 — Vaccine programmes must consider their effect on general resistance; “There are few observational studies and virtually no randomised clinical trials documenting the effect on child mortality of any of the existing vaccines. A notable exception is the high titre measles vaccine, which was withdrawn because an interaction with DTP vaccine resulted in a 33% increase in mortality among children aged 4-60 months in several west African randomised trials.” — Peter Aaby et al, BMJ link
- Mar 21, 2012 — Whooping cough beats vaccine; “… new strains of whooping cough bacteria are evading Australia’s vaccine against the disease and entrenching a four-year epidemic that could spread overseas, Sydney scientists have found in research that raises questions about the national immunisation program.” — Julie Robotham, The Sydney Morning Herald link
- Feb 1, 2000 — DTP or tetanus vaccination increases the risk of allergies and related respiratory symptoms in children and adolescents. — GreenMedInfo link
- 1994 — DPT Vaccine and Chronic Nervous System Dysfunction: A New Analysis; “The Committee… determined that the evidence is consistent with a causal relation between DPT and acute encephalopathy [disorders and diseases of the brain].” — Institute of Medicine link
- 1991 — Adverse Effects of Pertussis and Rubella Vaccines: A Report of the Committee to Review the Adverse Consequences of Pertussis and Rubella Vaccines; “In 1933, Madsen reported on two infants who received immunizations against pertussis shortly after birth and died within 2 hours of their second shot at ages 4 and 11 days, respectively. Although there were other isolated case reports of death following DPT immunization, current concern about pertussis and SIDS dates from March 1979, when the Tennessee Department of Health reported that four sudden and unexplained deaths had occurred since November 1978; these infants had all died within 24 hours following their first DPT immunization. All four children had received vaccine from the same lot (lot A), which was the predominant lot in use in Tennessee at that time. A subsequent investigation confirmed a greater than expected temporal relation between lot A DPT vaccine and SIDS.” — Institute of Medicine link
- Jan 1, 1985 — The risk of adverse events from the pertussis vaccine outweighed the risk of pertussis infection. — GreenMedInfo link
Polio, IPV, OPV, Rotavirus, PCV
IPV = Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine, OPV = Oral Poliovirus Vaccine
PCV = Pneumococcal Conjugae Vaccine; Pneumonia, Invasive Pneumococcal Disease
- Feb 1, 2025 — Vaccinating Over 65s: Lifesaving or a Misplaced Bet? Vaccines are supposed to be the cornerstone of public health, especially to protect the elderly – but do they work well enough for older adults; “While widely used, [the pneumococcal vaccine] is not particularly effective for older adults, offering at best 50% protection against pneumonia. Worse, antibody levels drop back to pre-vaccination levels within 6-10 years.” — World Council for Health link
- Jan 17, 2025 — Polio: Truth and Lies; “Polio remains one of the most controversial topics in the health sphere and has been a hotly contested matter ever since it was first discovered. Questioning of the ‘accepted’ narrative surrounding this subject has continued to gain traction amongst the broader public, leaving many confused while sparking heated arguments… Today, on ‘Doctors & Scientists,’ we hear from Forrest Maready, an author and researcher who has compiled all the relevant information.” — Children’s Response Center 36-min video
- Jan 14, 2025 — Vaccines Pose Small Breathing Risk to Premature Babies, Trial Shows: Apnea is more common in hospitalized preterm infants after routine vaccinations. [Apnea is a temporary cessation of breathing.] — Cara Michelle Miller, The Epoch Times link
- Jan 10, 2025 — Experts Raise Questions About SIDS After Study Shows Vaccinating Preterm Babies Greatly Increases Risk of Apnea: Hospitalized preterm infants had a 170% higher incidence of apnea within 48 hours of receiving their routine 2-month vaccinations compared to unvaccinated babies, according to a new study. — Michael Nevradakis, Children’s Health Defense link
- Jan 7, 2025 — Trust the Science? Faulty Study Analysis; “The study, titled Apnea After 2-Month Vaccinations in Hospitalized Preterm Infants, looked at the frequency and duration of apneic events in infants born at or before 33 weeks gestation… Apneic means not breathing… In this study of 223 infants, 107 were vaccinated, and 116 were unvaccinated. The vaccinated infants received the pneumococcal, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, polio, and haemophilus influenza vaccines—SEVEN INJECTIONS! The average gestational age was 27 weeks. It’s my opinion that jabbing tiny humans this early in life is straight-up unethical… The hep B vaccine given within hours of birth is pure insanity. The people in the CDC who approved the hep B jab for babies and the doctors who administer them should be given a psych evaluation to determine if they’re psychopathic or sociopathic. The only way a person can contract hep B is if they’re doing heroin and sharing needles or having unprotected sex.” — The Truth Expedition link
- Jan 7, 2025 — Protecting Neonates: Evaluating Apnea Risks and Aluminum Exposure in NICU Immunizations; Infants must breathe to live. Dr. McCullough points to SIDS as a likely result of vaccine-induced apnea.; “There’s an expression in toxicology: The dose makes the poison. To which, a few years back, I added: Body weight makes the poison. That’s why FDA limits aluminum exposure in people with renal dysfunction to 4-5 mcg: ‘Research indicates that patients with impaired kidney function, including premature neonates, who receive parenteral levels of aluminum at greater than 4 to 5 [micro]g/kg/day accumulate aluminum at levels associated with central nervous system and bone toxicity. Tissue loading may occur at even lower rates of administration.‘ Neonates, particularly preterm infants, face unique vulnerabilities due to their developing physiology and their low body weight. A recent randomized controlled trial by Greenberg et al…. linked vaccinations to increased episodes of apnea (temporary cessation of breathing) in premature infants in the NICU, raising questions about the safety and timing of immunizations in this population.” — James Lyons-Weiler PhD link
- Dec 25, 2024 — SV40 Contamination in Pfizer’s Covid-19 Vaccines: A Troubling Echo of the Polio Vaccine Scandal: History repeats itself – SV40 contamination in Covid-19 vaccines raises alarming echoes of the polio vaccine scandal, reigniting cancer concerns. — Sayer Ji link
- Jul 18, 2024 — CHD: Jacqueline’s son was vaccine injured at 7 months — Dr. William Makis MD 6-min video
- Jul 16, 2024 — Childhood Vaccine Injuries – 6 month old Evee Gayle Clobes died 1.5 days after her childhood vaccines — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 14, 2024 — Childhood Vaccine Injury – 2 month old Berit “Bear” died 2 days after multiple vaccines (DTaP, Hep. B, IPV, Hib, Pneumo Conjugate 13, and Rotavirus vaccines) — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jun 19, 2024 — Adverse Outcomes Are Increased with Exposure to Added Combinations of Infant Vaccines; “This study evaluates 1,542,076 vaccine combinations administered to infants (less than 1 year of age at time of vaccination) between July 1st, 1991 and May 31st, 2011…. By examining all 7 combinations of 3 vaccines (HepB, PNC, and Rota) in context of the base and widely administered set of 3 others (DTaP, HIB, and IPV) we describe contextually relevant diseases pertaining to development, respiratory, and suspected infectious disease. We additionally go on to describe adverse outcome frequency trends… the greater the number of vaccines in the combination yields an exponentially greater number of disease diagnoses.” — Karl Jablonowski & Brian Hooker, International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research link
