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Howard Menger Intro
- In 1956, Howard Menger reported having had intermittent extraterrestrial contact throughout his life, with a 10-year span between his first and second contacts and increasingly frequent contacts leading up to his public disclosure.
- During the time before his disclosure, Menger described the visitors making significant efforts to supply him with evidence (such as photographic opportunities and dried food samples) and helping in other ways to prepare him for sharing information with others.
He reported that in 1956, he had “many contacts of a strictly mundane nature” such as purchasing clothing, sunglasses or food for visitors, or trimming their hair, for example. (Howard Menger, chapter 10) - Menger reported that the purpose of the extraterrestrial visitors was, “To try and awaken within us a yearning for higher understanding so we can help ourselves in preventing any further destruction of our planet, which could conceivably have a bad effect in our solar system.”
- In 1945, during World War II, the United States military attacked Hiroshima, Japan using an atomic bomb. The bomb killed 80,000 people immediately and many more died later from radiation exposure. Three days later, the U.S. military dropped another bomb, this time on Nagasaki, killing 40,000 people.
- Out of this world-shattering reality came the contactee messages of the 1950s. Reports of extraterrestrial visitors and benign cosmic ambassadors became increasingly common. Reports of prolonged contact between visitors and selected Earth citizens told the stories of apparent efforts to groom public spokespeople who could effectively spread a message of peace and a warning that the Earth population was on the verge of self-destruction from the use of nuclear weapons.
- Testimony indicates that benevolent extraterrestrial beings (who had likely been rebuffed by governments) were endeavoring to engage civilians in communicating a peaceful, consciousness-raising message that would prevent nuclear catastrophe.
- There are notable parallels in the reports of George Adamski and Howard Menger, but there are also noteworthy differences that provide significant perspective for modern researchers. Adamski’s first public contact was in late 1952. Menger began speaking publicly only four years later but in this very short time span, there are indications of a substantial shift having been underway. History shows us a different sociopolitical climate having developed suggesting that this period in the mid-1950s was a significant turning point in the earth’s experience of extraterrestrial contact and the public’s knowledge of it. One researcher sums it up:
Knowing what we know now about the propaganda campaign propagated against the public since the 1940’s ought to be cause enough to revisit these old cases… I have local contactee friends that have been providing me with stories for many years that are no different from these old contact cases. The only difference between these newer local cases and the very public cases of the 1950’s is that the human ET’s seem to have changed tactics in light of resistance from earth humans as well as some other races that have been troubling them and us… What is different today from the 1950’s is that what once was a very overt infiltration has morphed and gone underground due to resistance from world military, economic and government elites. From what I am hearing is that the human ET’s intent to turn things around on earth has not wavered even though tactics have had to be modified so as to adapt to changing external conditions.
– Ed Komarek
Changes Since Adamski’s Experience a Few Years Before
- George Adamski’s documented, witnessed encounter with an extraterrestrial visitor was in November, 1952. While Adamski’s experience was being publicized throughout the world, Menger had been experiencing many years of contact with a number of different extraterrestrial visitors.
- Menger reports, however, that he was repeatedly advised to withhold telling about his experiences to anyone until 1957.
I was bursting to tell the world. At the same time I felt a tremendous responsibility to these people from space, as well as those on our own planet. They made me feel as if so much depended upon my skill in accomplishing some of their purposes. And I’m afraid my ego was often inflated to a great degree. Soon would come a time when all my ego would vanish as it would be quickly deflated by the continual abuse and ridicule I would suffer.
– Howard Menger
- When Menger later related his experiences, he made the assumption that the requested timing had been designed to allow people throughout the world to be more primed to believe him. That is, he assumed the visitors were planning his disclosure for a later time because they were predicting that the general public would be more open to the message than they were in the late 40s and early 50s.
- He reports one of the visitors telling him, “Don’t jump the gun, fellow. Goodness knows it will be difficult enough for you, Howard, even after we’ve got you ready for it. You must know how to present the story properly, and not spring it all at once. People just wouldn’t believe you if you went about it in the wrong way and more harm would be done than good.” Later in that same exchange, the visitor expressed that “Man has free will; the pattern of his emotions and thoughts and consequent future actions are subject to change.”
- With the benefit of hindsight, we might presume the visitors were not necessarily basing their recommended timing on public readiness so much as readiness of Menger. They were introducing him to numerous beings and providing him with multiple types of evidence.
- Whether the general public was in fact more or less open to the existence of extraterrestrial visitors in 1957 than they had been over the previous decade is unknown because, as it turned out, Menger did not get the same public reception as Adamski received a few years earlier.
