Introduction & Why It Matters
Like other stars, the Sun has natural cycles of periodic explosive flashes, releasing magnetic energy that affects nearby planetary bodies. A solar flash refers to a massive ejection of solar matter (plasma), an event large enough to intensely affect nearby planets. Historical evidence, declassified documents, and whistleblower testimony indicate that the Sun is overdue for a solar flash.
As in the past, a solar flash is expected to have dramatic effects on the earth, on technology and communications, and on human DNA and consciousness. Here we highlight the evidence that scientists and researchers have been sharing about previous solar flashes plus their reports of indications for the next one. The information has been provided by researchers to support those who wish to become more educated on this topic. As a result, more people may wish to join a demand for release of suppressed evidence and plans, and to prepare themselves spiritually, mentally and physically for the potential of a consciousness-expanding, life-altering event.
Many people avoid giving attention and energy to issues they perceive as not affecting them or as beyond their control. That’s a crucial and effective strategy that preserves our energy for things we love and that we can directly impact. Topics such as the ones on this site may seem to fall within the dark underbelly of society, beyond our actual daily lives and our influence.
However, the subjects on this site have been chosen because the evidence demonstrates that they are, in fact, widely influential and impact our daily lives. In other words, nothing here is presented just because “you should be aware.” Rather, these typically hidden subjects are brought to light, bringing more awareness to how we can dismantle dysfunctional systems and replace them with healthy, sustainable solutions. By making informed choices and by joining with others, we can create positive change that will uplift and empower the many good people seeking to improve our world.
Outline of Contents
This is a multi-part section that covers the solar flash. Use the outline below to guide or support your research. Select the heading to jump to that section.
Part 1: About the Sun & Foundational Terminology
- Definitions of general terms related to the sun including star, gravity, nuclear fusion, exothermic reaction and plasma.
- An overview of the sun’s components.
- Terminology that describes the layers of the sun and basic facts about the layers.
Part 2: Solar Activity
- Definitions of terms describing various types of solar activity including solar prominence, solar winds, solar flares, sunspots, solar storms, coronal mass ejections (CMEs), the 11-year and 22-year solar cycle, solar minimum and solar maximum, nova, supernova and solar flash / micronova.
- Description and significance of the Carrington Event.
- Readings on topics such as solar flares vs. CMEs, why the sun experiences magnetic pole shifts and the effects of solar storms on technology.
- Two one-minute videos providing a visual of the solar cycle.
Part 3: Evidence of Catastrophic Climate Change, Pole Shift & Solar Flash
- Highlights from sources that indicate solar flashes are recurrent events that cause Earth pole shifts.
- Includes readings, a featured 28-minute video, plus other videos providing background and supporting information.
Part 4: Ancient Prophecies & Modern Predictions
- Predictions that a solar flash is likely imminent.
- Includes extensive historical evidence of reporting and predictions, plus modern leading edge science.
Sources & Resources
- Bear, Rex, Leak Project — Declassified Documents — 15 min video
- Bressan, David, Forbes — The Day a Geomagnetic Storm Almost Started World War III
- Bretz, J. Harlen — Catastrophic Flood Geologist Receives Geology’s Highest Honor
- — Abrupt Climate Changes in Earth History
- Cain, Fraser, Universe Today — What are the Parts of the Sun?
- Carlson, Randall — Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe
- Central Intelligence Agency — Partly declassified 1963 book: The Adam and Eve Story by Chan Thomas
- Chow, Denise, Live Science — How the Sun’s 11-Year Solar Cycle Works
- Davidson, Ben, Suspicious Observers — Earth Catastrophe Cycle Series — as of April 2019, the series included 26 videos ranging from 3 minutes to over an hour
- Dispensza, Dr. Joe — Plasma, Matter, and the Projection of Reality Part 1
- Emerson, Sarah, Motherboard — FEMA is Preparing for a Solar Superstorm That Would Take Down the Grid
- Emspak, Jesse, Live Science — States of Matter: Plasma
- Flem Ath, Rand and Rose — Atlantis Beneath the Ice: The Fate of the Lost Continent — 2012 book, later edition of 1995 book, When the Sky Fell
- Hancock, Graham — Magicians of the Gods: The Forgotten Wisdom of Earth’s Lost Civilization — 2015 book
- Hancock, Graham — Ice Age Theory, Einstein, Hapgood — 5 min video
- Hapgood, Charles H. — Earth’s Shifting Crust: A Scientific Key to Many of the Earth’s Mysteries
- Klein, Christopher, — A Perfect Solar Superstorm: The 1859 Carrington Event
- Macdonald, Lee T., Solar Stormwatch Blog — The Carrington Event of 1859: What Was It?