- Jun 13, 2024 — India’s Rotavirus Vaccine Increases Risk of Serious Bowel Condition in Infants — Are U.S. Vaccines Any Safer? — John-Michael Dumais, Children’s Health Defense link
- Apr 23, 2024 — 6 Month Old Liam Received 5 Vaccines (HepB, DTaP, Polio, Rotavirus, Pneumococcal) and Died within Hours of Vaccination — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Apr 8, 2024 — Polio Vaccine Causes Hundreds of Polio Infections in Africa, WHO Scientists Confirm: ‘Pan African Medical Journal’ — Jon Fleetwood link
- Mar 24, 2024 — Oral Polio Vaccine Causes Nearly All Cases of Paralytic Polio; “A GPEI report published last year found that ‘vaccine-derived polioviruses are paralyzing nearly 50 times more children than wild polioviruses.’ Of the 674 confirmed cases of paralytic polio reported from 28 countries during the 12 months up leading up to July 31, 2023, only 16 were caused by type 1 wild poliovirus. The remaining 658 confirmed cases were caused by polioviruses (type 1 and type 2) derived from the oral polio vaccines themselves.” — Marco Cáceres, The Vaccine Reaction link
- Jan 14, 2024 — What is Polio and Was it Really Eradicated? — Patricia Harrity, The Expose link
- Sep 9, 2023 — Autopsy Confirms Infant Died From Over-Vaccination; Maine Mom, RN, Paid Ultimate Price Trusting Her Doctors; “A toxicology report shows that a new mom in Maine was right. Her baby, Sawyer, died when he was just eight weeks and six days old, just 34 hours after being vaccinated.” — Jennifer Margulis link
- Sep 3, 2020 — Polio Vaccine Causing Polio Outbreaks in Africa, WHO Admits — Children’s Health Defense link
- Feb 2, 2015 — Studies Show that Vaccinated Individuals Spread Disease; “Scientific evidence demonstrates that individuals vaccinated with live virus vaccines such as MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), rotavirus, chicken pox, shingles and influenza can shed the virus for many weeks or months afterwards and infect the vaccinated and unvaccinated alike. Furthermore, vaccine recipients can carry diseases in the back of their throat and infect others while displaying no symptoms of a disease.” — Weston A. Price Foundation, GlobeNewswire link
- Jul 17, 2013 — CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Received Polio Vaccine In An 8-Year Span When It Was Contaminated With Cancer Virus — Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease (Waking Times) link
- Jul 4, 2013 — Curcumin Found To Outperform Pneumococcal Vaccines In Protecting Infants — Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease (Waking Times) link
- Jun 3, 2013 — Inventor of Rotavirus Vaccine Wants To End Parental Exemptions For School Vaccinations; “Public health officials are routinely failing to inform the public of their right to refuse vaccines in both school and work settings. Greater powers are at work to make mandatory vaccination policies which will allow officials to conduct childhood vaccinations without any parental consent at all. The inventor of the rotavirus vaccine wants all exemptions based on religious or philosophical grounds to end along with informed consent and the freedom to choose. Paul A. Offit, MD is an American pediatrician who specializes in infectious disease and is also the co-inventor of a rotavirus vaccine.” — Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease, Waking Times link
- Jan 1, 2012 — There is evidence that both the oral polio vaccine and the inactivated polio vaccine allow for viral shedding. — GreenMedInfo link
- Mar 20, 2007 —What Led to the Nigerian Boycott of the Polio Vaccination Campaign?; “Supreme Council for Sharia in Nigeria (SCSN) is quoted as saying that polio vaccines were ‘corrupted and tainted by evildoers from America and their Western allies.’ Ahmed went on to say: ‘We believe that modern-day Hitlers have deliberately adulterated the oral polio vaccines with anti-fertility drugs and…viruses which are known to cause HIV and AIDS’… In April 2004 Datti Ahmed argued that ‘the SCSN harbours strong reservations on the safety of our population, not least because of our recent experience in the Pfizer scandal, when our people were used as guinea pigs with the approval of the Federal Ministry of Health, and the relevant UN agencies.’” — Ayodele Samuel Jegede, PLOS link
- March 2006 — The Cutter Incident: How America’s First Polio Vaccine Led to a Growing Vaccine Crisis; “In April 1955 more than 200,000 children in five Western and mid-Western USA states received a polio vaccine in which the process of inactivating the live virus proved to be defective. Within days there were reports of paralysis and within a month the first mass vaccination programme against polio had to be abandoned. Subsequent investigations revealed that the vaccine, manufactured by the California-based family firm of Cutter Laboratories, had caused 40, 000 cases of polio, leaving 200 children with varying degrees of paralysis and killing 10.” — Michael Fitzpatrick, JRSM link
Chickenpox, Shingles
- Oct 2, 2024 — “5 Vaccines You Need After 50”. Or Not? A brief rebuttal.; “Shingles… RSV… Pneumococcal… Influenza… Covid-19…” — Andreas Oehler link
- Jul 29, 2024 — Appellate Court Tosses Out 1,200 Shingles Vaccine Injury Lawsuits Against Merck — Carolyn Hendler JD, The Vaccine Reaction link
- Jul 17, 2024 — Merck Defeats Appeal by Nearly 1,200 Shingles Vaccine Plaintiffs — Alison Frankel, Retuers link
- Nov 30, 2021 — Why You Should Get the Shingles Vaccine Soon; “The FDA recently required that a warning about Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) be included in safety labeling information for Shingrix. After evaluating data from a post-marketing study, the FDA determined that “the results of the observational study show an association of GBS with Shingrix [shingles vaccines].” — Lisa Esposito & Dr. Jeffrey Fromowitz MD link
- Nov 3, 2020 — New Supercharged Shingles Vaccine Has Serious Problems — Kate Raines, Humans are Free (Stillness in the Storm) link
- May 14, 2019 — Childhood Shingles Resulting from Chickenpox Vaccination: “Rare” or Predictable?; “Chickenpox and shingles infections both stem from varicella zoster virus—and before the advent of the varicella vaccine, children infected with chickenpox helped boost adults’ immunity to shingles by inhibiting the latent virus’s reactivation.” — Collective Evolution, Stillness in the Storm link
- Mar 11, 2019 — Vaccinating Against Chickenpox Often Causes Shingles, Even in Children — Jessica Dolores, Natural News (Stillness in the Storm) link
- Jul 6, 2018 — Explosive Research: Chickenpox Vaccine Linked to Widespread Increase in Shingles — Isabelle Z., Natural News (Stillness in the Storm) link
- May 11, 2017 — School Bans Unvaccinated Kids After Immunized (Vaccinated) Children Start Chickenpox Outbreak – Vaxx Fraud Revealed — Justin Deschamps, Stillness in the Storm link