Most Earth people are prisoners of their bodies, while the space people control their bodies and other matter by use of the mind. They know and understand this to the degree that they can teleport themselves. Man on this planet has lost most of his innate abilities he once possessed by leaning on crutches, such as telephones instead of telepathy; automobiles and other vehicles instead of teleportation, and so on. He has turned toward materialistic, unnatural energies, instead of utilizing natural laws given to him by our Infinite Father to be used freely. Yet people on this planet consider themselves highly civilized. Actually they have been going backward for centuries. It is true we have more gadgets, conveniences, TV set, radios, telephones, electronic machines, computers—and atomic bombs. But all of these things man creates only limit him. He is becoming a slave of his own inventions…. The mind is more versatile and powerful than any gadget ever created, if only we would use it. Our space friends cannot understand why we make things so complicated, doing things the hard way while calling it the easy way. They take primary energy from electrons present in our atmosphere and channel the force which surrounds each electron into all types of simpler conveniences which cost nothing to operate, utilizing, so to speak, a free energy. But we generate electrons, first, through brute force, then run the electrons along insulated wires where they again, through brute force, operate our complicated gadgets. The space people do not destroy the electrons; they merely take the power which surrounds each of them and use it constructively, then the released electrons go on their way, recharge and become usable again. Our method of handling electrons destroys them, for they are dissipated as heat in electric lamp bulbs, X-ray machines, radios and other electrical equipment. Some of these operations throw off toxic elements and damaging rays, which reminds us again of the principles of natural law. When we go against natural law, the results react against us.
– Howard Menger
- Like George Adamski who passed on the warning of self-destruction inherent in nuclear weaponry, Menger, too, warned of the imminent danger of nuclear devastation and destruction of the entire planet. But Menger also passed along additional specific information related to improving individual physical health and the opportunities available from consciousness development.
- The visitors impressed upon Menger the immense power available from developing innate capabilities in contrast to the path of increasing mechanization that earth humans had taken.
- The beings even explained that Earth humans’ focus on the wheel actually slowed down our development and harmed the earth. Jumping ahead 60 years bears out the wisdom of this message: a focus on the wheel and automobiles has led to environmental degradation and limitations based on a constant attention to building roads and extracting materials to fuel wheeled vehicles as opposed to developing vehicles that rely on zero-point gravity.
- Presumably, the extraterrestrial visitors had been rebuffed by government contacts and were endeavoring to recruit U.S. citizens to overcome their government’s choice of a destructive path. Since these additional messages were to encourage consciousness development, it appears the visitors were engaged in a redoubled effort to encourage individual Earth citizens to regain the awareness and power necessary to evolve rather than self-destruct.
- When speaking of our ability to remember ourselves as bigger than this life, he said “Once the memory block is broken, we do not need the constant surveillance or help from our space brothers. We are finally on our own. Only then we do experience a thrill even more satisfying than meeting and talking with these advanced people: the joy we receive as we help others achieve what we have achieved.”
- Menger also shared details about the visitors’ social structures, showing no parallels with the political and economic structures on Earth. In response to a question asking if the visitors have governments, cities, factories, schools, and so on, Menger replied:
They do not have authorities or government officials of any kind. They live in peace and harmony and everyone knows what his or her particular talent is so that they work at that particular job—and they love their work. There are buildings where work is done, or where the craft are built, but the buildings are beautiful places and not like our factories at all. They receive no coin in exchange for work. Instead they exchange talents, and everything is shared to the extent of their talents and desires and no one wants for anything. We work because we have to work. They work in service of their Infinite Father. They grow fruit and vegetables and flowers. They do not raise meat-producing animals since they do not eat meat. Animals roam free and complete their cycle of life naturally. They are not over-bred and over-produced for food. There are schools of wisdom where children or adults can attend… Their education is their past learning, which they apply in their present life to gain wisdom for future use. They live in small communities, built in the forests and close to natural surroundings. They do not denude the land of all trees and shrubs and then build boxes. Their communities are kept small, usually containing no more than a few thousand people. They are spread out and decentralized.
Sources & Resources
- Komarek, Ed, Paranormal News – Howard Menger Revisited
- Menger, Howard – From Outer Space to You – 1959 book (free electronic version here)
- Menger, Howard – The High Bridge Incident – 1991 book (unavailable)
- Menger, Howard – Interviews, Editor unknown, Howard Menger Case Video – 41 min video
- Pegasus Research Consortium, Extraterrestrial Contacts Best Case: Howard Menger