- Manataka American Indian Council — Blue Star Prophecy of the Hopi
- — Official Data on Earth’s Magnetic Field
- Mitchell, Alanna, — The Magnetic Field is Shifting. The Poles May Flip. This Could Get Bad.
- Mullen, Leslie, NASA Science — Plasma, Plasma, Everywhere
- NASA Space Place — What is the Sun’s Corona?
- Nowakowski, Tomasz, — Why We Should Worry About Powerful Geomagnetic Storms Caused by Solar Activity
- O’Callaghan, Jonathan, Space Answers — What is a Nova?
- Salla, Michael Ph.D., — Antarctic Ice Core records resolve competing Pole Shift Theories
- Salla, Michael Ph.D., — Part 1 – Impending Solar Flash Event Supported by Scientific Studies & Insider Testimony
- Salla, Michael Ph.D., — Part 2 – Massive Pole Shifts are Cyclic According to Declassified CIA Document
- Salla, Michael Ph.D., — Part 3 – Cosmic Rays as Triggers for Solar Flashes, Earth Core Eruptions & Pole Shifts
- Salla, Michael Ph.D., — Preparing for Disclosure & Solar Flash Events – Corey Goode at Cosmic Waves
- Schaefer, Bradley E., NASA, The Astrophysical Journal — Flashes from Normal Stars
- Schock, Robert M. Ph.D. — Forgotten Civilization: The Role of Solar Outbursts in Our Past and Future — 2012 book
- Schock, Robert M. Ph.D. — Plasma, Solar Outbursts, and the End of the Last Ice Age
- Science Daily — Major Climate Change Occurred 5,200 Year Ago: Evidence Suggests That History Could Repeat Itself
- Sharp, Tim, — What is the Sun Made Of?
- Shine, Dick, Lockheed-Martin Palo Alto Research Lab — Why Do Solar Flares Increase Every 11 Years?
- Specktor, Brandon, Live Science — Earth’s Magnetic Field Can Reverse Poles Ridiculously Quickly, Study Suggests
- St. Fleur, Nicholas, The New York Times — Unlocking Mysteries in the Sun’s 11-Year Cycle
- — Research Community Investigating Solar Activity, Earthquakes, Astrophysics and Weather
- Third Phase of the Moon — Solar Flash & Polar Shift: Corey Goode, Dr. Michael Salla and Jordan Sather — 28-min video
- Thomas, Chan — The Adam and Eve Story by Chan Thomas — 1963 book
- UCAR: University Corporation for Atmospheric Research — The Sunspot Cycle
- Universe Today — Core of a Star
- Vogt, Douglas, The Diehold Foundation — Research on the Geomagnetic Reversals
- Vogt, Douglas, The Diehold Foundation — Video Series 4, Part 1B: Causes of the Ice Ages. The Greatest Secret of the United States. — 40 min video
- Wilcock, David — Spring 2019 Mystery School
- Wilcock, David — The Source Field Investigations — 2011 book
- Wilcock, David — Wisdom Teachings — Video series on Gaia
- Wonderopolis — What is a Solar Storm?
- Woodford, Chris, Explain That Stuff! — Nuclear Fusion
- Young, C. Alex Ph.D., The Sun Today — The Sun’s Magnetic Poles Have Flipped – Solar Max is Here!
- Zell, Holly, NASA — CME Week: The Difference Between Flares and CMEs
- Zell, Holly, NASA — Layers of the Sun
- Zell, Holly, NASA — Sun-Earth Connection
- Zell, Holly, NASA — What is a Solar Prominence?