- Jul 17, 2015 — The MMRV (measles-mumps-rubella-varicella) vaccine is associated with an increased risk of febrile seizures. — GreenMedInfo link
- Feb 2, 2015 — Studies Show that Vaccinated Individuals Spread Disease; “Scientific evidence demonstrates that individuals vaccinated with live virus vaccines such as MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), rotavirus, chicken pox, shingles and influenza can shed the virus for many weeks or months afterwards and infect the vaccinated and unvaccinated alike. Furthermore, vaccine recipients can carry diseases in the back of their throat and infect others while displaying no symptoms of a disease.” — Weston A. Price Foundation, GlobeNewswire link
Flu, Hib
Influenza; Hib = Haemophilus Influenzae Type b
- Feb 1, 2025 — Vaccinating Over 65s: Lifesaving or a Misplaced Bet? Vaccines are supposed to be the cornerstone of public health, especially to protect the elderly – but do they work well enough for older adults; “A comprehensive analysis by Anderson et al. in the Annals of Internal Medicine examined data from a staggering 170 million episodes of care and 7.6 million deaths. They found NO evidence that influenza vaccination significantly reduced hospitalizations or mortality among the elderly.” — World Council for Health link
- Jan 29, 2025 — In Another Mad Dash to Trash Kennedy, NYTimes Shows Their Vast Ignorance… Again, and Again, and Again; “Predictably, the NYT plays the old card of ‘the flu vaccine works every year, end of story.‘ What they fail to mention: Flu vaccine effectiveness varies significantly by season, sometimes as low as 10-20%, as documented in CDC-reported data from multiple flu seasons… Past Cochrane Reviews have raised questions about the real-world efficacy of annual flu shots, particularly in healthy adults. CDC and FDA cannot decide on the difference between influenza cases and cases of ‘influenza disease’, which include respiratory illnesses caused by other viruses, bacteria, fungi – as long as they are not otherwise definitively diagnosed. I estimate 5,000 deaths from influenza disease, not 50,000-80,000 due to their substitution of ‘influenza disease’ for ‘influenza’.” — James Lyons-Weiler PhD link
- Jan 14, 2025 — Vaccines Pose Small Breathing Risk to Premature Babies, Trial Shows: Apnea is more common in hospitalized preterm infants after routine vaccinations. [Apnea is a temporary cessation of breathing.] — Cara Michelle Miller, The Epoch Times link
- Jan 10, 2025 — Experts Raise Questions About SIDS After Study Shows Vaccinating Preterm Babies Greatly Increases Risk of Apnea: Hospitalized preterm infants had a 170% higher incidence of apnea within 48 hours of receiving their routine 2-month vaccinations compared to unvaccinated babies, according to a new study. — Michael Nevradakis, Children’s Health Defense link
- Jan 7, 2025 — Trust the Science? Faulty Study Analysis; “The study, titled Apnea After 2-Month Vaccinations in Hospitalized Preterm Infants, looked at the frequency and duration of apneic events in infants born at or before 33 weeks gestation… Apneic means not breathing… In this study of 223 infants, 107 were vaccinated, and 116 were unvaccinated. The vaccinated infants received the pneumococcal, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, polio, and haemophilus influenza vaccines—SEVEN INJECTIONS! The average gestational age was 27 weeks. It’s my opinion that jabbing tiny humans this early in life is straight-up unethical… The hep B vaccine given within hours of birth is pure insanity. The people in the CDC who approved the hep B jab for babies and the doctors who administer them should be given a psych evaluation to determine if they’re psychopathic or sociopathic. The only way a person can contract hep B is if they’re doing heroin and sharing needles or having unprotected sex.” — The Truth Expedition link
- Jan 7, 2025 — Protecting Neonates: Evaluating Apnea Risks and Aluminum Exposure in NICU Immunizations; Infants must breathe to live. Dr. McCullough points to SIDS as a likely result of vaccine-induced apnea.; “There’s an expression in toxicology: The dose makes the poison. To which, a few years back, I added: Body weight makes the poison. That’s why FDA limits aluminum exposure in people with renal dysfunction to 4-5 mcg: ‘Research indicates that patients with impaired kidney function, including premature neonates, who receive parenteral levels of aluminum at greater than 4 to 5 [micro]g/kg/day accumulate aluminum at levels associated with central nervous system and bone toxicity. Tissue loading may occur at even lower rates of administration.‘ Neonates, particularly preterm infants, face unique vulnerabilities due to their developing physiology and their low body weight. A recent randomized controlled trial by Greenberg et al…. linked vaccinations to increased episodes of apnea (temporary cessation of breathing) in premature infants in the NICU, raising questions about the safety and timing of immunizations in this population.” — James Lyons-Weiler PhD link
- Dec 22, 2024 — The Flu Vaccine: Science at Its Worst; “Joshua Hadfield was a normal, healthy developing child as a toddler. In the midst of the H1N1 swine flu frenzy and the media fear mongering about the horrible consequences children face if left unvaccinated, the Hadfield family had Joshua vaccinated with Glaxo’s Pandermrix influenza vaccine. Within weeks, Joshua could barely wake up, sleeping up to nineteen hours a day. Laughter would trigger seizures. Joshua was diagnosed with narcolepsy, ‘an incurable, debilitating condition’ associated with acute brain damage. Looking back, Pandermrix was a horrible vaccine. Research indicates that it was associated with a 1400% increase in narcolepsy risk. A medical team at Finland’s National Institute for Health and Welfare recorded 800 cases of narcolepsy associated with this vaccine. Aside from the engineered viral antigens, the other vaccine ingredients are most often found to be the primary culprits to adverse vaccine reactions. The Finnish research, on the other hand, indicated that the vaccine’s altered viral nucleotide likely contributed to the sudden rise in sleeping sickness.” — Richard Gale & Dr. Gary Null, Global Research link
- Dec 19, 2024 — Review of US vaccine injury reimbursement program shows less than 3% of claims eligible for compensation; “A report yesterday from the U.S. Government Accountability Office on federal response to medical countermeasure injury compensation claims — primarily about Covid-19 and flu vaccines — reveals that, during the first few years of the Covid-19 pandemic, claims spiked to 27 times the typical number received, and less than 3% of the claims were eligible for compensation. About half of the claims were related to Covid-19 vaccination. The vast majority of money paid for claims, however — more than $6 million — was for harms tied to the H1N1 flu vaccine.” — Jim Wappes, CIDRAP link
- Dec 10, 2024 — Flu Vaccine Injury Story – Dr. Matthew Christenson discusses his vaccine injury — Dr. William Makis MD 6-min video
- Dec 17, 2024 — FDA ‘Fast Tracks’ 2 Combination Covid-19-Influenza Shots Containing Formaldehyde, Insect DNA, Toxic Detergent Banned in Europe: Bill Gates-Funded Manufacturer; Both jabs flagged for Guillain-Barré Syndrome and neither have been tested for carcinogenicity or mutagenesis. — Jon Fleetwood link
- Dec 10, 2024 — Flu Vaccine Injury Story – Dr. Matthew Christenson discusses his vaccine injury — Dr. William Makis MD 6-min video
