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Why it Matters

Of what value is ancient history? How can narratives describing events that are impossible to verify and that happened a very (very!) long time ago, possibly be useful in the chaos of the present time? Following are some perspectives on the purpose and value of reviewing galactic history, and considerations for getting the most out of your study.
- Ancient history is our own personal and collective history. It provides a perspective as to the root of issues that we can’t hope to get otherwise.
- “What has been traumatically overwhelming, unbearable, unthinkable—falls out of social discourse, but very often on to and into the next generation as an affective sensitivity or a chaotic urgency.” (M. Gerard Fromm) In other words, the traumas of our past haunt us until we become aware and heal them. Meanwhile, we (individually and collectively) remain unconscious of our living as an expression of our inherited and experienced traumas, and how we pass them on.
- Those who share ancient knowledge (such as indigenous tribes or contacts with messages from advanced extraterrestrial civilizations) are relentlessly pushed aside from mainstream discourse. And yet, consistently, the messages seek to free humanity and help us to awaken to our higher awareness and associated abilities.
Many people avoid giving attention and energy to issues they perceive as not affecting them or as beyond their control. That’s a crucial and effective strategy that preserves our energy for things we love and that we can directly impact. Topics such as the ones on this site may seem to fall within the dark underbelly of society, beyond our actual daily lives and our influence.
However, the subjects on this site have been chosen because the evidence demonstrates that they are, in fact, widely influential and impact our daily lives. In other words, nothing here is presented just because “you should be aware.” Rather, these typically hidden subjects are brought to light, bringing more awareness to how we can dismantle dysfunctional systems and replace them with healthy, sustainable solutions. By making informed choices and by joining with others, we can create positive change that will uplift and empower the many good people seeking to improve our world.
Due to the deliberate manipulation of our perception of reality by a select few, perpetrated by a precisely controlled flow of information and ancient mind control techniques, many of us have lost touch with our higher awareness and the associated abilities. This message serves as a reminder, designed to encourage the knowledge stored in our DNA and our genetic and cellular memory to resurface to our conscious awareness. We suggest that you put your beliefs aside… and keep an open mind. Upon completion, you can use your rational abilities and instincts to adapt or discard whatever segments of information fit or contradict your current world view.
– Stewart Swerdlow
We are descendants of these other human-like races who visited Earth aeons ago… To understand our history, we have to understand their history: How they ventured into space and started colonising; how they encountered other races and civilisations; how conflicts erupted with other civilisations, and how this led to mass migrations and to endless wars. Some wars on Earth are re-enactments of wars that have already been fought elsewhere.
– Manuel Lamiroy
Research has not only chronicled the existence of generational transmission of trauma but has demonstrated some of the epigenetic, molecular, and biochemical mechanisms responsible for such transmission. In one pivotal experiment, mice were exposed to the scent of cherry blossoms. This neutral scent was then followed by an aversive electrical shock. After several pairings, the mice froze in fear when the scent was presented alone, in the absence of the shock… What is astonishing about the experiment was that this same robust conditioned response was retained through at least five generations... I have worked with several second-generation Holocaust survivors who during their sessions were startled by perceiving the nauseating smell of burning flesh… Rachel Yehuda one of the leading researchers on the neuro-biological effects of generational trauma has demonstrated clear changes in cortisol levels and other physiological markers of anxiety in this population… A Navajo medicine man I once met in Flagstaff, Arizona, told me that the generational effect of trauma was particularly true in the case of wars and in times of social upheaval.
– Peter A. Levine, Ph.D.
Maurice De Witt, a sidewalk Santa on Fifth Avenue noticed a marked change in behavior the holiday season following 9/11 when parents would not “let the hands of their children go. The kids sense that. It’s like water seeping down, and the kids can feel it… There is an anxiety, but the kids can’t make the connections.” Fromm says, “This astute man was noticing a powerful double message in the parent’s action. Consciously and verbally, the message was ‘Here’s Santa. Love him.’ Unconsciously and physically, it was ‘Here’s Santa.. Fear him.’ The unnamed trauma of 9/11 was communicated to the next generation by the squeeze of a hand.” Psychic legacies are often passed on through unconscious cues or affective messages that flow between child and adult. Sometimes anxiety falls from one generation to the next through stories told.
– Molly S. Castelloe Ph.D.
Whether or not timelines and names of ancient civilizations speak to you, consider this perspective about what is awakening on a feeling-level:
The ego has been a very valuable tool for all of you in 3-D-ification, because you’ve needed to learn to separation… now as you are moving more into the other dimensional realms, the ego will play less of a role. By the way, this has to do with why so many of you can’t remember the experiences you have in other dimensions. This frustrates the heck out of you! You are trying to remember other-dimensional experiences in this ego-dominated dimension, when the totality of yourself exists more in the other realms. It is the ego that is struggling to remember something that has happened in an egoless realm. Do you see the dichotomy? It is very difficult. Therefore if you are struggling for your memory, try a new tactic. Do not attempt to bring it through your memory in a form of linearity — in the form of dates, places, times, planetary systems, etc….Bring the memory through the emotional body instead. Bring it through the intuitive body. Bring it through the imagination, and the use of archetypes and symbology. This will help leak it through and leak it through until eventually the ego will come to an understanding that it may not be able to express verbally, but will understand nonetheless.
