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A Helping Hand and Words of Counsel (Adamski)

Space Brothers have helped us in many ways… The cold war which has continued for so long could have flared into open hot war had they not intervened in different ways and places. They have done much to neutralize the radioactive conditions created in our atmosphere through or bomb testings. Were it not for their assistance in this, radiation would be much more pervasive than it is today… To me, the coming of the space visitors is a holy event… They offer a helping hand and words of counsel in time of need; a situation Earth finds itself in today.
– George Adamski
Earth Humanity’s Energy Creation Goes Against Natural Law (Menger)

Most Earth people are prisoners of their bodies, while the space people control their bodies and other matter by use of the mind… Man on this planet has lost most of his innate abilities he once possessed by leaning on crutches, such as telephones instead of telepathy; automobiles and other vehicles instead of teleportation, and so on. He has turned toward materialistic, unnatural energies, instead of utilizing natural laws given to him by our Infinite Father to be used freely…
Our space friends cannot understand why we make things so complicated, doing things the hard way while calling it the easy way. They take primary energy from electrons present in our atmosphere and channel the force which surrounds each electron into all types of simpler conveniences which cost nothing to operate, utilizing, so to speak, a free energy. But we generate electrons, first, through brute force, then run the electrons along insulated wires where they again, through brute force, operate our complicated gadgets. The space people do not destroy the electrons; they merely take the power which surrounds each of them and use it constructively, then the released electrons go on their way, recharge and become usable again. Our method of handling electrons destroys them, for they are dissipated as heat in electric lamp bulbs, X-ray machines, radios and other electrical equipment. Some of these operations throw off toxic elements and damaging rays, which reminds us again of the principles of natural law. When we go against natural law, the results react against us.
– Howard Menger
Ascension of Consciousness Transforms the Universe (Valiant Thor)

Ascension is the door opening to us a new heaven and a new earth… As individual consciousness is uplifted, conditions simultaneously take on a new aspect. One’s whole universe is transformed for him as he ascends in consciousness… As ignorance is overcome by Intelligence, so human sense is overcome by Spiritual consciousness… Spiritual awakening, or awakening to self as Spirit, is the uplifting of individual consciousness into eternal Truth… The Science of Ascension is the Science of laborless deliverance, the Science of seeing face to face, the Science of experiencing Reality…
Had Jesus come into this world clothed in the body of ascension, he would not have been seen here; but “He took upon himself the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men” that he might be visible to those in this state of consciousness… They had insight enough to see that Jesus individualized Almighty power in healing the sick and in raising the dead, but their ignorance… kept them from perceiving that Jesus not only claimed this almighty Authority for himself but that he claimed it for everyone… whatever is true of Jesus is likewise true of us all… How much of heaven are we perceiving? As much as our individual state of consciousness permits…
[Valiant Thor continues…]

Spiritual Vision of oneself as free [and] flawless blesses the mental plane, and mind begins to take on new thoughts and new ideas… We have entered a period of tremendous awakening… This is the day of the emancipation of humanity… Falsities of bondage and limitation are being outlawed through perception of one’s spiritual, eternal, irresistible Nature… Jesus said that nothing shall by any means hurt us; he promised that one could handle serpents quite harmlessly, that should one swallow poison, he need not be at all affected by the world’s belief of such a procedure. Let us acknowledge Jesus’ promises to be true today…
To perceive unity, we function from a place above reason, above the relative mentality… We do away with comparison. We see that truth is. When we measure our vision by this standard we find that our kingdom is here “on earth as it is in heaven.” Let us tell ourself continually that the universe is within us, that we see without according to what we are perceiving within…
It is easy for one to be brave and strong in the midst of harmony and peace, but how many of us are brave and strong in the midst of mighty trials, temptations and dangers? … Clad with divine illumination and spiritual perception, we assert our mastery over disease, fear and bondage and we prove irrefutably that divine Understanding is supreme and triumphant. Waking to the perception of self as God-being, we are lifted to a higher plane of experience and find it possible to demonstrate health and harmony…
It is predestined from eternity that at some time in the experience of every individual, false sense will be found unreal and untrue, and truee Consciousness will be found complete and ever-present.
– Valiant Thor