- Nov 24, 2024 — America’s Compliance with Federal Vaccine Recommendations Has Collapsed: CDC report finds that the vast majority of adults reject ACIP guidelines, refusing Covid-19 genetic booster shots with no human data, as well as flu and RSV vaccines. — Nicolas Hulscher MPH link
- Nov 21, 2024 — Vaccination Rates for Flu and Covid are Low this Season, CDC Says; An estimated 35% of U.S. adults have received the flu shot and less than 18% have received Covid vaccines, according to a new report — Marlene Lenthang, NBC News link
- Nov 5, 2024 — FDA Approves AstraZeneca No-Needle At-Home ‘Live’ Virus Flu Vaccine with 90% Shed Rate: FluMist manufacturer insert confirms vaccinated can infect unvaccinated. — Jon Fleetwood link
- Oct 26, 2024 — Guillain-Barré Syndrome Associated With 17 Vaccines, Including Covid and Flu Shots: A new long-term study assessing the association of vaccines with reported cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) found that “most vaccines” were associated with GBS. — Michael Nevradakis PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Oct 16, 2024 — FDA Halts Novavax Trial of Combo Covid-Flu Vaccine Citing Patient With Nerve Damage: A class-action lawsuit filed in August accuses Moderna of making “materially false and misleading statements” about the efficacy of its RSV shot, leading to significant damages for investors. — Brenda Baletti PhD, Children’s Health Defense link Oct 15, 2024 — Thinking of taking a flu shot? Read this first. It’s not just that they’re ineffective, they also cause harm. Learn about safe alternatives such as Vitamin D, quercetin and zinc. — World Council For Health link
- Oct 2, 2024 — “5 Vaccines You Need After 50”. Or Not? A brief rebuttal.; “Shingles… RSV… Pneumococcal… Influenza… Covid-19…” — Andreas Oehler link
- Sep 23, 2024 — Parents Now Allowed to Give Kids Nasal Flu Vaccine at Home, Despite Vaccine’s Link to Severe Reactions — Michael Nevradakis PhD, Children’s Health Defense link
- Sep 20, 2024 — Breaking: FDA Approves At-Home Nasal Flu Vaccine — Lioness of Judah Ministry link
- Sep 16, 2024 — Flu Vaccination Increases Risk of Medium- and Long-Term Covid-19 Symptoms: ‘Journal of Clinical Medicine’; 66.67% of flu-vaccinated have long-term COVID symptoms, compared to only 38.71% of the unvaccinated. — Jon Fleetwood link
- Sep 9, 2024 — Colostrum 3 Times More Effective Than Flu Vaccination: Journal ‘Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis’; Milk produced by mammals immediately after giving birth “is at least 3 times more effective than vaccination to prevent flu and is very cost-effective,” the study confirms. — Jon Fleetwood link
- Sep 5, 2024 — Flu Vaccines: All Risk and No Benefit; Be smart and conduct a full investigation before an injection. — Brucha Weisberger link
- Aug 6, 2024 — Paper Showing Covid and Flu Vaccines Do Not Reduce Hospitalization Was Published Today; We immediately got four offers from top journals to submit for publication in their journals. Also, the Medicare data confirms the Czech data that vaccine toxicity varies by brand — Steve Kirsch link
- Aug 5, 2024 — Flu Shot Killed Young Mom — Dr. William Makis MD 13 min video
- Jul 21, 2024 — Marie Had Flu Vaccine Injuries — Dr. William Makis MD 6-min video
- Jul 18, 2024 — CHD: Jacqueline’s son was vaccine injured at 7 months — Dr. William Makis MD 6-min video
- Jul 17, 2024 — 5 Year Old Jonathan Daniel Ramirez Porter Died Suddenly After His Childhood Vaccines and Flu Shot – Brain Inflammation — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 16, 2024 — Childhood Vaccine Injuries – 6 month old Evee Gayle Clobes died 1.5 days after her childhood vaccines — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 15, 2024 — 11 Month Old Saba Button (Australia) Developed a Disabling Reaction to the Influenza Vaccine — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 15, 2024 — Childhood vaccine injury – 11 month old Saba Button (Australia) developed a disabling reaction to the Influenza Vaccine — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 14, 2024 — CHD: Garth Jackson, Engineer and teacher, injured by flu vaccine, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, May 2024 — Dr. William Makis MD 10-min video
- Jul 14, 2024 — Childhood Vaccine Injury – 2 month old Berit “Bear” died 2 days after multiple vaccines (DTaP, Hep. B, IPV, Hib, Pneumo Conjugate 13, and Rotavirus vaccines) — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 8, 2024 — Childhood Vaccine Injury – 5 year old Kiera Driscoll, age five, died Jan. 20, 2015 from cardiac arrest. She had been recently vaccinated against Influenza A and developed “flu” days before sudden death — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 1, 2024 — CHD: Flu vaccine killed young mother May 2024 — Dr. William Makis MD 14-min video
- Jun 19, 2024 — Adverse Outcomes Are Increased with Exposure to Added Combinations of Infant Vaccines; “This study evaluates 1,542,076 vaccine combinations administered to infants (less than 1 year of age at time of vaccination) between July 1st, 1991 and May 31st, 2011…. By examining all 7 combinations of 3 vaccines (HepB, PNC, and Rota) in context of the base and widely administered set of 3 others (DTaP, HIB, and IPV) we describe contextually relevant diseases pertaining to development, respiratory, and suspected infectious disease. We additionally go on to describe adverse outcome frequency trends… the greater the number of vaccines in the combination yields an exponentially greater number of disease diagnoses.” — Karl Jablonowski & Brian Hooker, International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research link
- Jun 16, 2024 — Influenza Vaccination Requirements for Health Care Personnel in US Hospitals; Acceptance Rates Dropping Despite Coercive Mandates — Dr. Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH link
- May 8, 2024 — Type 1 Diabetes Following Flu Vaccine; “Kimber Furr’s daughter was diagnosed with Type-1 Diabetes after a flu shot, and her mom passed away after a Covid booster. After all they experienced, the Furr family has decided to stop vaccinating, altogether.” — Children’s Health Defense 13-min video
- Mar 22, 2024 — The Flu Vaccine Scam; The mortality risk of the flu is also massively inflated. However, decades of never-ceasing (and never-challenged) flu shot propaganda conditioned everyone to get a vaccine that doesn’t work. — Bill Rice Jr. link
- Mar 10, 2024 — Influenza Vaccines Only 42 Percent Effective in Adults This Year — Marco Cáceres, The Vaccine Reaction link
- Dec 29, 2023 — Repeat Influenza Vaccination Linked to Higher Risk of Infection: CDC Preprint — Marina Zhang, The Epoch Times link
- Dec 29, 2023 — Repeat Influenza Vaccination Linked to Higher Risk of Infection: CDC Preprint — Marina Zhang, The Epoch Times link
- Dec 10, 2023 — ‘Perfectly Healthy’ 15-Month-Old Girl Dies Two Days After Routine Vaccination — John-Michael Dumais, Children’s Health Defense link
- Nov 21, 2023 — CDC: Last Year’s Flu Shot Was Less Than 50 Percent Effective for Children and Adolescents — Megan Redshaw JD, The Epoch Times link