– Lyssa Royal
A natural question would be, What sources do we have for relating galactic history? First, a quick clarification of what is meant by history:
- “History” is defined as a chronological record of significant events… often including an explanation of their causes. (Merriam-Webster)
- Origins of the word include the Latin historia meaning “narrative of past events, account, tale, story,” and the Greek historia, “a learning or knowing by inquiry; an account of one’s inquiries, history, record, narrative.” (Online Etymology Dictionary)
Galactic history refers to a narrative of significant events related to our galaxy and others in the Universe. In addition to reviewing and recording accounts, we endeavor to look for cause and effect relationships that are meaningful in the present.
Types of Sources (in General)
Here’s one way to categorize the types of sources we have available to us for galactic history:
Primary Sources
- Documentation such as historical and religious texts and artistic renditions
- Contactees / Experiencers — Earth humans who come into contact with an extraterrestrial or other life form not born on Earth. (The Contactees Manuscript)
- Mythology and other stories
Supporting Sources
- Channeling
- Hypnotherapy to access subconscious
- Past life regression
- Remote Viewing
- Other processes for accessing information hidden to the conscious mind
Sources & Resources: by Category
Historical Documentation
- Historical Art — William Henry, art historian
- The Vedas
- The Mahabahrata
- The Bible
Contactees / Experiencers
- Boylan, Richard, Ph.D. — The Human-Star Nations Connection — 2012 book
- Carroll, Judy — Extraterrestrial Presence on Earth: Lessons in History — 2018 book
- Collier, Alex (Andromedans) — Alex Collier and The Andromeda Compendium (
- Gillliland, James — Anunnaki Return, Star Nations and the Days to Come — 2016 book
- Hall, Charles James — Source summary
- Lemriel, Scott — The Seres Agenda — 2013 book
- Meier, Billy (Plejarens / Pleiadians) — Future of Mankind
- Slattery, Peter Maxwell — The Book of Shi-Ji — 2015 book
Galactic History Channeling
- Andromedans channeling by Alex Collier
- Aetherius by Dr. George King
- Germane channeling by Lyssa Royal
- Cazekiel channeling by James Gilliland
- Law of One RA channeling by L/L Research
- Ramtha channeling by J.Z. Knight
- Sasquatch Elder Kamooh channeling by SunBow
Hypnotherapy & Remote Viewing
- Cannon, Dolores
- Lamb, Barbara, M.S.W.
- Swerdlow, Stewart A.
- Vivanco, John
- Weinman, Alba
- Weiss, Brian, M.D.
I know of four people, on three different continents, who all in separate regression sessions described an identical scene in the Orion Wars. (The sessions were conducted on three continents and with 10 years in between the first and the last). They gave identical descriptions of the uniforms they were wearing, the weapons they were using (which have no equivalent here on Earth) and of the series of events that unfolded.
– Manuel Lamiroy
Research & Reporting Summaries
- Ascension Glossary (content may be shared and adapted for any purpose)
Sources & Resources: Alphabetized
- — Galactic Diplomacy
- Boylan, Richard, Ph.D. — The Human-Star Nations Connection: Key to History, Current Secrets, and our Near Future — 2012 book
- Carroll, Judy — Extraterrestrial Presence on Earth: Lessons in History — 2018 book
- Castelloe, Molly S., Ph.D., Psychology Today — How Trauma is Carried Across Generations
- Collier, Alex (Andromedans) — Alex Collier Compendium (
- — Earth’s Galactic History
- — Humanoid Galactic History
- Exopolotics Kong Kong — Earth’s Violent History & Typologies of ET Species: An Overview of the Major Events in the Galaxy which Have Shaped the Now Moments of Our Earth
- Henry, William Henry, art historian — The Blue Avians and Blue Sphere Beings: Do You Know What Love Can Do?
- King, Dr. George (Aetherius) — Atlantis, Lemuria and Maldek
- Knight, J.Z. (Ramtha) — UFOs and the Nature of Reality: Preparing for Contact — revised and expanded edition book 2014
- Lamiroy, Manuel, Exopolotics South Africa — A Summary of Galactic History
- Lemriel, Scott — The Emerald Doorway: Three Mystic Crystals (fiction based on Lemriel’s contact with extraterrestrial and higher dimensional beings)
- Lemriel, Scott — The Seres Agenda – 2013 book
- Levine, Peter A., Ph.D. — Trauma and Memory – 2015 book
- Meier, Billy (Plejarens / Pleiadians) — Future of Mankind
- Meier, Billy (Plejarens / Pleiadians) — Contact #251, February 1995
- Royal, Lyssa (Germane) — ETs and Civilization
- Royal, Lyssa (Germane) — Lyran Beginning
- Royal, Lyssa (Germane) — Sirian Time Capsules
- Salla, Michael Ph.D., — Galactic History According to Alex Collier and The Andromedans
- Salla, Michael Ph.D, — Typology of Extraterrestrial Races According to Alex Collier and The Andromedans
- Salla, Michael Ph.D., — Unveiling Earth’s Ancient History – The Emerald Doorway Book Review
- Salla, Michael Ph.D., — Galactic Human Slave Trade & AI Threat to End with Full Disclosure of ET Life
- SunBow (Sasquatch Elder Kamooh) — The Sasquatch Message to Humanity: Conversations with Elder Kamooh 2015-2017 transcriptions
- Swerdlow, Stewart, — Galactic History: The Old Universe / Old Empire / Mind Eaters / DNA
- Swerdlow, Stewart, TruthControl — Galactic History According to Stewart Swerdlow