Introduction Our Thoughts & Beliefs Make Us Unaware That We’re Missing Anything Boxed realities are limited versions of reality achieved by avoiding or rejecting realities that do not accord with the limited version. Boxed realities are usually thought of as complete in themselves, and so there is no awareness or recognition of knowledge that is absent
Category Hub - Discernment: Evaluating Information & Testimony
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Evaluating Numbers and Statistics
Why This Matters Statistics are a vital part of effectively evaluating information and yet, as the saying goes, “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” Misusing statistics is a key tool for manipulating opinion, and numbers are often used to mislead others in order to meet a particular agenda. Torture numbers,
Evaluating the Mainstream Media and Independent News Sources: Investigative Journalism vs. The Illusion of Choice & Propaganda
Introduction Let’s attempt to get an elevated perspective on the oft-maligned “mainstream media” (MSM). Is the MSM an evil manipulation as some propose? Or is it, as others say, a safeguard of democracy? One tactic for slicing through emotion and hyperbole is to get very specific and literal. This can, of course, help with clarity
The Enemies of Truth: Introduction & Overview
Introduction Here you’ll find an overview of the wide range of strategies and techniques that suppress and negate truth-telling and truth-seeking. Select links to go deeper. Why It Matters Graham Hancock offers a particularly powerful consideration in this 6-minute video. Although he is highlighting the criminalization of consciousness-enhancing plants, he explains the vital importance of
Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs)
A non-disclosure agreement (NDA) creates a legal obligation to keep secrets. While NDAs may be used for protecting intellectual property, for example, they are also used to prohibit a person from “going public” with allegations of abuse which “raises an obvious and troubling question: what about warning other potential victims of abuse?”
The Art of War and The War on Truth
Why This Matters Modern society is inundated with strategists who use the ultra-famous Art of War as a guide for interacting with those around them. Many executives, lawyers, business schools, corporate sales and marketing departments, sports coaches and dating guides have described using this ultra-famous text. That the Art of War is a popular modern-day
Sociopaths & Psychopaths
Why it Matters You might reasonably ask, “Why is the topic of sociopaths relevant to me?” Perhaps it seems as if sociopaths are a tiny group of folks, a few abnormal, scary people who are locked away somewhere. In actuality, research suggests that sociopaths make up between 1 and 4% of the U.S. population with
Beliefs – Part 1: Become Conscious of Your Belief Systems & Their Incredible Power
What is a Belief? A Belief is a Thought A belief is “mental acceptance of and conviction in the truth, actuality, or validity of something.” (dictionary) Our beliefs feel to us as if they are a mirror of the world, our interpretation from observing things the way they are. But quantum physics and experience teach us that “reality” encompasses infinite
Truth – Facts – Proof – Partial & Competing Truths – Knowledge – Meaning & Story – Authorities on Truth
Why it Matters To look at a subject as big as “truth” would seem to be a philosophical exercise without practical value, right? That’s a reasonable assumption but, actually, this is an extremely practical topic. Digging into it, truth shows itself as more complex than we would hope, but why take the time to dig
Evaluating Individual Testimony and Entertaining Possibility
Introduction Topics such as government crimes and corporate power abuse are purposefully shrouded in secrecy by perpetrators (through such strategies as NDAs, compartmentalization and extortion, among other strategies). Therefore, information about such subjects is primarily in the form of individual testimony: everyday people reporting their experience and observations. In addition to secrecy, the very nature