- Oct 17, 2023 — Two Types of People Who Should Never Get the Flu Shot; “CDC data have repeatedly demonstrated that the flu vaccine does not work for seniors. The 2018/2019 flu vaccines against influenza A and B viruses had an adjusted effectiveness rating of just 12% for those over age 65. Studies have also demonstrated that influenza vaccination has little or no impact on mortality among the elderly. The flu vaccine is routinely recommended for all pregnant women during any trimester, yet some scientific evidence suggests it could place their pregnancy at risk. Research funded by the CDC found an association between flu vaccination during pregnancy and an eightfold risk of miscarriage. Injury following influenza vaccination is now the most compensated claim in the federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). Between January 1, 2006, and December 31, 2019, a total of 5,407 injury claims for flu vaccine were file.” — Dr. Joseph Mercola link [reprint from Sep 26, 2019]
- Sep 9, 2023 — Autopsy Confirms Infant Died From Over-Vaccination; Maine Mom, RN, Paid Ultimate Price Trusting Her Doctors; “A toxicology report shows that a new mom in Maine was right. Her baby, Sawyer, died when he was just eight weeks and six days old, just 34 hours after being vaccinated.” — Jennifer Margulis link
- Mar 7, 2019 — Is the Flu Vaccine Really ‘Working Well’ This Year? — Dr. Joseph Mercola, Waking Times link
- Dec 21, 2018 — Research: Flu Vaccine Increases Your Risk of Infecting Others by 6X — GreenMedInfo, Waking Times link
- Oct 10, 2018 — What’s Behind the CDC Claiming 80,000 Died From Flu Last Winter?; “As you’d expect, these mortality statistics are now being used to frighten people into getting an annual flu shot. U.S. Surgeon General… goes even further, saying that getting vaccinated is a ‘social responsibility,’ as it ‘protects others around you, including family, friends, co-workers and neighbors.’ But is that actually true? Not according to recent research, it isn’t. In fact, research published earlier this year suggests repeated annual flu vaccinations could actually make you a greater health threat to your community. Influenza vaccination does not appear to lower the risk of disease transmission at all. According to a study published in the journal PNAS January 18, 2018, people who receive the seasonal flu shot and then contract influenza excrete infectious influenza viruses through their breath. What’s more, those vaccinated two seasons in a row have a greater viral load of shedding influenza A viruses.” — Dr. Joseph Mercola, Waking Times link
- Spring 2018 — Vaccine Adjuvant, Suspect in Gulf War Syndrome, Added to Influenza Vaccine — Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons (peer-reviewed journal) link
- Feb 15, 2018 — Past Encounters with the Flu Shape Vaccine Response: Immune history influences vaccine effectiveness, interacting with other potential problems arising from the manufacturing process; “The problem is that the virus changes ever so slightly from year to year… Antibodies produced from our first encounters with the flu, either from vaccines or infection, tend to take precedence over ones generated by later inoculations. So even when the vaccine is a good match for a given year, if someone has a history with the flu, the immune response to a new vaccine could be less protective. This story may be complicated by an additional factor, which is that the vaccine could be inducing a weak immune response in many who receive it. ‘We see that both vaccinated and unvaccinated people were infected with similar flu viruses and that the vaccine didn’t elicit a strong immune response from most people in our study,’ said Yonatan Grad, MD, PhD, assistant professor of immunology and infectious diseases at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and co-author of the study.” — University of Chicago Medical Center link
- Feb 1, 2018 — Vaccines to prevent influenza in healthy adults; “The aim of this Cochrane Review, first published in 1999, was to summarise research that looks at the effects of immunising healthy adults with influenza vaccines during influenza seasons. We used information from randomised trials comparing vaccines with dummy vaccines or nothing… We found 52 clinical trials of over 80,000 adults… 71 people would need to be vaccinated to avoid one influenza case, and 29 would need to be vaccinated to avoid one case of influenza-like illness (ILI). Vaccination may have little or no appreciable effect on hospitalisations… or number of working days lost. — Demicheli V. et al, Cochrane link
- Jan 18, 2018 — Infectious virus in exhaled breath of symptomatic seasonal influenza cases from a college community; “… observation of an association between repeated vaccination and increased viral aerosol generation…” — Jing Yan et al, PNAS link
- Jan 1, 2018 — The evidence for a lower risk of influenza and influenza-like illness in the elderly with vaccination is limited by biases in the design or conduct of the studies. — GreenMedInfo link
- Oct 11, 2016 — Flu Vaccine Effectiveness in Question; “Mounting research suggests getting an annual flu shot may be ill advised for long-term health, and doesn’t actually work in the first place. An analysis of influenza vaccine effectiveness reveals that, between 2005 and 2015, the flu vaccine was less than 50 percent effective more than half of the time. Recent studies show that, with each successive annual flu vaccination, the protection afforded by the vaccine appears to diminish. It may also increase your risk of contracting more serious influenza infections.” — Dr. Joseph Mercola link
- Nov 11, 2015 — Getting a flu shot every year? More may not be better — Helen Branswell, STAT link
- Mar 8, 2015 — Influenza Vaccine Causes Illness and Immune Dysfunction — Vaccine Papers link
- Feb 2, 2015 — Studies Show that Vaccinated Individuals Spread Disease; “Scientific evidence demonstrates that individuals vaccinated with live virus vaccines such as MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), rotavirus, chicken pox, shingles and influenza can shed the virus for many weeks or months afterwards and infect the vaccinated and unvaccinated alike. Furthermore, vaccine recipients can carry diseases in the back of their throat and infect others while displaying no symptoms of a disease.” — Weston A. Price Foundation, GlobeNewswire link
- Jan 14, 2015 — Deaths after Fluad flu vaccine and the epidemic of panic in Italy; “We report the detrimental effects of poorly managed risk communication. On 27 November 2014, the Italian Medicines Agency suspended, as a precautionary measure, the use of two batches of Fluad flu vaccine after three post-vaccination deaths… reported through the Network of Pharmacovigilance were deemed to be associated with the vaccine…” — Carlo Signorelli et al, BMJ link
- Apr 3, 2014 — Guillain Barré Syndrome is #1 Side Effect of Vaccine Injury Compensations due to Flu Shots — Health Impact News link
- Feb 9, 2014 — CDC Inflates Flu Death Stats to Sell More Flu Vaccines; “As can be seen from the graphic above, which is a screen shot of selected text directly from the CDC’s own website, the CDC claims they don’t really know how many people die from the flu each year. The reason given as to why they make estimates is ‘it is important to convey the full burden of the seasonal flu to the public.’ … The other way that statement could be read is that the burden to the public is to purchase more flu vaccines, since they are manufactured ahead of time and stockpiled for the flu season. According to Lawrence Solomon, that is exactly what they are doing. They are inflating the numbers to encourage more flu vaccine sales. While the most common number cited by the media is 36,000 deaths a year, actual death certificates only list about 500 per year. And since a laboratory test is not usually taken to determine if it was actually the influenza virus, only 15-20 percent of those 500 recorded flu deaths were actually due to the flu, which means the real numbers are about 100 or less. But it would be very difficult to sell 145 million doses of the flu vaccine if the public knew less than 100 people died each year from the flu.” — Health Impact News link
- Jan 5, 2014 — Flu Vaccine is the most Dangerous Vaccine in the U. S. based on Settled Cases for Injuries — Health Impact News link
- Mar 15, 2012 — Increased Risk of Noninfluenza Respiratory Virus Infections Associated With Receipt of Inactivated Influenza Vaccine; “We randomized 115 children to trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine or placebo. Over the following 9 months, [vaccinated] recipients had an increased risk of virologically-confirmed non-influenza infections. Being protected against influenza, [vaccinated] recipients may lack temporary non-specific immunity that protected against other respiratory viruses.” — Benjamin J. Cowling et al, Clinical Infectious Diseases link
- Jan 31, 2011 — The effectiveness of the 2008-2009 seasonal flu vaccine in England was -6%. — GreenMedInfo link
- Apr 6, 2010 — New Canadian studies suggest seasonal flu shot increased H1N1 [Swine Flu] risk — Maryn McKenna, CIDRAP link
- Jan 1, 2010 — There is little evidence supporting the belief that vaccines are effective in preventing influenza in healthy adults. — GreenMedInfo link
- Jan 1, 2010 — Influenza vaccination for healthcare workers who work with the elderly has no effect on laboratory-proven influenza, pneumonia or deaths from pneumonia. — GreenMedInfo link
- Sep 1, 2009 — Inactivated flu vaccines have not been proven to be effective or safe in preventing influenza in healthy children under two. — GreenMedInfo link
- May 20, 2009 — Children Who Get Flu Vaccine Have Three Times Risk Of Hospitalization For Flu, Study Suggests — American Thoracic Society, Science Daily link
- Feb 14, 2005 — Impact of Influenza Vaccination on Seasonal Mortality in the US Elderly Population; “We examined influenza-related deaths in the entire US elderly population by estimating seasonal numbers of excess all-cause deaths. These estimates, which provide the best available national estimates of the fraction of all winter deaths that are specifically attributable to influenza, show that the observational studies must overstate the mortality benefits of the vaccine. For the 33 seasons studied, influenza-related mortality (excess all-cause mortality) was always less than 10% of the total number of winter deaths among the elderly. This period included the 1968 pandemic and the severe 1997-1998 season during which the mismatched vaccine formulation provided little protection; for both of these seasons, the estimated influenza-related mortality was probably very close to what would have occurred had no vaccine been available. We conclude, therefore, that there are not enough influenza-related deaths to support the conclusion that vaccination can reduce total winter mortality among the US elderly population by as much as half.” — Lone Simonsen PhD et al, JAMA link
- Jul 1, 2004 — Maternal influenza vaccination during pregnancy does not reduce the incidence of acute respiratory illness visits among infants. — GreenMedInfo link
Anthrax, Swine Flu, Smallpox, TB
H1NI Flu = “Swine Flu”
- Jul 23, 2024 — Anthrax Military Vaccine – Retired US Air Force Colonel Tom Rempfer; “The military knew the anthrax vaccine did not work. There were … significant quality control deviations. It was a broken operation, total malfunction.” — Dr. William Makis MD 15-min video
- Jul 15, 2024 — CHD: Debbie’s son Braden got Diabetes after DTaP & Meningitis Vaccines — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 14, 2024 — Childhood Vaccine Injury – 2 month old Berit “Bear” died 2 days after multiple vaccines (DTaP, Hep. B, IPV, Hib, Pneumo Conjugate 13, and Rotavirus vaccines) — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jul 7, 2024 — 19 year old Christopher Kalevi Kanervisto Got Influenza H1N1 Vaccine (Swine Flu) and Died in His Sleep 1 Month Later — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Jun 20, 2024 — The Mantra “Safe and Effective” Began with Smallpox Vaccines; Were They “Safe and Effective”? — Rhoda Wilson, The Expose link
- Jun 3, 2024 — Health Officials Push Mpox Vaccine After Bavarian Nordic’s FDA-Approved Shot Hits Commercial Market — John-Michael Dumais, Children’s Health Defense link
- May 1, 2024 — “Unyielding” Story of Military Anthrax Vaccine Debacle; Thomas Rempfer Relentlessly Exposing a Bad Vaccine, Laws Broken, Nefarious Letter Bombs, and Parallels with the Covid-19 Vaccine Disaster — Dr. Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH link and 53-min video
- Apr 23, 2024 — 6 Month Old Liam Received 5 Vaccines (HepB, DTaP, Polio, Rotavirus, Pneumococcal) and Died within Hours of Vaccination — Dr. William Makis MD link
- Apr 8, 2024 — Polio Vaccine Causes Hundreds of Polio Infections in Africa, WHO Scientists Confirm: ‘Pan African Medical Journal’ — Jon Fleetwood link
- Mar 24, 2024 — Oral Polio Vaccine Causes Nearly All Cases of Paralytic Polio; “A GPEI report published last year found that ‘vaccine-derived polioviruses are paralyzing nearly 50 times more children than wild polioviruses.’ Of the 674 confirmed cases of paralytic polio reported from 28 countries during the 12 months up leading up to July 31, 2023, only 16 were caused by type 1 wild poliovirus. The remaining 658 confirmed cases were caused by polioviruses (type 1 and type 2) derived from the oral polio vaccines themselves.” — Marco Cáceres, The Vaccine Reaction link
- Nov 25, 2023 — What Can the Smallpox Vaccine Disaster Teach Us About Spike Protein Injuries? — A Midwestern Doctor, link
- Sep 20, 2018 — Pandemrix vaccine: why was the public not told of early warning signs?; “Eight years after the pandemic influenza outbreak, a lawsuit alleging that GlaxoSmithKline’s Pandemrix vaccine caused narcolepsy has unearthed internal reports suggesting problems with the vaccine’s safety. Peter Doshi asks what this means for the future of transparency during public health emergencies. In October 2009, the US National Institutes of Health infectious diseases chief, Anthony Fauci, appeared on YouTube to reassure Americans about the safety of the ‘swine flu’ vaccine. ‘The track record for serious adverse events is very good. It’s very, very, very rare that you ever see anything that’s associated with the vaccine that’s a serious event,’ he said. Four months earlier, the World Health Organization had declared H1N1 influenza a pandemic, and by October 2009 the new vaccines were being rolled out across the world. A similar story was playing out in the UK, with prominent organisations, including the Department of Health, British Medical Association, and Royal Colleges of General Practitioners, working hard to convince a reluctant NHS workforce to get vaccinated. ‘We fully support the swine flu vaccination programme … The vaccine has been thoroughly tested,’ they declared in a joint statement. Except, it hadn’t.” — Peter Doshi, BMJ link
- Sep 25, 2017 — Association of spontaneous abortion with receipt of inactivated influenza vaccine containing H1N1pdm09 in 2010–11 and 2011–12; “Spontaneous abortion was associated with [swine] influenza vaccination in the preceding 28 days.” — James G. Donahue et al, Vaccine link
- Jan 11, 2016 — In seven studies of BCG-vaccinated children, DTP vaccination was associated with an increase in mortality in girls. — GreenMedInfo link [“Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) is a vaccine for tuberculosis (TB) disease.” – CDC]
- Feb 17, 2012 — Norway Paying Victims of Swine Flu Vaccine — The Local No link
- April 1920 — Horrors of Vaccination Exposed and Illustrated; “It must be here remembered that it was admitted that the old smallpox inoculation had a certain preventive power and yet it was finally condemned and abandoned for reasons of its great danger as causing more disease and death than it prevented.” — Chas. M. Higgins link
- Jan 25, 1896 — The Case Against Vaccination [Address during Glouceser Smallpox Epidemic]; “The medical profession of to-day is divided into two great sections. On the one hand we have a section, who form, I am bound to say, the majority, who believe that the only remedy for small-pox is vaccination with all its risks. On the other hand there is another section, the minority to which I have the honour to belong, which believes that the remedy for small-pox is not vaccination but sanitation—(cheers)— which is accompanied by no risk at all. We protest against the diseasing of children by Act of Parliament. We say that small-pox is a filth disease, and that if we get rid of the filth we shall get rid of the disease. We also declare that when a person is ill the doctor is justified in doing all he possibly can for his patient; but when a person is well he has no right whatever to interfere with the normal functions of the human body as he does when he introduces disease, especially the disease of an inferior animal, unless he can give a distinct and absolute guarantee, not only that the operation will effect the purpose avowed, but also that it will produce no injurious results.” — Dr. Walter Hadwen MD link
- Feb 4, 2025 — Precision-AI Oncology: A Safer, Scalable Replacement Than mRNA Cancer Vaccines: Signal-Based Medicine | Safer Replacement Than mRNA Cancer Vaccines; “The push for rapid ’48-hour mRNA cancer vaccine deployment; represents a profit-driven race that places speed over safety. This strategy mirrors the rushed interventions seen during the pandemic, resulting in serious unintended consequences—immune dysregulation, genetic instability, and persistent health complications.” — Dr. Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH, Nicolas Hulscher MPH, Dr. John Catanzaro link
- Jan 28, 2025 — Cancer NanoVaccines? Only 0.7% of nanoparticles have been successfully delivered to the tumor (median value); “A striking review by Wilhelm et al. in 2016 revealed that after extensively reviewing 10 years of nanoparticle research… only 0.7% of nanoparticles have been successfully delivered to the tumor… Nanoparticles aim to reduce immunotoxicities associated with conventional drugs but can also indirectly induce many immunotoxic effects of their own. Their… characteristics… such as size and large surface area, make them susceptible to undesirable interactions when administered intravenously…” — Outraged Human link
- Jan 23, 2025 — Larry Ellison Sells Stargate AI-Driven Personalized mRNA Cancer Vaccines Developed in 48 Hours — Dr. Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH link
- Sep 14, 2024 — mRNA Injury Stories – 31 year old UK Rugby player Calvin Nap developed Turbo Cancer (Glioblastoma) and was given a 200,000GBP “Cancer Vaccine” that didn’t work. He died Aug. 27, 2024. — Dr. William Makis MD link
- 2019 — Immunotoxicity Considerations for Next Generation Cancer Nanomedicines; “Interest and funding in nanotechnology for oncological applications is thriving… Upon intravenous administration, nanomaterials interact with constituents of the blood inducing a wide range of associated immunotoxic effects.” — Gary Hannon et al, Advanced Science link
Bird Flu, Mpox, Pandemic Industry
H5N1 = Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 = A/H5N1 = Avian Influenza
Bird Flu vaccine discovered to contain neurotoxin mercury, dogDNA, cancer-causing chemicals.– Jon Fleetwood
See The Pandemic Industry: Bird Flu, Virus X for more details
Pfizer Clinical Trials Showed that Taking the Covid Vaccine Makes You Five Times More Likely to Die by Heart Attack within Six Months
[In the Pfizer clinical trials:] “There were five cardiac arrest deaths in the vaccine group and only one in the placebo group. What that means is that if you take that vaccine, you’re [five times] more likely to die from a fatal cardiac arrest over the next six months than if you don’t. What it also means is that for every life they save by preventing a death from Covid, they are killing four people from cardiac arrest.” Data analyst Edward Dowd corroborated Kennedy’s findings when he did his own deep dive on the Pfizer clinical trials. – Sep 16, 2023
Turbo Cancer is the Name Given to Aggressive, Rapid-Onset Cancers in Healthy Individuals Following Covid Injections
Although there’s no official medical definition for what doctors are calling “turbo cancers,” the term is commonly used to define aggressive, rapid-onset cancers resistant to treatment — primarily in young, healthy individuals following Covid-19 vaccination. These cases often present in a late stage with metastasis and quickly turn fatal. – Jul 28, 2023
A Reason Behind the Injection-Caused Cancer May be Due to the Spike Protein Inhibiting “an Important Tumor Suppressor Protein”
A new preprint provides evidence that the spike protein of both SARS-CoV-2 and mRNA vaccinations inhibits an important tumor suppressor protein, which may lead to increased incidence of cancer. – Apr 16, 2024
325 Autopsies Reviewed: 74% of Sudden Deaths Due to C19 Vaccine
In 2023, The Lancet censored and cancelled a ground-breaking Covid-19 Vaccine Injury & Autopsy paper within 24hr after 100,000s downloads. I’ve learned that it has just passed peer review and will be published. 74% of sudden deaths due to Covid-19 vaccine. 325 autopsies reviewed. – Dr. William Makis MD
“Kidney Failure Deaths are Surging Among People Who Received Covid mRNA Vaccines”
Renowned statistician John Beaudoin made the discovery after analyzing official state government mortality data. Since the Covid mRNA “vaccines” were unleashed on the public in early 2021, Beaudoin calculated that there have been 155,000 excess deaths caused by acute kidney injury (AKI) in the United States alone. As Beaudoin explains in a new interview, excess death is the figure above the expected baseline, not the total, meaning an extra 155k Americans died from AKI. – Oct 18, 2024
Surgeon Reports Sudden Deaths Among Covid-Vaxxed from Pancreatitis
Dr. Royle asserted that it’s not just cancers that are surging among the Covid-vaxxed. “Post-vaccine boosters, I’ve observed what seem to be a lot of sudden deaths from necrotising pancreatitis.” – Oct 27, 2024
“New Study – Covid-19 ‘Vaccinated’ People Are Sicker”
Vaccinated individuals experienced a greater overall disease burden, with more doctor visits, higher rates of Covid-19 infections, and increased musculoskeletal issues compared to the unvaccinated. – Jan 31, 2025
Summary of Research Findings from Multiple Sources
Since the global roll-out of the Covid-19 injections, substantial data has surfaced linking them to a catastrophic number of deaths. Below is a working list of some of the strongest evidence to date:
- Rancourt et al: estimated 17 million Covid-19 vaccine deaths worldwide by September 2023.
- Mostert et al: estimated 3.1 million excess deaths likely attributed to Covid-19 vaccination/lockdowns among 47 countries of the Western World from 2020 to 2022.
- Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS): 37,966 reported Covid-19 vaccine deaths – under-reporting factor of 31 yields 1,176,946 Covid-19 vaccine deaths among countries that use VAERS.
- Skidmore: estimated 278,000 Americans may have died from the ovid-19 vaccine by December 2021.
- Pantazatos and Seligmann: estimated 146,000 to 187,000 possiblevaccine-associated deaths in the United States by August 2021.
- Hulscher et al (I): estimated 49,240 excess cardiac arrest deaths possibly due to Covid-19 vaccination in the U.S. from 2021-2023.
- Hulscher et al (II): found a high likelihood of a causal link between Covid-19 vaccines and death from analysis of 325 autopsies.
- Aarstad and Kvitastein: found a higher Covid-19 vaccine uptake was associated with increased all-cause mortality.
- Alessandria et al: found all-cause death risks to be higher for those vaccinated with one and two COVID-19 vaccine doses compared to unvaccinated individuals. The subjects vaccinated with 2 doses lost 37% of life expectancy compared to the unvaccinated population during follow-up.
Regardless of methodology used, far too many suspected deaths have occurred due to the experimental Covid-19 injections. For reference, approximately 140,000 people were killed from the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima in 1945. Therefore, the Covid-19 injection campaign may have killed the equivalent of at least 121 Hiroshima nuclear attacks. – Nicolas Hulscher MPH
See Covid-19 Injections: Research and Reports for lists by topic (Heart Issues, Cancers, Death, More Harms) and by date.
What You Can Do

For Students (and Parents)
Please consider the following.
Do your own research before you accept any medical treatment – be it a vaccine or anything else. Do not accept any medical therapy simply out of convenience, or because someone else “mandates” it. Do not “take one for the team.” Accept nothing based only on the assurances of others – not those of your school, your government, your doctor, and certainly not Pharma. Do your own research, maintain a healthy skepticism, and seek honest and impartial information about things you don’t understand. Do not allow anyone to do anything to you that you are not confident is both safe and in your best interest.
Learn to say “no.” There are many times in life when it is better in the long run to say “no,” but easier in the moment to say “yes.” Such careless compliance can often bring you to grief. Sadly, this is true in the world of medicine, as it is elsewhere in life.
Learn what your options are and pursue them. If you’re a high schooler looking into colleges now, consider those schools that never mandated Covid vaccines. If you’re a healthcare student still facing mandates, learn about exemptions and pursue one if you wish. If you’re a parent of young children in an area where you feel there is excessive state overreach in public schools, consider alternative schools, homeschooling, or moving. Options still exist for students both to get an education and protect their health and autonomy, but you must learn what the options are and actively pursue them.
… Your elders have mostly failed you in this matter. You have many years of life ahead of you. It is up to you to safeguard your own health. May every student have a happy, successful, and healthy school year. – Open Letter to Students and Parents about Vaccines
Clarity of Information, Resources & Support for Parents
There are 7 common mistakes that parents make regarding vaccination. VaxCalc solves and prevents all of them.
#7 Don’t know how widespread an outbreak of a vaccine-targeted disease currently is nor the long term historical outbreak patterns – and are therefore prey to scare stories in the media.
#6 Don’t know what is actually in the vaccines that the doctor is recommending. Any neurotoxins? Any known safety standards? Any contamination with animal or insect viruses? Any ingredients that violate your religion or ethics? Any genetically modified organisms? (why does this matter?)
#5 Don’t know whether or not their doctor is using a combination vaccine, which adds additional risk to their child without increasing any potential benefits from the vaccines. Your child gets increased risk for the convenience of your doctor.
#4 Don’t feel confident telling the doctor “no” even though they feel very uneasy about it because they are pressured into it by CDC-sponsored predatory tactics they don’t understand or recognize.
#3 Don’t know how to recognize a vaccine reaction. Don’t know the most common reactions for any vaccine. Don’t know the most common serious reactions for any vaccine.
#2 Don’t have a Healthcare Roundtable and therefore are completely dependent upon just one doctor who is probably no better than average and might kick them out for even asking questions about vaccines or rejecting just one. Aren’t using AI as part of your HCRT.
#1 Don’t have a vaccination plan – having one prevents mistakes.
When a parent uses VaxCalc to compare vaccine brands, dig into some of the most concerning ingredients, and create a custom vaccination plan, they are leveraging years of research analysis in just minutes. It’s amazingly powerful that way… Then VaxCalc can show the parent, with every new vaccination plan, the total amount of previously received vaccine ingredients. Until now, this information has been not been available to parents; indeed, nobody ever talks about it. But now previous vaccination decisions can inform future ones. This is a fundamental health principle.
[VaxCalc offers an educational email list, free online community, and paid app $20/month, cancellable anytime. We are not affiliated in any way – just thrilled that this is avilable and are simply putting the info here for quick reference.] – Interview with Chris Downey